ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 6 - Where the rudder peddles?


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
The presence of barf bag didn’t make me feel any better. What kind of a ride needs a barf bag?

This kind.

Exactly why I was worried.

I kept my head back.
I kept my eyes open.
I kept looking ahead into the screen.

There is a hidden Mickey in there.

The ride starts and there is some smoke out the “window,” followed by an amazing feeling of force, accelerations, and Gs. It is incredible.

OK it bounces around but I the pilot did NOT have the manual control they said I did. I know these things (when I am not over Hazelton.)

We were high and fast. We should have gone around and burnt off some speed and hight.

I could have made a much nicer landing; particularly if I had rudder peddles and could slip it a little.

I was much less shook up than the average roller coaster and way less then Star Wars.

OK listen up eyes front, keep them open and head back. This ride is cool. (OK another 20 – 30 seconds and I would feel like crap.)

Delaney said she liked it but hung to the I don’t have to ride it again for the rest of the trip clause in her contract. The boys loved it and the games in the post ride show.

Over to Test Track. It was working which is in and of itself something of an accomplishment.

Delaney likes Test Track and we had fun riding together. Post ride the kids all wanted the conversion van with the 20 inch television.

I did NOT win a free car.

OK day one; We are in our rooms at the Boardwalk way early; in less than an hour we ride Mission space play the Mission Space games and ride Test Track but I DO NOT win a free GM car.

I don’t remember what else we did that day. I think it had to do with eating, unpacking, eating, food shopping, eating, playing and we may have had something to eat.

Connor was looking around for another Casino.

I put lights around our hallway doors. I had a real nice picture of it but that card got wiped out.

The plumbing at the Boardwalk didn’t offer the same musical capability as at Pop Century. Also either the guy up stairs didn’t go in the middle of the night or the walls are thicker.

Our room was great. Almost as far as possible from the elevators but on the ground floor, so the elevator was not an issue. We were evenly between the doors to the back exit to MGM and the doors to the bus stop. I counted it was less than 200 steps from our room to the bus stop.

Now if you are ever at the Boardwalk and on the first floor take a look at the fire extinguisher cabinet in the hall by the elevators, yeah right they next to the guest laundry room. See the two little bents in the wood work on the bottom there?

Look like teeth?

Last spring Connor’s friend Stephen some how forgot the hall turns there and ran full speed into it. Yes those are his teeth marks. They were loose for a few days.- his teeth not the fire extinguisher.
I too survived M:S, and like Delaney am holding on to the fact that I don't ever, ever have to ride it again.

Must admit it didn't really hit me until 5-10 minutes later ... then my stomach started rolling and I turned a bit green and told DH I need something to eat ... for some reason a bit of something tends to settle my tummy ... kinda like Pooh and his rumbly tummy.


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