Aidan Pierce... Update Post 252 5/30/07

I'm so sorry to hear he has had such a setback. We're keeping him in our prayers. Remember it is just a temporary setback. He is going to come through this with flying colors and he''l wind up being one of the healthiest kids around.:)
I'm praying for your family Rome. Pixie dust can't hurt either! :pixiedust:
Hey sorry to hear about his setback... but just know that there is power in prayers! My family and I are continuing to to pray for him and all your family! Sending lots of prayers and of course lots of pixiedust:
I have been following this thread closely. I wanted to let you know that your family is in my prayers. Little Aiden will be just fine. He has lots of love and pixie dust on his side.:hug:
I've read the recent postings about Aiden being in a private room. Great that he got rid of the breathing tube, but bummer about the isolation time. How is your insurance coverage on that? We're thankful we happened to switch to an HMO this year though it's not as good as we'd hoped, with dh 10 day hospital stay and two ER visits, it's sure to have been a great savings.

You're a tremendous witness to all who read your CarePages updates. Save a copy of them for Aiden to know how loved he was even before people knew him. :goodvibes
I just wanted to jump on and say I just read all of this. Add me to the list of people holding your family in my family's prayers. Sending BIG hugs and strength to you all.
Well it’s been a busy couple of days and I apologize for not posting sooner, however our internet at home has gone down AGAIN. Thanks Time Warner.

This week Aidan was moved out of his private room, to allow a child with much higher needs that privacy. He is still under contact isolation, gloves and gown but is able to say HI to all those that walk by again.

Yesterday ended up being a big day for him. In the morning he had a contrast study that showed good signs of things working inside with a few minor issues that can be resolved during re-connection. They are talking about drip feeding him in the next few days via his Mucus Stoma. This will help his kidneys and other organs that can be damaged if only supported via TPN’s and such which he is currently living on.

He also had another Echo Cardiogram and the results of this were even better. His heart they said during contraction was close to touching interior walls and not filling well enough to support his body. They gave this rating a 70 and high numbers are bad. Yesterday that number was reduced to 20 based on the medication they had prescribed over the weekend. The good news about this is that it’s not a permanent thing and they feel that a few weeks or months will resolve the issue and his heart will be back to normal.

The last step of the day was to remove his tubes once again and get him breathing unassisted. This went quite well and he is actually on a very low rate of flow with little assisted oxygen via his nasal canola.

All of this is leading up to the fact that they are still looking at reconnecting him in about 2 ½ weeks. He is still on track. We got to see his wound late last night and wow, does it look remarkably good. It is actually healing so well that we don’t actually see any interior parts anymore. It is soft pink and healthy looking.

Thanks for the continued prayers and support, we know that without the Grace of God and the support of Friends we would not have made it this far. It is still a little touchy as he will have to go through another surgery and the issues that go with that, but we know were our strength comes from.
Looks like the prayers are working, Im so glad he is doing better
Mac, it's wonderful to hear positive news! Aidan, your family, and all the doctors and nurses have been in my prayers. Miracles often happen in little steps! Your little princess is absolutely adorable! :goodvibes
GOod to hear the good news Rome. We are remembering Aiden and your family daily with great expectations. Keeping the Care pages for him is a great idea.

Jeremiah 33:6
" 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

Many hugs and prayers!
:grouphug: :grouphug: princess: :grouphug: :grouphug: :woohoo:
So glad to hear that Aidan is doing better. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
So grateful that Aidan is doing better. It's always a roller coaster on these kinds of things, but we grab hope and light wherever we can! With His strength, all things are possible!
Thanks for the updates Rome and we love getting his Carepage updates too!
Glad to hear things are going better and lots of prayers and pixie dust that he gets stronger every day!
Hugs to you and your entire family!
I happy to hear he's doing better. :goodvibes

Still sending prayers and pixie dust your way. pixiedust:
Thank you for keeping up us to date. So happy to hear the good news. :)

We will keep praying for your precious boy and your family. :hug:

What a great day it was today! We actually got to touch our son WITHOUT gloves! They are now allowing parents to actually touch their children without any sort of plastic barrier. We still must wear the gowns, but we actually get to feel their soft skin.

He is also off of all assisted oxygen, and is tolerating his new feedings quite well. According to his staff they are very pleased with his progress and it looks like the week after next we will be going back down for his last surgery. This will be the time that they re-connect and we can then work towards feeding and coming home.

So the next big step is for him to poop with all this food going through him. Oh the little things!


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