You won't believe what I bought today......

Sandra B.

DIS Veteran
Sep 28, 1999
...... a pair of lime green glow-in-the-dark earrings:) :)
I will probably look silly wearing those, but I just had to buy them:rolleyes:
That is great Sandra! Between your green, glow in the dark ear rings and Barb's green glove, we shold be able to see y'all easier to follow you at

RaySharpton :)
How cool! And, silly-I think not! How can that be any sillier than me walking around in 80º weather with a lime green glove on my hand sticking it up in the air? Or how about all of us walking around with tiaras and other wild and wacky head gear? Or Marsha's Tommy wearing a tiara into the men's room? (I love that story!) You will be right at home, Sandra! Can't wait to see you again!! :D
Of course, I don't think that it's silly. I love it.

As a matter of fact, I'm still looking for those battery operated, blinking holiday lights that I can wear around on my neck....and maybe my cap.

As the season gets closer, y'all keep an eye out for those things for me. Last year the Orlando locals said that they sold them at Walmart, but I couldn't find any in Atlanta.

If you see them on-line somewhere, please send me the web site so that I can order a few.

Yes......I said a few. If I'm going to be blinking at night...I want to make sure that I'm well
Hey, they'll go with my lime green nail polish and lip stick.
Surprisely that lip stick don't look so bad. Who would have thought.

I've even been keeping an eye out for lime green clothing to wear and I got a lime green bag at K-mart when they closed.

Nobody will be able to miss the DISCONers in our lime green colors.
They sell those lights by me at our Christmas shop from around October. If you can't get any just let me know and I will get you some.

Whoops, nearly forgot - Sandra i think your ear rings sound cool!!

It doesnt, sorry Ray. Its just a little garden centre that open a Christmas Shop for the holidays.

Speaking of lime green

Had to get a new toothbrush last night. Went to the stash and guess what I pulled up.

Yes a lime green toothbrush. What is this world coming to.
Lime green, it use to be a simple color, unopposing in its simplicity but now.....

Eeekkk It's everywhere!!!!! :rolleyes:
It's so funny!! I'm still buying Lime Green "stuff" whenever I get the chance. I just bought me a lime green skirt suit. Yep, lime green. I want to make sire that the judges give me a moment of their time :) :)

My kids have asked me when I'm going to stop buying lime green for them too :) They all have at least one new lime green outfit. Guess I'm stating early for the DIS CON III :)

Ray, I thought that you were going to say that you wanted to make sure that people seen you, instead on you wanted to make sure that you'll be covered. In any event, I know everyone else at WDW will look and wonder what all you "fun loving" people are all about :) Wish I could be there, but looking forward to see all the pictures,
:wave: Hi Gerri. :wave: I think that judge will HAVE TO make time for you this time. ;) Good Luck with that. :) :wave:
Oh Tia!! I didn't make myself clear. My new job has many duties including accompaning other parents to court. I stand in front of the judge and represent Systems of Care as their Parent Advocate.

My time in front of the judge on Samantha was last week. They decided to not decide AGAIN!!:mad: :mad:

For some reason the DA just doesn't want to try this case. Instead, they have now decided to leave her in long term foster care (in our home) with visits w/her father:mad:

So my saga, or should I say Sam's saga continues. It will be three years in August.

I plan on wearing my lime green suit to court this week. I have to be there three times this week with other parents.
I bought a Lime Green tshirt at Talbots this weekend. (I have not tried it on, I have a feeling I will look pretty bad in lime green. Hopefully, no one will run away screaming!)


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