You’ll never get me on a cruise. Unless it’s to ALASKA! Recap and New PTR Link! 2/1


Read your title 'Cheeserolling' and knew exactly what it was all about!!!!!;)

Cheeserolling has been going on in Gloucestershire in the UK for nearly 200 years - it is a tradition known to all the locals and is exactly the same as you saw.

There is a large hill - Coopers Hill - which is much steeper than the one you saw and they roll a huge Double Gloucester cheese down it and everyone chases it. They also have a race up the hill for the children.

I remember going there every year as a child, although my parents would never let me take part, there were always broken arms and legs by the participants. There is also the 'Cheese MC', dressed in white, with a hat with ribbons on - exactly as in your photo, who sets the cheeses off down the hill.

Here is a link As you can see, there was a bit of controversy this year, as the local authorities wanted to ban it on health and safety grounds, needless to say, the locals went ahead and a good, if wet day was had by all.

Cheeserolling - honestly - all normal to us Brits!!!:lmao:
Who Knew there was such a thing as cheeserolling! Certainly not I! Hard on the buttocks - you're not kidding. I am living proof.

I have to tell you that in my skiing years I always wanted to go to Whistler/Blackcomb. It was my dream ski trip, but it never happened. Boo!

Oh well - your pictures are great!
I wouldn't worry too much about the shoes - especially for kids. The black tennis shoes will work great. DCL is pretty casual compared to some, and the West Coast even more so, I found. We even had some women at our table in jeans on semi-formal night and no one batted an eye. I didn't even get Jim a tux or suit this time - he fit in just fine with shirt and tie on those nights and slacks and collared shirts for the others.
Yeah, Jeff is doing the same thing, as are the kids. Well actually only a tie on formal night for the kids.


Read your title 'Cheeserolling' and knew exactly what it was all about!!!!!;)

Cheeserolling has been going on in Gloucestershire in the UK for nearly 200 years - it is a tradition known to all the locals and is exactly the same as you saw.

There is a large hill - Coopers Hill - which is much steeper than the one you saw and they roll a huge Double Gloucester cheese down it and everyone chases it. They also have a race up the hill for the children.

I remember going there every year as a child, although my parents would never let me take part, there were always broken arms and legs by the participants. There is also the 'Cheese MC', dressed in white, with a hat with ribbons on - exactly as in your photo, who sets the cheeses off down the hill.

Here is a link As you can see, there was a bit of controversy this year, as the local authorities wanted to ban it on health and safety grounds, needless to say, the locals went ahead and a good, if wet day was had by all.

Cheeserolling - honestly - all normal to us Brits!!!:lmao:

Rebel cheeserollers, I love it!

Gloucestershire, now there's some good cheese! How funny on the controversy and how fabulous that they just went ahead! The Cheese MC..nice to know he was appropriately garbed! He was funny. Steeper would mean broken limbs, not just twisted ankles, wow! Funny but I just wouldn't think of England has having something steeper, I just assume it's more rolling hills. I find it interesting that on the Canadian site they don't even tell you what kind of cheese you might win. I mean I'd race for a Vermont white cheddar but maybe not for a smoked (anything). :rotfl:

They also had far more interesting cheeses to taste than is shown on the site. Cheeserolling in the fog and wet, ugh!

Who Knew there was such a thing as cheeserolling! Certainly not I! Hard on the buttocks - you're not kidding. I am living proof.

Now WHAT exactly are you living proof of? :rotfl:

I have to tell you that in my skiing years I always wanted to go to Whistler/Blackcomb. It was my dream ski trip, but it never happened. Boo!

Oh well - your pictures are great!

It's a great ski trip, and a great girls ski trip! I've done it in winter twice with girlfriends (eons ago) and it was absolutely wonderful! Skiing...sushi...the spa....


Your skiing years are over? Why?
YAY! Dan's here :welcome:

I can TOTALLY see you attempting cheeserolling Dan, you could tell everyone was just having a blast. I will say that while the cheese tasting was great, they probably could have made a fortune if they also had wine tasting...they go together you know!

just think, this could be you!


I love what last years winner said

From: Seattle, USA
Technique: I start fast, ease through the middle, and pick 'er up at the bottom.
What will you do with the cheese?: I'm going to use it to train for next year. Either that, or eat a ton of cheeseburgers.
great technique.
Just keeping up don't want to miss anymore whacky festivals:rotfl2:I will definately be going to Universal next year !!I was given the official YES you will this week !!! Fre Trip too!!! I am also on the list fro a Disney Cruise although I will take any cruise !!!That I learnt may be a little further away !!
:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: I am cracking up over the cheeserolling! Who knew that even existed before I read your PTR?!?! :rotfl:

Looks like you had a great time in Whistler! It looks like such a pretty town! :lovestruc
Just keeping up don't want to miss anymore whacky festivals:rotfl2:I will definately be going to Universal next year !!I was given the official YES you will this week !!! Fre Trip too!!! I am also on the list fro a Disney Cruise although I will take any cruise !!!That I learnt may be a little further away !!

Congrats Rosie, that's wonderful!!!!!

Cheeserolling, eh?

Ya learn something new everyday! :laughing:

Beautiful pictures though - wow!!!!!

It was a riot, and some yummy cheese!

Ah, very cool!!!

That is so cool Brook!!! I had seen the MK one before but that's the first time I've seen the Epcot one. :thumbsup2


:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: I am cracking up over the cheeserolling! Who knew that even existed before I read your PTR?!?! :rotfl:

Looks like you had a great time in Whistler! It looks like such a pretty town! :lovestruc

I certainly didn't know, though it was on the Amazing Race and I saw it, it obviously didn't make a deep impression for some reason. The kids remembered it though, knew exactly what it was.

Whistler is just wonderful.
Sunday in Whistler dawned breathtakingly perfect. We enjoyed a lazy morning drinking coffee on the balcony. Or at least until I knocked over my cup broke it and had to clean it up. Cleaned up, we went back to our last morning and a late big breakfast. Stuffed to the gills, though our original plan had been to wait until later in the day, we decided we really wanted to get out of the condo and enjoy the day. Time to go rent bikes! On our way we noticed the riders getting ready. For anyone interested, there are horses right at the Blackcomb base. I don’t have any details but imagine on the main site, there is some.


Pretty day!


We were a bit worried as to whether or not they’d rent us a bike with Evan in a cast. They didn’t blink an eye. We rented 3 bikes and a tag along for Eric (not a trailer but the tag along bike, that almost makes it like a tandem). Geared up, we headed out, map in hand.

First stop. Lost Lake. I didn’t take any pictures here. Lost Lake had been my idea to start our loop and I suggested we do part of the unpaved trail.

Bad idea.

A little bit of history here. Evan needs a new bike, his is too small. His has both pedal and hand brakes but is single gear. This was the first time riding a hand brake only/multi gear bike. Add in a cast that makes reaching for those brakes a little challenging, the fact that the cast is on the rear brake side of the hand brakes, an unpaved trail that has some grade change (and steeper in parts than I expected/remembered, at least on the non paved part) and you might be able to guess what happened.

Yep. Evan bit the dust. Not badly. He skidded out as he only hit the front brakes and toppled over, thankfully NOT on the cast side. Scared him more than anything. Bad mama. Bad dad. Should have had some gear and brake review before we set out at a minimum and thought about the impact of the unpaved trail. Should have brought the daypack with the little first aid kit, stuff we have on our bikes at home. Fortunately I had a kleenex in my pocket so we could at least dab him there and then deal with it later. We kept going, of course. From Lost Lake we were heading towards one of our main targets…Green Lake. Why Green Lake? It is the floatplane base. Of course Jeff would want to go there!


His plane looks nothing like this but who cares, it’s still a float plane.





It was warm out, so they found some shade



Continuing on, we headed to Meadows Park. I tried to get a panorama shot. Forget it! I will try to stitch these together though, so pretty!









Are you done yet????


We did make one wrong turn and ended up doubling back a different way as we headed around Alta Lake. Our original plan had been to head to Alpha Lake but the reality was we’d gone a little slower than expected due to the cast and we didn’t want to pay for another hour of rental! To give you an idea of the scale of the trail system, here is a map. The red is basically our ride.


Now, it was warm. Quite warm. Probably hit 80. We were hot and thirsty and dreaming of an IPA at the Whistler Brewhouse so after returning the bikes, walked back to the main village. Except they wouldn’t let us sit outside without ordering food unless we were at these very high tables with stools. Which we probably could have dealt with except the hostes pointed to an upper area and said we could only be up there, not specifying that it was only the tall tables. Place was mostly empty and she came up, after we’d chosen a low table, to tell us we had to move. Given how not busy they were, and how unclear she’d been, and how rude she was in the way she asked us to move, we decided to leave.

Instead we thought, let’s pick up some beer and take it back. First stop, the main liquor store in the village. No cold beer, only warm. ICK. Tried another location, same thing. Decided to head to the one back at the Blackcomb base (where we’d returned the bikes, making a giant loop) and decided on the way that some rum, with coke, would be a better solution. In the meantime we did get the kids a drink but for 2 boys dreaming of jumping in the pool, our ill fated quick drink stop that turned into a lot more walking, did not make them happy.

Finally, items procured we went back to the room, fixed drinks and hit the pool.


Funny story abou the pool. With the crankworx event, the place was sold out and there was quite the crowd of younger adults at the pool the day before. With beer. In bottles. Manager came out and kicked them all out. Apparently if the health inspector sees that, they have to drain the pool and the hot tub. Thankfully we’d been good and had everything in plastic. As a result, today was a bit calmer and less crowded (and more loungers available) which was lovely.

Pool time! With a view.



Splash time!


Cannonball time!



No, don’t go!


Finally, we drug everyone out and got ready for dinner. We’d planned to go to Milestones, a restaurant we frequent in Vancouver (on Robson for my cruise mates) though typically we go there for breakfast (AMAZING!).

We’d peeked at the menu and it looked good. We walked up and noticed a big sign on the hostess stand. RESERVATIONS ONLY.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? The patio was, at best, half full. Jeff walked up to have the sign reiterated live. There was a private party taking up most of the inside (or so they said). As we walked away, thinking of what to do,

Evan piped up.

“Why don’t we make a reservation?”

Good point little man, good point. Jeff suggested googling them for the number on our phone (and paying the roaming charge) to get the number. Bear in mind that at the Blackcomb base there isn’t a ton of options without walking to the village. And I had heels on. I had a better idea.

The Fairmont Concierge.

Given that I’d spent 4 days at an event there, spent quite a bit of $$ there, I had zero compunction about going up and asking the concierge for dinner recommendations. He suggested milestones. I thought that sounded great. He offered to call, even though he didn’t think we’d need one. I thought that would be lovely. So he did. We walked back, I walked up this time, and we were seated immediately on the patio, per our request.

Dinner was absolutely outstanding. It did, however, get chilly. They brought us blankets!!!! We could have moved inside but chose not to and with the blankets, it was perfect. We decided to skip dessert and instead headed back to the condo for a night of chocolate (scored by my children from other vendors at me event), wine, and Tangled.

All in all, a perfect day.

The morning dawned not nearly as nice as the previous day. We took our time packing up, having coffee and left around 11:30 I think. Made it through Vancouver and the border. At the border however, a slightly different story. While the line moved relatively quickly, we did get the “different last name” grilling, entering our own country. I get it, I get that they are trying to make sure people aren’t kidnapping kids in custody battles and taking them to another country. In the past, we’ve been grilled as we’ve gone through, 2 kids with one last name, 2 kids with another and close scrutiny as we’ve gone through into Canada. Which I get. I’d hoped, this time, with passports, it would be faster as frankly to get a passport for your child, if you are divorced is a GIANT pita (more on that later) and would seem to lessen any questions about it. NOT.

The border guard noted the last name differences (the E’s have the ex’s last name) and made some comment. He then proceeded to ask the kids how long they’d known us! 2 or three questions along those lines to each of them. Frankly the whole thing bummed me out. To completely prove the kids are mine I’d need three pieces of paperwork, birth certificate, divorce decree and then marriage certificate, and then a passport. Seriously made me crabby, I spent the money on passports, which annoyed me as it was as you can still go through with bc’s for the kids but DCL requires it for the Alaska cruise. I thought at least we’d avoid the border yuck but nope, same old same old and it was almost more offensive because it was coming HOME!
Oh well.

Back in the good old US we drove to Bellingham, made a quick stop at Boundary Bay Brewing for an absolutely outstanding late lunch and then made our way home. As with the drive up, the drive home was filled with sun, squalls, sun, drizzle, just a bit of wet cool yuck.

Cynthia, that scenery is absolutely beautiful. And it looks like the kids and dad had a great time in the pool.
Great pictures from the mountains Cynthia! Sorry that Evan had not such a good bike ride, but it seem that he got over it rather quickly. :goodvibes

Am I wrong, or does it look like Eric is nearly as tall as Evan? He looks much older now as compared to last year's pictures.
Those pictures look beautiful. I'll bet that was a great bike ride (except for the flying over the handlebars part). You always think about the braking lesson after an accident happens. Oh well.

I can't believe that restaurant wouldn't seat you, then you walk away and have a concierge make a reservation and, voila, get seated. :confused3 Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your meal.
Cynthia, that scenery is absolutely beautiful. And it looks like the kids and dad had a great time in the pool.

They did! We all did. I was in the pool quite a bit that afternoon as well, and got some nice sun, which after the weather we've had felt SO good!

Great pictures from the mountains Cynthia! Sorry that Evan had not such a good bike ride, but it seem that he got over it rather quickly. :goodvibes

Am I wrong, or does it look like Eric is nearly as tall as Evan? He looks much older now as compared to last year's pictures.

At best, Evan is about an inch taller, I have a feeling Eric may well pass him in the next year unless Evan has a growth spurt. So much for hand me down clothes! eric does look quite a bit older. He got new glasses that really changed his look, much more tween and not little boy. :sad1:

Evan did get over it rather quickly but it did shake him up. He's a bit too big for his britches at times and this was one of them. Once we got on pavement he was fine though he did walk it once or twice to be safe. Given the angle of the cast his control and mobility was really limited so it was best. It did mean our ride was a lot shorter than Jeff or I had hoped but it was still nice.
That is such a beautiful landscape! Love it! That plane looks cool, and I can see why it would be fun to be up in the air in something like that! :goodvibes

Looks like the cast isn't slowing anyone down :laughing: great pool improvisation! Seems like it worked!!! :laughing:
Those pictures look beautiful. I'll bet that was a great bike ride (except for the flying over the handlebars part). You always think about the braking lesson after an accident happens. Oh well.

Oh well is right. It was all good and honestly, with Evan, the best way for him to "really" learn, which side is front and rear.

I can't believe that restaurant wouldn't seat you, then you walk away and have a concierge make a reservation and, voila, get seated. :confused3 Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your meal.

:rotfl: working the system. God bless Evan, we've trained him well.

That is such a beautiful landscape! Love it! That plane looks cool, and I can see why it would be fun to be up in the air in something like that! :goodvibes

You guys would LOVE it! We will be up in a plane like that (have before) but this will be in ALASKA on our cruise!

Looks like the cast isn't slowing anyone down :laughing: great pool improvisation! Seems like it worked!!! :laughing:

That thing was a godsend. Lent to us by a friend whose daughter had several casts over time. You actually suck the air out with a pump. Or if you are Evan, with your mouth as it "works better" according to him.

We just called him gumby.

Pretty sure he toasted the thing though. It went swimming, tubing, kayaking, you name it. And did leak a little occasionally. Overall though (and I think Evan was the 4th or 5th user of it) it was outstanding. The big flip inner tubing beat it but other than that, not so bad.
What beautiful pictures. Its hard to comprehend was the Rockies look like when you're out here on the East Coast. So totally different. How presumptuous to make comments about the boys' names on their passports. Really? REALLY? Looks like a great trip, all together, though!
What beautiful pictures. Its hard to comprehend was the Rockies look like when you're out here on the East Coast. So totally different. How presumptuous to make comments about the boys' names on their passports. Really? REALLY? Looks like a great trip, all together, though!

Well, I hate to tell you this but...those are the Cascades, not the Rockies. But I can tell you, they aren't dissimilar looking in many ways. We did a cascade hike today that I might post here as some cruise mates are doing the area for a few days and there is amazing hiking all around. So cool, a year round snowfield only 2.5 miles in! Great light family hike with the full gang. Got some gorgeous pics, it was much more rainforesty than your typical cascades hike (which can be dry and scrappy). It was scrappy to be sure, but wet, yet beautiful. FB pics are up, Lake 22.

UGH on the grilling. How long have you known her, him?

Beautiful scenery pics, Cynthia! Whistler looks so nice! :thumbsup2
So sorry about Evan's spill - and your coffee cup, too. :goodvibes

Sounds like your frustration with getting food and drink was similar to ours in Canada. I guess you have to figure out the system!:rotfl:


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