You're the best parents in the world! I gotta pee! Where's My Tooth? Trip report!


DIS Veteran
Oct 2, 2006
Hi ya guys and gals! First off, let me start by saying that I have never written a trip report so bear with me. I didn't even know that trip reports existed until about seven or eight months ago. I know....what's up with that? I guess I spent all my time over on the resort and theme park boards and didn't venture out enough.:confused3

I am also going to tell you right now that you'll find that I am a detail person. I guess it's because I have to go into such detail when drafting legal documents. So, I am apologizing up front. If you don't want to know all the details, just skip around. You when you read just the juicy parts of a romance novel and skip all the boring parts. Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings.;)

I absolutely love taking pictures. The more the better so you'll see lots of pictures in this report. Some of my pictures from this trip were lost somewhere between my camera and my computer. It took a guy at the camera shop two hours to restore 967 pictures. I know I took more but that's all he could retrieve. Since I had cried for two days before I took the camera to the shop, I was happy with what he was able to do.

Our family consists of:

Myself: Lisa, 43, legal secretary for 26 years. Yep, I was just a babe out of high school when I started working in a law office. After spending 25 years in the same firm, I finally decided to make a change. So, I went to work with another attorney in May of last year. That meant we had to cancel our June, 2008 WDW vacation. I'll give more details in a little bit. Oh, and I have Bell's Palsy. It's no biggie, you may just notice that the right side of my face is a bit puffy and my eye droops a little. Oh well, if that's all life has thrown at me so far (other than ovarian pre-cancer), I can handle it.

My husband: John, 43, owner of a cabinet shop. After working and making money for others for many many years, he decided to make a drastic move...quit his job and started his own custom furniture and cabinet shop. It really was a good move since he suffered a head injury on the job 16 years ago which caused him to have epilepsy. The seizures are under control with medication but there are some days that are worse than others. Those are the days when being your own boss is great.

Our daughter: Lacey, 22, missionary college student in Cleveland, Georgia. She goes to school year round (well, they are off for three weeks for the Summer). The program she is in is very intense. Not only does she take online college courses but she teaches children's church, volunteers at a homeless shelter in Atlanta, Georgia, volunteers her help with a mentally and physically handicapped baseball team, works at a Summer camp for Autistic children and a Summer camp for children from financially strapped families who otherwise might not get to attend camp. She is one busy girl and Mama is super proud of her. It is a bit hard though because we only get to see her for a week at Christmas, a week in May and three weeks in the Summer.

Our son: Hunter, 12. Hunter has grown up going to Disney World. His first five consecutive steps were in the Magic Kingdom. He is very into riding his bicycle, art, playing football, playing his guitar, his Playstation and hanging out with his Youth group friends. He's the one that yelled "You're the best parents in the whole wide world!". More about that in just a minute.

Our puppy: Oddball, 1. We adopted Oddball (Disney name: from 101 Dalmations) from a local animal shelter last year. He was our consolation prize after we had to cancel our June, 2008 WDW vacation: Since he and his two brothers were "drop-offs" at the shelter, we didn't know his true age but they estimated about 6 weeks. We decided he has the same birthday as our son.

Here's a picture of my husband, Hunter and I taken on our 2008 trip:

And a picture of Lacey and Hunter:

And Lacey with her Mission Georgia Master's Commission Group when they visited our house last year:

And a picture of Oddball and one of Oddball and Hunter playing in the rain:


Now that the introductions are over, I'll tell you a bit more about the story behind the title.

Like I said, because I changed jobs, I had to cancel our 2008 vacation. I've known my new boss for many many years and he told me when he hired me that it was a real possibility that I could still take a vacation but later in the Summer. I didn't start work for him until the last week of May so I truly didn't think it would ever happen because school would be starting on August 17th. And, we were a one secretary/one attorney office. Who the heck was going to fill in for me even if I did book a vacation. But, I kept watching the Special Offers page on the Disney World website just in case.

When the End of Summer room only promo came out, I marched right into my boss' office and announced I would be going to Disney the second week of August. I told him what a good deal I could get and he said book it. I started calling all my legal secretary friends and attorneys to see if they knew anybody who could fill in for me. Just when it was beginning to look like I was going to have to call a temp service (which my boss didn't want to do), I found somebody! The granddaughter of one of my attorney friend's secretary. Hooray!

I immediately called my husband and he was super stoked. Since he's his own boss, he can take off any time he wants. Some time when we were talking, it was decided that we wouldn't tell Hunter about the trip. We would keep it a secret from him.

I get off the phone and call Disney travel and book a preferred location room at the Caribbean Beach Resort at a super fantastic price! Because it was a room only promo, we weren't able to book the dining package. We were okay with that because we had already spent a good chunk of our allotted June Disney vacation money when we went to Branson, Missouri :-)scared1:and some people say Disney is expensive) and Arkansas.

Now you see, Hunter was majorly disappointed when we had to cancel our Disney vacation. We had gone that time of the year every year since 1998. Our June, 2008 trip was to be our 13th trip. (In the year 2000, we went three times.) We had taken him on a road trip through Missouri and Arkansas the week before I started my new job just so we could say we went on vacation in 2008. It just wasn't the same though. This surprise trip was going to be a big deal to Hunter.

It was now early July and we were wondering how in the world would we keep our Disney trip planning a secret? We would be traveling to Georgia to see our daughter graduate her first year of missionary college mid-July and I decided I would make a big deal of being too lazy to put the luggage back in the attic. That way, I could keep it in the bedroom and I could start putting things in it a little at a time without Hunter wondering why luggage was stacked up in the corner. I could also say that all the snacks I was picking up were for our Georgia trip (sticking some of those back too).

Anyway, time passes. We go to Georgia and the suitcases never get put in the attic. I order the park tickets and tell them we'll do Will Call for our tickets at our resort. During our 9 hour drive to Georgia, my mother (who knew about the surprise and who came with us to see Lacey graduate), John and I talked about John, Hunter and I going on another long weekend road trip in August. Hunter said that would be cool. Planting the seed so when we started packing up things in the car come August, it wouldn't seem crazy to Hunter.;)

The plan was in place but would we be able to be able to pull it off?
Hi Lisa!!

I'm so glad you started a report! Your family is beautiful and Oddball is adorable!

Can't wait to hear more! I could never pull off a surprise! ;)
Hi Lisa!!

I'm so glad you started a report! Your family is beautiful and Oddball is adorable!

Can't wait to hear more! I could never pull off a surprise! ;)

Hi Missy! Glad you're along for the read. Thanks for the compliments on the family. I am having the hardest time waiting for our August, 2009 trip to come along so I decided I would go ahead and do a report. Took me long enough didn't it!;)

It was super hard to keep the trip a surprise. There were quite a few times I almost let the cat out of the bag. Once, I actually said, "when we get to Disney" and immediately turned to see if Hunter heard me. Thank goodness he wasn't paying his Mama any mind. Go figure?:lmao:
I thought I better throw this DISCLAIMER in before Lacey finds out I posted those pictures of her without an explanation. Her mission group travels to different arenas and speak, do dramas and paint. Because of this she constantly has paint on her and her clothes. Most times, she has a bandana tied around her head too. She really is clean, you just can't tell it.;)
Hey Lisa!

I'm in!! Can't wait to hear more! :yay:

Welcome aboard! I just couldn't wait around doing nothing until our next WDW vacation. So, I thought I'd do a trip report to help pass the time.

I intended to get the next installment out tonight but one of the Judge's secretaries I am friends with came by this afternoon and we booked her a vacation at the CBR for June 26th! She's never been to Disney and needs all the help she can get!
Like I was saying, a big chunk of our Disney dollars had been spent traveling around Missouri and Arkansas so we were on a limited Disney budget. We decided that it would be counter service meals every day. Hey, I'll still be in Disney so I can hang with that.

But, we were celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary on August 10th so we decided to try and get an ADR for that night. Since we wouldn't have park hoppers and our trip was cut down from our usual 10 days, we decided to go to Epcot that day and try and get a dinner ADR in the park. After the Disney Dining Castmember spent about fifteen minutes trying to find us something/anything, she finally found Rose & Crown at 8:15 p.m. We had never eaten there but we'd give it a try.
So, now your report will be my "prozac":upsidedow. Figured I'd go into detox after I finished my report:rotfl2:. Can't wait to follow along...great hearing who you are...I love making new friends...doesn't happen much being a SAHM and watching two other little ones.:rotfl:...don't get out much:eek:

:mickeyjumcan't wait to follow along...

:thumbsup2great start and intro to your family...
So, now your report will be my "prozac":upsidedow. Figured I'd go into detox after I finished my report:rotfl2:. Can't wait to follow along...great hearing who you are...I love making new friends...doesn't happen much being a SAHM and watching two other little ones.:rotfl:...don't get out much:eek:

:mickeyjumcan't wait to follow along...

:thumbsup2great start and intro to your family...

Hi Connie! Thanks for coming over. I hope that things are going well with your little one. Isn't his surgery in just a few days?

Nobody understand the disboards until they are a member. I agree that it's a great way to meet new friends and other people who love Disney as much as I do.


Followed your link from the LA lovers thread. Hope you are able to pull off the surprise!
i also followed your link from the LA Lovers thread.
we're planning a surprise trip for our twins, who will be 6 y/o when we go in OCT 09. i'm getting excited already, and reading your trip report is making me even more excited to go back! :yay:
Hi....I also came over from the La thread. I'm always up for a good trip report, and I love CBR and details so this should be right up my alley! :lmao:

Your dog is SO CUTE by the way...
Hi Lisa! I'm in too!! I flew in from the Pop Countdown thread.
What a lovely family you have. holy smokes....what does your daughter do in her spare time??:lmao: that's one busy little lady.

can't wait to read all about it. I love your writing style.
I'm in too! Great start. What is the LA lovers thread. LOL! Should IO belong? it sounds like the "cool" group to be in. LOL!

Followed your link from the LA lovers thread. Hope you are able to pull off the surprise!

Hey fellow Louisiana resident! I hope to get the next installment up this afternoon. It'll include the "reveal".

i also followed your link from the LA Lovers thread.
we're planning a surprise trip for our twins, who will be 6 y/o when we go in OCT 09. i'm getting excited already, and reading your trip report is making me even more excited to go back! :yay:

I was very worried we wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. Like I said earlier, I made a few slip-ups but was able to recover. Your twins will love WDW!

Hi....I also came over from the La thread. I'm always up for a good trip report, and I love CBR and details so this should be right up my alley! :lmao:

Your dog is SO CUTE by the way...

Thanks for coming over. I am so going to miss the CBR this trip. We had family who thought they were going to come with us to WDW this year and they needed to stay in a value resort. So, we booked Pop. Well, they backed out but we decided to stay at Pop anyway. We're taking the extra money we saved and going to Cirque de Soliel.

I think Oddball is a cutie too!

Hi Lisa! I'm in too!! I flew in from the Pop Countdown thread.
What a lovely family you have. holy smokes....what does your daughter do in her spare time??:lmao: that's one busy little lady.

can't wait to read all about it. I love your writing style.

Thanks for the compliments on the family. In what little spare time my daughter has, she does laundry. That's about all the time she has. She actually talked her leader into letting her come back to the mission three days late this August so she could go to Disney World with us. I am super excited that she'll get to come along.


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