your first digital camera


Photo board moderator
Jan 9, 2006
The question about what caused each of us to switch to a dSLR got me thinking about previous digital cameras I've owned. My list is moderate:

The first one I used was in 1996, a borrowed


The Apple Quicktake 150

It had a whopping 640x480 resolution and a flash that blinded unsuspecting subjects

A few weeks later I purchased a used:


Kodak DC20

I paid $125 for it which was a bargain over the $350 street price new at the time. But it was a step down in a resolution of 320x240 and had an 16 photo capacity (that was halved when set to a slightly higher resolution). No flash on it either but this was far more portable and far less than the $600 the Apple cameras were going for.

I used that for a year or so then graduated in about 1998 to the


Sony Mavica MVC-FD7

Not only did this have an actual screen to review images and shoot with (no viewfinder), it's capacity was unlimited (with an unlimited supply of floppy disks). I added the wide angle lens and got a lot of use out of that camera. When my wife and I toured Europe for 2 weeks, I brought along a box of 1000 floppies and filled them all.

After that I missed shutter and aperture control too much and moved on in 2001 to the


Canon Powershot G3

which I still have and still use. Next step was the Canon Rebel XT in either 2005 or 2006. It was right at the point where the Rebel XTI was about to be announced causing a sudden inventory clearing drop in the XT's price.
Here is my list by approximate date:

2000 - Generic 640x480 (hand me down)
X-mas 2001 - Olympus D460 1.3MP (it just broke on my dad about a month ago!)
Late 2003 - Canon A70 3.2MP (replaced under sensor recall with an A520 that I gave to DMIL)
Late 2004 - Canon S1IS 3.2MP (also replaced under sensor recall with a S2IS 5MP that the DDs still use)
Oct 2006 - Pentax K100d 6MP
May 2008 - Nikon S210 8MP for a pocket camera
Nov 2009 - Pentax K-x 12MP
1999 Fuji MX 1200 1.3 MP
2003 Fuji A330 4MP
2005 Canon Rebel XT
2010 Canon 50D

I've bought a couple others along the way for my kids.
2002 Vivitar 640x480 (DD)
2008 Fuji S1000 (DD)
2010 Pentax Optio W80 (DS)
From mid 1999-mid 2000 I worked for a company building an MP3 product. However, the company also made flash memory controller cards, and early on in that employment I had the chance to play with digital cameras. They seemed like fun, but not quite ready for prime time.

I don't remember what made me change my mind, but in October 2000 I bought this:


1280 x 960 images on a "SmartMedia" card. And I loved that little camera!


The camera lasted until June 2003, when it suffered one drop too many (I'm glad to say that the coup de grace was delivered by my wife, not me!). I upgraded to another Fuji, the FinePix S304.

3 Megapixel and 6x optical zoom, this was another cracking little camera. I even started using it to try taking show photographs (though that was a bit of a failure!)

I didn't have a lot of luck with that camera, though... one day it just wouldn't switch on.

I was already thinking of replacing it, however, as it was becoming clear it wouldn't do well for show photographs. I foolishly thought that the Fuji S7000 would do the job.

This was an interesting camera; it had two photosites for every pixel, to capture a wider dynamic range. Unfortunately I never really felt that the pictures it gave me were properly sharp... But I did get to capture some images I liked.

Then one day the zoom controls stopped working. I was so frustrated - I'd spent a fortune on various Fuji gear and it had all just given up on me. I put the camera back in its box, and sellotaped a nice letter onto it, explaining that I knew it was out of warranty, but could I please just have my money back. I posted it without any great hopes, but at least Fuji would need to work out what to do with the camera I sent them.

Surprisingly they sent back a really nice letter and a cheque for the camera's value, and in May 2005 I bought a Canon Powershot Pro1.

An absolutely superb camera which delighted me until it got caught in a tropical storm in Taiwan - it wasn't waterproof!


This camera was so good that when I bought a dSLR, I was disappointed with it for a long time, until I bought an L series lens for it. Then it started to match the quality of the Pro1!

After the Pro1 died, I bought a Canon G10, which is good - but somehow not quite as good as the Pro1...

My very first digital camera was a Sony Mavica. I purchased it when I needed a camera to start selling on ebay. It was the fall of '99 and I loved the ease of taking pics on a floppy and going right to the computer with the pictures to do my listings. It was a great camera and I used the heck out of it thru probably 4-5 years of ebaying. After the Mavica I had a Canon pns for a while before purchasing my first dSLR .. a Nikon D40. My current camera is a Nikon D300.

Mine was the HP Photosmart 315. 2.1 glorious megapixels! I think it cost me $300. Decent little camera and built like a tank. It takes CF cards, the 16 MB one it came with was inadequate so we also dropped another $80 to get a huge 64 MB card! :rotfl:
First one was an HP in 1997 or 1998, I think. Fixed lens, .9mp.



(YES, I did the yardwork after taking that picture!)

Then a Kodak, 2.1mp. That was a nice digital camera; it had great color fidelity.



Then, my first really good one, a Fuji Finepix 602z. 3.9mp extrapolated to 5mp, shot in RAW, 5fps. That was a damn nice camera. I remember getting a 1G Compact Flash Microdrive for it; the card cost over $200. That camera took 2 trips to Hawaii, and saw a lot of air shows.



But the Fuji was a big, heavy point and shoot, and I wanted something smaller, so I got a Nikon P5000, which I still have and use. It's a nice camera for food pics, because it is small.



But the Nikon doesn't shoot RAW and only does a 3X zoom, so I got a Canon G9 the next year. The Canon has decent zoom.



Then I was frustrated by all the adjustments being stuffed away in menus, so I bought a DSLR, a Canon 40D. I was very happy.



After a couple years with the 40D, I got a 7D.



And then I was frustrated by the size of the DSLR, and got an Olympus E-P1.


2002 - Canon D60 - Stolen in 2003

2003 - Canon 10D

2005 - Canon 1D Mark II

2007 - Pentax W30 - Died 2009

2008 - Canon 5D Mark II

2008 - Canon G9

2009 - Canon D10

2010 - Canon 7D
Wow. Many of you have been using digital for years! :) I used various film P&S cameras until DS was born....then upgraded to a Nikon N60 (film). Used that until January of 2009 when I finally (after much scrimping & saving!) bought my Nikon D90. So the D90 is my first, and only, digital camera.
I just took my old camera out of the bag to pack up chargers and stuff for our Disney trip a few weeks ago. Now I can't remember where I put the stupid thing.

This is my collection of cameras minus the one I can't find....


First camera was a Casio QV-10A shown on left above, bought sometime around 1995?. A whole 0.25 MP 320x480 resolution. It was the first digital camera I had seen in stores. It was more of a novelty item at the time. If my 2nd set of batteries weren't dead, I would have shown in the image above that it still works. There is still images on it, but I have long lost the cable for it. I don't think I could even connect that cable up to my computer anyways.

Second camera was a Fuji 2650 2mp shown below. The 2650 took fantastic pictures. The following are some images I took during my motorcycle rides.

The Fuji 2650...

Some images from it...





My wife's aunt gave us her old camera when she moved on to a dSLR. It is a Nikon E880, shown above middle camera. The battery door latch is broken and I have 3 or 4 batteries but they only last about 10 minutes if I'm lucky. I don't have pictures from it because my external drive doesn't work and I've never uploaded anything from it.

Shortly after acquiring the Nikon above, I bought my current camera, a Fuji S5700 superzoom. It is the one in the mirror above. This is the one I used to learn about photography. Bought it in 2007 and I've outgrown it long ago. I don't even do much with photography now because I am so beyond the limitations of the camera. I need a dSLR.

Panning attempt...




My $250 winning photo....
Sorry, I don't have a gallery of photos to show from my first digital. Mine was in early 1997, a Sony Mavica FD91. 1MP, floppy disk drive, 14x optical zoom, spot meter, and a videocam battery that lasted forever. That was long before the days I was uploading and posting photos online!

After that, I had a Canon S100 Elph (2002), then a Sony F717 and a Sony U20 (bought at the same time in 2003), a Sony H5 & L1 (2005?), then moved to DSLRs - Sony DSLR-A300 & a T100 compact in Jan 2008, then on to my current DSLR-A550 in Nov 09, with my current TX1 compact following in January of this year.

I was still using my two film SLRs fairly frequently through about 2004-5 - film and digital were overlapping and digital was still an experiment to me not to be taken too seriously - until the F717 came along, with full manual controls and respectable print resolution...since then, the film SLRs have both fallen into closet-storage mode.
I have used digital since early 2002 (not counting the HI-8 video camera that also took digital stills that I got in 2001).

First up was the Canon Powershot S30. Used that until I purchased the Nikon D50 in January of '06.

Used the D50 until I upgraded to the Nikon D300 in Sept of '08.

Combined with the 3 camera's I have taken over 30,000 ditial images in a little over 8 years. Actually, I should modify that. I have snapped the shutter release over 30,000 times. I certainly don't keep all the images, especially the blury ones and the ones where the exposure is WAY off. Or if I happen to play around to test the shutter release speed or frames per second speed or something silly like that. :)
1997 : Sony DSC-F1, The 'Original' Cyber Shot, 640 x 480, internal memory only, proprietary battery (made me distrust anything proprietry for all time), still works

2000 : Canon A20 along with the Canon underwater housing, Flash stopped flashing last year, otherwise still works

2003 : Canon A40 (still used today with the underwater housing)

2007 : Canon A570 IS, still works

2009 : Canon G11, returned within 30 days for:

2009 : Canon Rebel XS
Gosh... I can't remember the first few!

~2001 - Some sort of Kodak digital, 1 mp I think

~2003 - A Kodak EasyShare with the stupid dock that up & quit in the middle of a friend's wedding

2005 - Canon PowerShot S2

2007 - I loved the S2 so much, I got the S3

2009 - I got tired of DH stealing my camera, so we got the Canon Powershot SD780 for him.

2010 - Canon Rebel T2i - I finally graduated!
this was our family's first digital camera!



I had some kind of kodak easyshare camera and then i got

a 10D

and then a 5D


i'm hoping to get the 5dmark ii soon, or one of the 1Ds... i want to make my 5D my backup. :)


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