July 28, 2007 - "Rome-ancing the Mouse Cruisers" -11 days! Part 2

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Thanks Harole Ann! I was helping DS & DH connect a wireless print server when I noticed we were close to a pirate: . They started to get annoyed with me as I was supposed to be reading directions to them on another screen and they had to wait!:rotfl: :rotfl: Then I got all excited that I got a pirate: , and they both :sad2: :sad2: .

Good night

Congratualtions for your pirate.
I've been reading on the various blogs and Dis threads about excursions, and it occured to me that it's very important to consider one's own priorities in evaluating which ones to take.

Some things are clear:

  • Full day excursions are exhausitng no matter how you do it.
  • You can save money and potentially do more if you plan/reserve things on your own.
That said, I'm sticking with my DCL excursions (though I did make one switch based on the reports to date). But that's because my priorities are possibly different from that of others.
  1. I'm not trying to see as much as possible. Though this is my first visit to each of these ports, I've traveled enough to know that I can come back. The purpose of the excursions is to get a quick taste/survey of each place to help me decide which ones I want to come back to one day.
  2. I'm on vacation. If it's "exhausting" it's the wrong choice for me. So with the exception of Rome, none of the excursions are full day.
  3. I'm on vacation. If it's stressful, it's the wrong choice for me. That means I want to make as few decisions as possible - I want someone to tell me where to go and describe to me what I'm seeing in as entertaining a manner as possible. I want to know that if the bus breaks down on the way back, somebody else will be worrying about how to get me back to the ship on time.
I know I'm going to miss seeing a lot, and miss a lot of great experiences. At the same time, I figure an hour nap on deck is arguably equal to seeing yet another 500 year old cathedral.

My point in this, is I think in evaluating excursion choices, it's important to first set ones own priorities. "Best choice" really depends on one's individual perspective.

I completely agree with everything you've said Dan, especially the bit about getting bacj to the ship if something goes wrong
We could take over the atrium! I sort of think before first seating because I know late seating never finishes at the same time. We always seemed to be last ones out for some reason. One year I know it was because we had the slowest server on the ship.

Only trouble with that is that there are normally characters in the Atruim before every dinner...we would probably cause chaos
I would say early evening before first seating or after late seating?

Before first seating sounds like a good plan. We would love to try to make it for the group picture. Too bad we could not all have the lanyards for Saturday while at port waiting to board so we could all recognize each other. On one of our last cruises we tied green/lime ribbon to our backback/bag or somewhere where it was visible and we would know we were from the disboards.

I think I might be rolling ;)

I can't belive I forgot to brag a little, but both of our dgs hit their first homeruns of this season over the weekend. Chad (8) in minor league and Nathan (13) in pony league! pixiedust: :dancer: party: :jumping3: :jumping2:

Isn't it exiciting when that happens!! :cool1: :yay:
I will be happy and relieved late today. My son is returning from the Bahamas today. He went with a group of friends 19/22 age range (about 20 of them). I will feel better tonite when my son and his passport are home and safe with me.

I also have a meeting tonite with our CYO cordinator for our WDW (AAU National Track & Field Competiton) trip July 2nd. I am going to see if I can get a parent (who will be driving or has a rental) to help me out and volunteer to pick up a case of water for us (we will definitely need it). Otherwise I will have to have a small grocery delivery just for water and not sure if it's worth the delivery fee and items I might not need.

I need to finish getting ready and get my myself to work this morning. See you guys later.
Good Morning,

WE printed out the navigators last night and it was fun reading through them and seeing what's going to happen and when. Does anyone know if they make changes to the schedule from one cruise to the next?


IT looks like it may be sunny today:cool1: :banana: :yay:
HI everyone - checking in - just wanted to let everyone know that I finally got off my but and did some housecleaning. I finally vacummed the stairs which took me over an hour and now my back is killing me. I feel like Quasimodo must have felt every day. I'm even waddling! :eek:

However, I feel proud of myself, dusted & mopped the entry way, sweep my entire kitchen and living room (my kitchen can easily fit over 32 people standing up - and probably more - that's just what it fit last year at DH's b-day. :laughing: If he'd had more friends - they probably would have fit too!) Cleaned all the downstairs bathrooms except for the pool bathroom - mopped them too and even got down on my hands and knees and used a toothbrush to scrub the caulking. I finally made it to storage and put some stuff away for my "yard sale" I'm gong to have someday! :lmao: and even deep cleaned my furniture and polished it too. Not to mention the dishes in the sink and even managed to vacuum the upstairs pool room and library. And I even moved the furniture too! I'm proud - I accomplished all this in 4 hrs. The house is far from finished but at least I can feel like I accomplished something. Now, if I can only get the maid fairy to come and help me out. I would be so happy! My hands hurt and tomorrow I have a gym appt. HHHMMMM...wonder if I can get someone to go in my place? I was pretty bad this weekend. :rolleyes:

Well, I'll just blame it on DD's graduation. Ok - back to work - I'm thinking I can go through some boxes and throw some stuff out. Better take advantage while I'm in the mood to clean. It doesn't happen that often! ;)

Congratulations on getting so much accomplished. Since I found these boards the house is a mess. We had company last weekend and I had to really scramble to get it in shape. I'ts hard to pull away from the board to do somehting as mundane as cleaning and laundry :laundy: and dishes.:sad2:

HI everyone - checking in - just wanted to let everyone know that I finally got off my but and did some housecleaning. I finally vacummed the stairs which took me over an hour and now my back is killing me. I feel like Quasimodo must have felt every day. I'm even waddling! :eek:
Way to go Laura - I need a work day like that one!!!

Lanyard Status 6/11:

Thanks again for doing this! We really appreciate it!
Hi everyone,
I've been away for days and will probably never catch up......:surfweb:
Hope all is well and I haven't missed anything too major ( no, I don't mean pirate: pirate: pirate: !!)
Just here for 5 mins now. Back sooner next time I hope.:hourglass
I've been reading on the various blogs and Dis threads about excursions, and it occured to me that it's very important to consider one's own priorities in evaluating which ones to take.

Some things are clear:

  • Full day excursions are exhausitng no matter how you do it.
  • You can save money and potentially do more if you plan/reserve things on your own.
That said, I'm sticking with my DCL excursions (though I did make one switch based on the reports to date). But that's because my priorities are possibly different from that of others.
  1. I'm not trying to see as much as possible. Though this is my first visit to each of these ports, I've traveled enough to know that I can come back. The purpose of the excursions is to get a quick taste/survey of each place to help me decide which ones I want to come back to one day.
  2. I'm on vacation. If it's "exhausting" it's the wrong choice for me. So with the exception of Rome, none of the excursions are full day.
  3. I'm on vacation. If it's stressful, it's the wrong choice for me. That means I want to make as few decisions as possible - I want someone to tell me where to go and describe to me what I'm seeing in as entertaining a manner as possible. I want to know that if the bus breaks down on the way back, somebody else will be worrying about how to get me back to the ship on time.
I know I'm going to miss seeing a lot, and miss a lot of great experiences. At the same time, I figure an hour nap on deck is arguably equal to seeing yet another 500 year old cathedral.

My point in this, is I think in evaluating excursion choices, it's important to first set ones own priorities. "Best choice" really depends on one's individual perspective.

I agree with you Dan. But I need help. Like my tag says I want to see everything. I tried to be good this time and have a rest day, every other day but towards the end of the cruise I ended up booking half day tours. I think the only full day tours I have booked is Palermo (well it was the first port and I will be super excited) and Rome (private). In Rome, since we have a private, we can take it our pace and decided just focus on the must do sites. We have a child in our group, so we realize we may have to cut it short. My DH is surprising me because he is booking at every port and many are full day. He usually is happy sitting by the pool.
Oh Geez, I'm here all by myself again and 70 posts to a pirate:headache:
Is anyone going to see the Pirate of the Carribbean on the Magic? Or will you see it in the theatre? Does anyone know if DCL has improved the sound system in the Walt Disney theatre? Beside the extremely narrow seats and aisle I think thats what I hate most about the theatre is the sound system.
Oh wait, they have the screen out on deck 9. Does DCL play movies there? What is that like? Do they do it at night?
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