You heard it here first, lol!


CttM Webmaster and Mom to be #4!
Feb 21, 2001
Hello Ladies!!!
I'm posting here first #1. because it has to be said, #2. because you'll let me, lol and #3. because I know everyone here will understand if no one else will since this is the only board I've really been visiting and posting too these past few weeks.

I've been getting some hate mail for CttM. I admit, I got behind on the site against my better judgement. I have spent the last 2 hours writing an update to reassure my members of what's going on. It's very long winded, but once I get going (and Jordan's sleeping so I can!!) but I finally got a lot off my mind concerning the site, my family and my restaurant.

At this point, I can only hope that everyone understands. As mothers here yourselves, I know I can count on your support and understanding, I just hope everyone else will too!

On that note, I do have to work in the A.M. and Jordan's due for her nightly, so please feel free to pass along my rants :)

Have a great weekend, I'll be back full-time on Monday!

Bonnie :wave:
Bonnie, I'm sending you huge {{{hugs}}}. I can only imagine the things you have going on in your life now. Take your time getting back in with CttM - your new DD is your top priority right now. :)
Thank you, Debi,
I just got in from the shop and am reading the bashing and what I expected to be on other boards. Hubby feels horrible and feels partly responsible as I have been keeping him up to date on the site and he knows how much I had to put into the shop to keep it going. I only touched on (in my post on CttM) that he took a job for insurance. The shop is his passion but to be sure he provided for our family and arrival of Jordan, he took a less than desirable job that kept him out of the house from 2 A.M. until 5 P.M. the following day. Then he got his hours changed so that he could help me get through lunch at the shop then he would work 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. He barely made it to the hospital to see Jordan born. CttM got put on hold so we could maintain the shop until he could return and he feels terrible that things on CttM have gotten so out of hand.

I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm just grateful to all the members who have sent emails of kindness and support. :)

Thank you everyone here for letting me gush, I cannot wait to get this all behind me!
Oh Bonnie, that's awful. What is wrong with people, good grief.

Sending :grouphug: and hopefully this will be all behind you.
Thank you!! I love this board, everyone is great. Next Meet trip I hope to meet up with everyone!!! Since I was preggie this year, we're going in Feb next year. I just hope they honor my passes.
Hubby is great, I am very fortunate to have him. He watched Jordan last night so I could work on CttM stuff (even me crashing the server, just got THAT fixed! Serves me right for uploading at 3 A.M.)
We often say if it were't for bad luck, we'd have none at all, but I am finding that it's all how you look at things and I'm very lucky to have the support of the many including you guys!!!
OK, now I'm sounding like a mush more and more.
I'll be back in a bit, gotta get back to work!
Bonnie, you live in PA right? Maybe it's time for a NJ/PA DIS Meet!

Nope, I'm in MA. Yes, a meet would be great!!! 2 of my members and good 'net friends met down there these past 2 weeks. I was supposed to go, but Jordan's too new.
Hershey Park meet would be great since I missed last year too.
:grouphug: Hugs to you Bonnie! I know I've always been paid by you. Another thing I love about CTTM is the personal touch. It's nice to know you're just like us! :) All the best to you!
I don't know why I thought you were in PA, Bonnie! Would you be up for an Ocean City, NJ meet sometime this summer? Hmmmm - maybe even an Atlantic City meet (there is a great Rainforest Cafe in AC!)?
:grouphug: Bonnie, I am so sorry to hear people are speaking badly about you. Ignore them and vent all you want to me. You take whatever time you need with that wonderful baby of yours :)
Thank you, KTeacher and Craven, I have gotten several emails of best wishes and I'm doing the happy dance to have such great support!!
Now, any takers on the 5 A.M. shift??? Jordan's switched her sleeping pattern, hubby and I get to see the sunrise! :)


I don't do many RP anymore - mostly due to not being disciplined enough - but I have always appreciated that you keep in touch with your members via personal responses to emails. I know I've had to email you (I'm the one who thought they knew they're password only to have actually spelled it wrong :blush: not one of my brighter moments) and you have always been prompt in responding and polite.

Personally, I don't know how you do it. I stay at home, DH in a slow week works 50 hours, plus we have 2 boys and 2 dogs ... I've contemplated running away from home before :moped:

Keep your chin up and know that there are many members who understand! :grouphug:


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