Zero Forky's Given - An August 2019 Dining Report - Completed 8/18

I am soooo sorry. I got waaaaay far behind in your trip report. Bad sister wife. But happy to say I am all caught up. I'm not getting any notifications. What's up DIS????

This was a pretty standard bloody kari but it hit the proverbial stress spot.
Those bloody Kari's usually do. Great morning beverage choice. You get my full approval. LOL!

We sought refuge from the downpour in One Mans Dream and when in One Mans Dream….
HMM. These pics look awfully familiar. LOL!

In what should not come as a surprise to anyone we had dinner at the California Grill.
Love me some Cali Grill. I am taking Joe here for his birthday in March as it's one of our favs too.

May I present, the World Series of Uno Tournament.
Yep, love this. Nothing says fancy dinner like a game of Uno at the table. Sigh. What's wrong with people????

And my personal favorite, table cloths as formal wear.
Yep, I remember you texting these pics to me. When I am in Disney this week with @ariane37 we will be sure to pull out the toga tablecloth wear and napkin do-rags. LMBO!!!

For entrée’s Casey was jonesing for some sushi and who am I to deny her so we shared a few. First up we got the California Combination Roll with Jumbo Lump Crab, Avocado, Cucumber, and Shrimp Tempura.
This sushi is my all time fav in Disney. Soooo good.
As always , love the tipsy notes . Still struggling trying to interpret this batch. All could get from Melanie was it supposed to be melony ? But the drink didn’t seem to have that flavor ?
was it cold in there ? Only thing that made any sense to me with the tablecloth and napkin coverage. But where did the lady get a tablecloth ??? She asked for one ?
That spicy margarita at CA Grill is one of my favorite Disney drinks.
From what I remember it was pretty dang good. I'm not a fan of sweet margaritas so the one must have been all tart and spiciness!

Thank Goodness for your Dad! And the fact that you doggie played along well enough!
Yes on both fronts. He's got some definite physical problems, but its his crazy mind that causes more issues than his body most of the time.

The Me star start of your sentence sounds like you are channeling Jar Jar Binks. Sounds like a margarita I would like.
:rotfl2: I was getting ready for the Galaxy's Edge preview in a few days

Wait, Morgan ate something that Casey didn't!!!! Amazing.
Go Morgan!!!! Casey is working on eating spicy stuff but hasn't worked up that far yet. We actually went out for sushi last night too and she tried the spicy tuna. Still a bridge too far for her but she keeps a tryin'

Did you take this photo just to get a better shot of the lady? What I don't understand is, when we were there they gave the girls shawls. Did they want that lady wearing a table cloth? Did they not have the shawls?
Would we intentionally pose for fake pictures so we could take pictures of strangers? Never :P

I didn't know that they had shawls but clearly someone gave these ladies the beautiful table cloths. Unless of course they just took them off of another table. And it wasn't even cold in there. So weird.

What a classy family you were dining by :rotfl2:
Tablecloths as ponchos are all the rage now!
The sushi and udon noodle bowl do look good, sorry it wasn’t as awesome as you had hoped for!
Love the tipsy notes as always
Ya know classy certainly attracts classy. And we are of course the classiest :P

Tablecloths and bibs 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Imagine us sitting there! At least my back was to them or else I don't think I could have contained myself.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2::rotfl2:I’d always heard California Grill diners were classy!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Only the classiest when dining at the top!

I am soooo sorry. I got waaaaay far behind in your trip report. Bad sister wife. But happy to say I am all caught up. I'm not getting any notifications. What's up DIS????
Bad Bad Sister Wife Indeed! I'll have to consider your punishment.

Love me some Cali Grill. I am taking Joe here for his birthday in March as it's one of our favs too.
Its such a great birthday destination. We won't be in WDW again until likely November but I'm hoping for that amazing brunch again.

Yep, love this. Nothing says fancy dinner like a game of Uno at the table. Sigh. What's wrong with people????
I know, right? We take Uno often when we go to a brewery but never a restaurant. So strange.

Yep, I remember you texting these pics to me. When I am in Disney this week with @ariane37 we will be sure to pull out the toga tablecloth wear and napkin do-rags. LMBO!!!
I want all the pictures!!!!!

The peach salad does look good but they shouldn't serve it if the fruit isn't ripe. Pear salad is like that, too.
I was very surprised. I expected a peach at the peak of perfection and sadly didn't get that

As always , love the tipsy notes . Still struggling trying to interpret this batch. All could get from Melanie was it supposed to be melony ? But the drink didn’t seem to have that flavor ?
You're struggling? Imagine me! I looked at more Melanie time and time again and I still got nothing. I don't think it was supposed to have melon so who the heck knows. Certainly not me.

was it cold in there ? Only thing that made any sense to me with the tablecloth and napkin coverage. But where did the lady get a tablecloth ??? She asked for one ?
No it wasn't cold in there at all hence our confusion. We're assuming they said they were cold and this was the restaurants very odd solution but in my mind I like to think they just swiped them off of an empty table and went all Roman chic the rest of the meal.
My amazing Dad had been checking in on the dog and he seemed to be responding much better to him than the sitter. So before I could say no he’d already packed his bags and moved into our house for the next week.

Omg, thank goodness! What a great dad! :love:

I was able to cancel the flights I’d purchased the night before with no problem and for the first time truly felt like I was in vacation mode.


But first the obligatory we clean up nicely photos.

Y'all really do clean up nicely :-)

Which “Bread food like sour but miss butter instead of oil.” Yes Kari, Bread = Food. I think I’m finally getting the hang of this whole dining review thing.

You had it back at, "Tatats too itiskian." :P

May I present, the World Series of Uno Tournament.

Oh, my! :oops:

And my personal favorite, table cloths as formal wear.
Move over jersey shirts here is the hot new Disney style.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

:rotfl2:These are the absolute best!
Happy Snow Day from Virginia!!!! The government and schools closed down early so what's a Mama to do? Wine and DIS of course! Casey had other thoughts though...
We haven't had a snow day here yet! Would you believe it was pouring rain and 11C with a thunderstorm on Saturday. Of course then it all froze overnight and back to -8C yesterday. Can winter just be over?????
Yup! I haven't gotten any in a while but with my mouth its bound to happen every once in a while. Though I'm pretty sure @ariane37 has me beat. Someone even contacted her boss one time because of her bold badness :P
That is hilarious!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Come to DC and you'll get them fairly often for no obvious reason. Though your warmth is headed our way. Its going to be 70 on Saturday
70?? That's almost summery weather around here!
My amazing Dad had been checking in on the dog and he seemed to be responding much better to him than the sitter. So before I could say no he’d already packed his bags and moved into our house for the next week. This was the best early birthday present I could have received because not only did I know the dog was in good hands, but we’d be able to finish our Disney trip and still head to Savannah as planned. I was able to cancel the flights I’d purchased the night before with no problem and for the first time truly felt like I was in vacation mode.
Yay for wonderful Dads!
Being it was the middle of August a California Peach Salad with Fried Goat Cheese, Candied Pecans, Summer Greens, and Roasted Cherry Vinaigrette sounded like it would be perfect .
I had the same salad two years ago (maybe a slight variation) and the same thought. The peaches were not ripe at all. :(
Sadly I was wrong because in a moment of complete and utter clarity “peaches not ripe enough had better from farmers market loved pecans and fried goat cheese really good but ridick small portion and not worth $16.” Score tipsy me!
Given my latest salad experience at Disney, small portions and $$$$ seem to be the norm.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
No, you really can't! The tablecloth cape is the best!
We are now 5 months past this trip and my notes surprisingly aren’t helping me recall too much. I did jot down that we saved $ 39.40 with our Tables in Wonderland Card . But when uno and table cloths are your stand-out memory from the meal I’m going to guess the food wasn’t too stellar. But it is California Grill so four forkys it is.
What a blessing that your Dad was able to take care of your pup, so you could relax and enjoy your vacation!!

And my personal favorite, table cloths as formal wear.

Move over jersey shirts here is the hot new Disney style.
This is amazing LOL It's hard to top California Grill uno, but this is way up there. She could have at least classed it up with a broach or something :rotfl2:

I just love goff dumbs cake, don’t you?
It's my favorite. I feel like it would go well with an ice cold Miller Lite, in fact.
I was able to cancel the flights I’d purchased the night before with no problem and for the first time truly felt like I was in vacation mode.
Even though I knew this from when we met up, I still had relief when reading this! Your dad is one amazing man :goodvibes

Gorgeous photo!

While we were waiting for our entrees we got a second round of drinks and my normally oblivious husband was dialed in to some of the best signature restaurant people watching we’ve had in a while.
When one travels solo, one never is oblivious and always dialed in to people watching... it's both :scared1: and :rotfl2:Though I can't say I've seen anyone sport a table cloth as evening wear...

But is anyone really as good as you? Yes I’m talking to you.:D

though he would of liked it more if he had a table cloth to warm him up.
:laughing: There are many occasions where I'd benefit from a table cloth shawl :snooty:

I just love goff dumbs cake, don’t you?
Heck yeah! ::yes::
My amazing Dad had been checking in on the dog and he seemed to be responding much better to him than the sitter. So before I could say no he’d already packed his bags and moved into our house for the next week. This was the best early birthday present I could have received because not only did I know the dog was in good hands, but we’d be able to finish our Disney trip and still head to Savannah as planned. I was able to cancel the flights I’d purchased the night before with no problem and for the first time truly felt like I was in vacation mode.

Great of dad step in to save the day. Glad everything worked out because I can only imagine how stressful that was.

I was not drinking rum nor know anyone named Melanie so ya got me on most of that.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Yes Kari, Bread = Food.

Glad to hear it. :rotfl::rotfl:

We also shared the Braised Short Rib Wontons with Doenjang Miso-Cola-Onion Sauce, Crispy Garlic-Chili Oil, Radish, and Pickled Lotus Root.

Oo these sound amazing.

While we were waiting for our entrees we got a second round of drinks and my normally oblivious husband was dialed in to some of the best signature restaurant people watching we’ve had in a while.

Thank you for posting this - it was hysterical. The tablecloth women are my favorite. I'm always cold and would never fathom wearing a tablecloth lol.

My sister and I did California Grill brunch in December and I was panicking that my sandals weren't dressy enough and then we got there and saw people in their pajamas and those snowmen baseball caps and I wondered why I spent the whole morning worrying :oops:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I’m loving the tipsy notes. That could be me! So glad to hear the review of Jiko. Thinking of booking that for our next adventure in WDW.
I've been in cold in restaurants before, but I don't think I've ever been desperate enough to wear a tablecloth. :rotfl2: And I love a good game of Uno as the next person, but playing at CA Grill?! :confused3:confused3

Sorry to hear the salad wasn't as good as it looked.
Omg, thank goodness! What a great dad! :love:
He is! If he hadn't sprung to our rescue we would have cut the trip short by 5 days and I really needed those days!

Y'all really do clean up nicely :-)
Why thank you!

You had it back at, "Tatats too itiskian."
I mean who doesn't here "Tatats too itiskian" and immediately start to get hungry :confused3

:rotfl2:These are the absolute best!
Come to think of it maybe "Tatats too itiskian" is California Grill Speak for Tablecloths and Uno :D

We haven't had a snow day here yet! Would you believe it was pouring rain and 11C with a thunderstorm on Saturday. Of course then it all froze overnight and back to -8C yesterday. Can winter just be over?????
No I can't! We ended up only getting a few inches and got a dusting and ice yesterday but that is about it so far.

70?? That's almost summery weather around here!
Yup! It was 70 last Sunday and snowing yesterday. Insane!

I had the same salad two years ago (maybe a slight variation) and the same thought. The peaches were not ripe at all. :(
Ugh I should have remembered that and saved myself from the peaches

Given my latest salad experience at Disney, small portions and $$$$ seem to be the norm.
Second thing I should remember is no signature salads! I'll stick to the hearty stuff like sushi and flatbreads :D

What a blessing that your Dad was able to take care of your pup, so you could relax and enjoy your vacation!!
It so was. Now of course we've had to stay homebound since then, so even more important that we got the whole vacation in.

This is amazing LOL It's hard to top California Grill uno, but this is way up there. She could have at least classed it up with a broach or something :rotfl2:
Oh I like where you are taking that. Broaches. Maybe a nice sash. They could have gone all Scarlet Ohara and tied a curtain tieback around it. So many options.

It's my favorite. I feel like it would go well with an ice cold Miller Lite, in fact.
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I mean what doesn't go well with Miller Lite :drinking1

Mmm....sushi! That looks so good. What a great dinner with a show!
It was like Hoop Dee Doo only no chicken and way classier :D
Even though I knew this from when we met up, I still had relief when reading this! Your dad is one amazing man :goodvibes
Heck I knew how it ended and I still had anxiety about it. Dad is amazing and helps us out tremendously!

When one travels solo, one never is oblivious and always dialed in to people watching... it's both :scared1: and :rotfl2:Though I can't say I've seen anyone sport a table cloth as evening wear...
If you ever write a trip report again I so expect to see photographic evidence of all of this,. People watching in Disney is my favorite and Jason is never a good partner for it :D

:laughing: There are many occasions where I'd benefit from a table cloth shawl :snooty:
I mean who couldn't really? Maybe we've found a new niche market we can carve out on amazon for ourselves. Is it a table cloth or a shawl? Or is it both? All for the low low price of $79.99

Great of dad step in to save the day. Glad everything worked out because I can only imagine how stressful that was.
It truly was stressful and eating away at vacation but thankfully he saved the day.

Thank you for posting this - it was hysterical. The tablecloth women are my favorite. I'm always cold and would never fathom wearing a tablecloth lol.
Well now when you are in nice restaurants you know what to ask for.

My sister and I did California Grill brunch in December and I was panicking that my sandals weren't dressy enough and then we got there and saw people in their pajamas and those snowmen baseball caps and I wondered why I spent the whole morning worrying :oops:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: It really does take all kinds. I'm always self conscious about what i wear to signature restaurants (and even wore shorts a few times this trip, fancy shorts of course though) but then I just look around me and wonder why I even cared.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I’m loving the tipsy notes. That could be me! So glad to hear the review of Jiko. Thinking of booking that for our next adventure in WDW.
You so should book Jiko! We won't be back again until November but iI can guarantee we'll be eating there.

I've been in cold in restaurants before, but I don't think I've ever been desperate enough to wear a tablecloth. :rotfl2: And I love a good game of Uno as the next person, but playing at CA Grill?! :confused3:confused3
How about wearing the tablecloth while you play Uno in a restaurant. Now that would be the piece de resistance!
I thought I’d quoted posts and commented but I seem to have lost them and now can’t remember them so suffice to say I’m enjoying the report and thinking an Irish linen tablecloth might just be the way to go on future trips to fancy restaurants 😂
If you ever write a trip report again I so expect to see photographic evidence of all of this,. People watching in Disney is my favorite and Jason is never a good partner for it :D
YES! That's a promise! ::yes::

I mean who couldn't really? Maybe we've found a new niche market we can carve out on amazon for ourselves. Is it a table cloth or a shawl? Or is it both? All for the low low price of $79.99
I see a very successful future in this new business... :laughing:
I thought I’d quoted posts and commented but I seem to have lost them and now can’t remember them so suffice to say I’m enjoying the report and thinking an Irish linen tablecloth might just be the way to go on future trips to fancy restaurants 😂
I think it should just be the way to go all the time. I can see you football fields now


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