ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 10 - Thanks a Million


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
So the last show of the day, the last day of Kimball’s Big Gala Birthday – Christmas - New Year – Bash the last contestant in the Hot Seat was:


She got a hat but got stuck on a Harry Potter question: What number book was Order of the Phoenix. She spaced a little and said, “My Daughter is going to Kill me if I get this wrong.”

It didn’t help that the audience was yelling out the wrong answer.

Kelley, who has almost memorized the books she has read them so many times, knew the correct answerer. So did I here is a link to our Harry Potter Adventure where we got our copies of the Order of the Phoenix.

Anyway she got a hat and some pins and more importantly got to be in the hot seat.

Before we leave our Our Who Wants to be a Millionaire – Play It obsession:


..and everyone else in the cast and crew of Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play it!

Thanks a Million - You guys are the greatest!

You can play our version of Who Wants to be a (Cast) Member - Play It by clicking here:!.htm

Our trip was over (I do have ID for the airport) but since I feel no compulsion to write linear trip reports there is lots left to write about.

Before the Who Wants to be a Millionaire Play It obsession we were busy Christmas shopping. So on our first full day, after riding Mission Space, playing the Mission Space games and riding Test Track in an hour we had something to eat, unpacked, ate, went food shopping, and ate more, we went Christmas shopping.

The kids were doing a Pollyanna for each other. It started as making stockings for each other because we already had done a Pollyanna but stocking stuffers quickly became presents.

The kids were all over Downtown Disney and we tried to keep track of them with radios. It worked, sort of.

Kelley’s reaction to being tired is the opposite of her nervous reaction, she mopes. Kelley was tired. I don’t know why, we only traveled all over checked into two hotels and just today, Checked out of Pop century, checked into Boardwalk, rode Mission Space, played the Mission Space games and rode Test Track (in an hour) we had something to eat, unpacked, started putting up Christmas decorations, lights, ate, went food shopping, and ate more, and here we were Christmas shopping. What is to get tired about?

Connor had more money than everyone else and was letting them know it. This didn’t help matters. So I hung out with Kelley by the giant green Lego sea serpent. People would radio in and I became air traffic control:

Kids. “Dad we want to leave the Lego store and check out some other stuff.”

Me: “Roger understand moving from the Lego Store to the Toy Store, expect vectors for the Pin Station and Glass Shop and shooting final via the instrument landing system approach through the World of Disney. Squawk 4133 on your transponder.”

Kids: “What?”

Me: “Read Back is correct.”

I am a recovering private pilot (barely) and I have these lapses from time to time.

Kim came by and we were just hanging out watching the little runabout boats come and go. One was coming in with a couple in it. I have never seen the draw of these things.

It may be because I have been around small boats a lot. I have had sail boats, windsurfers and have a number of friends with ski boats. These stupid little things don’t have the power to get out of their own way. I have skipper a lot of sailboats that are fasted than the little slugs.

I used to sail Hobie Cat 16s. These are great fun. Not all that hard to sail very fast and fairly funny when you flip one over. (You go flying when a fast boat stops quickly and they stop real quickly when you flip them over.)

Once I had one out solo in a fairly stiff wind on Lake George. It is really a two person boat and there wasn’t enough of me to hold it down. It threw me like a bull throws a cowboy at the rodeos. I managed to get it back right without any help. (And I had a lot less ballast amidships back then if you know what I mean.)

I tried to rent a Hobie Cat at Castaway Cay when we were there. Nice little breeze, a few but not many white caps. It would have been amusing but not too fast.

The guy said I should come back when the wind died down.

Huh? - I asked why I would want to rent a sailboat when there was no wind. He got pissed off and said he didn’t want to have to rescue me and that I would be charges if he had too.

Would have worked for me but he still wasn’t willing to rent me a boat.

Since you can’t use them when there is wind, the boats I assume are props to sit in the foreground of picture of the ship at the wharf. They do that well.

So anyway I am playing mission control and turned form the stupid little powerless boats and looked for one of the kids in the Lego playground. Spun around when I heard the unmistakable sound of a outboard boat motor out of the water. If you have ever given one power in reverse without locking the motor down you know the sound.

The little boat was gone. Kimball was keyed way up she had seen it go over. Then I noticed a boat upside down, the couple I had just seen driving it were no place to be seen. somehow they rammed the boat ramp and flipped the thing.

The dock hand was taking off his shoes clearly with the intent of going in after them. Then he stopped and started to mill about nervously. He had no clue and was panicking. The boat was still upside down.

Kim has a lot of years of running a community pool under her belt. She has pulled people out. She has a very high level of help out in a crisis instinct. She is not happy.

We are both eyeing the distance to the boat and sizing up cold swim when a young black guy comes sprinting down the dock shedding his coat, shirt and shoes and jumps right in.

Mr. Panic is still wandering about aimlessly. He has a broom and is trying to reach into the water with it. The boat is 12 feet away. Do the math 3 foot arm + 3 foot broom = 6 feet short. His solution? wave to the boat to come closer.

Only a handful of people have any clue what is going on.

Another dockhand runs down, grabs a life guard float off another boat and is in the drink. The two rescuers have helped the two guests get out from under the boat and are moving them to the dock.

They hustle the guests out. The boat floats upside down. The first guy has been in the water about 5 minutes. The guests get blankets. Mr. Panic has pat on the back for the first rescure guy as he gets out. Big help.

Kim is livid that Mr. Panic is allowed to work the dock. She takes a bad shoe pin form me and runs of to thank the first guy in. He isn’t getting any help from anyone but he does find his shoes. Kim gives him a big hug and walks him up the dock. She stayed around with another witness and filled out statements.

I remember I am being radio control dad and check in with the kids. They wonder why I haven’t said anything goody on the radio in awhile but other than that they are cool.

Reedy Creek emergence takes the two guests away. The wet CM is sitting and shivering. After filling out her statement Kim made security call Reedy Creek back and take care of the wet CM. She says he was showing signs of going into shock.

Nice way to treat a guy who may have just saved to guests lives huh?

His name is Kelvin. He works the dock area in Downtown. If you see him, tell’m thinks He is a Hero.
Wow... that's unbelievable...

Good job, Kelvin! That's the kind of person that should be working in a place like that. :D
Way to go Kelvin!!

Nice trip report Zurg!::MinnieMo
I hope that other yahoo who just stood there no longer works there:mad:
Kelvin is a hero, and I'll be sure to stop by next trip and not only deliver your message...I'll congratulate him myself. :boat:


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