You're not GAY... you're NUTZ!

disneyfan67 said:
I don't get the "Democrats are good, Republicans are evil" thing and think it's a bunch of B.S.

Actually to an extent I agree with you. Most significant change comes when both parties get on-board. For example, here in Wisconsin we had the first state-wide anti-discrimination law that included sexual preference. It was signed into law by a Republican govenor and would not have passed without Republican votes.

Now don't get me wrong - overall the Democratic party is far more supportive of gay rights issues than the Republicans. But we have friends in the Republican party and there are some Democrats that are less than supportive.

The idea: Republicans Evil - Democrats Good - is an idea pushed by the Democrats so that folks will void Democrat without thinking about it as a simple knee jerk reaction. It makes elections ever so much easier. And the Republicans do the same thing - the demonize the Democrats to get a portion of the population to believe that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Satan himself. None of this really benefits the country or the electoral process.

We will never achieve equality in this country if we put all our eggs in one political party's basket. We will need support from both parties and we should never completely write off the Republicans.

This is a hard arguement to make in light of the current political climate. At this point in time I cannot support any Republican candidate. The party has decided to play the homophobia card with their push for constituational amendments against same-sex marriage with the arguement that if two people the same sex get married it will put an end to the institution of marriage worldwide. It is a vile and dispicable campaign ploy and I hope that the Republicans take a sound beating at the polls this November. But I also hope that more rationale voices will arise within the Republican party and they will change their position.

Remember in the past it was the Democrats who were the more racist party. It was the Democrats who were opposed to civil rights etc at the early part of the last century. Overtime a more rational element arose in the party and they were able to free the party from their racist past and are now viewed as the more inclusive and diverse party. Political parties evolve and I am hopeful that the Republicans will realize the error of their ways.

While I do not wish to be a part of it, I do respect the Log Cabin Republicans for working for change from within. I am a registered Democrat and I will be voting straight ticket Democrat this year. But I do hold out hope for the Republican party.
MrVisible - I was awestruck and captivated by your ability to deal with posters like Sonno and discernment. I find that I tend to get so angry when trying to speak rationally with those kinds of people that I become quite irrational and end up defeating my own purpose. I really admire your cool-headedness (is that a word?) and intellect!

Rick – I love you and you always impress me beyond words! What you said was not blasting or insulting. Unfortunately, it is reality for far too many. You must have hit on a guilty conscience. Oh, and I am gonna blow your cover and report that you are not THAT boring – unless that was someone else I was shakin’ my booty with at Mannequins? Let’s not forget about that Super Hero costume we designed for you either!

Doctor Pedantic – I am so glad that your story has a happy ending. Your children are so much the better for your decision to “correct” your lifestyle. I am the product of an incredibly dysfunctional hetro marriage. There is something in my dad that makes him the most unhappy person I have ever met in my life. It is no surprise that he is a barely functioning alcoholic. I do not know what he is trying to self-medicate, but believe me, seeing my dad happy would mean more to me than anything. Your children are lucky that you were smart enough to choose a normal life for yourself and for them.

Goofygirl – WDW parades and gay pride parades may have more in common than you think!

Hopefully, for as dark as it seems right now, we are actually about to see the light. When I was 15, I didn’t really even understand what being gay meant and you didn’t speak openly of anything homosexual, certainly not in public. Move ahead to now. One of my son’s classes this year had a debate about gay marriage. He was very nervous that day because he fully intended to support the issue and was not sure how that was going to be perceived. He came home and was very happy to report that he had not been alone. In fact, many in the class agreed with him.
JerJan said:
NO that's the REPUBLICAN PARTY that is leading the decay of our culture!!! :rotfl2:

DisneyFan67.... I was making a joke in regards to the captioned stament that was made by another seemed to have left that part out in your rant!

Who named you the "thread police" anyway??? And by the way I'm not STUPID.....

First off let me apologise for the mistake I made in blaming you for the quote I had bolded. I admit when I make a mistake and I'm sorry. I wasn't calling you stupid, just the blind following of any political party by anybody. I don't drink the "kool aid" from any politcal party and was trying to make a point. I goofed and was in no way thinking you were stupid, my fault again, sorry.

Believe it or not, I wasn't ranting, I was just trying to add my thoughts and input to the discussion. I meant no harm and was joining in, sorry if I offended you. Wasn't even thinking about being the thread police either, there is others on this board who do that quite well.

I was led to this thread by a link over in the community board where discernment was attempting to spread his particular type of "gospel" in another thread.

I've just taken in this entire thread here over my 6 am cup of caffiene, and one thing really leaps out at me;

My compliments on the dignity and grace with which you have comported yourself throughout this thread, and especially so in light of how personally you must have felt.

I can only wish that more people in the real world could conduct themselves with the intelligence, class and logic that you have demonstrated here.
I almost forgot; some good humorous shots by the other posters as well!

Rick, as an unofficial playful sarcasm major in college, I've always enjoyed looking forward to your comments, but your passioned response to discernment was one of the best posts I've read anywhere in a long while. My compliments as well!

Anyways, it's about time for this heterosexual "godless heathen" to jump back up to the lurking post......
Mugg Mann said:

I was led to this thread by a link over in the community board where discernment was attempting to spread his particular type of "gospel" in another thread.

I've just taken in this entire thread here over my 6 am cup of caffiene, and one thing really leaps out at me;

My compliments on the dignity and grace with which you have comported yourself throughout this thread, and especially so in light of how personally you must have felt.

I can only wish that more people in the real world could conduct themselves with the intelligence, class and logic that you have demonstrated here.
Sincerely, thank you. That was a wonderful thing to hear.
JimFitz said:
I just dont get the Gay Male thing.....two men....hairy, muscles, sweaty....yuck.

Now lesbianism is a different story. :bounce: Two women, shapely, soft, smooth......I get that!!! ;) :woohoo:
:lmao: :lmao: Look who's "over-the-top and vulgar" now!

I get it. It's deviant if you don't find it attractive. :rolleyes2
PoohnPglet said:
MrVisible - I was awestruck and captivated by your ability to deal with posters like Sonno and discernment. I find that I tend to get so angry when trying to speak rationally with those kinds of people that I become quite irrational and end up defeating my own purpose. I really admire your cool-headedness (is that a word?) and intellect!

Rick – I love you and you always impress me beyond words! What you said was not blasting or insulting. Unfortunately, it is reality for far too many. You must have hit on a guilty conscience. Oh, and I am gonna blow your cover and report that you are not THAT boring – unless that was someone else I was shakin’ my booty with at Mannequins? Let’s not forget about that Super Hero costume we designed for you either!

Doctor Pedantic – I am so glad that your story has a happy ending. Your children are so much the better for your decision to “correct” your lifestyle. I am the product of an incredibly dysfunctional hetro marriage. There is something in my dad that makes him the most unhappy person I have ever met in my life. It is no surprise that he is a barely functioning alcoholic. I do not know what he is trying to self-medicate, but believe me, seeing my dad happy would mean more to me than anything. Your children are lucky that you were smart enough to choose a normal life for yourself and for them.

Goofygirl – WDW parades and gay pride parades may have more in common than you think!

Hopefully, for as dark as it seems right now, we are actually about to see the light. When I was 15, I didn’t really even understand what being gay meant and you didn’t speak openly of anything homosexual, certainly not in public. Move ahead to now. One of my son’s classes this year had a debate about gay marriage. He was very nervous that day because he fully intended to support the issue and was not sure how that was going to be perceived. He came home and was very happy to report that he had not been alone. In fact, many in the class agreed with him.

Wendy, don't give up all me secrets!! LOL!

Joe and I can't wait to see you in two months!!!!!
Mugg Mann said:
I almost forgot; some good humorous shots by the other posters as well!

Rick, as an unofficial playful sarcasm major in college, I've always enjoyed looking forward to your comments, but your passioned response to discernment was one of the best posts I've read anywhere in a long while. My compliments as well!

Anyways, it's about time for this heterosexual "godless heathen" to jump back up to the lurking post......

Thanks dude. I lift my WL mug in your honor! Salute!
AnaheimGirl said:
:lmao: :lmao: Look who's "over-the-top and vulgar" now!

I get it. It's deviant if you don't find it attractive. :rolleyes2

I never said it was deviant....just said I dont understand it.
JimFitz said:
I never said it was deviant....just said I dont understand it.
That's certainly reasonable.

Think about it this way. I feel about women the same way you feel about men: I can recognize when someone is beautiful, but I'm not really physically attracted to them. Also, I feel about men the same way you feel about women: there are certain ones who I'm just massively attracted to, some I'm moderately attracted to, some are okay, etcetera...

Just because you're not attracted to men doesn't mean men aren't attractive. After all, women find you attractive, right? That must mean there's something there to be attracted to. It just doesn't work for you, that's all.
RickinNYC said:
Thanks dude. I lift my WL mug in your honor! Salute!

Rick...that WL mug of yours better be empty! I shudder to think about the reaction if posters on the DIS discovered that no less than a moderator refilled a WL mug after leaving the lodge..... :rotfl:
Mugg Mann said:
Rick...that WL mug of yours better be empty! I shudder to think about the reaction if posters on the DIS discovered that no less than a moderator refilled a WL mug after leaving the lodge..... :rotfl:

Of course! And I don't pool hop, give up my seat on buses, cut lines for attractions... oh the list goes on.
As a gay man, I'll tell you what I can't stand: when people say, "Why would someone choose a lifestyle which leads to so much pain?"

There's yet no definitive scientific evidence to tell us whether it's a choice or orientation. But if it WAS a choice, then I'm proud of it. And if I had the choice to take a pill which would make me heterosexual, I'd rather burn in the eternal hell Christianists have devised for me than take it. Christ said, If your right hand is causing you to sin, then it's better to remove it. Well, I say, if the right hand is harming no one else, I'd rather keep it, thank you very much.
aidensdad said:
Rick Man you don't pool hop well there goes one of my Idea's for our meet in August :confused3

Dude, there's a lot I won't do... but during that meet in August, there's a lot I won't be held accountable for due to over use of margaritas.
No Streisand, Midler, Liza, or Madonna CD to be found.

:earseek: No Madonna??? :confused3

Please add me and Partner to the boring list. His favorite thing to do is go to the super market.. :rolleyes:
discernment said:
2. Homosexuality is a choice. You can not point to any piece of medical or scientific evidence that proves the theory of homosexuality being inborn. There is no "gay" gene
3. There are recovering homosexuals out there that have turned away from their previous choice.
4. As I stated on a previous thread, the gay rights movement is also helping along the cause of homosexual groups such as NAMBLA to further their agenda. I find homosexuality and pedophilia both to be abnormal, deviant sexual behaviors.
5. I agree with previous people on this thread that no honest discourse can be between the two sides on this issue because in this PC world if you speak out against homosexuality you are immediately labeled a homophobe, bigot, clansman, part of sick groups like as I was called in another thread. I will probably getted banned for even posting on this thread even at Rick's request.
6. I believe that the gay agenda has been purposely forwarded by the concept of incrementalism.

2-You can not point to any piece of medical or scientific evidence that proves the theory of homosexuality NOT being inborn. There could be a "gay" gene

3- I believe there are bisexual and gay people who find the hate and discrimination so intollerable from the family and friends who say they love them , they choose to lie and be miserable.

4-NAMBLA is NOT a homosexual group, it's a pedophile group who I DETEST. It's like saying all white people are members of the KKK ( and I'm not )

6- I wish someone would forward me a copy of the " Gay Agenda "

discernment said:
In the natural order of the world, heterosexuality is not a choice. People are naturally born heterosexual in order to procreate.

Dotty, I am sorry but can you point to medical and/or sceintific proof that people are born gay?

I can not answer why people chose to be gay anymore than i can answer why people engage in all sorts of harmful and negative behavior.

In the natural order of things - you have god's creatures in the world that are homosexual . Many species in the world are NOT strictly heterosexual., you have species that do not need a mate and then you have species that need a mate and when theres a group of just a single sex they can change themselves from male to female to mate.

May I ask on what day did you wake up and make your choice to not be a homosexual? You must have contemplated the choice to be gay .

I believe GOD has given gay people the strength to be who they are , for people are overpopulating GOD's planet and GOD see's only one way to save all his creation---Homosexuality. This thought is the choice I make-- not my sexuality ,and I choose to believe god speaks to me this truth.

Save the planet Be Gay

Even though my legal rights are denied me I will get up in the morning drop the kids off at Daycare , commute to work , work hard all day to drive home pick up kids help with dinner , pets and kids . Spend some quite time with my family .I do this 5 days a week so I can pay my bills and pay my TAXES and spend my weekends mowing the lawn , planting flowers , and cleaning the pool. All the while I have neighbors who think how abnormal I am because I'm not heterosexual.

I'm sure this or something else like this has been said in this thread but I couldn't wait to the end to open my big mouth.

" Read it , hateedddd iittttt , Love yah , meannnn ittttt !!!! "

JimFitz said:
No one answered my question about seeing gorgeous blondes in leather. ;)

Let me put my wig on, I'm already wearing the leather. :rotfl:

I knew I should have read all the post first . I'm only have way through and see so many others stated my thoughts more precise and eloquently. I was gonna edit it out all of my post , but will leave it.
MrVisible said:
Oh, and I'd also like to join RickinNYC and wallyb in the roster of Boring Gay Couples.

Matter of fact, the moment I knew that my partner and I were meant for each other was when we discovered that we can both spend hours happily browsing office supply stores.

You just don't get any more boring than that.

OH MY GOD , I thought something was wrong with me . My favorite store is STAPLES , ( that and Best Buy oh , and I guess IKEA ) I can spend hours there . Now I just need to find a man who likes a boring guy with two kids, mows the lawn does laundry , likes to read and watch movies , who owns dvc and goes twice a year to Disney. Anyone.....anyone.....? :rotfl:


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