You know it's time to start a PTR when......Update 1/12 Leaving in 10 hours!!!!!!!!!!

Continued from previous post!

We left Italy and took some more pics as we slowly headed back around toward Canada.

Another traditional photo op spot. I have a picture of myself, at 6, in the same pose. Gonna frame the pic of me and of Dash together, at some point!


My second favorite artsy fartsy pic. It, too, will be an 8x10 in the office. I hope to take more pics to add to the office wall of places we've been!

We eventually made our way to the Land in time for our FP window. Soarin' was as wonderful as I remembered. One of my faves for sure. I was anxious to see what Mr. I thought of it. However, because of the grouping of 5 and Jack-Jack not being tall enough, Mr. I rode with his Mom and I rode with my mom and Dash. We all chilled on a bench by the bathrooms, while we waited on the other group to ride. At one point, Jack-Jack was fussy so I took him into the family bathroom and nursed him asleep. By sitting criss cross apple sauce on the bathroom floor!!! :lmao:

I know I know... but really what choice did I have?? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with public nursing. Lord knows I nursed him on the HM ride, in the middle of CoP. But it was dark and I was in a corner off to myself. Not in front of hundreds of people waiting to ride Soarin'. Just not something I'm comfortable with, whipping it out in front of people. So I did what I had to, and yes I was a little skeeved!! :eek: In all fairness, it had just been cleaned... and I sat on the changing pad.... like that even began to cover the surface area of my tush but it made me feel better!! And it was worth it. A very fussy Jack-Jack fell asleep. And then the real problem presented itself. How the heck was I gonna get up off the floor with a sleeping, deadweight 25 lb baby, a bum knee and a bad foot. :lmao: Real smart, gellybean! It hurt. Boy did it hurt. But I managed with a little help from the sink. I just knew I was gonna pull the sink off the wall!!! :rotfl2: Thankfully that did not happen but man would it have fit in with the rest of the mortification on this trip!

I laid a sleeping Jack-Jack into his stroller and he stayed asleep. He was so tired by this point. We were all reunited shortly after and I'm happy to report that Mr. I really enjoyed Soarin' as well!!!

After Soarin', we headed to Mousegears and did some shopping. I found a cute cute hoody that I had been looking for in my size and an antenae ball. About this time, Mom decided she wanted to head over to MK. We had a 7 day pass, and had only used 6 days and were leaving the next day too early to go into a park. So I had called some CM somewhere in the Disney ether and asked if you could do two parks in one day if you were willing to use two days off your pass. She said sure. So Mom wanted to catch Wishes. And she wanted to prove she could do it all by herself. She has a friend that keeps bugging her to do a trip and she's never been to Disney without me or my sister. So she was wanted to try it out, knowing I was just a phone call away. I was all for it.

She headed out and Mr. I and I were going to ride Test Track and Mission Space. We had barely covered Future World on our first Epcot day and Mr. I really enjoyed the theory of those two rides so we were going to do those. Until we picked up on what MIL was emoting. :idea:

Up til this point, she'd been all for sitting on a bench, watching the boys for us. But she was exhausted and cranky and wanted to go back to the room. Well that was fine. Except she wouldn't go back without us. She was scared she'd get lost. Both boys were passed out in their strollers at this point.


Dash was out!


As was Jack-Jack.

If you'll remember, this was the same woman that refused, the day BEFORE, to push a sleeping Jack-Jack in his stroller from CoP to Cosmic Ray's because she wanted to let him sleep. :confused: Well, today her story was different. She was all for waking BOTH boys up so she could go back to the hotel. :scared1: Not exactly consistent with her tune the day before. To say I was a little miffed at this point, well that would be putting it delicately.


What choice did we have? Force her to sit on a bench watching two strollers, containing two snoring boys while we went and had fun?


So we pushed the stroller as far as we could toward the entrance, got Dash out. Pushed Jack-Jack to the bus and woke him up to get on the bus. It was about 4pm at this point. On our last day. :headache:

Yeah, I was a little frustrated. But it was the last day. We'd been together 7 days. She had no idea what a 7 day trip would be like. She'd only done a 3 day trip before. So I bit my lip and went with it.

We got back to Pop and Dash wanted to swim. So Mr. I rested with Jack-Jack briefly, before joining us within 10 mins. Jack-Jack was awake now and wasn't about to sleep. So we played in the kid's swim area for about half an hour before it was getting too chilly.


Dash loved the kiddie area at Pop!


Jack-Jack didn't quite know what to make of it.

Well, we had contemplated going into MK ourselves and using that extra park day to see Wishes. Until I get a call from my mom. The information we had was wrong. You can't use two days on your park pass at once. Which makes sense, really. I mean it's cheaper to buy 3 extra days than a park hopper and if they let you just use extra days, everyone would do that instead of shelling out $50 a person for hoppers. Thankfully, Mom was her sweet little old lady, southern charming self and told the CM what we had been told and that she just wanted to see Wishes but understood and would never want to break protocal and they let her in!! THAT'S why I love Disney so much! So my mom, walked up to the train station, parked herself on the bench and just people watched until Wishes started. She said the crowds were considerably less that night since there was no EMH and no Spectro. Something we're going to take into consideration next trip!

So now that I knew we couldn't get into MK-something I'm glad I knew before loading all of us up and catching a bus to MK-we had to decide what to do. MIL was heading to bed for the night. And it was like 6:30. She was EXHAUSTED. Something else I'm taking into consideration next trip... less days for MIL. She gave us the keys to her Mimi mobile as I called it all week and we decided to head over to DTD one last time.

This night was one of my favorite nights. Which, frankly, surprised me. But it was one of my most warm and fuzzy moments of the trip. It was just the four of us and it was great! Gave me hope that we can do a trip without extra help. We shopped some, but not much. DTD was still really crowded as the parks were closing early for Winter hours. We ate at WPE again.


Eating... again! How he found room after lunch, I have no idea!! Remember me saying to watch his cheeks as the week progressed!! It was nice to see though, after he had lost 10 % of his body weightwith the scarlet fever!

Next we got sundaes at Ghiradelli and just soaked it all in. Walked around some and then headed back to the hotel about 9pm. I let the boys go on to the room and I bought all the souvies I had been looking at all week, from Everything Pop. There wasn't anything at WoD that I wanted that I couldn't get at the Pop gift shop.
When I got back to the room, Mom had just gotten back from Wishes and had thoroughly enjoyed herself! She was on :cloud9: herself and MIL was feeling much better having rested and gone to Everything Pop to get herself something to eat. We started packing up and getting ready to leave the next day.


Mr. I packing up.


Jack-Jack playing with his new toys, glad to be out of the stroller!

We woke up around 9am our last morning, finished packing and triple checked the room that we hadn't left anything. Said bye to our rooms on the first floor of the 60s building and took our luggage to bell services. I took a few last pictures of the Pop lobby and then we ate breakfast.


One last Pop Waffle!!I think Mr. I was done with pics by this point :rotfl:

Eventually it was time to load up on the ME. We hugged and kissed MIL and said our goodbyes and loaded up. When we arrived at MCO we found out that our flight was delayed. So we camped out at the foodcourt, ate McD's, and did some of Dash's homework. Took some pictures.


Dash loves fountains! So he asked for this picture.


One last Disney photo op


Harley Davidson store! Dash was in awe! He calls one of his grandfather's PaPaw Harley because he used to own a motorcycle and be a Hell's Angel! Which is always been too funny to me cus he's the sweetest man!


Mom wanted on it next. Said she's hadn't been on one since she was in her 20s. Her face cracks me up in this picture!


Full circle from the first pic of this TR. Boys eating in an airport foodcourt!

We nearly missed that the flight had arrived sooner than they thought. Thankfully we thought to ck the Arrival and Departure boards again and managed to make it by family boarding time and were all together on the flight home. Retrieved our luggage, found Mom's van and headed home. Mom stayed long enough to look at the pictures on the laptop after I downloaded them and then she drove the hour and half to her house.

IT was a great trip. Looking back 10 months later, it was a really great trip. We definitely had our (ok my) frustrations but it was a wonderful, memory making, hubby brainwashing trip. It felt like Jack-Jack was so big but looking back now he was so little. I don't care that he won't remember it. We will.

Can't wait to go back again, and again. And watch the boys grow up with the Mouse! And maybe take that couples trip just us. I just don't think I'll ever tire of it. It's so much more than a place, it's a state of mind. It's a promise of better times.

Thanks for putting up with me highjacking my own PTR!! I promise Dining plans for our 2010 trip, next update!!
i wish i had time to comment on every little thing, but i am going to be LATE! Thank you, thank you, thank you for finishing your TR for us, i am so happy to hear the rest of the stories (even if it's not all happy stories) and i am so so glad you're going again soon!!!

Love the title too :goodvibes

but most of all, lulu! :hug:
I loved the ending of your TR, I am just going to have to go back and read the whole thing!

I have to admit, I'm glad that I don't have a MIL to accompany us to Disney....
haha, I love the title and first line of your PTR!

Congrats on getting to stay at the AKL. It is such an awesome resort. :thumbsup2 And that 4/3 deal is great too...wish they would offer that for DVC members. :guilty:
i wish i had time to comment on every little thing, but i am going to be LATE! Thank you, thank you, thank you for finishing your TR for us, i am so happy to hear the rest of the stories (even if it's not all happy stories) and i am so so glad you're going again soon!!!

Love the title too :goodvibes

but most of all, lulu! :hug:

Glad you liked it!!! Come back and comment on every little thing when you get back from your trip!!!


I loved the ending of your TR, I am just going to have to go back and read the whole thing!

I have to admit, I'm glad that I don't have a MIL to accompany us to Disney....

Glad you liked it wigd!! If you go back and read the TR let me know what you think!

:lmao: @ glad your MIL doesn't join you. It definitely has it's advantages and disadvantages!!! But I can do it for 3 days! After 7, 3 days will be a piece of cake! She really is a great lady! We just do things differently in some aspects of our lives! :rolleyes1

haha, I love the title and first line of your PTR!

Congrats on getting to stay at the AKL. It is such an awesome resort. :thumbsup2 And that 4/3 deal is great too...wish they would offer that for DVC members. :guilty:

hehehe I keep seeing those hidden mickey's !!

Thanks!! I'm super excited about the AKL! Couldn't do it without the 4/3. Ya know, you're right about the DVC. Things like this that owners don't get to take advantage of make me think twice about wanting to be a member!

Thanks for reading, everyone!! If anyone is reading that isn't commenting, come on in! The waters fine !! :rotfl:

I will try to get the ADRs posted sometime tonight or tomorrow. Though it keeps changing! :rolleyes: We've had some sick people in our house so things are a little crazy around here!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Great ending. I love Tutto Italia. Your pictures turned out great. I am glad that your last night had such special memories for you.:goodvibes
Two stories you need to know before getting to the good part............ THE FOOD! :goodvibes

Story #1: I turned 30 on October 23rd and was hosting a baby shower for my BFF on the 24th, in San Antonio (about an hour and half away). So the plan was to go out with BFF the night before, seeing as how she was an automatic desiginated driver, have a few cocktails to mourn the loss of my 20s, then throw the shower on Saturday, stay to watch the UT football game after the shower, cus I bleed burnt orange nearly as much as I bleed Mickey Mouse colors, and drive back late Saturday night. To wake up at 5:30am CDST to make ADRs. :scared1:
Well, when I returned home around midnight Saturday evening/Sunday morning I was tired and wasn't really feeling the whole wake up call thing for the next day. I got online to see if I could make ADRs since it was technically now the 25th and voila... it let me! I don't know if this is the norm of maybe some glitch because it was two days before the ADR system went back to 180 out instead of 90 but for whatever reason I got all my ADRs made, only having to change one up, and was able to sleep in the next day! :yay:

Story #2: Mr. I and I have been watching our weight now for about a year. And by watching it I mean watching it stay the same! :laughing: But we try. And have lost a little bit but still need to lose more! We are currently doing Weight Watchers again seriously. We both want to lose 30 lbs ish before Disney and we are about half way there. It's doable but with the holidays coming up, it's gonna be a challenge!
A challenge that would be easier with a brand spanking new elliptical machine we bought last year :lmao:
Easier...?? Seriously?? For beginners, an elliptical was not a good idea. A stationary bike would have been much easier to start out with. A treadmill even. But an elliptical was challenging. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. So we rarely used it.
I had planned on doing a garage sale to help pay for the Disney trip, with our AKL upgrade :cheer2: and DDP plan cost looming. Big ticket item #1 was gonna be that elliptical. Well...... one day last week I was on the DISboards... big shock I know and I happened to be on the budget board, one I rarely frequent, and I saw a post about Costco's lifetime return policy. :idea: Too good to be true right?! I mean we bought it 17 mths ago and don't have the receipt.

But what harm is there in calling and asking??
I called and explained when we bought it and that I didn't have the receipt and that there was nothing wrong with it, that we just were too lazy... um I mean inexperienced to use it. They said.....

NO PROBLEM!!! Bring it on in and we'll give you CASH!!!!!
:dance3: :banana: :dance3:


Well, before poor Mr. I took it all apart and put it in the back of the SUV, I called back today to make sure I had the right information. I would have hated to have gotten up there with that 300 lbs thing and been told no. And since I had forgotten to get the name of the person .... :rolleyes1 I had no way of saying but but but... so and so said it was ok.

But today, when I was told yes it would be fine, I got her name. The one glitch was that she said they couldn't give me cash.... we'd have to take a Costco gift card... Meh. Not quite as good as cash but who can't find a way to spend money at Costco? The trick was going to be not spending it all at one time and using it in lieu of grocery budget money, so the grocery budget money could go to Disney! Let me tell you, a SLR camera or a new flat panel TV were both VERY tempting! But we had to be grown up about it. We wanted Disney more and couldn't have Disney and a new camera or TV. Being an adult sucks sometimes!!

We got all loaded up (which was fun let me tell you... I had to drive because my legs are shorter and we had to bungee cord the back door shut) and got up there and the lady I had spoken to was the returns manager. She was standing there and instructed the guy at the register to give us a Costco gift card... but she walked away.

When the guy finished the transaction he asked if we wanted cash or credit... um... Cash if it's an option. SURE he says and counts out $866 bucks. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

We did get some things from Costco. Only fair to put some money back their way. But we have more than enough to pay for our upgrade and make a dent in our DDP!!

Does anyone else see the irony in posting about a returned elliptical machine that's gonna pay for a Disney trip filled with ADRs ?! :lmao:

So without further ado...

THE ADR LIST made possible by the DDP that the returned unused elliptical paid for!!!​

This is the third version... the short of it is... we switched Wolfgang Puck Cafe for San Angel Inn after reading really bad reviews of Wolfgang Puck. We loved Shinois in Vegas but have read that WPC has gone downhill in recent years and hate to waste a TS credit there. I know San Angel Inn gets mixed reviews as well but the atmosphere is awesome, and this was the one Mr. I picked to replace his beloved Wolfgang Puck meatloaf meal, and we get great Tex-Mex in Austin all the time, so we are going in expecting bad food... :rotfl: Just give me a margarita or three and I'll be fine. :thumbsup2

Then there was the great resort upgrade heard round the world.

Which opened up all kinds of possibilities. We have never attempted an ADR for breakfast because we aren't morning people and with MIL last trip we definitely weren't gonna make it. In fact, I cancelled Kona breakfast last year, the morning of.

BUT with Boma just downstairs I figure we have a good chance of making it and if MIL doesn't get up in time, we can just leave her in the room.

I added Boma breakfast for our departure morning for those counting we'd have to pay out of pocket for this.

Then I started thinking... and looking at what we'd be ordering from Jiko... and really it doesn't fit well for a TS credit. We'd prolly want an appetizer so that would be OOP and a few cocktails so that's OOP and we'd probably be too stuffed to both get dessert. So we are going to pay OOP for Jiko and use the 2 TS credits elsewhere. When I priced out all the meals, some of our 1TS meals will cost $98 for all 4 of us, where the Jiko 2TS meal would cost around $100 for the 2 of us. So it makes more sense to use the TS credits for 2 1TS meals.

And we decided we'd rather try Boma dinner instead of eating 50s PT Cafe. We both have great cooks for mother's and Mr. I is a chef and cooks home cookin' all the time, so we'd rather try something new that we can't get everyday!

So our final ADR list (at least for now is):

Weds 1/13 Le Cellier Lunch 1:30pm for 4 *
Thurs 1/14 Boma Dinner 8:50pm for 4
Fri 1/15 San Angel Inn 6:30pm for 4
Sat 1/16 Jiko 8:55pm for 2 :love:
Sun 1/17 Tutto Italia 6:35pm for 7**
Mon 1/18 LTT 11:55pm for 5
Mon 1/18 'Ohana 8:55pm for 5
Tues 1/19 Boma 8:55am for 5

*Originally wanted dinner but the items we are looking to order are on both menus so not a problem. It should be said we could have gotten a dinner ressie for Sun the 17th, our other Epcot day, but the 17th is Mr. Incredible's birthday and he's rather have Italian and his mom would rather have Italian and that's her only Epcot day. They both loved Tutto last year, as well as I did, so really, switching days wasn't an option.

**The only reservation I made with the hopes of BIL and SIL joining. It is Mr. I's birthday meal so that would be ideal if they could join. And with MLK holiday I feel the chances of them joining for that meal are better than the meals on Monday. We're too selfish to include them in on our date night. So I made it for 7.

The only ADR I'm second guessing, currently, is LTT. I've never eaten there and the sticky toffee pudding looks good, but now that CP is closed for refurb and LTT is going to be a character meal... scares me a little. I've already read about slow service. Characters can't help that !

So there ya go!!!! The ADR list!

Next up... the day to day plans, complete with CS meals to fill in the gaps!​
Great ending. I love Tutto Italia. Your pictures turned out great. I am glad that your last night had such special memories for you.:goodvibes

Thanks belle!! I love Tutto too! Really looking forward to a big meal there with the entire family, to celebrate Mr. Incredible's birthday... the boys' bdays too but mainly that meal will be for Mr. I! I thought the pictures turned out pretty well myself! One of these days I want to take a class and get a decent camera so I can do justice to all the beautiful things there are in this world!!

That last night was great!! :cloud9:

Score on the Costco return!! :banana:

I think your ADRs look great! Lots of yummy places to eat! :thumbsup2

Score!!! I still can't believe our luck! Now I'm contemplating whether we're still gonna do a garage sale!

The ADRs are shaping up nicely! Hopefully they won't change too much more! I need to stay away from the Dining Review board. Everytime I read a new yummy review, I think hmmmm maybe we should eat THERE instead! :lmao:

The only problem I've had with the online dining reservation system is I can't figure out how to cancel an ADR online.... or do you have to call to cancel? I know I need to cancel the unwanted ADRs, just hoping there's a way to do it online! Does anyone know it it's possible and if so, how?
You asked for it...

For Brook and Sare and whomever else was reading my TR that I failed to finish...

A foolish TR finally finished ( like my title twinnie??)

yes, i love the title!

Here is a link to the TR from Jan 09 Hop, Skip and a Week!! A TR full of Mayhem, Masticating and Mortification! if anyone else would like to read it before reading what this post is going to be.... the FINAL installment. I know I could ask a mod to reopen the TR but really, for one post? I figured I'd just highjack my own PRT. IF that's possible.

hijack away...

Without further ado....

We actually managed to get up fairly early the last day. It was our second day in Epcot and I wasn't about to miss Soarin'. I mean, I'd already missed Wishes, FOUR times. I wasn't gonna miss Soarin'.
darn skippy! So I took a proactive approach and asked Mr. I to bring breakfast back to the room. Breakfast for all of us, including MIL (she was referred to as Mary Poppins in the TR). So Mr. Incredible got up a little early and got ready a little faster and went and got us all something light for breakfast, as we had a reservation for lunch. So we made it to Epcot by 10am ish. Stopped to take a few pics.


Mr. I and I in front of the ball!
and looking very snazzy... nice ears!

Then we parked the moms and the boys and Mr. I and I went to the Land to get the Soarin' FPs. When we got back, we found Dash with TWO more pins. Some nice gentleman had seen that he was wearing one sole pin on his t-shirt and gave him two more. pixiedust: Love the Magic!!!
That's so sweet :love:

We took more pictures...


Another one of Mr. I and myself. I rocked the Crocs that day. They felt so good after being in tennis shoes all trip. My foot was some better.
i love this picture! You do rock the crocs!

and more pictures...


Jack-Jack cheesing it up. Love this one!
my adorable lil man!!! :love:


Dash and his Pirates shades! Notice all the pins! We're gonna get him a lanyard and make it official next trip. He really likes collecting things and what better than Disney Pins!
Nice new pins!


My absolute favorite artsy fartsy pic from the trip. I had it printed as an 8x10 and it'll be hung on the blue wall in the office


Love this one! Mr. I was watching Jack-Jack while I went photog-ing!
that IS a great one!

Our server was Mario and he was awesome!! Loved him! So funny. He really spent time with Jack-Jack - was too cute. All the servers kept walking by and touching Jack-Jack's hair and saying bellisimo! Too sweet.

Um, hello, that's *** he's FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!! :lovestruc


Jack-Jack with Mario.


Continued in next post....

Continued from previous post!

We left Italy and took some more pics as we slowly headed back around toward Canada.

Another traditional photo op spot. I have a picture of myself, at 6, in the same pose. Gonna frame the pic of me and of Dash together, at some point!
Turning into such a little man!


My second favorite artsy fartsy pic. It, too, will be an 8x10 in the office. I hope to take more pics to add to the office wall of places we've been!
i like this one, too

We eventually made our way to the Land in time for our FP window. Soarin' was as wonderful as I remembered. :lovestruc One of my faves for sure. I was anxious to see what Mr. I thought of it. However, because of the grouping of 5 and Jack-Jack not being tall enough, Mr. I rode with his Mom and I rode with my mom and Dash. We all chilled on a bench by the bathrooms, while we waited on the other group to ride. At one point, Jack-Jack was fussy so I took him into the family bathroom and nursed him asleep. By sitting criss cross apple sauce on the bathroom floor!!!

I know I know... but really what choice did I have?? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with public nursing. Lord knows I nursed him on the HM ride, in the middle of CoP. But it was dark and I was in a corner off to myself. Not in front of hundreds of people waiting to ride Soarin'. Just not something I'm comfortable with, whipping it out in front of people. So I did what I had to, and yes I was a little skeeved!! In all fairness, it had just been cleaned... and I sat on the changing pad.... like that even began to cover the surface area of my tush but it made me feel better!! And it was worth it. A very fussy Jack-Jack fell asleep. And then the real problem presented itself. How the heck was I gonna get up off the floor with a sleeping, deadweight 25 lb baby, a bum knee and a bad foot. :lmao: Real smart, gellybean! It hurt. Boy did it hurt. But I managed with a little help from the sink. I just knew I was gonna pull the sink off the wall!!! Thankfully that did not happen but man would it have fit in with the rest of the mortification on this trip!

Okay i'm trying not to laugh at this image... but i just can't help it :rotfl::lmao: and you know if i'd been there i'd be too busy laughing at you and taking pictures to help you up.... :hug:

I laid a sleeping Jack-Jack into his stroller and he stayed asleep. He was so tired by this point. We were all reunited shortly after and I'm happy to report that Mr. I really enjoyed Soarin' as well!!! :lovestruc:

After Soarin', we headed to Mousegears and did some shopping. I found a cute cute hoody that I had been looking for in my size and an antenae ball. About this time, Mom decided she wanted to head over to MK. We had a 7 day pass, and had only used 6 days and were leaving the next day too early to go into a park. So I had called some CM somewhere in the Disney ether and asked if you could do two parks in one day if you were willing to use two days off your pass. She said sure. So Mom wanted to catch Wishes. And she wanted to prove she could do it all by herself. She has a friend that keeps bugging her to do a trip and she's never been to Disney without me or my sister. So she was wanted to try it out, knowing I was just a phone call away. I was all for it.

i remember you texting me about this at the time

She headed out and Mr. I and I were going to ride Test Track and Mission Space. We had barely covered Future World on our first Epcot day and Mr. I really enjoyed the theory of those two rides so we were going to do those. Until we picked up on what MIL was emoting.

Up til this point, she'd been all for sitting on a bench, watching the boys for us. But she was exhausted and cranky and wanted to go back to the room. Well that was fine. Except she wouldn't go back without us. She was scared she'd get lost. Both boys were passed out in their strollers at this point.


Dash was out!
This picture cracks me up


As was Jack-Jack.
look at his chubby lil cheeks!!

If you'll remember, this was the same woman that refused, the day BEFORE, to push a sleeping Jack-Jack in his stroller from CoP to Cosmic Ray's because she wanted to let him sleep. :confused: Well, today her story was different. She was all for waking BOTH boys up so she could go back to the hotel. :scared1: Not exactly consistent with her tune the day before. To say I was a little miffed at this point, well that would be putting it delicately.


What choice did we have? Force her to sit on a bench watching two strollers, containing two snoring boys while we went and had fun?

Uh, YEAH. Duh. Of course that's what you do! :confused3


Well, we had contemplated going into MK ourselves and using that extra park day to see Wishes. Until I get a call from my mom. The information we had was wrong. You can't use two days on your park pass at once. Which makes sense, really. I mean it's cheaper to buy 3 extra days than a park hopper and if they let you just use extra days, everyone would do that instead of shelling out $50 a person for hoppers. Thankfully, Mom was her sweet little old lady, southern charming self and told the CM what we had been told and that she just wanted to see Wishes but understood and would never want to break protocal and they let her in!! THAT'S why I love Disney so much! So my mom, walked up to the train station, parked herself on the bench and just people watched until Wishes started. She said the crowds were considerably less that night since there was no EMH and no Spectro. Something we're going to take into consideration next trip!

i still wish you had gone with her so you would get to see Wishes. i still feel bad that you had to miss it the whole trip! :hug:

So now that I knew we couldn't get into MK-something I'm glad I knew before loading all of us up and catching a bus to MK-we had to decide what to do. MIL was heading to bed for the night. And it was like 6:30. She was EXHAUSTED. Something else I'm taking into consideration next trip... less days for MIL. She gave us the keys to her Mimi mobile as I called it all week and we decided to head over to DTD one last time.

This night was one of my favorite nights. Which, frankly, surprised me. But it was one of my most warm and fuzzy moments of the trip.
awwwww :lovestrucIt was just the four of us and it was great! Gave me hope that we can do a trip without extra help. yes, you canWe shopped some, but not much. DTD was still really crowded as the parks were closing early for Winter hours. We ate at WPE again.


Eating... again! How he found room after lunch, I have no idea!! Remember me saying to watch his cheeks as the week progressed!! It was nice to see though, after he had lost 10 % of his body weightwith the scarlet fever! But he's so darn CUTE with fat little cheeks!

Next we got sundaes at Ghiradelli and just soaked it all in. Walked around some and then headed back to the hotel about 9pm. I let the boys go on to the room and I bought all the souvies I had been looking at all week, from Everything Pop. There wasn't anything at WoD that I wanted that I couldn't get at the Pop gift shop. Ahhh, more late-night shopping!
When I got back to the room, Mom had just gotten back from Wishes and had thoroughly enjoyed herself! She was on :cloud9: herself and MIL was feeling much better having rested and gone to Everything Pop to get herself something to eat. We started packing up and getting ready to leave the next day.


Mr. I packing up.Ummmm it looks more like he's trashing the room, to be honest... "Let me just grab one more thing to throw on the bed..."


Jack-Jack playing with his new toys, glad to be out of the stroller!Hehe the familiar sight of Jack-jack sans pants.

We woke up around 9am our last morning, finished packing and triple checked the room that we hadn't left anything. Said bye to our rooms on the first floor of the 60s building and took our luggage to bell services. I took a few last pictures of the Pop lobby and then we ate breakfast.


One last Pop Waffle!!I think Mr. I was done with pics by this point :rotfl:Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm waffles!

Eventually it was time to load up on the ME. We hugged and kissed MIL and said our goodbyes and loaded up. When we arrived at MCO we found out that our flight was delayed. So we camped out at the foodcourt, ate McD's, and did some of Dash's homework. Took some pictures.


Mom wanted on it next. Said she's hadn't been on one since she was in her 20s. Her face cracks me up in this picture!
Yep she looks like she's remembering being 25 and looking at you wondering how she got here so fast! :rolleyes1

Nooooo it can't be over!

IT was a great trip. Looking back 10 months later, it was a really great trip. We definitely had our (ok my) frustrations but it was a wonderful, memory making, hubby brainwashing trip. Heheheh :lmao: i need one of those.It felt like Jack-Jack was so big but looking back now he was so little. I don't care that he won't remember it. We will.

Can't wait to go back again, and again. And watch the boys grow up with the Mouse! And maybe take that couples trip just us. I just don't think I'll ever tire of it. It's so much more than a place, it's a state of mind. It's a promise of better times.

Thanks for putting up with me highjacking my own PTR!! I promise Dining plans for our 2010 trip, next update!!

Thank you for finishing your TR for me!!!! lulu! :hug:
Okay now..... Your ADRs are gonna be great, and i'm still impressed at your quick-thinking approach to making them ahead of time...sneaky girl!

Yay for Costco giving the money back - and in cash, no less. Whoot!!!

i have no advice re cancelling the online ADRs, sorry.

PS those photos you wanted to see are on Facebook now :goodvibes
:yay: you finished your TR! Love it! There is SO much to comment on, I'll try to remember it all:

- So sweet about someone giving Dash the extra pins! :wizard:
- Love the pics of you and Mr. I, you got some really great ones.
- And of course, love the pics of the kids! Adorable as always!
- Great artsy shots in Italy too. :thumbsup2 If I remember, I might steal your angles...for pictures for the house! Great idea!
- That stinks about having to nurse on the floor - but I SO understand why. You are a good Momma for enduring that. :goodvibes I was laughing out loud at the thought of the sink coming off the wall, I can completely picture it....:eek: :lmao:
- Sorry to hear about the stuff with MIL wanting to go back to the room at 4! :sad2: BUT, it turned into a great night for just you four, so that is perfect!

And I was giggling at your ADR story - I even told Joe who started to laugh with me. It is SO something we would do too!!!!! :rotfl: Score on the $866 CASH. Woot!!!!! :yay:

Your ADRs look great! Boma breakfast. Drooooooooooool. How I love thee! It is worth getting up for!
Okay now..... Your ADRs are gonna be great, and i'm still impressed at your quick-thinking approach to making them ahead of time...sneaky girl!

Yay for Costco giving the money back - and in cash, no less. Whoot!!!

i have no advice re cancelling the online ADRs, sorry.

PS those photos you wanted to see are on Facebook now :goodvibes

Thanks for all the comments through the TR finale, Sare!! I can't figure out how to quote your quotes without quoting the whole two posts again!! :confused3

hehe @ booking at midnight. Someone else needs to try that to see if it'll work!!

Costco return was awesome!! I was already pretty hooked on them but now I'm definitely a customer for life. Now they have gotten smart and have limited their lifetime return policy on cell phones, laptops, ipods, cameras, tv's etc to a 90 day return policy. And I can't blame them. I knew a guy that would buy a laptop from them and return it yearly. So I'm sure they had to adjust their policy but it does work on everything else!

Need to call and cancel those ADRs this week!!

Saw the pics!! Awesome :)

:yay: you finished your TR! Love it! There is SO much to comment on, I'll try to remember it all:

- So sweet about someone giving Dash the extra pins! :wizard:

It was sweet! My mom says the guy was a 'manager' for Innoventions. One of the pins Dash got was a pirate Mickey, almost in a vinylamation likeness so he LOVES that one. He may trade the other two and we may get him a lanyard this trip if he's starting to get into it on his own.

- Love the pics of you and Mr. I, you got some really great ones.

Awww thanks!! I always seem to remember on the last day to take more pictures! I think I doubled our entire pic count for the trip, on that last Epcot day.

- And of course, love the pics of the kids! Adorable as always!

Thanks !!

- Great artsy shots in Italy too. :thumbsup2 If I remember, I might steal your angles...for pictures for the house! Great idea!

Steal away!!

- That stinks about having to nurse on the floor - but I SO understand why. You are a good Momma for enduring that. :goodvibes I was laughing out loud at the thought of the sink coming off the wall, I can completely picture it....:eek: :lmao:

:lmao: It is funny now... but I was seriously feeling the pressure, knowing there were people waiting for the family restroom and I needed to get up off that floor!! Hopefully this trip I won't have a knee and foot injury. And of course Jack-Jack isn't nursing anymore!

- Sorry to hear about the stuff with MIL wanting to go back to the room at 4! :sad2: BUT, it turned into a great night for just you four, so that is perfect!

It did turn out great. I just couldn't believe the 180 she took. *sigh* I think it just proved that her not wanting to push a sleeping Jack-Jack in his stroller the day before was more an indication of her wanting to sit on the bench than not wanting to push Jack-Jack. :rolleyes1

And I was giggling at your ADR story - I even told Joe who started to laugh with me. It is SO something we would do too!!!!! :rotfl: Score on the $866 CASH. Woot!!!!! :yay:

Heheheh This will forever be the trip with the food paid for by an elliptical machine! :rotfl: Glad I'm not the only one to sell an exercise machine for high caloric intake! :thumbsup2

Your ADRs look great! Boma breakfast. Drooooooooooool. How I love thee! It is worth getting up for!

I'm definitely looking forward to Boma breakfast... but lately I've read some less than favorable opinions of Boma dinner buffet... Have you and Joe eaten there for dinner? Thoughts?

:cheer2: for page 3!!! If anyone else is reading, don't be shy :flower3:

Sorry for the delay in posts, everyone!!
:sick: I've been sick this weekend.... woke up Friday morning with a stomach virus and it only lasted about 24 hrs but I still feel beat up and puney. Thank God the kids and Mr. I haven't caught it. Dash did miss his first day of school on Friday though because I was literally incapable of getting him there. But 1 absence, hopefully, for the whole first semester should make next semester easier to miss 5 days for Disney!!
My mom did drive the hour and half from her house Friday morning and stayed through Sunday. :love: her. She was just a great help! I thought my house was clean before she got here..... :rolleyes: She rearranged my pantry, helped Dash clean out his closet, matched socks, did copious loads of laundry. She's 66 and put me to shame! :rotfl: Which makes me wonder why she thinks she can't go to Disney... :sad2: After I started feeling better Saturday evening, I showed her some pictures of AKL since she wasn't on our date last year. ;)

She really liked the looks of it too, though I don't think the pics even begin to do it justice. She is now talking about taking a trip in May with a good friend of hers. So she's getting excited about it. I'm a little sad that she's not going with us, but glad that she'll get a whole new type of trip. I know she loves going with her grandkids, but I'm also sure that it adds extra work and responsibilty to her, too. A trip, with just a girlfriend, will be a nice change for her! :goodvibes

I'm gonna try to get an update done tonight or tomorrow...

The next update is gonna be a To Do List and Arrival Day Plans!!​
Your ticker is under 2 months!!! :cool1::banana:

i'm glad you're feeling better but i'm so sorry you were sick :sick:

Yay for your mom coming to look after you and your boys :love:
Your ticker is under 2 months!!! :cool1::banana:

i'm glad you're feeling better but i'm so sorry you were sick :sick:

Yay for your mom coming to look after you and your boys :love:

:cool1: for under 2 months!

Feeling much better, though still not 100%. Gave me a good jump in the weight loss dept though hehehe. I think I lost about 7 lbs last weekend! :woohoo: Not a great way to lose it but I'll take it.

I'm glad you are better! Hooray for your mother! That was so sweet of her... :goodvibes

Thanks Wigd!! It was very sweet of her, and I'm bummed to report I got her sick!! :sick: She claims her case was much milder, thankfully, and she's already feeling better. Whatever bug it is, it's a fast one, thank God!

okay I am caught up:)

:welcome: Thanks for reading!
Now that I'm feeling better, and things are back into a somewhat normal schedule for our little family, it's time for that to do list and Day 1 Itinerary post!


The to do's are things I need to get done now, definitely not a master to do list for the trip.

  • Request copy of Jack-Jack's birth certifiate to prove he's under 2
  • Cancel unwanted ADRs, via phone or online if can figure out how :rolleyes1 DONE! Figured out how to do it online!
  • Call Pirate League and try to get an appt for Dash on MLK day :scared: I'm keeping this one a surprise in case they are booked or the park is just swamped that day
  • Work on a Countdown Calendar
  • Work on Master packing list
  • Start picking up a few things (ie travel size tolietries, Disney T-shirts, treats, etc) here and there to make it easier on the budget
  • Open new Utility deposit to get old account deposit back :yay:
  • File Dental Claim on Dash's secondary insurance to get a refund of $168 back :banana:

That's it for now! The utility deposit thing is kinda a long story but I'll try to keep it short. We bought the house we were living in, renting from my parents actually, last April. So the waster water, water, sewer and trash were all in my parents name. Over the years, with a different tenant for two of those years, the utility deposit grew from disconnects. :lmao: There's a $500 deposit built up on the account, and opening a new account is only a $100 deposit. I need to pay the new account deposit and Mom is going to give us the old deposit, since we paid the bill for the last 3 years anyway!

As you can see, we are paying for this trip with really imaginative funds! :laughing: Dental claims, utility deposit, returning an elliptical machine, catching that our Home Owner's insurance was double paid for 5 mths with the confusion of the house purchase.

For those doing the math, :teacher:

$168 dental claim
$866 Costco elliptical return
$400 net difference from utility account
$178 from Home owner's insurance double coverage
$200 from Mother in law's portion of the room


Balance due before deposit that's already been paid... 1815!!! :dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :worship: :banana: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :woohoo:

PAID for! We're charging the whole trip on my mom's SW Visa so she can get more points for free flights. But the trip will be paid for by all of those weird money finds.

All that will be left to pay for is the DDP and souvies and echnically we have $200 overage to pay toward the DDP. I'm going to add DDP about a week before we go so it's on another billing cycle of mom's visa and gives me an extra 30 days to pay her back! And yes I called Disney and made sure we could pay this off on a credit card that won't be with us when we check in. They said no problem. :woohoo:


Monday, January 11th

Pick Dash up from school, as usual
Take Jasper, out doxle, to dog sitter
Finish packing
Hope Mr. I gets home around 6pm so he can pack himself, not that I wouldn't do it for him, he actually likes to do it himself! :scared1:
Load car up that night, except for things needs for light over night bag
Finish last minute house details, hate coming home to a messy house

Tuesday, January 12th

Wake the boys up at normal going to school time 7:00am
Eat light breakfast, take snacks with us
Leave the house by 7:30am
Arrive AUS airport around 8:15am. Toll road traffic should be fine, but this still allows for hitting morning rush hour some
Long term park and shuttle to the terminal
Check in Southwest, free bags!
Ck bags all the way through to ME (learned last year it's too hard with two kids, stroller, and all our bags!)
Eat breafkast again if hungry
Be in boarding area, group A hopefully by 9:30am
Flight leaves AUS 10:20am
Arrives MCO 1:45 :cloud9:
ME to AKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2:
Check in to AKL, hope room is ready
Explore resort some, grab lunch if hungry, otherwise gets our tushes to MK
MK afternoon til 8pm
Bus back to AKL
Dinner at Mara

MK Day 1 Park Goals:
IASW has to be first -family tradition
Splash Mtn
SM (if open)

My goal is to cover all the must do's for MK this afternoon evening because our other MK day is MLK day so I'm expecting ridiculous crowds. However, everything I'm reading says the crowds are bad for January, not necessarily bad for June crowd standards, so I'm optimistic but realistic at the same time. If we have to head back to the hotel on our last day and enjoy it until our dinner reservation at 'Ohana, then that's one more reason I'm glad we upgraded to AKL!

Stay tuned for Day 2's plans!!!!​
Your PTR is so much fun to read, you are so clever! :) And your elliptical adventure may or may not have added to the wait time until we purchase one of our own! :lmao:


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