Your ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE to Disney World at Christmas Time! UPDATE x2 10/21

I'm so glad you got out of that offsite hotel!! I don't think I'd EVER stay offsite in Florida,though I find it doesn't matter as much at DLR? :confused3

Sana looks sooo good!! And I definitely agree on the basamati rice! They've got it at Tusker House breakfast and I fill at least half my plate with it every time! Although when I make it myself...just not the all...:sad2:

That SUUCKS about your fall, thank god your camera made it through scratch free!! I know what you mean about the laughing/crying moments though! :rotfl: And yay for staying on property! And MVMCP! EEP!
Good restaurant choice. It would be so cool to see the animals out your window while you ate. It would be funny if all the animals had on Santa hats . . .or at least I think it would be :D.

Your mom looks so young. In fact she looks the same age as I am. So that either says I am older or I look really young. I am going with the later since I am only in my early 30's. Happy Birthday to Mother.

I am sorry about your tumble but I like your mother would have laughed (after the fact). I watch America's Funniest Videos and just crack up at all those that fall or get hurt then I feel bad cause they really could have gotten hurt. Glad it wasn't anything more then a scraped up knee. Oh . . . and that your camara was ok.

Ok . . . from now on your family should know that yall will not be happy off property. You have tried it what . . . twice now? LOL. Don't do it again. LOLOL. Just stay where you are the most happiest.

So I assume after the Christmas Party yall will have to go back to the dreaded off property hotel and get your stuff. I bet you will be beat.
OK so I laughed a lot when said about your fall, but only because I've been there and done it myself, only I managed to walk into a glass door hahaha. I still find it hilarious thinking back on it, but I cried too and not because it hurt but because of the shock, my dad on the other hand was on the otherwise of the door and found the whole thing as funny as your mum did! Gotta love parents! I'm glad you were ok though, kinda neat you have a Disney scar now!

Oh my. Sanaa just looks so good, I love Indian food so this is like heaven, it is most definitely 100% a must do for us!! And that cake, yummy! I'm hungry just thinking about it all!

Magic Kingdom looks gorgeous all decorated for the holidays I can't wait to see your party pictures of the rest of it :)
This is the 2nd thing I've read about Sanaa today... it must be a sign that I need to try it! Your meal looks absolutely delicious! Oh my gosh. Is the shrimp spicy? YUMMMM! Your mama's meal looks really good, too. :love:

I'm so sorry you fell in the parking garage. That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. So funny that your mama was cracking up! ;)

I bet yall felt so much better knowing you were going to be staying at Port Orleans. The lobby decorations look so pretty.

YAAAAAAAY for MVMCP! Such a fun time!
We are the same, I swear. I always do the exact same thing when I fall. I cry a little and then laugh a LOT. :P that's so funny.

Ahh that meal at Sanaa looked fabulous. I am so DEFINITELY booking us a lunch there for August. (we like the animals hehe)


I CANNOT WAIT to hear about the Christmas party. Christmastime at Disney world is kinda a dream of mine. <3
AHH! I missed 2 updates! How did this happen?! Okay...first ones first!

Chapter 4 Reply
Yay for liking college! I'm so happy for you!! So glad it is going well!

I've never stayed off property at Disney, but I can just imagine how strange it would be! Some of the things you mentioned would be odd to me as well! The Thomas train...that is random! Interesting room; not bad and at least it's clean. The bedroom made me laugh out loud because of all of those mirrors! That would freak me out; waking up in the middle of the night with all the reflections! AHH :lmao:

Don't worry my mom and I jokingly call ourselves "hotel snobs" because Disney has spoiled us so much! Regular hotels are not the same anymore lol. We just have higher expectations now. Oh well. But honestly, as long as the non-Disney hotel is clean and safe then I'm okay!

Great update! Now onto the next. :)
Oh I can't wait to hear your review of POR, that is where we are 45 DAYS!!!!! :cool1::dance3:

What a crazy story of your fall...OUCH! :eek:
Chapter 5 Reply

HAHAHAHAHA OMG! Can I just say I love your Disneyness! I can't believe you changed your hotel! That is fantastic. A great idea! I love POR; I stayed there in September 2010 for my first mom daughter trip. Isn't it so pretty? I loved taking the boat to DTD. Perfect and lovely.

Sanaa looks good. Have you ever tried Jiko? I'm going there with my mom for mother's day in May. We're staying at Jambo House DVC; yay can't wait! I love that hotel. I love the Timon parking lot picture. So cute. I love those details that Disney adds.

I'm sorry but :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: ya, I'm like your mom. I laugh when people fall...but after making sure they're okay! Oh Jess! At least you have a Disney scar lol...Disney is now literally apart of you! And, I would have cried too!!

Can't wait to hear about the Christmas party. We didn't do that in December, :( Maybe next time! Have you ever tried the Halloween party? I loved that!
Can't wait to read the rest of your TR Jess! We are just so jealous that you got to go for a spur of the moment Disney trip.
Was that Little Mermaid Sweatshirt from Forever 21? I got a 101 Dalmatians one a few months ago from there and that Little Mermaid one is just like it.
OMG your story reminds me so much of my mom and I!! :lmao: We get laughing SO HARD sometimes that she has to pull over to the side of the road if we are driving! I'm sorry you fell, but that sure makes for great memories with your mom! :goodvibes

Oooh, Sanaa...I've yet to try it! It kind of scares me a little because I'm sure what I would like there since I'm not into seafood and a bit picky! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, though!!

YAYAYAYAYYAY!!!! I'm so happy you get to stay onsite!!!!! :woohoo: There is no way I would last in that sketchy hotel either!

Aww I love Christmas! :goodvibes I can't wait to hear about the Christmas party!! Ahhh I want to visit for Christmas SO BAD! :goodvibes
Sanaa looked amazing. We toured Kidani during our stay and I wanted to try it so bad, but we didn't have time. The lobby there was AMAZING!! Absolutely gorgeous. It was my favorite of the trip. I even liked it better than GF. So sorry to hear about the tumble. Truth be known, I did laugh at you while I was reading it. Does that make sense? Maybe not, but I did laugh. Glad you were Ok though. Plus you had MVMCP to cheer you up. Congrats on having a parent that would switch your room over to Riverside. You are right though, once you exit the Disney gates...Orland/Kissimmee has to be the most tacky tourist area ever! I thought Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg was bad. Looking forward to more updates!!
When you are in the college program,promise you will send me a link to your blog. Also , promise you will have a blog!

I love your trip reports. They remind me of when I was in college. I was a total frump. :)

Now I am a mom, which is equally awesome, but I like remembering the time when I was completely free. So please please do a blog when you get in the college program and link it to me.

I hope my daughter and I are as close as you and your mom when she is your age. ( she is 6 and a total Disney freak. We go at least once a year). Anyway, keep writing. Your trip reports are so fun!

Also, good job switching college programs. Go after what you love to do and the money will follow. I make a great living doing what I love and I enjoy going to work. You will be so happy later in life that you pursued what you really love.
MMMM. That food looks good. I'm kinda picky though and I want to try Sanaa but I'd be scared that I wouldn't like it! I dunno! Haha, not that it really matters.

OMG. :lmao: You're just like, OH, I'm on the ground. That's cool. Happens all the time. I can just picture your mom walking along talking to you and she looks back and you're just on the ground. Hahahahaha! I'm glad that you could laugh about it! You always have to laugh at yourself in that kinda situation. :thumbsup2

YAY POR!!! (Sidenote: I just typed ROP. Like, yeah, that's my favorite Disney resort. You didn't know it existed?) So glad yall could switch! AND YAY FOR MVMCP!!!!! AHHHH! :santa:
Hi! I am Jackie, I am pretty new on here but wanted to tell you that I have LOVED reading your TRs and you inspired me to subscribe and start writing my own pre-TR and hopefully a full TR once my trip is done in June. Your enthusiasm and love for Disney has really inspired me and made me more excited than ever for my upcoming Disney trip (which I consider my first "real" Disney trip!) Anyway, I look forward to reading more about your adventures from your trips in December!

Also, congrats on the move to a new school. I transferred colleges after my freshman year and it was also the best decision I ever made. It sounds like you absolutely did the right thing.

Hi Jackie! Welcome, welcome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Trip Reports! Good luck with writing yours - I'm sure it's going to be great! And aww I am so glad! I am so excited for you - you are going to have a magical trip! And thanks! I am excited to write about them all!

Thank you so much! I am SO happy I did - I am a lot happier here. I'm glad that it turned out good for you too. That's great to hear. And yes, I am feeling that it was! I hope it continues to go well!

OMG! I would have laughed so hard if I'd have seen you fall. I don't know why I do that, I am always concerned if a person is ok, but falling in my book is FUNNY!

I am glad you were ok, along with your camera and phone!:lmao:

POR!!! MY home away from home! It looked so beautiful. It was actually one year ago today that we were at POR for 10 days.

Hahaha I totally wouldn't blame you!! I would laugh at myself too. :rotfl: But I'm glad I was able to get up basically in one piece LOL.
And ahh it's so beautiful. Aww 10 days there would be heavenly! We sadly didn't get to explore the resort much because we were so busy, which I regret. But it is so beautiful I love it!

Happy belated birthday 2 your mom :)

Sanna looks amazing! I have heard nothing but amazing things about it!

:( about your fall, that sounds a lot like me right down 2 the fall, sorry about your injuries though!

Yay you got another room 4 the night :) did u have 2 go back 2 the other hotel at all during the trip or did u stay @ Port Orleans the rest of the trip?

Yay MVMCP :) :) :) That party is one of my fav things about Disney @ Christmas!

I'll tell her for you!
It is DELICIOUS! I love it there!
Hahaha it was really a frumpy moment. But that's okay! I survived and now I have a great story to tell LOL.
YAY I was so excited! We just stayed at POR for the rest of the trip!
I love that party it's SO awesome!! I can't wait to tell all about it - I have TONS of pictures!

Awww, poor you, I bet that hurt! However, I will say that it is kinda funny but ONLY because you were so absorbed in your phone! I have seen so many "phone" accidents. :laughing:

Hurray for grabbing a Disney room!

Haha yeah it did... but I was okay, thankfully LOL. Of course I would do that. iPhones can be VERY dangerous!
And YAY that was wonderful! I was so happy!

Cant wait to hear more. Love your story telling style!!

Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you're here and enjoying! That means a lot!

I'm so glad you got out of that offsite hotel!! I don't think I'd EVER stay offsite in Florida,though I find it doesn't matter as much at DLR? :confused3

Sana looks sooo good!! And I definitely agree on the basamati rice! They've got it at Tusker House breakfast and I fill at least half my plate with it every time! Although when I make it myself...just not the all...:sad2:

That SUUCKS about your fall, thank god your camera made it through scratch free!! I know what you mean about the laughing/crying moments though! :rotfl: And yay for staying on property! And MVMCP! EEP!

Me too! I was SO happy! And yeah the one time I went to DLR we stayed offsite which I was totally fine with. I mean, now I would rather stay onsite just because I realize I NEVER get to go there. But still... it doesn't seem too bad!

Mmm it's so good! And oh they have it there!? That's so cool I didn't know that! And aww I know. Disney food is just not the same at home sometimes.

Hahaha I know! Thank God! It was so funny though, I have to admit. And YAY YAY great stuff was happening that night!

Good restaurant choice. It would be so cool to see the animals out your window while you ate. It would be funny if all the animals had on Santa hats . . .or at least I think it would be :D.

Your mom looks so young. In fact she looks the same age as I am. So that either says I am older or I look really young. I am going with the later since I am only in my early 30's. Happy Birthday to Mother.

I am sorry about your tumble but I like your mother would have laughed (after the fact). I watch America's Funniest Videos and just crack up at all those that fall or get hurt then I feel bad cause they really could have gotten hurt. Glad it wasn't anything more then a scraped up knee. Oh . . . and that your camara was ok.

Ok . . . from now on your family should know that yall will not be happy off property. You have tried it what . . . twice now? LOL. Don't do it again. LOLOL. Just stay where you are the most happiest.

So I assume after the Christmas Party yall will have to go back to the dreaded off property hotel and get your stuff. I bet you will be beat.

Hahaha I mean if Disney REALLY wanted to decorate everything they could always put the Santa hats on the animals :laughing: But I feel like they wouldn't enjoy that too much LOL. It is fun to watch them out the window though! They are so cool!

Aww that's so nice! Everyone tells her she looks so young and I agree! I hope I age as gracefully as her! I will tell her you said happy birthday!

HAHAHA yeah I would have laughed too. I'm a frump, what can I say? Lol whenever I watch that show I'm always like "OW!! oh my GOD! they probably just got so hurt!!" I kind of freak out. I always feel bad hahaha

Yeah, DON'T WORRY! The off property thing will not happen again.

Haha you will have to see what happens!

OK so I laughed a lot when said about your fall, but only because I've been there and done it myself, only I managed to walk into a glass door hahaha. I still find it hilarious thinking back on it, but I cried too and not because it hurt but because of the shock, my dad on the other hand was on the otherwise of the door and found the whole thing as funny as your mum did! Gotta love parents! I'm glad you were ok though, kinda neat you have a Disney scar now!

Oh my. Sanaa just looks so good, I love Indian food so this is like heaven, it is most definitely 100% a must do for us!! And that cake, yummy! I'm hungry just thinking about it all!

Magic Kingdom looks gorgeous all decorated for the holidays I can't wait to see your party pictures of the rest of it :)

LOL I'm glad that you laughed - I was hoping that I described it in the funniest way possible. HAHA my friend walked into a glass door the other day. FUNNIEST THING EVER. I love thinking back on moments like those - you can definitely get a good laugh out of it! And yes, my Disney scar! How special haha

Mmm I'm glad you found Sanaa then! It's just perfect, isn't it!?

I have TONS of pictures - I can't wait to share them!

This is the 2nd thing I've read about Sanaa today... it must be a sign that I need to try it! Your meal looks absolutely delicious! Oh my gosh. Is the shrimp spicy? YUMMMM! Your mama's meal looks really good, too. :love:

I'm so sorry you fell in the parking garage. That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. So funny that your mama was cracking up! ;)

I bet yall felt so much better knowing you were going to be staying at Port Orleans. The lobby decorations look so pretty.

YAAAAAAAY for MVMCP! Such a fun time!

You probably are gonna have to go then! IT'S SO GOOD! The shrimp... hmm I want to say that there is a little kick to it, but it's not too bad considering I actually ate it. :laughing: I can't handle super super spicy stuff. And mmm my Mom's meal was great! It's just such a good restaurant the food is phenomenal.
LOL it's okay. I survived. And it was funny so I mean... no big deal. :laughing:
Yes we were SO relieved. Thank God for Disney resorts!
YAYYY it was SO fun! I can't wait to tell all about it!
Loved the update! And that's great that you got to move to POR and be onsite! I had a moment like you well texting someone on my phone. I was in line at TOT and walked into the garbage can just before you enter the lobby and I almost walked into a pole after getting on splash! I always have a few frumpy moments on all of my trips:rotfl:
We are the same, I swear. I always do the exact same thing when I fall. I cry a little and then laugh a LOT. :P that's so funny.

Ahh that meal at Sanaa looked fabulous. I am so DEFINITELY booking us a lunch there for August. (we like the animals hehe)


I CANNOT WAIT to hear about the Christmas party. Christmastime at Disney world is kinda a dream of mine. <3

Hahaha "IS THE CHEESECAKE OKAY!?!?!" So funny. Falling is just the weirdest thing, I swear to God. It's like... did that really just happen? :rotfl:

It was SO good! You definitely have to go!!


I'm sure you'll go for Christmas soon! It's BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait to write all about it. Except I have a TON of pictures so I hope that's okay. Thanks for helping me :hug:

AHH! I missed 2 updates! How did this happen?! Okay...first ones first!

Chapter 4 Reply
Yay for liking college! I'm so happy for you!! So glad it is going well!

I've never stayed off property at Disney, but I can just imagine how strange it would be! Some of the things you mentioned would be odd to me as well! The Thomas train...that is random! Interesting room; not bad and at least it's clean. The bedroom made me laugh out loud because of all of those mirrors! That would freak me out; waking up in the middle of the night with all the reflections! AHH :lmao:

Don't worry my mom and I jokingly call ourselves "hotel snobs" because Disney has spoiled us so much! Regular hotels are not the same anymore lol. We just have higher expectations now. Oh well. But honestly, as long as the non-Disney hotel is clean and safe then I'm okay!

Great update! Now onto the next. :)

That's okay! No problem!

It just is one of those things that you always wonder about... and then you do it and you're like "uh... nope I had it right the first time! Never again!" Yeah the room seemed clean but I still felt gross when I was in there. I don't know why. Ick I don't want to go back haha. And AH those mirrors. How weird.

I totally understand. "Hi my name is Jess and I am a Disney Resort Snob..." but really. LOL oh well. Regular hotels can not measure up to par. Unless I'm in a random city.. then I'll get over it. When I'm in Disney, I expect Disney service haha.

Oh I can't wait to hear your review of POR, that is where we are 45 DAYS!!!!! :cool1::dance3:

What a crazy story of your fall...OUCH! :eek:

YAYY! That's so SOON! You're going to have a magical time! I will definitely write about as much as I can... but unfortunately we didn't get to spend a lot of time there because it was such a short trip. But I have some pictures and such so I'll post them for sure!

And LOL oh yeah. That was real fun hahaha. :rotfl2:

Chapter 5 Reply

HAHAHAHAHA OMG! Can I just say I love your Disneyness! I can't believe you changed your hotel! That is fantastic. A great idea! I love POR; I stayed there in September 2010 for my first mom daughter trip. Isn't it so pretty? I loved taking the boat to DTD. Perfect and lovely.

Sanaa looks good. Have you ever tried Jiko? I'm going there with my mom for mother's day in May. We're staying at Jambo House DVC; yay can't wait! I love that hotel. I love the Timon parking lot picture. So cute. I love those details that Disney adds.

I'm sorry but :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: ya, I'm like your mom. I laugh when people fall...but after making sure they're okay! Oh Jess! At least you have a Disney scar lol...Disney is now literally apart of you! And, I would have cried too!!

Can't wait to hear about the Christmas party. We didn't do that in December, :( Maybe next time! Have you ever tried the Halloween party? I loved that!

Hahaha SURPRISE! Yup, we switched. POR is SO pretty and it's such a perfect Mother Daughter Resort!

I have tried Jiko! I went there in April with my Mom on our first Mother Daughter Trip. Feel free to read it if you're interested! I have a whole chapter on it... it was on our first night! It's SO good!! Have fun at AKL... it's AMAZING!

Hahaha I totally understand, I was cracking up! It was just so funny.

And I can't wait to share about it! Aww I'm sorry you didn't get to go! Yeah, I did the Halloween Party when I was 13 (which I secretly like even more than the Christmas party just because you get to dress up and eat candy :laughing:) But the MVMCP was awesome!!!! I loved it. I have lots of pictures!

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR Jess! We are just so jealous that you got to go for a spur of the moment Disney trip.
Was that Little Mermaid Sweatshirt from Forever 21? I got a 101 Dalmations one a few months ago from there and that Little Mermaid one is just like it.

Aww thank you! It was a lot of fun. When we thought of the idea, I was like... THIS IS SO INSANE!! But we did it anyways!
Yes it was from Forever 21! I saw the 101 Dalmatians one online - it's so cute! The Little Mermaid one isn't available anymore, sadly. :( Last time I checked anyway.

OMG your story reminds me so much of my mom and I!! :lmao: We get laughing SO HARD sometimes that she has to pull over to the side of the road if we are driving! I'm sorry you fell, but that sure makes for great memories with your mom! :goodvibes

Oooh, Sanaa...I've yet to try it! It kind of scares me a little because I'm sure what I would like there since I'm not into seafood and a bit picky! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, though!!

YAYAYAYAYYAY!!!! I'm so happy you get to stay onsite!!!!! :woohoo: There is no way I would last in that sketchy hotel either!

Aww I love Christmas! :goodvibes I can't wait to hear about the Christmas party!! Ahhh I want to visit for Christmas SO BAD! :goodvibes

Hahaha that's awesome. I know, we were DYING laughing. Such good times. It really does make great memories!

Well, there are a lot of options that don't involve seafood... but if you are picky, you might want to just look over the menu first and see if you could find something. It is VERY good, but it is definitely different!

I was SOO happy! Thank God!!

I can't wait to tell all about it! Disney at Christmas time is the most magical thing in the WORLD!

Sanaa looked amazing. We toured Kidani during our stay and I wanted to try it so bad, but we didn't have time. The lobby there was AMAZING!! Absolutely gorgeous. It was my favorite of the trip. I even liked it better than GF. So sorry to hear about the tumble. Truth be known, I did laugh at you while I was reading it. Does that make sense? Maybe not, but I did laugh. Glad you were Ok though. Plus you had MVMCP to cheer you up. Congrats on having a parent that would switch your room over to Riverside. You are right though, once you exit the Disney gates...Orland/Kissimmee has to be the most tacky tourist area ever! I thought Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg was bad. Looking forward to more updates!!

Mmm it was SO good! I love that restaurant. I guess you'll just have to go back so you can eat there! ;) It is really a gorgeous lobby. I always am in awe when I go in there.

Hahaha I'm so glad you laughed while you were reading it - I was hoping you guys would!

Yes, nothing was gonna bring me down! (well, my spirits anyway haha) I was in Disney and had to go to the MVMCP!! It was awesome.

Oh thank you. I know, I'm glad my Mom and I think alike. That really worked out for the best. And I KNOW RIGHT!? I so agree. It's so weird because Disney is this bubble of perfection, and right outside of it is just... tacky tourist central. It's weird.

When you are in the college program,promise you will send me a link to your blog. Also , promise you will have a blog!

I love your trip reports. They remind me of when I was in college. I was a total frump. :)

Now I am a mom, which is equally awesome, but I like remembering the time when I was completely free. So please please do a blog when you get in the college program and link it to me.

I hope my daughter and I are as close as you and your mom when she is your age. ( she is 6 and a total Disney freak. We go at least once a year). Anyway, keep writing. Your trip reports are so fun!

Also, good job switching college programs. Go after what you love to do and the money will follow. I make a great living doing what I love and I enjoy going to work. You will be so happy later in life that you pursued what you really love.

I promise I will do a blog! I will do a trip report or a blog or SOMETHING for sure! I need to document that experience!

Thank you so much! And haha being a frump is the best thing to be!

Aww being a Mom is so fun! I'm sure you're loving that! I will definitely write a blog or something so you can follow along on my adventures!

That's so cute!! I'm sure if you keep going to Disney, she will definitely love it when she's older! It's one of those things that just never get old!

You have no idea how much that means to me - thank you! I'm so so glad that I switched, I feel SO much better about it all. I am hoping that the money situation will work out, but I'm sure it will some how! Happiness is SO important to me, so I'm just glad I'm doing something that I actually enjoy now! No sense going through life miserable! I'm so glad you get to do what you love, too!
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt....then it's hilarious.

:lmao: Your reaction was priceless. My condolences to your knee.

Sanaa looks delicious. It's so unfortunate that I find such gastronomic goodness on the same day I return to :eek: DINING HALL FOOD!

Yeah, Westgate Villas, It's like one big party! Those are my peopl.....hehe ahem....I mean, WOW, how sketchy is that place! :rolleyes1

Haha, sounds like Mr. Security Guard has seen this happen before....not exactly a ringing endorsement for Westgate.

It's nice to know that Disney is always a bastion of safety and comfort. I'm glad your hotel situation worked out.

Can't wait to read about the Christmas Party, because that's on my to-do list for the future...

HAHAHA those gifs are quite fantastic, I'm not gonna lie. Too bad nobody captured my fall. That would have made for some quality gif material. :laughing: But thank you. I'm glad my knee is better, besides my Disney scar.

LOL PERFECT dramatic sound effect. I know exactly what you mean... I literally just finished up a delicious dining hall dinner. Mm-Mm Good. Just kidding. I want Disney food.

Ahh the westgate. What a place. That security guard definitely knew what was up haha

I am very glad too! Thank goodness!

I have tons of pictures from MVMCP! I can't wait to tell all about it!

MMMM. That food looks good. I'm kinda picky though and I want to try Sanaa but I'd be scared that I wouldn't like it! I dunno! Haha, not that it really matters.

OMG. :lmao: You're just like, OH, I'm on the ground. That's cool. Happens all the time. I can just picture your mom walking along talking to you and she looks back and you're just on the ground. Hahahahaha! I'm glad that you could laugh about it! You always have to laugh at yourself in that kinda situation. :thumbsup2

YAY POR!!! (Sidenote: I just typed ROP. Like, yeah, that's my favorite Disney resort. You didn't know it existed?) So glad yall could switch! AND YAY FOR MVMCP!!!!! AHHHH! :santa:

I mean, look at the menu and see if there's anything you would want to try! It is VERY good but it definitely is different! I probably wouldn't recommend it to picky eaters.

Hahaha but really... that's how I was. :lmao: However, I surprisingly don't fall a lot. So I was just plain old shocked! HAHAHA oh my God, that whole picture of my Mom walking along is what made us laugh SO HARD. Ahh so funny. "Jess, Where'd ya go!?"

Yayyy I love that resort! Haha ROP. Riverside's evil twin. Muahaha. Just kidding Disney resorts don't have evil twins.

I'm glad we could switch too! And YAYYYYY!

Loved the update! And that's great that you got to move to POR and be onsite! I had a moment like you well texting someone on my phone. I was in line at TOT and walked into the garbage can just before you enter the lobby and I almost walked into a pole after getting on splash! I always have a few frumpy moments on all of my trips:rotfl:

Thank you! And yes, it was perfect!!

Hahaha that's so funny! I know... I do stuff like that a little too often. Phones are just so distraction!
Ugh, that place looked leather couches?? So glad you guys were able to get a room at POR and be back on Disney property :)

So excited to hear all about MVMCP. I dont think we will go...not b/c we dont want to, but b/c I think the parties will have just ended when we get there (arrival Dec 20).


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