Your worst Disney accident?

The spiral fracture of the femur is the worst vacation accident I've ever heard of! I'm glad you can talk about it with a positive spin...

The only thing I ever had happen at the World happened at Epcot....

A bird flew into my face!

:lmao: That happened to DH in DHS. He leaned his body to one side to miss the first bird flying at him. But, while he was looking back at what had just flown passed him a second bird wacked him in the side of the head. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight.
Doesn't touch alot of the others mentioned, but a couple years ago our DD who was then about 6 took off running ahead of us on a path at SSR, tripped and landed on her face. Many scratches and bruses but no permanent damage.
I have very much enjoyed reading those post and laughing WITH you all! :lmao:

I go to DW for the first time (husband and I are both military and have decided to take advantage of the mil deal for our much need/long awaited honeymoon!) and I hope that I do not have to write on this post again with any stories! :hippie:
years ago the sidewalks entering the circle in front of the Castle at MK had poles in the middle of them that chains would be attached for crowd control. I was walking along with button fly jeans not paying attention and caugh one of these poles right in the braut and potatos. I eventually had kids so no harm done....but it was pretty painful down there for a while. lol pirate:
3 years ago we were at Magic Kingdome, DH, DH (3) and I and we were riding the rides late as we ususally do since most people are on Main street waiting for the fun to start we can get on and off stuff quick and ride multiple times. As the fireworks went off we were far far away from the castle but could see them as we walked and talked pushing DD in her stroller. I felt like for a second that I had and eyelash in my eye and rubbed it. 1/2 way to the front of the park I went into the bathroom to wash my eye out and try and get the eyelash out it hurt really bad. When I came out of the bathroom I was in so much pain my eye hurt so bad I was crying but trying not to let DD see me I knew it would scare her for sure. I told DH that I think I did something really bad to my eye so I needed to go to the hospital to have it looked at the pain was so intense. Long story short when we walked up to the little booth at the exit of the park to ask where was the best place to catch a cab to get to the hospital next thing I know the ambulance was there within a few minutes and all anyone kept asking was did I watch the fireworks and I kept saying no but they kept asking. They washed my eye out really good in the ambulance and the coolness really made it feel better. Turns out they think I somehow by the wind carrying it got a piece of firework in my eye. I slept with a cold cloth on my eye all night, took advil and wore sunglasses inside and out for the next 3 day's because sun light really hurt. Disney people called our room a few times to see how I was and Maxine got around 4 free pins from the people who helped us that night for her lanyard. Everyone was really nice and showed lots of concern and compassion.

Same year as above same trip we were on Disney Cruise before Disney. DD was playing on the beach as Castaway Cay. We were getting ready to leave to get ready for dinner when I notice a ton of blood dripping from her ear and all pooled in it. I FREAKED OUT to say the least. A Disney person scooped her up even before DH and I could and this big big guy said follow me and ran her all the way through the sand up the walk to the emergency hut. They radioed for a cart that was there in like 30 seconds. Dripping wet there was only room for DD and I so we jumped on the cart and they zoomed to the boat as fast as it would go and in turn sent another on for DH to get him to the boat right behind us. Usually you have to swipe your key to the world card, and show ID to get back on the ship. Not this time they swooped us right past everyone and past the check point into the ship and straight to the doc. All the while her ear was pooring out blood all over. Well after a good looking at and cleaning turns our she scratched the inside of her ear no big deal. The doc stopped the bleading no problem and sent us on our way. That night after getting back from dinner there was a little pin on her bed ( she got a lot of pins this trip LOL) the doc also called to check on her later.

3 years ago we were at Magic Kingdome, DH, DH (3) and I and we were riding the rides late as we ususally do since most people are on Main street waiting for the fun to start we can get on and off stuff quick and ride multiple times. As the fireworks went off we were far far away from the castle but could see them as we walked and talked pushing DD in her stroller. I felt like for a second that I had and eyelash in my eye and rubbed it. 1/2 way to the front of the park I went into the bathroom to wash my eye out and try and get the eyelash out it hurt really bad. When I came out of the bathroom I was in so much pain my eye hurt so bad I was crying but trying not to let DD see me I knew it would scare her for sure. I told DH that I think I did something really bad to my eye so I needed to go to the hospital to have it looked at the pain was so intense. Long story short when we walked up to the little booth at the exit of the park to ask where was the best place to catch a cab to get to the hospital next thing I know the ambulance was there within a few minutes and all anyone kept asking was did I watch the fireworks and I kept saying no but they kept asking. They washed my eye out really good in the ambulance and the coolness really made it feel better. Turns out they think I somehow by the wind carrying it got a piece of firework in my eye. I slept with a cold cloth on my eye all night, took advil and wore sunglasses inside and out for the next 3 day's because sun light really hurt. Disney people called our room a few times to see how I was and Maxine got around 4 free pins from the people who helped us that night for her lanyard. Everyone was really nice and showed lots of concern and compassion.

Is your eye fine now? No problems from this firework in your eye??:confused:
Here goes...My daughter was about 5 years old and playing on the pop century playground. She was doing a flip and hurt her foot. It looked okay to me. We went to bed and in the morning went to Epcot and walked all day. That evening when she was in the bath, she said her foot still hurt. By the time I looked at it, her little foot was so bruised it was black. It turns out she broke her pinkie toe near the joint and the bone slid over and next to the bottom part of the toe. the time I took her to the ed, they said either surgery or nothing...we opted for nothing and she now has a fat little pinkie toe, it's a miracle, but it still bends...LOL Is this also a bad time to mention that I'm a nurse...heehee:laughing:
On our trip last year we were at DHS for Fantasmic. Before the show the nice little girl in front of us shared some glow sticks with DS5 and DD3. Very nice of her and the kids were really excited. Anyway, after the show we were slowly making our way out of the park when DS starts crying that his eyes hurt. He has sensitive eyes so we stopped to see if he had gotten something in them. He was crying harder and harder and we got to a bathroom to try to wash them out. That didn't help so DH and I decided to go to first aid. Well, the park was closing and First aid wasn't open. Luckily the customer service area was so we went in there. A manager quickly came out to find out what was DS was screaming at the top of his lungs. They took us into a room and called the Disney Paramedics came really fast. A few eye washes later and he was fine. We finally figured out that he had gotten the chemical from the glow stick in his eye. When we looked at the stick there was a little hole so it must have been leaking. It got on his shirt so when he rubbed his eyes it made it worse.

Disney was GREAT though. They asked DS what his favorite character was and gave him a big stuffed Mickey! By the time we left it was about an hour after park close and we were trying to figure out how we were going to get back to POP but we went out to the buses and the CM had called and had a bus stay just for us.

The next day, DD bumped her chin and cut her lip on the Winnie the Pooh ride at MK. Right away a CM came over to help, took DD and said "Let's find you something to make you feel better." I think DD thought she was getting a Mickey too but she ended up with a really big lolly pop. But it did make her stop crying!
My dad broke his toe while walking around Typhoon Lagoon. I wasn't there (my sister had a different spring break than me), but from what I understand, he was walking along barefoot and ran into a heavy beach chair. Disney staff was very helpful to my parents, and they thoroughly enjoyed Celebration Health. :) My dad being who he is, he terrorized everyone in the parks for the rest of the vacation on his motorized scooter!

The same thing happened to my uncle's girlfriend! She was walking along, trying to get a glimpse of those darn garbage pails or whatever they're called, and BOOM! hit a lady's chair. She apologized, and the woman didn't even realize that she hit her chair! :rotfl:
After her quick trip to the hospital, my uncle rented her a WC. Normally, she'd follow toward the back (it was a family gathering - them, my other uncle, my mother, and my grandmother). Now that he was pushing his gf in the wc, my grandmother was the last follower in line. His gf told him to wait up for his mother, and, I kid you not, he said "But we're going to miss all the rides!" (and umm.. he was around 40 - with no children - at this time :lmao: )

When I was around 6 maybe? we stayed at POFQ. ("We" being me, my mother & grandmother). Every day, we'd have breakfast at the resort before going to the park. Every morning, my mother would get coffee. Every morning, she'd spill it ALL OVER the place! It got to the point where the custodian would see her enter, and stand next to her the whole time, waiting for her to spill her coffee. :lmao:

I don't think there's really been anything major, thankfully!
When I was around 6 maybe? we stayed at POFQ. ("We" being me, my mother & grandmother). Every day, we'd have breakfast at the resort before going to the park. Every morning, my mother would get coffee. Every morning, she'd spill it ALL OVER the place! It got to the point where the custodian would see her enter, and stand next to her the whole time, waiting for her to spill her coffee. :lmao:

I don't think there's really been anything major, thankfully!

lol!! Thats hilarious! :lmao:
Pooped my pants in the AK parking lot. :eek:

Explosive food poisoning hit me all of the sudden way back in the parking lot. :sick:

I suspect McDonald's on the ride down. I was sick the whole trip.
On our recent trip, my wife and kids got locked in a family bathroom for an hour during my ride on Everest. I came off the ride only to find out via cel phone, that she couldn't get out and needed help. An hour later and nine employees, they had the door open. To say the least, Disney went above and beyond to make up for our lost hour. We will always remember the special attraction they got to experience. I should have taken a picture of the family room for the album.
On our recent trip, my wife and kids got locked in a family bathroom for an hour during my ride on Everest. I came off the ride only to find out via cel phone, that she couldn't get out and needed help. An hour later and nine employees, they had the door open. To say the least, Disney went above and beyond to make up for our lost hour. We will always remember the special attraction they got to experience. I should have taken a picture of the family room for the album.

My goodness! Did they figure out how or why they got locked in??

Pooped my pants in the AK parking lot. :eek:

Explosive food poisoning hit me all of the sudden way back in the parking lot. :sick:

I suspect McDonald's on the ride down. I was sick the whole trip.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: sorry :rotfl2:
On our recent trip, my wife and kids got locked in a family bathroom for an hour during my ride on Everest. I came off the ride only to find out via cel phone, that she couldn't get out and needed help. An hour later and nine employees, they had the door open. To say the least, Disney went above and beyond to make up for our lost hour. We will always remember the special attraction they got to experience. I should have taken a picture of the family room for the album.

OMG....:eek: I have severe claustrophobia ...I would have freaked!!

Anyway, I have 2 stories from 2 trips....

In 2004, we were walking through Tommorowland, I was holding my DD (4 -at the time) hand and heard a loud "gong" sound! She had walked into one of the drinking fountains! She developed a huge, black and purple bruise...right in the middle of her forehead!
Now when we look at our photo album we still laugh because in all the pictures you can see this bruise.

In 2007 my DH was doing some stretching exercises in the morning and pulled a muscle so severely in his back that he fell to the floor. He stayed in bed for 2 days , (our Epcot days, we still went)... At our TS meals they were very accomodating and gave me his meal as a take out. The third day of his injury we were going to MGM so he ended up renting a scooter thingy...
He never did make it to Epcot that trip....:mad:
I have nothing on some of these posts but a few interesting ones from onver the 30+ years of visiting.

There was my sister getting Impetigo from licking the handrails all over WDW way back on our 1st visit about 6 mos after the park opened.

Than in '79 when we went to DL and another sister wandered off, everyone panicked to where she was, only to hear an overhead announcement (I think, I can't remember that well, I was 9) to come get her only to find her chatting away with the security guards about 50 ft away, not a care in the world, like nothing was wrong.

On my second visit with my wife and 3 kids, my son got a splinter in his thumb that got all oozy and infected, went to first aid at EPCOT. I had to do the deed of removing the offending particle, but the ladies there could not have been nicer to us and made my son, who by that time was a slobbering ball of sweat and tears, calm down.

Oh, and finally, there was the time I unfolded the jogging stoller getting off the bus, with the base of my thumb unknowingly in the way. I just about had the thing opened up all the way before the pain hit me, it happend so quickly. Imagine putting your thumb in a nutcracker. I could not move my thumb, thought I had broken it, just destroyed the joint. One the first bus ride of the first day. Thankfully, no break and by the third day I was back to normal, just mild pain.
I have nothing on some of these posts but a few interesting ones from onver the 30+ years of visiting.

There was my sister getting Impetigo from licking the handrails all over WDW way back on our 1st visit about 6 mos after the park opened.

EW EW EW EW EW!!! I am a neat FREAK! One of the those people who carries hand sanitizer on me at ALL times. omg i can't even imagine this...:scared1:
This one was back when I was 14.Anyway me and my family were walking to the monorail after a pretty long day at the Magic Kingdom and we were all tired.I guess I fell asleep or something because the next thing I know I woke up in the emergency room and they told me I walked into one of those metal poles.To this day my parents still make fun of me about it every time we go back.
On a trip back in 2004--we were heading to the airport when DH complained that he wasn't feeling well. By the time we landed in Orlando he was really sick--coming out of both ends so to speak.

We checked in at the Contemporary and he dragged himself to MK for a few hours. That night at dinner I had a steak and he had a plain baked potato. He still wasn't better the next day.

Guest services at the Contemporary was great, giving us directions to the nearest outpaitent clinic--funny they didn't send us to Celebration. Anyway, they put DH on anti-nausea meds and anti-diarrhea meds which knocked him out completely for the next 12-14 hours.

I stayed in the room watching tv during that time and had room service bring me dinner that night. I was afraid to leave him alone.

But he was a trooper--going into the parks for the afternoons for a day or two and then finally spending the day there. He had picked up food poisoning at home and brought it with him. That was a memorable trip!:rotfl:
Hmm..mine didn't happen at the park, but the day before we left this past January. It wasn't so bad because we we're driving (<3 hrs), but I hurt my knee really badly. I didn't know what was wrong at that point, but it was swollen and I couldn't bend it and then walked around Disney all weekend. Turns out I tore my meniscus and needed surgery. I just started physical therapy this week.


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