You have always wondered and... NO IT NEVER GETS OLD LIVING 5 MINUTES FROM DISNEY!!! Mom/Daughter TR

Hi Gang! This is Dawn, and since Caitlin did the intro, it's my turn to get this party started!
Seeing as we live, literally, 5 minutes from Disney I am certain you people are the only ones who understand why we still "vacation" at Disney. Our plan had been to take a short"girls" trip and stay at POR, in a princess room, while Dale is away on business next month. That plan fell through when Caitlin got her job at the Boathouse and wouldn't be able to take the time off. Rather than cancel, we decided to find another time to go. Since Dale and Caitlin both took a couple days off for St. Patrick's Day (a holiday second to Christmas for those 2) we decided that was the perfect time to go. When we called to make reservations (about a week before we went) there were no CM rooms at POR or Pop (our "go to" value) We didn't really want to spend the money on a deluxe so we ended up booking a suite at AoA. They had a nice spring offer for CMs, 60% off, so we booked March 16-18.

The morning of the 16th we were up early and just as excited as if we were back in Michigan and heading to WDW. Before we could head over to AoA we had to take our furbaby, Ypsi, to "camp". Her "camp" is the Best Friends Pet Care located across the street from POR. Technically,this place is a kennel. In reality,it is a doggie spa and Ypsi loves going there. This past year we had to have have our 2 other furbabies put to sleep so going to "camp" gives our little girl playtime she desperately misses. We got to the kennel around 9am and Ypsi was super excited and seemed to remember having been there before. (we went to Vero in Jan and she stayed there) We knew she'd be well taken care of and have fun so we left her with a CM and started out the door. At that point she looked terrified and tried to run after us. The CM picked her up and took her down the hall. I however, felt like my heart was being ripped out. Teary eyed we headed to AoA, feeling sad and decidedly less excited.

Our moods improved when we arrived here (old photo actually sunny out)

When we got inside we were amazed how busy the check-in area was. The place was packed and both the standard and the online check-in had very long lines. We didn't mind though because we were going to DISNEYWORLD!! (I know we live there but still)

Finally we were helped and the CM we got was very nice and eager to get us into our suite. She asked if we would rather have "Lion King or Cars". We had discussed this as a family and everyone's first choice was Nemo (but we knew we had little chance of that) so our second choice was Cars. Caitlin had heard the quiet pool there is rarely used and we all LOVED Carsland at DCA so we told our CM "Cars". She went to get our Magic Bands (we booked too close to travel for them to be sent) and came back and was finishing up when a manager came up behind her and seemed to be reading over her shoulder. It seemed odd but I suspected she was new and the manager was just checking up on her? The manager, without saying anything to the CM, said to us "I have a great opportunity for you two ladies. Would you like to stay at the Beach Club instead?"

Our reaction was something like this.....:jumping1::jumping1:and this

:dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer: with a little of this :hyper:

In other words......HECK YEAH!!!!! Oh my goodness we felt like we won the lottery! Those who know us know we :lovestruc the Epcot Resort area so this was amazing pixie dust! The manager told us just to drive over to the BC and they would be expecting us. While Caitlin finished talking to the most awesome Disney manager EVER, I called Dale to tell him the news. (btw he had to work that day and was joining us after work) Now Dale is the biggest resort snob ever :snooty: so I expected him to literally jump for joy. His reaction? "I was really looking forward to staying at AoA" UGH!!! I couldn't believe him. I told him "too bad we're going to BC!" So we hopped back in the car and started driving over to our new and improved digs. We got to the gate and the CM asked if we were checking in? She looked a little skeptical when we told her we weren't on the list because we were just upgraded but she let us in anyway.

I think we floated to the lobby and we were helped by the nicest guy who had no idea what we were talking about :scared: We had a few nerve wracking moments while he looked into the upgrade but thankfully it was all set and he checked us in. Our room wasn't was sunny and 85...where do you think we headed????

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60% CM discount. Yowza!!!! Now that is indeed a deal you cannot pass up. I'd consider moving in, lol.

Honestly Dawn, I totally get the "going to Disney World" even if you do live close by. Moving into a Disney resort makes it feel more like a real vacation I think than a day trip would. Heck, I know people who book hotels at home just to "pretend" they're not home. And that's not even Disney.

AHHHHH I remember that post on FB!! Beach Club upgrade? Yes Please!!! :hyper:
Hi Gang! This is Dawn

Hi Dawn! :wave2:

Seeing as we live, literally, 5 minutes from Disney

One of these days, I'm going to rent a car, find out where you live and time it. We'll just see if it's literally 5 minutes! :snooty:

I am certain you people are the only ones who understand why we still "vacation" at Disney.


Although I'm reminded of that scene from Tropic Thunder.
"What do you mean, "You people?""
"What do you mean, "What do you mean, you people?""

Since Dale and Caitlin both took a couple days off for St. Patrick's Day (a holiday second to Christmas for those 2)

Really? We don't even notice when it happens.
This conversation actually occurred just a few days ago.
Ruby: "When's St. Patrick's day?"
Me: "I think it was a couple of days ago."

we ended up booking a suite at AoA. They had a nice spring offer for CMs, 60% off,

60%! Nice!!
I wonder if they'd offer a long distance job to a nice Canadian boy.
Or me.

We knew she'd be well taken care of and have fun so we left her with a CM and started out the door. At that point she looked terrified and tried to run after us. The CM picked her up and took her down the hall. I however, felt like my heart was being ripped out.

Awww.... That's tough.
We're lucky. With our pup, we bring her back to the breeders we got her from.
She absolutely goes bonkers on the drive there because she knows she's going to see her relatives.
She doesn't even notice when we leave.

We didn't mind though because we were going to DISNEYWORLD!! (I know we live there but still)


Caitlin had heard the quiet pool there is rarely used

I just read a TR where that was exactly the case.

The manager, without saying anything to the CM, said to us "I have a great opportunity for you two ladies. Would you like to stay at the Beach Club instead?"

:eek: :faint: HOLY COW!!! What an amazing score!!!

That's really incredible! So happy for you guys!

(Of course for me, it'd be "I'm sorry, but we're overbooked. But we can get you in at the Flea Bag Motel in Kissimmee. No extra charge for the roaches.")

"I was really looking forward to staying at AoA" UGH!!!

Hmph. Men!

She looked a little skeptical when we told her we weren't on the list because we were just upgraded but she let us in anyway.

I don't blame her. I'd look skeptical too.
"I'm sorry, but that sort of thing just doesn't happen."

I think we floated to the lobby

:laughing: I'll bet!

Our room wasn't was sunny and 85...where do you think we headed????

Back home?


An upgrade to the Beach Club?!?!?! WHAT?!?!?! Cannot wait to hear more details!

I don't blame you one bit for vacationing at a place 5 mins away... after all, it's not just a "place" - it's heaven!
Um yes, we totally understand and get it no matter if you live 5 minutes or 1200 miles from WDW. I live in the midwest and am already thinking of the future when my hubby retires. We both agreed that we want to live much closer to WDW. It's our happy place along with so many other like minded folks here! :)

MAJOR SCORE! Upgrade to Beach Club??!!?? OMG! How wonderful to have such a magical pixiedusted moment like that! I too would have been happy just getting a Nemo room or even a Cars room, but the BC??? WOW! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 That is so awesome!!!!
Hi Gang! This is Dawn, and since Caitlin did the intro, it's my turn to get this party started!
Seeing as we live, literally, 5 minutes from Disney I am certain you people are the only ones who understand why we still "vacation" at Disney. Our plan had been to take a short"girls" trip and stay at POR, in a princess room, while Dale is away on business next month. That plan fell through when Caitlin got her job at the Boathouse and wouldn't be able to take the time off. Rather than cancel, we decided to find another time to go. Since Dale and Caitlin both took a couple days off for St. Patrick's Day (a holiday second to Christmas for those 2) we decided that was the perfect time to go. When we called to make reservations (about a week before we went) there were no CM rooms at POR or Pop (our "go to" value) We didn't really want to spend the money on a deluxe so we ended up booking a suite at AoA. They had a nice spring offer for CMs, 60% off, so we booked March 16-18.

The morning of the 16th we were up early and just as excited as if we were back in Michigan and heading to WDW. Before we could head over to AoA we had to take our furbaby, Ypsi, to "camp". Her "camp" is the Best Friends Pet Care located across the street from POR. Technically,this place is a kennel. In reality,it is a doggie spa and Ypsi loves going there. This past year we had to have have our 2 other furbabies put to sleep so going to "camp" gives our little girl playtime she desperately misses. We got to the kennel around 9am and Ypsi was super excited and seemed to remember having been there before. (we went to Vero in Jan and she stayed there) We knew she'd be well taken care of and have fun so we left her with a CM and started out the door. At that point she looked terrified and tried to run after us. The CM picked her up and took her down the hall. I however, felt like my heart was being ripped out. Teary eyed we headed to AoA, feeling sad and decidedly less excited.

Our moods improved when we arrived here (old photo actually sunny out)

When we got inside we were amazed how busy the check-in area was. The place was packed and both the standard and the online check-in had very long lines. We didn't mind though because we were going to DISNEYWORLD!! (I know we live there but still)

Finally we were helped and the CM we got was very nice and eager to get us into our suite. She asked if we would rather have "Lion King or Cars". We had discussed this as a family and everyone's first choice was Nemo (but we knew we had little chance of that) so our second choice was Cars. Caitlin had heard the quiet pool there is rarely used and we all LOVED Carsland at DCA so we told our CM "Cars". She went to get our Magic Bands (we booked too close to travel for them to be sent) and came back and was finishing up when a manager came up behind her and seemed to be reading over her shoulder. It seemed odd but I suspected she was new and the manager was just checking up on her? The manager, without saying anything to the CM, said to us "I have a great opportunity for you two ladies. Would you like to stay at the Beach Club instead?"

Our reaction was something like this.....:jumping1::jumping1:and this

:dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer: with a little of this :hyper:

In other words......HECK YEAH!!!!! Oh my goodness we felt like we won the lottery! Those who know us know we :lovestruc the Epcot Resort area so this was amazing pixie dust! The manager told us just to drive over to the BC and they would be expecting us. While Caitlin finished talking to the most awesome Disney manager EVER, I called Dale to tell him the news. (btw he had to work that day and was joining us after work) Now Dale is the biggest resort snob ever :snooty: so I expected him to literally jump for joy. His reaction? "I was really looking forward to staying at AoA" UGH!!! I couldn't believe him. I told him "too bad we're going to BC!" So we hopped back in the car and started driving over to our new and improved digs. We got to the gate and the CM asked if we were checking in? She looked a little skeptical when we told her we weren't on the list because we were just upgraded but she let us in anyway.

I think we floated to the lobby and we were helped by the nicest guy who had no idea what we were talking about :scared: We had a few nerve wracking moments while he looked into the upgrade but thankfully it was all set and he checked us in. Our room wasn't was sunny and 85...where do you think we headed????

So exciting that you were upgraded - I would have been over the moon! Sorry to have re-posted your post. I was just trying to reply, but 'reply' gave me the quote.
60% CM discount. Yowza!!!! Now that is indeed a deal you cannot pass up. I'd consider moving in, lol.

Honestly Dawn, I totally get the "going to Disney World" even if you do live close by. Moving into a Disney resort makes it feel more like a real vacation I think than a day trip would. Heck, I know people who book hotels at home just to "pretend" they're not home. And that's not even Disney.

AHHHHH I remember that post on FB!! Beach Club upgrade? Yes Please!!! :hyper:

I know, right?!
I knew our Dis-friends would fully understand our need to continue vacationing there.
We actually had a little disagreement over who could post it first lol

Hi Dawn! :wave2:

One of these days, I'm going to rent a car, find out where you live and time it. We'll just see if it's literally 5 minutes! :snooty:
We are 5 minutes from POR and if you threw a rock over our fence it would land on Disney property. We are about 10-12 minutes from Epcot and MK if you want to get picky:rotfl:


Although I'm reminded of that scene from Tropic Thunder.
"What do you mean, "You people?""
"What do you mean, "What do you mean, you people?""

Of course I meant the wonderful people who spend time on these boards!

Really? We don't even notice when it happens.
This conversation actually occurred just a few days ago.
Ruby: "When's St. Patrick's day?"
Me: "I think it was a couple of days ago."

St. Pat's Day was Dale's father's favorite holiday so the day is special to him. Of course the green beer helps!

60%! Nice!!
I wonder if they'd offer a long distance job to a nice Canadian boy.
Or me.

It was a great offer and too hard to resist.

Awww.... That's tough.
We're lucky. With our pup, we bring her back to the breeders we got her from.
She absolutely goes bonkers on the drive there because she knows she's going to see her relatives.
She doesn't even notice when we leave.

She used to stay with my mom when we'd vacation and she didn't care if we left.


I just read a TR where that was exactly the case.

:eek: :faint: HOLY COW!!! What an amazing score!!!

That's really incredible! So happy for you guys!

(Of course for me, it'd be "I'm sorry, but we're overbooked. But we can get you in at the Flea Bag Motel in Kissimmee. No extra charge for the roaches.")

Hmph. Men!

I don't blame her. I'd look skeptical too.
"I'm sorry, but that sort of thing just doesn't happen."

I know right?!

:laughing: I'll bet!

Back home?


Um yes, we totally understand and get it no matter if you live 5 minutes or 1200 miles from WDW. I live in the midwest and am already thinking of the future when my hubby retires. We both agreed that we want to live much closer to WDW. It's our happy place along with so many other like minded folks here! :)

MAJOR SCORE! Upgrade to Beach Club??!!?? OMG! How wonderful to have such a magical pixiedusted moment like that! I too would have been happy just getting a Nemo room or even a Cars room, but the BC??? WOW! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 That is so awesome!!!!

We always thought "someday" we would end up in Florida. Some days it still amazes us that we are here. Getting the upgrade was the best surprise!

WDW never gets old !! Awesome upgrade. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip.

No it doesn't :)

Stormalong Bay with an adult beverage?!? :rolleyes1

You know us well :rotfl:
We are 5 minutes from POR and if you threw a rock over our fence it would land on Disney property. We are about 10-12 minutes from Epcot and MK if you want to get picky

Wait! Wait! You mean you could just climb over your fence and be in Disney???? :faint:

And you haven't torn down your fence yet???

St. Pat's Day was Dale's father's favorite holiday so the day is special to him. Of course the green beer helps!

It couldn't hurt! :laughing:


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