What are the weirdest complaints you have heard in WDW?

So you're supposed to eat greasy bacon with your fingers?? That's a new one on me...

So. You're supposed to eat bacon with a fork? I've never seen anyone do that. Oh well.:confused3

This thread is hilarious. I know I've heard plenty of weird complaints but can't remember any at the time. I know I'll definitely be carryin a notebook on my next trip just for writing this stuff down!:)
At AKL (I can't remember which trip) there was a man at the front desk with his little boy. The boy, who looked about 3, had apparently lost his misting fan. The dad was livid because it hadn't been turned in to lost & found. The CM gave him a voucher to get a new one (or credited his room for the cost of one - something), but that wasn't enough to make him hush.:rolleyes:

I wasn't really paying that much attention because I was settling our bill, but when we walked away DH asked me if I heard what the guy was griping about.
At Epcot a woman screamed at Mushu because his handwriting was sloppy and he "ruined" her daughter's autograph book. Then the scariest gurgling noise came out of Mushu. His CM said "Now Mushu you know you're not allowed to breathe fire on our guests!" :rotfl2:

:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

Now that's thinking om your feet. :thumbsup2 Good job to the CM who diffused that situation. And its a wonder that the non-face characters can write at all in those encumbered, heavy costumes.:rolleyes1
My DM is a seater at Artist Point. She cracks us up with all the stories of people who come in with ADR's and say to her. Can you please make sure that we are not seated near any children?:eek: DOn't they know they are at WDW and most of the people there are children:confused3

:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.
:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.

I think it is more the incongruity of asking to be seated away from children when one has chosen to vacation at a resort built and run specifically to cater to families with children.

I personally do not subscribe to the "Disney is only for children" point of view. But one needs to expect to be near children everywhere, even the nicer restaurants (Victoria and Alberts is probably the only exception, and even then there have been a few examples on the boards of parents paying the big bucks to bring small kids there - they don't have a children's menu).
:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.
I think to request a table away from children sounds weird since your in WDW and no matter how fancy a restaurant is, there is a chance of children coming in. The expection being Victoria & Alberts, (although I have read posts of parents brining little kids there) so to make a request like that sounds weird. Besides what if this person got that request but later on a family with 2 or 3 kids were seated next to them, is the hostest going see if it's ok with this person that a family with kids be at the next table?
:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.

It's probably about 90+% children. That could be why it's a weird request. Your in Disney World!!!
:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.

THEY ARE AT DISNEY WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get that DW is full of children, my point was that I don't think it's a weird request for someone who doesn't have children to ask to not be seated by children. How is that any different than asking to be seated outside in the hopes of seeing Spectro Magic during dinner at Tony's or asking to sit by the tanks at Coral Reef. It's just a preference and they may or may not be able to fulfill it.
I get that DW is full of children, my point was that I don't think it's a weird request for someone who doesn't have children to ask to not be seated by children. How is that any different than asking to be seated outside in the hopes of seeing Spectro Magic during dinner at Tony's or asking to sit by the tanks at Coral Reef. It's just a preference and they may or may not be able to fulfill it.
Because having someone say I don't want to sit around children is weird, since your on vacation in Walt Disney World.
A father was complaining that he wanted to see the manager when the CMs at Space Mountain wouldn't let him furthur in the fastpass line than he was because he seemed to have "misplaced" his ticket.

He went on and on about spending a lot of money here, the usual. So angry, irresponsible dad got to cut about 10 patient, responsible people in line to get on the ride.
I have a few.




"ITS TOO HOT":rolleyes:

Those kinds of things always make me laugh! :lmao:

1. Then why are YOU in the smoking section? (heh heh!)
2. Nobody is going to force you to buy it so puhleeze don't have a cow!
3. That's why people show up early!
4. Ummm.... there's a lovely place called the Amundsen-Scott Station. The temperatures average -20 degrees most of the year. Winds top 100 mph in the middle of the year. Hope that helps!:rotfl:
I hear this complaint daily while in WDW and I cannot understand all of the complaining about walking. Maybe they thought there was going to be a trolly. :laughing:

I believe these morons thought Disney had free Segways for personal use for everyone! Believe it or not, I've seen someone on another message board complain about that!:lmao:
Because having someone say I don't want to sit around children is weird, since your on vacation in Walt Disney World.

I don't think it is weird at all to request to not be seated next to children in a restaurant in WDW. But it is weird to demand this, or to even expect to have an entire meal there without a family being seated at a table near you.

I agree with the PP that this request is no stranger than the other requests people have for where they want to be seated at a restaurant. (ie: In a booth, by the window, away from the kitchen, etc.) It's just the chances of having this request fulfilled is rather small at WDW.
I don't think it is weird at all to request to not be seated next to children in a restaurant in WDW. But it is weird to demand this, or to even expect to have an entire meal there without a family being seated at a table near you.
Even if a couple was able to request a table away from children, what if a family comes in 20 or 30 minutes later and the only available table is next to the couple that made the request. Does the host of the restaurant need to check with the couple to see if that family can sit next near them? That is where this request can go bad very fast since the couple did not want to sit by any children.
I will admit that I am one of the people that complain that it's hot. :blush: I know it's Florida and it's summer. I just like to complain about it for the sake of complaining, because my body doesn't handle the heat very well. I don't do it loudly (I only bother DBF with it ;) ), and I don't let it ruin my vacation.

Oh no! My MIL is one of those people who will not sthu (shut the heck up) about how hot it is. No matter how hot it really IS (or isn't), she will complain. Guaranteed. Whenever we go anywhere with her, she almost immediately starts to complain about the heat and any number of other horrible impositions on her comfort, so needless to say, we rarely go anywhere with her! We've tried to get her to come to WDW with us in the past, thinking she might want to share in her only grandchild's joy, but now I realize that's the WORST thing we could do. She would totally ruin our trip, and I'd be, well, ticked!
Hey Disney, we know you're listening...

You should have a special group of CMs whose job it is to rescue such children from their idiotic parents, who get banished out of the park, and take the children around to do what they want.

A GREAT idea! We'll call it APR: Advance Parenting Reservations! The kid can call a toll-free number 24/7. "I would like to reserve a Mommy who is patient and won't scream at me for being too short to ride and having to go to the bathroom."
Disney Operator: "No problem, she'll arrive tomorrow at 9 a.m. to take you to breakfast. Now what's your REAL mom's credit card number?" (and the silly mom/dad should cough up the money for being such fools in the first place)

I'd pay good money to see the look on the actual parents' faces! Sadly, there will always be a few who totally flunked Parenting 101 and KNOW they did a lousy job! What is WRONG with society these days?! If I ever have kids, I'll NEVER scream at them over something they can't control.
Even if a couple was able to request a table away from children, what if a family comes in 20 or 30 minutes later. Does the host of the restaurant need to check with the couple to see if that family can sit next near them? That is where this request can go bad very fast since the couple did not want to sit by an children.

I think you misunderstood my point. I agree that the expectation that it would be fulfilled for the entire meal is what makes it weird. But I think the request itself isn't the weird part. To request a seating preference away from children is not strange in my opinion. Just like requesting to be sat next to the window. If I made this request myself, I wouldn't expect the hosts/hostesses at the restaurant to ask my permission to seat a family next to me. Same if the window seat wasn't available. I wouldn't expect them to ask the people sitting at the window seat table to leave so I could sit there either. But the request in and of itself is not weird....at least not to me.
I had my bi-annual mom/daughter/daughter weekend trip with my mom and sister this past President's Day weekend and this time we picked the Ritz Carlton Grand Lakes - we splurged on Club Level, and let me tell you, did I get an earful up there about WDW! As a DVC member and a DISBoard reader, I tend to think that I at least know some strategy about WDW. This one guy was sitting in the lounge sipping his cocktail around 8pm complaining with his wife and her sister (their nanny had their kids in their rooms) about how Disney has overbuilt by putting up so many hotels. He went on about how there was no way that "Disney World can pack in all the guests from all of the hotels and still let in other people, too" - and that they had gone there - to "Disney World" at 2pm and after 4 hours had been able to ride only 4 rides. So - after a few minutes of hopefully inconspicuous eavesdropping, it became obvious to me that his "Disney World" is the Magic Kingdom, and all of the guests at all of those hotels only go to that park.....and getting there at 2pm on the Saturday of a long weekend, it shouldn't be crowded, right?

I love listening to people complain about not getting to enjoy the parks when they visit and it is clear that they did NOTHING to prepare in terms of any research or reading at all.


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