Diane & Andrew's Trip Report!!

ive been coming back during AI breaks... Illuminations was amazing but one of my favorites of stans work is how he recaps everything in the end... kind of puts everything into perspective. Its amazing what a day can bring... ya know it? One day and your life changes so drastically forever. Im proud to be a disney bride and after all of that-- I know you are too!! Congratulations once again to you and Andrew-- and may all the blessings in life come to you and bring you much happiness..:cloud9:

Maggie - you're so sweet. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I know we did.
It must have been a good video for you to take the time between AI to look at it... lol..... :rotfl:
I did love the recap at the end. :love: It was beautiful, and I can't wait to see the actual DVD when it's all crisp and clear... That day was amazing for both of us and we will never forget it, especially now that we have this amazing video. ;) I am proud to be a Disney bride also. Thank you for your congratulations. I will pass them on to Andrew as well.
Diane, I just watched your video! I LOVED it! I am not a very emotional person, but there was definitely some tearing up during your video! Wow, you and your DH look sooooooo happy! Seriously, you two must be the two happiest people in the world :love: Your daughter is such a cutie pie! Everyone looks like they are having an amazing time! What a great wedding! You looked absolutely beatiful, really just glowing :)

Jen, thank you so much for that. We do feel like the happiest people in the world sometimes. We are certainly blessed to have such a tremendous love for one another. We have certainly had our ups and downs over the last 13 years, but it's only made our relationship that much stronger. And this is only the beginning. :goodvibes :love:
December 11, 2006

"I do."

One of the first things I remember as I walked down the aisle towards Andrew, was his reaction. He just had this look of amazement on his face and a big WOW came out of his mouth. You can actually see him say it on the video and Stan captured it so beautifully in the recap video. It made me feel so special and truly like a princess. :love: I couldn’t stop smiling. I was so happy. There had been times, especially about 3 years ago when I had just about given up hope and thought this day would never come, but we worked through the bad times, and here we were, standing in front of God, our Pastor and our family and friends. What an amazing feeling. My dad just hung on to my hand and arm the entire time, until Pastor Scott asked, “Who presents this woman to be married?” My dad says, “I do.” He hands me over to Andrew and says, “She’s all yours.”

The ceremony was beautiful. Our friend Judy read my favorite Bible passage, I Corinthians: 13. I actually have that tattooed on my back also… I made sure to have her read the entire chapter though, because I don’t think it means as much if you don’t. She did a beautiful job. :goodvibes I really enjoyed how Scott put us into that passage. It really was touching and made me think about it in a different way.

When it came time to say our vows, we had decided to say the traditional vows and then say something more to each other afterwards. Andrew and I had talked about this several weeks before the wedding and he told me he wasn’t going to formally prepare anything because he wanted it to be in the moment. So, when he said he hadn’t prepared anything, I was ready. But he is amazing and made me so happy. He could have said anything and I wouldn’t have minded. ;) I, on the other hand, am not as blessed as him with improvisational skills, so I had prepared mine and changed them up until the morning of. I had given them to my brother earlier in the day to give to Pastor Scott. I read mine and I started tearing up.


I couldn’t believe we were really standing here, at this moment, in Disney, getting married. It was so surreal. :wizard: :love: It truly was a once in a lifetime experience. There were a few more formalities and then we were able to kiss as husband and wife.

Now, we are huge movie buffs and leading up to the big day, all I could think of was The Wedding Singer and how Julia (Drew Barrymore) and Robby (Adam Sandler) practiced the wedding kiss… I wondered how we would kiss that day but never actually said anything to Andrew. I had told him it better be more than just a peck and he agreed, but not too sloppy either. He swept me off my feet with that kiss. It was just like our first kiss, way back when. I don’t think I could have felt more love and adoration for him at that moment in time, or the entire day for that matter.


Then we were announced to our friends and family as Mr. and Mrs. That was such a great feeling!! The final song we had chosen was the Hallelujah Chorus because, seriously, after 13 years, that’s what most of the people there were already thinking. Lol…



We walked out and kissed again and again and again…. And then we walked to our staged flower throwing. Now, I knew this wasn’t going to just be a pretty flower toss over the married couple… not our friends, but I didn’t expect to get pelted either. I love our friends and once we got a handful of flowers in the face the first time, I just braced myself for the rest. It was hilarious and I loved every minute of that walk.

Then it was time for more pics!! No rain had fallen as of yet, but the sky sure looked like it was getting ready to open. So, Randy moved us along quickly to make sure we got out of there before we got wet.



All the other guests, including the parents, were told they could go to the bus for the ride to the reception. The rest of the bridal party and ourselves were going to take some more pics. And then, the clouds started to empty. Thankfully, it was pretty light at first, but then the drops started getting a bit bigger. So, that quick trot down the boardwalk towards the Flying Fish turned into a full out run!!! :eek: Man, that dress was heavy… I was so out of breath by the time we finished running I could barely stand… but, we had our rain, which everyone had told us meant good luck. ;) It held off for the ceremony and after we were under cover, only lasted for a couple more minutes. We took some more pics and the bridal party was told they could go to the bus. Now it was just Andrew, me and Selena. We had decided to let her ride in the limo with us over to the reception and then she could ride to the DP and back to the hotel on the bus. :yay: We took a few more photos in front of the Boardwalk, and off we went to the backstage entrance of our reception at the Living Seas…. Until the next post… :cloud9: princess:
Wow Diane! Your TR was fantastic!! I haven't had a chance to watch the video but that is the first thing on my to do list when I get off of work! I am soooo excited for you and your pictures are beautiful! I LOVE you accessories - the choker is STUNNING! Wow Gorgeous - absolutely LOVE it - worth every penny and great u get to wear it again soon! How much fun!! I have Marion as my WP and I am quite anxious. From your postings and photos you and your family are beautiful people inside and out! I wish you the BEST of LUCK on life and Many Blessings and I can't wait to READ MORE! :)
Wow Diane! Your TR was fantastic!! I haven't had a chance to watch the video but that is the first thing on my to do list when I get off of work! I am soooo excited for you and your pictures are beautiful! I LOVE you accessories - the choker is STUNNING! Wow Gorgeous - absolutely LOVE it - worth every penny and great u get to wear it again soon! How much fun!! I have Marion as my WP and I am quite anxious. From your postings and photos you and your family are beautiful people inside and out! I wish you the BEST of LUCK on life and Many Blessings and I can't wait to READ MORE! :)

JDR2b777 - thank you so much. I absolutely LOVE my choker and can't wait to wear it again. I'm already trying to think of other places I can wear it. One of my good friends is getting married in the end of June and I'm thinking of maybe wearing it then... of course, I'll be 8 months pregnant and might not want anything hugging my neck... but we'll see. :rotfl:
Marion was wonderful. I was a bit nervous because we never got to meet her before the rehearsal. She had a family emergency in Scotland when we had planned our planning session, but it all worked out wonderfully. Don't hesitate to ask Linda anything. She is AMAZING!!!! And she will get back to you almost immediately. Good luck planning!! :thumbsup2
JDR2b777 - thank you so much. I absolutely LOVE my choker and can't wait to wear it again. I'm already trying to think of other places I can wear it. One of my good friends is getting married in the end of June and I'm thinking of maybe wearing it then... of course, I'll be 8 months pregnant and might not want anything hugging my neck... but we'll see. :rotfl:
Marion was wonderful. I was a bit nervous because we never got to meet her before the rehearsal. She had a family emergency in Scotland when we had planned our planning session, but it all worked out wonderfully. Don't hesitate to ask Linda anything. She is AMAZING!!!! And she will get back to you almost immediately. Good luck planning!! :thumbsup2

I have Marion too. We had our planning session with her 3 weeks ago and she is very sweet. I also LOVE LINDA!!!
Diane-- you have me totally reliving your video through your post. When I saw Andrew say "Wow"... i thought that literally seemed like something off of a movie! You all have a storybook romance and I think its adorable-- if this were a movie I would watch it time and time again, and cry!! Im such a sucker for a happy ending. 13 years and a lot of up and down moments.... DH and I were engaged 3.... and I could definately describe some real highs and some lower than low low's. Did I ever mention on the boards that DH and I werent engaged just once? No, no my friend... Twice, with two different rings. Its really embarrasing to tell people that, but it literally is what brought us to this day in our lives. Your daughter is beautiful, your husband is amazing, and you are a knock-out. You both deserve one another and that is very evident. I only wished we lived closer so we could hang out with you all. Your dress is amazing and your hair turned out so well. I wish mine had turned out that way. Did you have Lisa? If so, what a difference a month can make!!

I'll be waiting for more....:hug:
Diane-- you have me totally reliving your video through your post. When I saw Andrew say "Wow"... i thought that literally seemed like something off of a movie! You all have a storybook romance and I think its adorable-- if this were a movie I would watch it time and time again, and cry!! Im such a sucker for a happy ending. 13 years and a lot of up and down moments.... DH and I were engaged 3.... and I could definately describe some real highs and some lower than low low's. Did I ever mention on the boards that DH and I werent engaged just once? No, no my friend... Twice, with two different rings. Its really embarrasing to tell people that, but it literally is what brought us to this day in our lives. Your daughter is beautiful, your husband is amazing, and you are a knock-out. You both deserve one another and that is very evident. I only wished we lived closer so we could hang out with you all. Your dress is amazing and your hair turned out so well. I wish mine had turned out that way. Did you have Lisa? If so, what a difference a month can make!!

I'll be waiting for more....:hug:

Storybook romance... yeah, I guess we sort of do. Our lives are sort of like a soap opera with a happy ending... only 10 years from now you won't be able to flick on the tv and see us having the same argument... lol...:laughing:
Nothing wrong with being engaged twice. Please, if you knew half the stuff we went through, you'd wonder how I could have stayed with him and how we could be so happy now. All I can say is perseverance paid off and a whole lot of faith in God and our relationship. That's all that got me through the entire year of 2003. I block out most of the memories now just so I can keep moving forward, but I remember how we worked through it. We are totally in love and nothing can come between us now.
You made me blush with all the compliments. I will let Andrew know what you said. I wish we lived closer too... I totally see us being great friends. It's funny, the girl who was my Matron of Honor (green dress) and I met in 2004. We were instant best friends. It was like we had known each other all our lives, yet we had never met before that. I kind of feel that way with you... only it's a bit tougher since you're in TN and I'm in NJ... but that's why those techie people created e-mail and cell phones. ;)

As far as the hair goes, I had brought several pics with me and then I went through Lisa's pics. After hearing about how disappointed you were with Lisa, it made me a bit nervous, but I went with it... she was amazing!!! It was exactly what I had asked for. I was so happy!!

I will try to get the next installment up soon... I have to call Randy and see when I can get the CD. He's got the most pics and I don't have a whole lot from the reception otherwise... what's a TR without pics? :confused3 :lmao:
Oh Diane, you've got me all teary-eyed again too :hug: Seriously, your wedding is my dream, it really does sound like it's out of a movie. A true fairy-tale. I just love the little things like Andrew's "wow" and your dad's "she's all yours now". Too great! You and Andrew look soooo happy in all your pictures and Selena always has the cutest expressions :cutie:

By the way, 2003 was the WORST year for me too :sad2: I try not to think about it. I'm surprised Jeff and I made it through that year together too. Congrats to everyone who was able to make it through those tough times... it takes true love :love:
Oh Diane, you've got me all teary-eyed again too :hug: Seriously, your wedding is my dream, it really does sound like it's out of a movie. A true fairy-tale. I just love the little things like Andrew's "wow" and your dad's "she's all yours now". Too great! You and Andrew look soooo happy in all your pictures and Selena always has the cutest expressions :cutie:

By the way, 2003 was the WORST year for me too :sad2: I try not to think about it. I'm surprised Jeff and I made it through that year together too. Congrats to everyone who was able to make it through those tough times... it takes true love :love:

Thanks Jen. My dad's quote the night before at the rehearsal was even funnier. He said, "Here you go. She's all yours. Take her." I love my dad... :rotfl: Trying to get Selena to make a nice smile for the pics is difficult. She's a huge ham when it comes to being the center of attention. :lmao:

The only phrase that got me through 2003 was, "God doesn't give us anything we can't handle." Although it seemed at times that I couldn't handle it, something good would happen that would reassure me that my faith in our relationship was the right thing and to keep believing because eventually it would work out.... I'm glad I listened to my heart.... I don't know where I'd be right now without Andrew in my life... something tells me we'd have found our way back to each other though... he doesn't believe in soul mates, but I do. He is definitely mine. :love:

Just as a side note... Andrew just brought me dinner at work. He's so sweet... that's not what I wanted to share with you though... lol... I told him you guys were still waiting for HIS TR and he said to tell you that he is still working on it. In Andrew terms that means he hasn't started it yet, but at least he remembers he's supposed to be writing one... :)
Oh Diane, you've got me all teary-eyed again too :hug: Seriously, your wedding is my dream, it really does sound like it's out of a movie. A true fairy-tale. I just love the little things like Andrew's "wow" and your dad's "she's all yours now". Too great! You and Andrew look soooo happy in all your pictures and Selena always has the cutest expressions :cutie:

By the way, 2003 was the WORST year for me too :sad2: I try not to think about it. I'm surprised Jeff and I made it through that year together too. Congrats to everyone who was able to make it through those tough times... it takes true love :love:

Jen, 2003 was mine & Shanes bad year as well-- we got unengaged and re-engaged all in a month and a half's time (with two different rings)... you would be real surprised if I told you the story-- seems like theres a bump in most everyones road to happiness... if not several big mountains.
Jen, 2003 was mine & Shanes bad year as well-- we got unengaged and re-engaged all in a month and a half's time (with two different rings)... you would be real surprised if I told you the story-- seems like theres a bump in most everyones road to happiness... if not several big mountains.

:hug: I know what you mean! Let's all forget about 2003! We're all very lucky and blessed to be where we are now :cloud9:
I love how you described your first kiss as a married couple to your first kiss way back when. That must have been an amazing feeling!
What a great TR. I am beginning to plan my vow renewal and love all the ideas you had.
What a beautiful bride you made. :)

Love your dress and Selena is a beautiful daughter.

Sigh I get all teary eyed reading your recap.
I just watched your wedding video and all I can say is.........


Absolutely amazing!! You looked so beautiful and happy!!

Congrats and Best Wishes for a Wonderful Marriage!!
Thanks Sparkles. I'm glad you are enjoying the TR. :) He swept me off my feet as a teenager and he did it again that day and every day since. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life.

disneediva - I'm glad you like it. If I can help with anything, just let me know.

KimAshton - thank you for the compliments. We do have a beautiful daughter. Can't wait to see what the next peanut looks like...

Snoopygirl - thanks. That was Andrew's reaction when he saw me for the first time... it took my breath away. Thank you for your well wishes. ;)

Hopefully there will be more coming this weekend. Andrew will be away, so that should leave me some time to write the rest of the TR... however, I don't really have a lot of pics from the reception, so I'll see how it goes.
Just wanted to chime in here...I am loving your report thus far! The video made me a teary-eyed and happy-feeling inside!

Isn't it amazing at what couples can go through and still be so happy and so in love? :) My DH and I are that way too...we fought long and hard to get to where we are now. And I tell you what...there is NOTHING that can tear us apart! (High school sweethearts who broke up only to find each other after 10 years via the internet! He swept me off my feet and we have been deliriously happy ever since! Together for 5 1/2 years, married for 4 1/2 years)

I wasn't a Disney bride, but we did marry in a chapel in Orlando and honeymooned at WDW! We would like to do a vow renewal at WDW though...we've just got a few too many things happening right now! We'll get there though...it's my dream! :)
Just wanted to chime in here...I am loving your report thus far! The video made me a teary-eyed and happy-feeling inside!

Isn't it amazing at what couples can go through and still be so happy and so in love? :) My DH and I are that way too...we fought long and hard to get to where we are now. And I tell you what...there is NOTHING that can tear us apart! (High school sweethearts who broke up only to find each other after 10 years via the internet! He swept me off my feet and we have been deliriously happy ever since! Together for 5 1/2 years, married for 4 1/2 years)

I wasn't a Disney bride, but we did marry in a chapel in Orlando and honeymooned at WDW! We would like to do a vow renewal at WDW though...we've just got a few too many things happening right now! We'll get there though...it's my dream! :)

Thanks Brandie. I'm glad you like our TR. Hopefully, Andrew will get to working on his this weekend. He's traveling to Buffalo, NY and from the sound of it, he'll be spending a LOT of time in the hotel room, since they have just gotten 4ft. of snow... lucky him.

On a different note, I see you're adopting from China! Congratulations!! I hope it all works out like you've planned. We are expecting in July... but we've talked about adopting... after we're done popping our own out. We are in no way financially able to even think about that option right now... but down the road, you never know...
Thanks Brandie. I'm glad you like our TR. Hopefully, Andrew will get to working on his this weekend. He's traveling to Buffalo, NY and from the sound of it, he'll be spending a LOT of time in the hotel room, since they have just gotten 4ft. of snow... lucky him.

On a different note, I see you're adopting from China! Congratulations!! I hope it all works out like you've planned. We are expecting in July... but we've talked about adopting... after we're done popping our own out. We are in no way financially able to even think about that option right now... but down the road, you never know...

Yay for adopting babies!! DH and I are already saving so we can adopt a baby! We want to have 2 of our own and then adopt a 3rd. Theres no telling how much adoptions will have gone up at that point! It is SO expensive-- sometimes I dont see how people do it out on a whim. Ive known since pretty early on I have wanted to adopt-- and DH's lack of a father figure has lead him into wanting to as well. Yay for babies!


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