

<font color=red>BL II - Red Team<br> <font color=g
Jan 17, 2005
Does anyone do yoga? I am signing up for a class. I talked to the instructor and this is the more stress reduction type of yoga, which is what I was interested in anyway. Deb
Good for you! You will love it. At least, I hope you do. Give it time. You
may not be able to completely relax the first time or even the first few times.
Eventually, you'll be able to slow everything down and really let it do it's magic.
Wonderful! Namaste..... :sunny:
I just joined a new gym last wk
Mon night is their Yoga class - Ive done 2 so far and will continue to attend
(Wed night is Pilates)
I did it almost everymorning this summer. The show I was watching is not on and even if it was I leave for work too early. I have to get out my dvds and get b ack to it.
I love it! It's easy to adapt to any fitness and flexibility level. Just relax and set your own pace.

It feels soooo good! Plus, you get the wonderful relaxation time at the end. It's a great reward!

Make sure you wear a form-fitting top or undershirt. A loose shirt will gape and fall down while you're in the various poses. I learned that one the hard way!
I love Yoga, too. There are many different styles of Yoga, and, Deb, it sounds like you may have signed up for the type you were looking for. Super! I hope you experience the positive effects that Yoga practice has for many people. Some can be verbalized, and anticipated; calming, relaxing, increased flexibility, clarity, toning, better breathing, better health... and some of Yoga's effects defy description... something like an increased sense of overall wellness, only better...

Be well,

I'm glad to see there are other Dis Yogi's out there.

I have been practicing Astanga yoga for 6 years now and I love it. I wasn't sure about yoga when I first started, but wanted to give it a try since I had heard so many good things about it.

Remember that there may be people of various levels in your class.....don't get discouraged if the person beside you is doing things that seem impossible to you. You are there for yourself and what a wonderful thing you have decided to do. Like others have said give yourself time to get familair with the class. There are many different styles of yoga and if this one doesn't seem to suit try another.

The sweetpea and I love Yoga. We just never plan to do it often enough or set aside enough time for it. But when we do, we love it.


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