Your opinions please?


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2009
I'm asking this here after a discussion on the Disney for Families forum.
I was planning something for my kids, to enable them to spread some pixie dust and Disney Magic while in WDW, the idea came from other Disers and I liked it. It's a random act of kindess, handing out glowsticks, randomly or may not so randomly. My children have been intructed to always ask a parent first if they may give their child a glow stick/bracelet/ necklace.
Perhaps we'll give them to children who look like they are having a difficult time (from being so tired), or to children who are being as good as gold, or to WISH children, whatever, my children hearts will lead them to who they would like to give one out to.
My question is, if a child came up to you, in the presence of his own parents and asked you if he may give your child a glow stick, what would you think of that? I see nothing wrong with it, but want to make sure I'm seeing things correctly or as the majority would see it.
When I mentioned it on this other post about a lady wanting to perhaps in my opinion, go a little overboard with wanting to make her child feel special, someone responded to my post by saying they would NEVER allow their child to accept something from a stranger. Well I feel the same way to a certain extent. This will be Disney World, Children offering the random act of kindness and asking for parental permission first. When I mentioned it to my two youngest boys, they really liked the idea and helped me shop for the glow stuff. So now I"m wondering if this is not a good idea. Yet then I start thinking it is ok when I remember how I got the idea in the first place from others who have done it, and reported no problems, but a lot of thankfulness from other parents.
So what are fellow Canadian's opinions on this? I'm sitting on the fence now.
Hi TJ!

Another Ottawa Diser here. My rule of thumb? When in doubt about doing something kind/nice/considerate, just do it. I can't imagine someone objecting to a small kindness from a kid - especially while at WDW.
Thanks, I don't know why one person's opinion in the opposite direction had me worried. I metioned it again to my kids, and they really want to do this. I think my nerves are acting up since I realized we are less than two months away from leaving and I still need to make the 6 pirate costumes and one FE and still get FE gifts, and pack, and we are driving down, and already wonder what I am forgetting to put on the list, and then one person's opinion through me for a loop. My first thought was, there's nothing wrong with a child offering a glowstick or sticker to another child (especially when waiting in a LONG line!), and I'm going to go back to my first thought.
Well my perspective is a bit different. My kids are taught to not accept anything from strangers. I have taught them that a kid that they don't know is a stranger too. If your child came up to mine and asked if they wanted a glowstick or bracelet or whatever they would say "No thank you". This would leave your child hurt and maybe confused. Whether it's Disneyworld or not, people are still strangers.

Another thought is I never let my young children wear necklaces especially while on rides! Maybe it's just me but I am very careful.

Why set your children up for this? Yes, some may accept but prepare your children for rejection. Is that what they need at Disney?

I'm all about random acts of kindness but I'm not sure this is the best expression of it.

I hope I don't come across as too negative.

A fastpast at a ride would be a great random act of kindness.
As long as you are checking with the parents first, of course go ahead and do it. Believe me, for every person who says no thank you, many more will say yes. In either case, I think your kids will be making the day of the folks they make the offer to.

I don't post here as much as I used to so do not know if this still applies: in the original days of the dining plan, there was just way too much food. Many people, including ourselves, shared portions of the plan and had no difficulty in finding people to accept our acts of kindness.
Respectfully - a glow bracelet/necklace is verboten, but a Fastpass is OK?
Respectfully - a glow bracelet/necklace is verboten, but a Fastpass is OK?

I read the original poster's question as glow sticks, bracelets, necklaces. If they are glow necklaces or bracelets, I suppose that would be different if it were just worn at a parade or such.

My point was - and this is just MY point - I don't allow my kids to wear any type of jewelry on the rides as I think of it as a hazzard. Just as I never let my girl wear her hair long and flowing on a ride.

I also think that giving away a fast pass that you don't want/need would greatly benefit another Disney guest and would rarely be turned down. I'm unsure of the benefit as a "random act of kindness" would be as a glowstick, necklace or bracelet where as many as half of the would be recipients MAY turn down. Just thought the giver would have hurt feelings (especially a child).

Like I said just my opinion.
My kids wouldn't be allowed to accept it from an adult, but if another kid offered it, I think that would be lovely. I think kid asking parent first, then kid offering to kid would be ok, and sounds lovely. I would perhaps warn the kids that some parents might say no, and tell them why--worried about something getting entangled for instance, as the other poster mentioned, or maybe an allergy (not just food allergies, could be a contact allergy). This might short circuit disappointment on the kids' part if someone says no. Sounds like a lovely idea. And I can see why you're stressed--that list made me want to hyperventilate! :hug:
I think it is a very nice idea.
Just as when we finish with our stroller. We always look for someone coming into the parks to hand it off to as a nice gesture. It feels good to do nice things and pay it forward. I think it is a great thing to model and teach your children. As for some people turning it down, well teaching your children to respect others decisions is also a great lesson. So, they should feel good about it either way. I know I would not have a prob. with it and I would think it was a very nice gesture.:)
L Smith, no you have not come across to me as too negative. You gave your honest opinion. Thank you.
As I just mentioned to someone else, I like the Canadian board here because people here seem to state their opinions respectfully, as you have done.
On the Disney for Families board I have seen often, people get quiet rude and nasty, thus why I asked this question here, not there.
I'm sure that if any parent did not want to accept my child's small kindness, that they would politely say "no thank you", and my children would be fine with that.
I'm not sure if what we bought are sticks or bracelets or necklaces, all I know is they glow (the kids picked them out), and I'm sure they are most likely to be handed out during the MNSSHP.
You're right about things around the neck on rides, which is why my children will be removing their lans for pin trading when on some of the rides, or tucked into their shirts.
In any case I do respect your opinion even though it differs from mine.
L Smith, no you have not come across to me as too negative. You gave your honest opinion. Thank you.
As I just mentioned to someone else, I like the Canadian board here because people here seem to state their opinions respectfully, as you have done.
On the Disney for Families board I have seen often, people get quiet rude and nasty, thus why I asked this question here, not there.
I'm sure that if any parent did not want to accept my child's small kindness, that they would politely say "no thank you", and my children would be fine with that.
I'm not sure if what we bought are sticks or bracelets or necklaces, all I know is they glow (the kids picked them out), and I'm sure they are most likely to be handed out during the MNSSHP.
You're right about things around the neck on rides, which is why my children will be removing their lans for pin trading when on some of the rides, or tucked into their shirts.
In any case I do respect your opinion even though it differs from mine.

I appreciate you clarifying the bracelet/necklace thing. I wasn't seeing it as the glowstick so therefore was questioning that.

I'm sure if you or your child handed out glowsticks during MNSSHP that would be a different thing entirely. Still not sure that my own children would accept that based on what we are trying to teach them but again, not saying you are wrong. Certainly your heart is in the right place!

Anyway, have a wonderful trip. Maybe I'm just jealous that we aren't planning a trip there in the near future!
The first year, we handed out our extra glowsticks to lots of kids. Just bracelets though, not necklaces. The Magic Kingdom is quite dark at night I find! lol
We handed out quite a few on the bus back to our resort as well and it made a LOT of tired kids and tired parents very happy. I never saw one parent turn my kids away. Most were extremely grateful for the gift.
Last year we handed out cards with Canadian pins on them to castmembers who went out of their way to be extra pleasant or made our trip a little better. From restaurant servers to the people cleaning the bathrooms.
It was a red card, with a stamp of a Canadian hockey jersey on one side and on the other it said "Thanks for making our trip a little more magical. The XXXX family." And we had Canadian pins tacked to them.
These went over HUGE HUGE HUGE with the castmembers. And it was a great way for my kids (who are often kind of shy) to meet new people from all over the world.:thumbsup2
I think this a wonderful idea! If kids are doing it and asking permission first, then go for it! We shared glowsticks on our last trip because we had lots and it was just plain fun to share. The kids who received them were thrilled and it made our night to.

Love, love, love the Canadian pin thing. What an awesome idea! Disney sure brings out the best in everyone!

I think it's a great idea! We have handed off our park strollers before as well as fastpasses. It feels good to do something nice for someone else.
I think when you are in the Disney parks, you and everyone around you, has been sprinkled with Pixie Dust and we all seem friendly toward one another.
I don't think anyone would turn down your kids' offers of glow sticks/bracelets. I'll have to remember that idea for my next trip!
We did this last year, and not one person turned us down. Many were very, very appreciative. DD can't wait to hand them out again this year.

On another note - we hear/see a lot of us giving away things at Disney. I tried to give away a ticket to Ontario Place and let me tell you, the lady I gave it to could not believe that it was 'free'.
I'm asking this here after a discussion on the Disney for Families forum.
I was planning something for my kids, to enable them to spread some pixie dust and Disney Magic while in WDW, the idea came from other Disers and I liked it. It's a random act of kindess, handing out glowsticks, randomly or may not so randomly. My children have been intructed to always ask a parent first if they may give their child a glow stick/bracelet/ necklace.
Perhaps we'll give them to children who look like they are having a difficult time (from being so tired), or to children who are being as good as gold, or to WISH children, whatever, my children hearts will lead them to who they would like to give one out to.
My question is, if a child came up to you, in the presence of his own parents and asked you if he may give your child a glow stick, what would you think of that? I see nothing wrong with it, but want to make sure I'm seeing things correctly or as the majority would see it.
When I mentioned it on this other post about a lady wanting to perhaps in my opinion, go a little overboard with wanting to make her child feel special, someone responded to my post by saying they would NEVER allow their child to accept something from a stranger. Well I feel the same way to a certain extent. This will be Disney World, Children offering the random act of kindness and asking for parental permission first. When I mentioned it to my two youngest boys, they really liked the idea and helped me shop for the glow stuff. So now I"m wondering if this is not a good idea. Yet then I start thinking it is ok when I remember how I got the idea in the first place from others who have done it, and reported no problems, but a lot of thankfulness from other parents.
So what are fellow Canadian's opinions on this? I'm sitting on the fence now.

I think it's an amazing idea and think I'll do the same when I go down next spring!
Its wonderful that your family is thinking of doing something like this. I would allow my daughter to accept a glowstick or whatever from another little person, no problem.
As others have mentioned, the child giving out the trinkets has to understand why an adult may not allow their child to accept the gift, but how about the child who is the potential recipient? What if that kid's parents say "No, you may not accept the glowstick" ? Now you've got a child freaking out because the parent said no. I can see that happening. I'd feel like crap for all involved.
Now I'm bummed out. Life is cruel :sad1:.
Before we went down last September I was in the dollar store and they had a box of 40 glow sticks so I bought two boxes (two different colours) and my kids brought them to the fireworks @ the Castle. While walking out from the park my DS (11) took the left overs and handed them out to random kids, no one said anything and the kids were all in their glory:cool1: I didn't really realize what he was doing until I looked and saw glow sticks appearing around us. I was glad he made some other children happy, but certainly would of stopped him had a parent objected. We leave in 27 more days :banana::banana::banana:and he asked if we were bringing them along again this year.
To the OP - that's a great idea and a good way to encourage generosity in your kids. I say go for it!:thumbsup2

I just wanted to chime in on the fast passes. On our last trip, we were lucky to get Dream Fast passes so we gave away our FPs to Toy Story Mania to the poor Mom explaining to her 3-4 year old daughter why they couldn't go on the ride (it was 11:30 a.m. and all the fast passes were gone for the day and standby was 90 minutes) - those were VERY appreciated.

On a previous trip I went to ride Expedition Everest and got a FP then hopped into the single rider line. After riding, I needed to go rejoin my family, so while leaving the ride area I tried to give away my FP 4 times, and nobody would take it :confused3. So I ended up with a little souvenir :laughing:
I totally agree. Just let you children know that some parents may say no, and I am sure they will understand. I think this is great to do. On our first trip we had on CS meal left on our card and we were leaving the next morning, very early. So at dinner time my son walked around POP until he saw a mother and child and offered our credit to pay for one of their meals. She couldn't believe it either. It made us both so happ.

Another day, it was sooo hot at HS?? and my son and his friend didn't want to go on RR, and wanted to go back to the hotel. So they found two people to give their FP to. We love doing this when we can, I think it is great. :thumbsup2 I say go for it.

Have an awesome trip. :woohoo:


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