You can't request a pet loop if you don't have a pet?


DIS Veteran
Feb 18, 2004
I had been looking at the Fort map to determine what premium loop we might want to request for our stay next June. We narrowed it down to the 900 loop because it seemed like a good mid-point between the boat launch and the pool area, as we like to walk everywhere. I called to add the request to my reservation and the CM told me that I wouldn't be put in a pet loop if I didn't have pets. I told her that we didn't care if there were dogs around us, but she was very insistant that, even if she put a request in for a pet loop, we would not get it because we did not have a pet with us and we would be taking a site away from someone who actually needed to be there. I told her to put the request on there anyway and I would take my chances. Has anyone ever been told that?
I have requested and stayed in lots of pet loops and I don't have a Pet.
You could just lie,,tell'em ya gotta pet gator , so you need a pet loop with a canal.
Or you could just say you hava dog named Gator.

Before we had pets, Disney put us in pet loops AND WE DIDN'T WANT TO BE INNA PET LOOP !
I thought it was odd. I told her I thought the loops were "pet friendly" loops not "pet only" loops, but she really got snippy with me and said that the info she told me was correct.
I don't have pets and I have been placed in a pet loop numerous times. Never by request. Lately every loop is a pet loop anyway. The last 3 times we stayed this year, we were in 100 loop (non-pet) and there were dogs everywhere. In our loop, at the Settlement, on the beach etc....The Pet and Non Pet thing is on paper only. They haven't enforced that in a few years now.
Newbie CM alert!!

I'd call back. You very definitely do not HAVE to have a pet to be on a pet loop - unless some edict from on high has come down recently from the powers that be (no idea why).

I like the idea of telling them you DO have a pet. And when you check in and they ask to see your pet, just point to the back seat. When they are confused and say they don't see a pet, freak out and run out of the car shouting, "Spot! Spot! Here boy!"

...or just say, "What do you mean you don't see him?" ;)

...ooh or put a cricket in a jar, name him Basil and put him on the dash.
To the worries. About 5 days before your arrival date either call or fax the front desk and tell them your preference is the 900 loop. Trust me when I say that it doesn't matter that you don't have a pet. The site assignors try to keep pet owners grouped in the same loops, but it doesn't always work so you can find dogs on just about every loop now. It took Disney quite a while to smarten up about dogs. Now that the kennel is closed at the Fort, you're definitely going to see all loops become doggie friendly. Maybe even some cabins. :rolleyes1
If that was truly the case, it wouldn't be so difficult to get into a full hookup site when the fort is crowded. We prefer full hookup sites, which are all pet loops. Many times there are been more non pet owners as opposed to pet owners. Disney isn't stupid, they aren't going to turn down money. I would call back.
Just request the 900 loop. I requested & stayed there at the end of August 2009. They never even mentioned pets.
I called back and verified that my request was noted on my reservation. I asked this CM about staying on a pet loop without pets and he told me that it was not an issue. He sent me an email of my new confirmation and it had my loop request noted, so I should be good to go.
I called back and verified that my request was noted on my reservation. I asked this CM about staying on a pet loop without pets and he told me that it was not an issue. He sent me an email of my new confirmation and it had my loop request noted, so I should be good to go.

Well there you go.

It has been mentioned here before that the CM's who answer Disney's phones are often not at WDW. And, in some cases, are not even in Florida. Some of them have never visited WDW. I think it is safe to say that almost none of them have ever stepped foot in FW. And that is not just the reservation line. I have called the "front desk" from one of the house phones at a comfort station at the Fort, and had the line answered by someone pretending to be at the front desk, when in actuality she was somewhere else far away.

I'll bet if you called the reservation line five times and asked the person answering the phone about whether you must have a pet to stay on a pet loop, you would not get the same answer five times.

Worst case you can always bring one of these...

Worst case you can always bring one of these...


Is he yours? He is just beautiful. Where are you going to put him in the new TT? How does he get along with the others? I hope to see him in November. Again, he is just cute as can be.
I know a lot of people have had good success with calling or faxing the fort your preference for loops. Must be we just have bad luck we call and fax 5 days prior and still get the shaft. As we all know nothing is promised and no loop is guarenteed, but it really gets to me when I have to settle for another loop and the whole time the loop we wanted is half empty. I guess we have to be happy to get what we get. If I ever get TCD's favorite site in the 600 loop, I'm going to flip out :rotfl2:
If you don't like where they put you, go back to check in and tell them the site you want. This has happened to us. We scout the loop and then we know exactly what we want. We always make sure we have more than 1 site in mind in case there is a group coming in.
Maybe even some cabins. :rolleyes1

I hope if they go this direction, that the "pet cabins" are restricted to specific loops, as I am allergic and would have a bad reaction staying in a cabin after a furry pet. I would need to be able to request certain cabin loops that were "pet free".
Is he yours? He is just beautiful. Where are you going to put him in the new TT? How does he get along with the others? I hope to see him in November. Again, he is just cute as can be.

Isn't he lovely?? We rescued him from the side of the road. DH is going to build a crate for him in the corner of the bar. We call him George.

He gets along pretty well with everyone, but he's dumb as a rock.



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