Your Best Magical Moments...

These stories make me so happy :goodvibes:

I have quite a few, but one that stands out comes from my College Program. Me and my best friend both had the day off work on my 19th birthday, so we decided we'd celebrate with a day hanging out at MK. It's been a dream of mine since I was little to be at WDW for my birthday, but that's not the big magical moment (although it was pretty flippin' awesome!). The part that made my jaw drop was at the end when we were walking through the park towards the exit at park closing (and I mean the entire park, we'd been in Frontierland). We saw a CM standing outside Yankee Trader, and she saw my birthday pin and wished me a happy birthday. Pretty much as soon as my "thank you" left my mouth, she appeared with two bags of cotton candy (I have NO idea where these came from, she hadn't had them a second before), one for each of us, and said they were a birthday gift from Mickey! I was grinning like a crazy person, positively skipping the rest of the walk through Liberty Square and Main Street. I felt so proud to be an undercover CM at that moment, it's so awesome how they go out of their way to make guests feel special!
- Having a CM bring DD ice cream from the Main Street Parlor right as Tink flew during Wishes. She told DD that Tink had asked her to deliver it. So sweet!

- DD riding the Barnstormer with Goofy.

- DD opening ToonTown with Minnie.
In 2003 we went to WDW with our kids who were 5 and 18 months at the time. When I was making our reservations the CM on the phone asked me if this trip was for a special reason or what we were celebrating. I kind of got choked up and quickly told her that our 5 year old son had undergone open heart surgery and ended up getting really sick with a staph infection. It was touch and go for awhile with him and he was hospitalized for over a month. During that time we begged and pleaded with him to get better and promised to take him anywhere in the world if he would just get better. He eventually did get better and we asked him where he wanted to go and he picked WDW. The CM was very nice about it and nothing more was said.

On our first night there we had a knock on our door around 7 pm. A CM handed dh a big Mickey Mouse bag, there was a note that told us to have a magical vacation. The bag had a stuffed Mickey for our son and a Minnie for our daughter, tons of food, and other things. We couldn't figure out why we got this so dh called the front desk. He inquired about the bag and was put on hold. The lady came back on the line and said that they understood that we had a rough year and they wanted to make our trip magical.

I cried and my dh almost did. It was such a kind thing for them to do for us.


It still chokes me up when I think about it.

glad your son is ok now and it just brought tears to my eyes we also are having some hard times with my 4 yr old son who has craniosynostsis and had to have an emergency surgery in Nov we we supposed to leave Dec 9 but had to put it off to Jan
All of our Disney trips have had magical moments anything from small upgrades to a nice act of kindness from cm's, but this trip Dec.11 thru 17th had a very special magical moment for my dh and myself.
The very special magical moment happened before we arrived to Disney it was the day my dr's released me to go as I have been critically ill since June and thought we'd have to cancel our trip and from that moment on every moment after has been magical especially when we arrived and got off the bus to our resort and my dh hugged me and said everything will be alright we have God and Mickey on our side.
The next favorite memorable magical moment I remember is when we were at Wilderness Lodge and they had a choir singing in front of tree and the words in one of their songs said "all you need is to believe and it will happen" just wanted I needed to hear.
Now that we are home I can look back on those magical moments we had to keep me going.

Here's hoping everyone finds so many magical moments to remember for a lifetime.
Waking up real early (jet-lag). Not even breakfast yet, that didn't open till 6 am.

So we went for a short walk around the resort (POFQ) and watched it come to life. Birds all over, CM'rs cleaning the paths, taking care of the trees and plants. Just looking around, the peace and quiet, the beautifull grounds, all the little details taken care off.

Yep, pure magic that :)
During the Year of A Million Dreams, we had a wonderful little pixie dust moment.:tinker:

I remember our party of 4 exiting BTMRR and being greeted by CM's on the exit path that handed everyone mouse ear hats!
So cool! :earsboy::earsgirl:

I guess it was the PP's name that reminded me!
My most magical moment was during our last trip. I timed it so that DS and I would be on Dumbo during Wishes! :cloud9: It was the most magical time, I sang and cried at the same time! :goodvibes
I'm hoping I will have another one to post here after my trip in February, but here is the best one I have for now.

My 2 younger sisters and I went on a trip (our first as adults) in September of 2008, during The Year of a Million Dreams. We were in DHS and decided to ride the Backlot before lunch. This was when you still walked through the prop factory and saw actually sets (Golden Girls! :rotfl2:). They were letting people in and stopped the line as we got to the front. We were all pretty hungry and didn't want to wait, but the CM said it would be worth it to wait for the next group. We chatted with him for a bit and then we went in. I don't remember the exact order of how it used to go, but I think we watched the show and then walked through the prop warehouse to get to the ride vehicle. We were all stopped 3/4 of the way through the warehouse by a CM. Once everyone was in she announced that due to The Year of a Million Dreams, we were all getting the lanyards with the ride FPs on them. We were definitely happy to have waited for the next ride after that! I still have the empty lanyard. Oh, and we didn't go in to see Beauty and the Beast since we had already seen it, so we gave our FPs off the lanyard to a family of 3 that were waiting in line for it. :goodvibes
During the Year of A Million Dreams, we had a wonderful little pixie dust moment.:tinker:

I remember our party of 4 exiting BTMRR and being greeted by CM's on the exit path that handed everyone mouse ear hats!
So cool! :earsboy::earsgirl:

I guess it was the PP's name that reminded me!

A have a Magical Moment that happened during the Year of a Million Dreams.

First, a bit of background. My wife was in the College Program in 1991. She worked at River Country. About 3 years later she needed brain surgery, and as a result, she does not have many memories of her time at Disney.

So, we are waiting for a monorail and my wife starts to cry. The CM comes over and asks why she is crying. She tells her the story, and then the CM asks me where we are staying, our names, and contact info. That night, we get a call in our room. The head of Disny transportation asks us if we had time for a private tour. Of course.

So, we meet the next day by the boats at MK. We get on a private boat and head over toward the area where River Country was. We take a look from the lake, and then the pilot says he wants to dock.

We then get out and walk into the old River Country. The head of the Campground comes over and opens up the padlock on the gate, and we go back into the untouched area. They tell us that nobody comes back here anymore. The water work start on my wife, myself, and most of the peole with us. It was amazing.

They then take us to the area where my wife actually worked, and she start cyring again. It was the most amazing thing.

I have pictures of that day, and the memories are what Disney is all about.
A have a Magical Moment that happened during the Year of a Million Dreams.

First, a bit of background. My wife was in the College Program in 1991. She worked at River Country. About 3 years later she needed brain surgery, and as a result, she does not have many memories of her time at Disney.

So, we are waiting for a monorail and my wife starts to cry. The CM comes over and asks why she is crying. She tells her the story, and then the CM asks me where we are staying, our names, and contact info. That night, we get a call in our room. The head of Disny transportation asks us if we had time for a private tour. Of course.

So, we meet the next day by the boats at MK. We get on a private boat and head over toward the area where River Country was. We take a look from the lake, and then the pilot says he wants to dock.

We then get out and walk into the old River Country. The head of the Campground comes over and opens up the padlock on the gate, and we go back into the untouched area. They tell us that nobody comes back here anymore. The water work start on my wife, myself, and most of the peole with us. It was amazing.

They then take us to the area where my wife actually worked, and she start cyring again. It was the most amazing thing.

I have pictures of that day, and the memories are what Disney is all about.

That's sweet...:flower3:

OMG, these stories are incredible. I keep tearing up at my desk!

On our Aug. 2010 trip, dd was 5. She had been looking for Minnie Mouse the entire trip. On our way out of Epcot for our midday rest/swim time back at the resort, we passed by the inside Character Spot. She saw Minnie through the window and asked if we could go and get her picture taken.

Looking through the window, we didn't see much of a line, so we told her we'd stop. Well, when we opened that door, lo and behold the line snaking all through the place! We told her that the line was really long and that we'd come back later and get a picture with Minnie. She didn't throw a fit, she didn't make a face, but a tear did start sliding down her face. On the way out the door, a CM asked her what was wrong. We just explained that she wanted to see Minnie, but that we planned to come back later because the line was so long.

The CM got down on one knee in front of my dd and asked her if she'd like a magical moment. Her eyes got really big and she nodded quietly. She then took us - me, dh, dd and ds (9 at the time) - to the front of the line and told the CMs there that she had a special family with her. We got to have our pictures taken with Minnie, Mickey, Pluto, Goofy, Donald and Daisy, and Chip and Dale. It was the highlight of our trip and of any Disney trip we've ever taken.

Disney CMs are awesome! :lovestruc
We were at MK for my daughter's 5th birthday (and 1st trip). After taking pictures of her BBB makeover, she decided that she wanted to change out of her princess dress. As we were walking out of the bathroom, we ran into Alice and the White Rabbit coming out of the CM area behind the bathrooms. I asked where they were going so that we could follow and have them sign my daughter's autograph book. Alice said that they were going near the teacups and then she saw my daughter's birthday button and asked her if she would like to ride on the teacups with them. They walked hand-in-hand with her over to the teacups (to the amazement of my husband who had no idea what was going on!) and climbed in with her. She (and we!) could not stop beaming! I thought those things only happened in Disney brochures--LOL!

Two years ago, after my younger brother was dx w/ terminal cancer, my youngest brother & his family came to FL for a long overdue family get-together. We took my girls (4), his daughter and my granddaughter to the MK and had a VERY magical moment w/ Alice near the tea cups. It was awesome! She took time to talk to each of the girls and then accompanied them on a special tea cup ride. Seriously one of the best moments of MY life.
One of my favorite memories was kind of three fold.

1. One day while waiting for the mid-day parade at MK a CM was trying to get kids to hula hoop. No one was trying. My DS (10) finally got the nerve to step out and try. He did a great job and "broke the ice" for other kids to go out. Just before the parade the original CM came over to us and handed my son a set of pixie dust pins for helping other kids get the courage to try the hula hoop. He explained that the first pin was for him to keep but the second one was for him to give to someone who my son saw do something special while at DW.
2. Fast forward to the next day. We were on the boardwalk and my DD (7) was trying to win a prize on one of the carnival games. She was disappointed that she didn't win when a newlywed couple came up to her and gave her the stuffed animal that they had just won playing the game. How sweet!
3. Then as we tried to walk away our DS stopped us and ran back to the bride and gave her his other pixie dust pin. When we explained to the couple why he gave it to her we all had happy tears!

Another was when we got picked to ride in the parade at AK. We were just about to call it a day when a CM stopped us and asked if we were planning on watching the parade. We half-heartedly said we probably would. He then asked if we wanted VIP seating. Now we were a little more interested in the parade. Then he told us he wanted us to ride in the parade. What a great surprise.
We have also had many magical Disney moments. The best one happened this past March. We were in MK for my DD 5th birthday and she got a makeover at the BBB. My DW brought her to the photoshoot after. Later on that evening, we were in front of the castle to watch Wishes when the Magic, Memories, & You show started. After watching in awe for a few minutes, I figured I should take a few pictures of the castle with the different designs and pictures on it. I snapped a few pictures.... moments later, friends we were with started screaming that DD was on the castle. I couldn't believe it! Then I remembered I was taking pictures at about that exact moment. I went through my pictures and I caught a picture with my DD on the castle!

That's my DD on the bottom left of the castle...


And this was the PP picture they used....


How awesome is that!! V had one of the first appointments of the day and she was Cinderella at BBB at the photoshoot, the fairy godmother swooped in for some pictures, and I am almost certain that V's picture was up there with the Fairy Godmother about 99% sure. I wish there was some way to go back and tell! lol
Last summer was my first trip ever and I am the Disney nerd of the family and I had dreamed my whole life of going but we could never afford it or it was bad timing but we went this past August and the whole trip was just MAGICAL! The moments that pop into my head are pretty simple though.

Like turning 21 in Animal Kingdom (don't know why I chose AK, I just wanted to see the Tree of Life on my 21st birthday, I've always admired it in pictures)

The first day we did MK, we skipped Peter Pan's Flight because it was such a long wait time and we didn't see the big deal, we thought it was a ride for babies. On our last day we decided to go, and we get in and the boat is going along on the tracks, and all of a sudden the track ends and me any my sister were so confused and worried maybe the ride had broken down, but then that INCREDIBLE moment where we were lifted into he air and it was like we were actually flying was just....I heard my parents gasp behind us, and I'll never forget that moment.

And of course crying during TMMY and Wishes, not believing I was actually there, and then looking over at sister and seeing her crying. That moment where Ariel says "I wish I could be part of that world!" just killed me both times, because I had been wishing to be in WDW for so long.

I don't care what anyones says, Disney's still got it and I will always be a Disney nerd:)


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