You HAVE to try this!! EBAY your way to DISNEY!!

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I've been telling my husband that we should try ebay for the past six months..well, he finally took the plunge and sold a car part(sorry,guys I'm a girl!!) that had been sitting on the garage for 4 years for $250!!!...Is he a believer now,you betcha!!;)

I have a list of stuff that I want to sell now!!:p
Originally posted by jgates
Just a note - if you are sending via Priority (hated those rate increases last year!) you can have free Delivery Confirmation if you create the label online. My own local Post Office guys didn't even know that. They were pretty impressed with me!
I'm impressed, too! I didn't know that you could do that! I'll have to go into the USPS site and poke around more. Thanks for the tip! :)

And bridgettesmom, $250 for a car part?! That's awesome!!! Maybe I should send dh out to our garage to see what he's got stashed away.... :teeth:
Kid's clothes sell well, especially Gymboree or name brand lightly used or new. Easy to ship too. Toys unless they're new don't seem to do well for me unless they are Little Tikes, FP they did well. I bought a digital camera on EBAY and it's great for photos, cost 1/4 of the price at the store.
I just bought a Mickey watch for $5.00, but the shipping was $7.50, still a good buy. The auctions all started at $1.00, so that's where part of the profit comes from. It was brand new in the box and regularly $59.00. I just don't bid if the shipping is too high. I tr and keep my shipping as low as possible, I've lost on some but gained a little on others. You never know without a zip code how much it will be and it seemed a lot of people didn't seem to want to ask in advance and the stuff didn't sell. Plus if you have a lot listed, that's a lot of emails to answer if they do.
Does everyone use their home address or get a P.O. box?

What if I don't want to mess with Paypal at all, will that be detrimental to just take checks and money orders?
Originally posted by Kallison
Does everyone use their home address or get a P.O. box?

What if I don't want to mess with Paypal at all, will that be detrimental to just take checks and money orders?
I use my home address, but I know a lot of people do use PO boxes.

As far as methods of payment, a lot of people like being able to use their CC, so that's why I offer Paypal, even though there are fees. :( I also accept money orders, but a lot of buyers don't like to hassle with going out to get them. I would say that accepting checks is a personal choice. The main potential problem is that they might bounce and then you have to deal with all the hassle of getting paid *and* recouping any fees.

If you do decide to accept checks, you'll want to hold the item 'til the check clears, and maybe consider only accepting them from buyers with a feedback of 10 or more, just to protect yourself a bit.

Good luck!!
jgates - Wow! Thanks for that tip about free delivery confirmation with priority mail if you create the label on line. I had no idea!!!
I've been considering selling some items on eBay as well. I have used PayPal to make payments for auction items I've won, but never to receive money. It is convenient and I believe I'll be more successful if I offer the option. So here goes....

Some questions:

To be *verified* by PayPal I give them a checking account number?

It is into this account that I receive payments?

Do payments go there automatically or do I have to explicitly tell PayPal to send me the money? Is there a fee to make this transfer to the checking account?

Fee example. I have some photo equipment I want to sell. If I sell an item for $125 and receive a PayPal credit card payment I pay the following fees:

eBay insertion (I'd start it at $99) $2.20
eBay final value - $4.06
PayPal non-merchant rate - $3.93

buyer pays actual shipping costs, so my net is $114.81 (I already realize this will be a bit off because the buyer will pay shipping charges via PayPal, too, times .029....)

Photos of items for sale. Are there any additional charges for photos? It appears that photos are not stored at eBay, but rather linked from another source (my ISP for example), is this correct?

Are there fill-in-the-blank sale templates? Any fees for using them? Can you just create your own html and use it instead?

Any fees I've missed?

There are probably better forums for these kind of questions, but there's a lot of enthusiasm in this thread!!

thanks for any input,
I keep my shipping as low as I possibly can and also add Delivery Confirmation to everything out of my OWN pocket as an added benefit for both myself AND the buyer

And it's very cheap if you do it on line for the other types of shipping as well. It's .13 for Parcel post delivery confirmation.

I'm a real fan of eBay. I made enough last year to equal my salary before I retired. It was a lot of work...and even though, others are saying, some items are selling..right now, on the eBay boards, you will read that compared to past years, this is one of the slowest times on eBay. The figures show that people on at any given time are way down, and bids are lower than they have been in past years. I've certainly noticed that starting bids are way down. Lots of paper work when you sell on eBay. I have paper work galore..keeping track of taxes, both income and sales tax (I need to collect sales tax in my state, as I sell new items and items I buy especially to resell..and becasue of that, I also have to pay income and self employment taxes). So be sure to do your homework on that part as well.

That said...for those of you looking to sell on eBay, you really should go to on sell, and take the tutorial, and read the FAQ's. It's easy..but, you may not make your fortune. Lots of success stories, but you have to realize that it's an auciton..if you start too low, you may get stung. You have to do your homework, and look up completed auctions, and see if what you have, is selling (although it may not that week!). I know a lot of people who have 100% sell-through, but sell items so cheaply, that they really aren't making much, after they pay eBay listing, ending fees, and Paypal.

Once you become a seller, you may see some things differently. I have over 1600 positive feedbacks, and not one complaint about my shipping (or anything else). However, I do charge a handling fee, because it costs me to "handle" the item. It costs me for bubble wrap (I get mine delivered locally, but I suggest if that's not available to you you buy through bubblefast or another major player on ebay..not through a paper'll be surprised how much you'll save), boxes (I just don't have the time to use "used" boxes, since the post office insists that all writing be crossed out completely, and it just takes too much time to turn them inside out), and I pay .70 each for boxes (I get them by the several hundred..and use priority when appropriate). By buying boxes, I can often save on the shipping to the buyer, since I don't feel pressured to ship Priority. Tape! Wow, do I go through tape like it's water. Priority tape is free..but only when I ship Priority. My post Office is a hike, and at $1.80 a gallon for gas..that's got to be covered. Shipping/handling fees should cover your costs. I have some items that I may have to charge $10 for handling..because they have to be sent in form fitting foam, as well as bubble wrap, and be insured (I decide if an item will be insured...and I charge for it, since I can't afford to replace something that I sold for $100..and if it doesn't show up..I'm the one they will do a reverse on Paypal). I get my shipping peanuts form friends, and a gift shop..I use several hugh garbage bags a month..but luckily, I don't have to purcase them. I don't make money on shipping, but I won't apologize for getting my expenses paid for, anymore than any on-line store you buy from will apologize. My shipping/handling is always listed (as well as what type of shipping), so the bidders really need to read and judge based on your total, before bidding. That's their responsibility. You'll learn quickly, it's important to get back your expenses. Don't sell yourself short. Be careful when giving a shipping cost. Be sure you have weighed the item "packed". Packaging ads weight. A 2# Priority package to zone 8 will cost $5.75..a 2 # 1 oz Priority package to zone 8 will cost $8.55. If you sell the item for $5.00, after fees, you won't have much if you make a 1 oz error in your shipping quote. eBay does not allow for excessive shipping, if it looks like the s/h is really to avoid fees..but they seem to realize that sometimes the s/h is high. You can't go by what someone started the bigging at..just becasue an item starts at $1, and s/h is $5..doesn't mean that it doesn't cost that for s/h. A lot of items can't ship media..or even if it the auciton, and don't bid if you are happy with the s/h. Ask before you bid, what type of s/h, so you aren't disappointed. I just sold a Little Tikes doll house..$45 to ship to California from was didn't way a lot..but it was big. That was actual...the price stamped on the it may not be just the weight..but the may need to know the girth to get the accurate shipping.

Make sure you accurately describe your item. Nothing worse than missing a stain or tear. It's hard to judge your own may have to ask a friend to help. Check your category...some people only look under the category your item should be listed under. A child's fisher price toy may not get looked at, if your auto settings are on Household..and you forget to change it.
Pictures are important. I've seen a child's fisher price toy with a blurry picture go for the $2.00 opening bid..and someone else sell the same toy for $15, with a clear picture and good description. I've seen kids clothes in a pile, on a bed (unmade) go for $1 for the lot..and another pile on hangers, ironed with a nice picture, go for $20..same brand.
So there is work involved..but you can really reap the benefits.
To be *verified* by PayPal I give them a checking account number?

I had to give them my checking accoutn numebr, and they put a small amount of money in it..and I had to tell them the amount. I believe that was how I got's been so long, I can't remember.
It is into this account that I receive payments?

Yes..each night I "sweep" my account. No charge for that. Or you can get a depbit can read about that on Paypal. For a charge, you can get a check sent.
Fee example. I have some photo equipment I want to sell. If I sell an item for $125 and receive a PayPal credit card payment I pay the following fees:

eBay insertion (I'd start it at $99) $2.20
eBay final value - $4.06
PayPal non-merchant rate - $3.93

buyer pays actual shipping costs, so my net is $114.81 (I already realize this will be a bit off because the buyer will pay shipping charges via PayPal, too, times .029....)
Photos of items for sale. Are there any additional charges for photos? It appears that photos are not stored at eBay, but rather linked from another source (my ISP for example), is this correct?

This is a little more complicated. I have extra fees, because I use I can do my auctions up in advance and have them start the day I'm due home from Disney World. I also use their picture service, since I think the pictures look better than eBays (by the way ebay grabs your pics from your need to load them in your ftp..although when I used eBay, I actually did the html for my ftp pics, since I thought they were clearer..they've improved somewhat)...and I can put 20 pics in my auction for the price of one using AW. I pay .10 each for the first 50 auctions, and .05 for each after a month, plus a 1% final listing fee. They make it very easy to get your stuff up, using their sellers template. eBay is also easy. I do a lot of repeat items (I sell personalized clocks, as well as used and antique items, tools, etc.), so I find it the easiest. It does a lot of my tracking as well. I also pay to answer my feedbacks, and they charge a couple pennies for each one. I just don't have the time anymore to keep track of my own.
;) I was wondering when you would show up on this thread because you're certainly WAY more informed about all of this than I am.. LOL

You're definitely right about the "paper work" aspect! Trying to keep track of who bought what - who has paid - who you can ship to - who you have to wait for payment from - etc. is a bit challenging.. Fortunately I'm one of those people who actually ENJOYS paper work, but nonetheless, it does take up a bit of your time..

The one thing that I'm still struggling with here is the shipping and handling charges - and feeling "good" about it.. Postage is so high and then as you mentioned, you have to add in the cost of a box (if it's not going Priority Mail), bubble wrap, tape, address label, etc. From what I've read on the eBay discussion boards, some people will complain LOUDLY if you ship via a cheaper method (media mail, parcel post, etc.) because the item didn't arrive "yesterday" - yet they will complain even LOUDER if you ship by PM because the cost is so high.. If you could share any tips in that area I'm sure everyone here would appreciate it..

My beginning venture has been small, inexpensive items that mostly can be shipped by media mail.. I've been very fortunate in that people have been placing bids - even during this "slow" period.. Now I want to list a few of my "better" items though - things that I can't open at rock bottom bids - and I'm totally stumped due to the shipping aspect.. Priority Mail would definitely be the best way to go with these items BUT - will the buyers balk at the cost? It's confusing, to say the least..

All in all I'm VERY happy with my "trial by fire" into eBay selling though.. LOL While I don't see myself becoming a millionaire any time soon (ha!) it's definitely a viable way to supplement my income and a lot more enjoyable than going through the hassles of setting up a garage sale and then having someone stand there and haggle with me over a 50 cent item..

On behalf of everyone on this thread, thanks for your input.. And thanks to the other seasoned sellers here who have offered up information as well.. It's nice to see that other sellers are willing to "share the wealth" - so to speak - and lend a hand to those of us who are just starting out..

Let's try to keep this thread running with useful information and maybe one day we can ALL get together in Disney World!! ;)

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
My family made enough on ebay last year to pay for our entire 10 day trip to Disney. We took a little break but are right back on ebay agin to earn the money for our next rip.
Originally posted by DisneyFreaks
My daughter makes beautiful gift baskets for people. She always uses a theme pertaining to something of interest for whoever is receiving the basket. For example she recently did one for her mother in laws birthday. She chose a lovely basket and filled it with all kinds of bath/shower products including a beautiful set of towels. Everyone always looks forward to these baskets and compliments fly with each one. Do you think these would sell on ebay if she put pictures of some of them on there? I think it would be a great way for her to make a little extra money. She is just recently married and they are new homeowners. We haven't a clue as to how to go about doing something like this though and would love to know if any of you think this would work for her. Thanks a bunch! {sorry this ended up being so long}

I would think there would be a very good market for something like this. In my real life I do web design and marketing and one of our oldest and biggest clients sells gift baskets (mostly chocolate, wine, fancy cookies, crackers, candy, etc.). They sell millions of dollars of baskets every year.

I would assume your daughter wouldn't want to do anything that big but around mother's day, valentine's day and Christmas (and the rest of the year to a lesser extent) I am sure she could sell a lot of baskets on Ebay.
Originally posted by C.Ann

Let's try to keep this thread running with useful information and maybe one day we can ALL get together in Disney World!! ;)

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Well, you've inspired me... I've been "thinking" about it for a year or two. We have a lot of stuff we don't need/want anymore. I've been procrastinating the whole garage sale thing because I knew I wouldn't get as much as I would want for some of the things.

So, I got verified on PayPal (very easy). Watched the tutorial on e-Bay. Done a little research (for instance 15 yo DD has several porcelain dolls her older brother gave her years ago... we tracked down one that we knew was part of the Marie Osmond collection, learned the name, when it was made, and the original value). Need to do much more research, though. I've already got a digital camera and my brother has sold some things so he can help me with some of the how to info.

Since I'm a teacher, I think I'll aim for this being a "summer job". Hey, it's better than teaching summer school.:smooth:
Originally posted by denecarter
Well, you've inspired me... I've been "thinking" about it for a year or two. We have a lot of stuff we don't need/want anymore. I've been procrastinating the whole garage sale thing because I knew I wouldn't get as much as I would want for some of the things.

So, I got verified on PayPal (very easy). Watched the tutorial on e-Bay. Done a little research (for instance 15 yo DD has several porcelain dolls her older brother gave her years ago... we tracked down one that we knew was part of the Marie Osmond collection, learned the name, when it was made, and the original value). Need to do much more research, though. I've already got a digital camera and my brother has sold some things so he can help me with some of the how to info.

Since I'm a teacher, I think I'll aim for this being a "summer job". Hey, it's better than teaching summer school.:smooth:

Glad to hear you're inspired! You might want to start selling a few small things now though so you can build up some positive feedback for when you list your bigger and better stuff.. ;)
I've sold some stuff on eBay, not tons but quite a bit. I remember when beanie babies were HUGE. I got $75 for one I bought for $4.95 (it retired the day after I bought it).

I've also sold books, stuff like that.

What I like to do is research other listings first - if some have more bids I like to know why (what they said in their description, etc) and also see what kind of prices they set.

I'm just trying to find stuff to sell at the moment, can't really find too much stuff.

Originally posted by C.Ann

I agree with you 100%!!! That was something that was really promblematic for me when I first started listing.. I would look at some of the other auctions and a seller would list something for $1 but then charge $15+ for shipping and handling!!

From what I have read on another board this is some kind of scheme to avoid paying higher ebay fees on the seller's part. Ebay charges based on the winning bid, not the shipping Apparently some buyers are aware of this and are OK with it. It also seems to be in certain categories like DVDs. I don't recommend it.

Also be aware of Reserved prices. If something is worth 19.99 retail, don't bother listing it at 2 cents with a hidden reserve of 19.98; you'll only annoy people when they catch on. People on ebay like to believe they're actually bidding in an auction. If you want to be a retailer, use "buy it now" price. Reserve is good for unique items that may not be popular (but still valuable) and you really do "need" a certain minumum amount.
I've been ebaying for almost a year and have made well over $1000 on stuff that was cluttering up my house.
My best sellers have been my sons clothes, my clothes and I made a killing on his Brio trains that he doesn't play with anymore.
We also sell video games when they are done playing with them.
I love ebay and I use the Buy it Now feature alot. I've had good success with Buy it Now.

Good Luck everyone. :)
I'm not DMRick but wanted to post some of my thoughts about shipping items. I used to list the shipping cost in every one of my auctions before the post office changed things around. Now that everything is based on zones and such it has become alot more difficult to judge.

In my auctions I have been stating that actual shipping will be determined at the auction end OR the interested party can email me thru eBay with their zip code and I'll email them back with their shipping options and cost. I realize that this wouldn't work for everyone, especially if they have many, many auctions going at one time. I usually have 30 or less going so it is not that big of a deal.

if an item is smaller (Book, video, CD, etc..) I will just weigh it and figure out a fair flat rate for the item and state that in my auction. Rarely will the cost be higher than what I stated and most of the time it is slightly less.

I also have found that using FedEx Ground or FedEX Ground Home Delivery can be less expensive in some cases than USPS services. Their set-up is nice as I can print the shipping labels from my home and just drop off the package (no waiting in line either) at the FedEx facility nearby. Then my cc is charged after the item is shipped. They are usually less expensive, in my opinion, if the item weighs more than 2 pounds. Also--their rates include insurance and tracking too. Another nice option is that many people who work can have a package sent to their business and they get the cheaper rate for fedex ground.

Sorry to go on and on but shipping is such a huge part of selling! :)
but wanted to post some of my thoughts about shipping items.

It's a lot harder to figure out shipping thanks to the PO changing the flat rate of Priority. You can put a postage chart in your auctions which will help. I did that briefly, but people were picking the wrong the shipping, putting in the wrong zip code and paying hte wrong amount. UGH! I also tried just giving the weight and my zip code, and offering to have people email me if they needed help with the shipping costs. All of that said, I found my auction sell throughs went down when I didn't have a fixed shipping (I still do it that way for larger items that I can't even take a guess at). That way, even if your shipping may be high, it was easier for someone bidding on the run, to know if the total is what they want to bid on. I sell 3 different items over and over...those are pretty easy, but still not perfect. People in zone 1-4 end up paying more than the other zones, and if I ship to CA or HI, I actually lose .50. But it all evens out, and seems ot be the preferred way. When I bid on an auction, I only bid if I know the shipping. It's harder for those of you who sell different items all the time. I know when we sell my hubby's tools (he's a retired toolmaker, and we get 10-50 times what we tried to get at a garage sale) he packaged them to go, and I was able to weigh them (mark them well, so you don't send the wrong tools out) and give the total weight...with a parcel post range of price.

eBay is fun..a lot of work but fun too. If you only have items that sell for a few dollars, you might find that it is too tedious. At a garage sale, once you make the sale, it's over. Not so with eBay. I leave for vacation (DIs of course) on Sunday..and even though I stopped my auctions a bit back, and have told people I was going away...some are still sitting on their hands as far as payment goes. They keep saying they sent it, but as happens with som, .it must be sitting in hubby's pocket. When selling used items, not everyone agrees with the condition, so you have to deal with that. And some people just don't know their address, and the package comes back. Then you have to work with them and get them to resend the shipping money. Also, I went away skiing this past weekend with my family..and came home to over 40 pieces of mail from people looking for my auctions (which are closed because of vacation coming up), or having questions on them, or asking where their item was (well, duh..I haven't gotten payment yet). Even if I put back up what they say they want..they might not I don't put up an auction just because someone asks me to.
So, not to discourage...Carol Ann will tell you how I pushed her to get hers up...but it's not all a cup of tea and easy money..some days I wonder if the job I retired from (animal health tech..dogs) wasn't a lot easier than working with people. LOL.
Originally posted by DMRick
So, not to discourage...Carol Ann will tell you how I pushed her to get hers up...but it's not all a cup of tea and easy money..some days I wonder if the job I retired from (animal health tech..dogs) wasn't a lot easier than working with people. LOL.


Yes - she MADE me do it!!! And I'm SOOOO happy she did!! LOL

On a more serious note though - I'm having a "box" problem here and was wondering if anyone could help me.. I have some things that I want to list but can't find appropriate size boxes to put the items in.. I have Priority boxes, but the cost for shipping and handling to my buyer would be so high that way I'm reluctant to go that route..

If I had a box lying around that a small kitchen appliance came in or something of that nature, can I use it and just wrap it up good with that brown paper? Or does the Post Office have a problem with "wrapped" boxes?

I have quite a few things to list here but can't do it until I know how I'm going to be able to ship them.. :(
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