ZW's Birthday Gala: 21 - Been There, Done That, Going Back


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
Much of our last day had been reported already. We spent a lot of time at Millionaire; Delaney was the first person of the first show in the hot seat, Kim was the last player of the last show. Both had a great time playing with the host.

Maybe that is a metaphor for out trip; we were all involved, all the time, in having a great time but it wasn't just being there it was playing with our hosts that made things great.

I think this was the first day we have ever spent entirely in one park. I can't see spending all day in a park again. We left exhausted. Maybe we really aren’t commandos after all.

It's a World of laughter
A World cheers
It's a World of Final Answers
And a World of beers
With many friends we share
and now we're aware
We aren’t commandos after all.

It is just one trip
A time of golden fun
and a BadShoe Pin means
Friendship to ev'ryone
Though the mountains ride
with our similes big and wide
We aren’t commandos after all.

We aren’t commandos after all.
We aren’t commandos after all.
We aren’t commandos after all.
We aren’t commandos after all.

The more we go, the more I know that a great Disney World experience is much more than the parks. It’s in the resorts, in the restaurants, in the shops, in the busses, on the boats, in the pools as well as in the parks that you experience outstanding care from Cast Members.

My advice for a great Disney World trip is simple; don’t go solely to experience rides and attractions, go to be a guest of the good folks who put those shows on.

Sure enjoy the show they put on or ride they operate but slow down enough to appreciate their hospitality. It is the service, care and joy that the Cast Members share that makes Disney World Magic.

And it was magic.
We are going back.

Next time we are going to meet up with Delswife, Scuba Steve and Co. - I can't wait to read the trip reports.
Wow - Thanks for sharing soo much .. this was a cool trip report to read.. and Yes the Delswife and Zurg trip should be most funny ! Michelle
I have enjoyed all of your reports and look forward to the next Saga, Zurg and Delswife families visit WDW.
Great reports! I cannot wait for the Zurg's family/Delswife's family saga to begin!!

Thanks for sharing... It sounds like you had an amazing trip!
Great reports, zurg! You guys sure knw how to have fun!
I hate to see your trip end. I love reading your trip reports. It so refreshing to see a family who love spending time together, and also share that love with others.

Can't wait for your next trip. :earsgirl:
finally got to finish all your reports - sounds like you had so much fun and that you shared your joy with others.

thanks for sharing with us!
Direct Quote from my trip report:
Chapter 43 ~ Bunching up with strangers

Commando Nikki was pleased. Disney-like behavior is very important to her. She was constantly pointing out different people and if they were conducting themselves in the proper Disney-like behavior. Commando doesn't mean just sucking every second that the parks are open, it means behaving with a live-out-loud, play nice and have fun attitude.

You guys are defiantly Commandos in our book.

I can't wait until December! The thing I wonder about is on our last trip, we were there 9 days.

9 days turned into 47 Chapters.

This time we will be there 15 days and with a new crew of charaters.

47 chapters might look like chump change.

This time we are going with people who ALSO have a sence of humor. I can see alot of material coming just from Scuba Steve and Mrs. Zurg exchanges.

Hey, Zurg... Think if we just stand there and stare at them with notepads and video cameras they would get uncomfortable?

Oh and by the way, I'll be needing Delaney when my crew goes to WWTBAM/PI. I'll give ya one of mine.
> 9 days turned into 47 Chapters.

You are the trip report goddess!

I wrote less than half that and it was a killer, but then I didn't have the SIL from hell to write about so....

> it means behaving with a live-out-loud, play nice and have fun attitude.

OK that would be us.

> Think if we just stand there and stare at them with notepads and video cameras they would get uncomfortable?

Only one way to find out, or we just make it up, either way.

> I'll be needing Delaney when my crew goes to WWTBAM/PI.

'Laney is good, no question but I don't think I mentioned that Kelley not only got into the hot seat, she also got to the top of the board and had to decline the hot seat because she had been in the hot seat in the last 30 days.

Sit with us we'll give ya the answeres!
GREAT trip reports, Mr. Evil Emperor! Thanks so much for taking the time to share them. I just don't know how I'm going to last until December to hear about the delswife/Zurg WDW trip. :teeth:
Originally posted by Zurg
The more we go, the more I know that a great Disney World experience is much more than the parks. It’s in the resorts, in the restaurants, in the shops, in the busses, on the boats, in the pools as well as in the parks that you experience outstanding care from Cast Members.

My advice for a great Disney World trip is simple; don’t go solely to experience rides and attractions, go to be a guest of the good folks who put those shows on.

Sure enjoy the show they put on or ride they operate but slow down enough to appreciate their hospitality. It is the service, care and joy that the Cast Members share that makes Disney World Magic.

Very well said! Walt would be proud! :earsboy:

Your quote should be printed and handed out to everyone you see having a bad (shoe or otherwise) day at WDW!

Thanks for the great reports. Can't wait for Zurg and Delwife's version of "War and Peace" (not mean't literally :D , I mean the potential length of the report....LOL!)

......on second thought - it could be "War and Peace" (literally!) if SIL goes!
Great report Emperor Zurg, my question is this. If the Zurg Troupes join forces with the Delswife Troupes, will Disney be safe for the uninformed Disney masses that will be gathering next December? Many will not know the true Commando style touring that has been perfected by these two forces. They will be unaware, unprepared and of course totally outclassed.

Many of the Disboarders may have to come in December to be like UN observers and make sure the protocol of fun are upheld and the masses are not decimated by the invincible invasion of these two forces.

Thank you for your reports and I look forward to next December's Trip Reports!

Well, I have been a bit behind in my reading and am just now getting to your wonderful trip reports. THank you for writing them. It really does my heart good to read of a family that truly knows what life is all about. I hope your children know how lucky they are to have such wonderful and fun loving parents.

You're right, a great Disney WOrld experience IS more than the's also right there in the moment of being able to have fun and laugh and make memories with those you love.....well done.

I can't wait to hear of the next trip with you and yours and the Delswife should make history!
Just one question...if you are going at the same time as delswife, does that mean we readers are going to be ripped off, or do we get trip reports from both of you?

Originally posted by meandtheguys
Just one question...if you are going at the same time as delswife, does that mean we readers are going to be ripped off, or do we get trip reports from both of you?


Ripped off?


Yeah that is a safe bet.

What is this Fair word you use?

The Emperor has no understanding of this word.
wonderfull trip report! I didn't even miss the SIL super villain - with ZW birthday, Christmas, diabetes, life saving boat rescue, Morrocan romance, all the adventures (and your family passing out cheer via badshoe pins - very warm & fuzzy for an evil emperor)

can't even imagine what trip saga hieghts you and delswife will hit !!!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


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