You knew this was coming.....

Kelsie, I just know you can do this! Please don't quit, we need you here and you are a wonderful support person in my group!! Last night in chat you were so happy and uplifting the way you talked...I just know you have it in you to forget about what you did today and concentrate on tomorrow...

Hugs Kelsie!! We all love you so much here...
So many people have already given you wonderful words of inspiration, friendship, courage and wisdom. I hope that some of it touches your heart and helps heal the pain you have. I know you have had some tough times, and you were able to come through it. You are still here and fighting, asking for help. I have been there, I posted a "confessional" and was immediately enveloped by love and friendship. Prayers were said for me, and I felt very honored. I never felt "worthy" of weight loss, but I was humbled by the fact that someone would pray for me, and I felt suddenly uplifted and the "worthiness" is slowly building for me. Hang in there kiddo, when you feel the energy and excitement again, it will happen for you. You don't need to "quit" but maybe regroup, take the time to find and rebuild the spirit within you. We are all here for different reasons, Were Inspired To Stay Healthy.... that is healthy body, mind and spirit. Heal you mind and spirit and your drive for a healthier body will come. Don't be too hard on yourself. You have led us to wonderful heights, and now it is our turn to be there for you. You will be in my prayers......
Kelsie, I am so sorry that you have reached this point in your journey. You have been an inspiration and a saint to many of us here, because if it weren't for you we wouldn't have WISH and be where we are today. I have said this before, we ALL fall off the wagon every now and then, and our WISH buddies are the ones we lean on and turn to for support and advice to make it through the hard times. What every happened yesterday, the day before yesterday and before that is in the past, we can't take it back. However we are lucky to have today, tomorrow and the next day. {{{HUGS}}} Now it is time to jump back on the wagon and get back on program, it is like riding a bike, we fall off a lot, but eventually we will get it and we will take off and never look back!! You CAN do this!!!! You have the power to take control again and move forward!
:D Kelsie, I hope you are feeling better this morning. You've brought us all here together to get we're here for you. Look at how you've done so far...20 pounds...that's so awesome. I've been reaching for 20 pounds for so long now and can't quite make it, but when I see that you and others have done it, it keeps me going. You cannot quit...we won't let you. Remember, everyday is a new chance, forget about is what matters.

Girl,you aren't finished here!! There are too many people here that still need you. You can't quit on them or yourself!

c'mon now!!!
Kelsie, how are you feeling this morning?? I hope you are doing better!! Hugs to you!!
<font color=red><i>
Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
-Robert H. Schuller

Kelsie, you just feel defeated right now - don't make it permanent.
Kelsie, even if too much is going on in your life right now and you feel like quitting, what if you just try to maintain your weight for a little while instead of focusing on losing. Take a little time to get things back in perspective and when you're ready to tackle the losing part again you can.

You have done so much for the WISH board. We can't let you quit totally. We won't abandon you even if you want to get rid of us!! You're stuck with us now!!! :D

Everyone here has already gave some great encouragement and words of advice, probably much better than I could but I just wanted to tell you that I know how you're feeling.

This morning I stepped on the scale after a weekend of falling off my plan completely and I discovered that I had gained back the 2 pounds it took me over 3 weeks to lose in just 2 crummy days. I was very discouraged and thought the same thing "I give up, I can't do this", etc., etc.

But then I ended up here at the Wish board again, reading the posts, getting my spirits raised and knowing that yes, if other people here are doing it, so can I! And you are a big part of this board...this board that makes people feel that they can succeed when they are down. Just think about that, OK?


We lead by example. You have already shown yourself to be a very strong leader here! What would you say to one of us if we had a setback...get up, dust yourself off, and try again! Do NOT accept defeat!

Before I walked into WW, I had grown comfortable with being overweight. I thought wearing sweatshirts over stretchpants all the time was just fine, and that I really did need to have dessert every day, and I would NEVER have time to exercise. But one day, I really started to worry that my health was suffering, and my very low self-esteem was being projected outward to my family and friends. And I walked into WW, and let me tell you, it's WAY better on the other side! Sure, I'm a few lbs above goal now, but I know it's a setback, and I won't throw in the towel!!!

What you've done here at WISH is create a community of support. Use it now, and you will get through it. Good luck!

I'm not sure that I can add much to what others have already said but I do want to say that this is so much more than just a "get healthy" board. That may be what it started out as but we've grown into a support group that takes on and tackles every problem that's thrown our way. Many times the problems that are brought up here are, in a round about way, what causes us to abuse ourselves with an unhealthy life style. We're here for each other through thick and thin and you, our Glorious Leader, can depend on us.

I'm sending hope, love and prayers. Wrap yourself in the love you have from this board and nothing can hold you back. Good luck and please don't give up.

I am sort of going through the same thing.

I went to Disney the week before last and eventhough I didn't eat like a pig, I ate more than usual. Well I gained 3lbs and since I have been back I just can't seem to get my mind back into loosing weight. I did loose the 3lbs but I am eating more than I did before and can't seem to say no. I always seem to sabotage myself.

A friend of my told me to start thinking of how I would feel after I was down to my goal weight. Like how nice it would be to wear a smaller size, how proud my husband and children will be of what I accomplished and how much better I would feel physically.

I have been trying to do that everytime I start to stray and it helps. I am not in my best mind set yet but I am getting by until I get back to my gorilla dieting.

You need to do this for yourself as well as your loved ones who need you to be around for a long time to come.

Hang in there and I'm sure you will be fine.

I am overwhelmed by the support I have received from all of you! Your kind and encouraging posts, PM's and calls have really helped me through a difficult time. I can't thank you enough for always coming to my rescue. Lately, I have had either very high, highs or very low, lows. There has been no in-between.

I am doing well today; so far I've stayed on the program and am determined to not let the lows run so much of my life.

I urge any of you who are having a difficult time, please, please let us know. Believe me, it helps.

Thank you my friends…. (((hugs)))
Glad to hear that you are doing better today, Kelsie. You have so many friends & supporters right here who won't let you give up that easily. We want you to be happy & healthy.

I am glad you are doing better:D Because you have DONE GREAT - you inspire me!:D
Kelsie, I'm so glad that things are better today. You have been so wonderful and so motivating to everyone that I just hate to see you going through a tough time.

Hang in there! :D

Wish I could add some words to inspire you aside from those that have all ready been offered.

Sounds like things have perked up for you today, however. Wonderful news!!

Stay positive :D


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