ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 15 Not Gonna Stink for Me


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
Mickey usually calls a little after 6 am to wake us up. Then we try to pry the kids out of bed to get to the early open park.

We weren’t doing any early park Christmas morning so naturally the kids were up and I our room making all kinds of noise a few seconds after six. I don’t even think Mickey was up yet, he sure hadn’t called.

I am not feeling really smart, where is the coffee pot?

Boardwalk’s Santa came around last night and put little gift bags on all the doors. Class.

We had a very nice family Christmas. Kim gave me the coolest camera in the universe. A Cannon Digital EOS, I was had some suspicions but didn’t really believe she would spend the money, I wouldn’t have.

Blair was convinced that there were Disney Cruise Line tickets in every package. I guess Blair liked the cruise. Sorry Blair no DCL. The boys did get bomber jackets they wore everywhere. Fashion is relative and my boys have relatively little of it, but they know cool and leather bomber jackets are cool.


The last present was for Blair to open but for the whole family. It was a dog dish. All he had asked for was another dog but Dad was having not more than one dog. (This is the same dad that said No dog before we got one.) Blair didn’t understand at first. Dad had given in; (again) we would get another dog after we get home.

Everyone was very excited, (ok so dad was excited about the camera it still counts.)

We played with our toys most of the morning, particularly dad. Kelley wanted to use her gift cards to Virgin Music at Downtown so we headed out for some McDonalds lunch and shopping.

I took my new camera; I wasn’t going to give up on play time with my new toys.

This is one huge music store. Kelley was in heaven.

The other kids shopped here and there and the boys scored some very high tech Legos.

BadShoe started when I make a comment about shoes and Kim started taking the pictures. She is very observant. In Downtown she noticed a thong on the sidewalk.

Is this something that just falls off without the owner noticing?

Now there is a Christmas tradition. Go to downtown Disney, Wisk off your thong and leave it on the side walk.

Well I had my brand new Canon Digital EOS and I my duty as a reporter.

Back at the Boardwalk Kelley fired up her CD player and the boys got to work on their Legos. When I was a kid Legos were square and rectangular blocks. Now Legos are all kinds of special shapes including working parts of the suspension from a Hummer. The kits the boys got required a computer just to walk through the construction process. Once built the things were remote controlled marvels that had to be programmed via a serial port connection to the computer and operating instructions came off the internet.


It was good to see modern retailing has moved the impossible Christmas present construction projects from the night before to the afternoon of Christmas and from Dads to Sons. This counts as progress.

I think.

Our traditions have not evolved to thong dropping in major shopping areas but we do have traditions. One is making flank steaks for Christmas dinner. I know it doesn’t sound very Norman Rockwell but it tastes great.

The Boardwalk has a very nice grill out by the quiet pool. Just be sure to have charcoal. I am out firing up the coals, and enjoying a nice beer ( when Jeff walks by.

Merry Christmas Jeff! Hey Jeff, Kim will need a birthday balloon right about 6:30 can you help me out?

When Jeff stopped with a balloon and after the kid showed Jeff all their Santa loot and sang a few bars of I farted on Santa, I noticed I somehow screwed up, I just happen to have an extra plate of steak and fixings. Opps. I thanked him for the balloon and asked if I could trouble him to fine a place to dump the extra plate.

I trust he found one. Merry Christmas Jeff!

In one of life’s great ironies after opening all this junk in the morning we had to pack it all up that night. We were moving over to the Dolphin for three days.
That's a Christmas tradition I won't be adopting anytime soon! What the??? :confused:

It sounds like you all had a very Merry Christmas!! ::yes::
Originally posted by Mr.BsMom
That's a Christmas tradition I won't be adopting anytime soon! What the??? :confused:

It sounds like you all had a very Merry Christmas!! ::yes::

What part didn't you like?:confused: It all sounds good to me! I wanna be a zurg!:bounce:
Now there is a Christmas tradition. Go to downtown Disney, Wisk off your thong and leave it on the side walk.

That's the part I wouldn't want to do!! The rest sounds like a great time...!! :teeth:
Ignorant me thought the "thong" was a thong SANDAL, DUH! What a laugh I had when it dawned on me what I was really looking at...LOL :hyper:
Now you'll need a new website: Lost

My DH calls them Party Panties maybe she partied a little too much.::yes::
"thong gone"

"Party Panties"

Sorry this was soooo long ago but I am just reading this after I read delswife's report. I just accidentally stumbled upon them and decided to keep on going right down the list. Great reports!!
Anyway I was just wondering if the thongs were delswife's missing underware?;)
I also just stumbled upon these. I read delswife's reports all day yesterday and now I am on to these! I am also wondering if those were the lost panties from PO! LOL!


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