How embarrassing! Perceptions of DVC members...

By the way, have you guys spent any time on the non-DVC DIS boards lately? There seems to be a contest to see if more lives have been ruined by the RnR Coaster's rehab, or Teppanyaki's. And these aren't just simple rehabs. Nooo. Both are part of evil Disney plots to trick and deceive people.

But that's just the tip of the iceburg. Check out the resort forum. Did you know that Disney *raised priced*. Oh. My. God. How could they do that. Apparently Disney made a secret vow to never raise prices and the betrayal of that vow has people's psyches in tatters. And if their psyches aren't in tatters, they are going to sue for force Disney to let them stay at 2007 rates.

I'll take the worst of our craziness over that any day.
I question the validity of this story. Why would a DVC member look for special treatment at POP?
Hey! I am the original poster who saw the crazy lady at the Pop Century. I just wanted to say that I know many great DVC members so I know that she was not a reflection of the majority! :goodvibes: Also, several of you have PM'ed me apologizing on her behalf. That was very sweet, but I know that she didn't represent the majority. It's all good!

P.S. For the poster above...this is a valid story....whether or not she was a valid DVC member is a whole 'nother can of worms!
But there are certain inherent expectations that go along with large, luxury purchases like DVC. And as the years have gone on, Disney has pulled back on more and more of those perks. People are naturally going to be disappointed.

OK, I'm new here so I was wondering what perks Disney has pulled back.
OK, I'm new here so I was wondering what perks Disney has pulled back.

There are a few things, none of them "major" IMO. Part of the reason some things were dropped was because the membership (and the number of members onsite at any given time) has grown make it logistically impossible.

For instance, if there was a popular show taping at the studios, like Wheel of Fortune, they ran a bus from OKW to the studio with reserved seats for members. Of course, shows don't tape there anymore, and there are too many onsite members now to make it practical.

We used to often get "gifts" when we stayed at OKW, like photo albums, etc. from DVC Marketing...again, no longer practical as the resorts are selling very well, and it there are too many members onsite.

There was more member exclusive merchandise, and I have no idea why that has diminished...there is certainly a large number of members that would buy it.

But remember, all we are legally entitled to, by contract, is the right to stay at out home resort. Everything else, other DVC resorts, II, discounts, etc. can be changed/discontinued at anytime. In fact, the first timeshare trading company was RCI, it was changed to II in the early years of DVC.

As part of a sales promo, early purchasers got free park passes while staying at OKW, until the year 2000. That was nice, but the current incentives are really good, too.
Yep, we have to go through NY to get to WDW from MA! Does that count when we fly?:rolleyes1 At least we all have a good sense of humor!

Planes I can tolerate!
It is the people that mope down the middle of Broadway 5 across holding hands gazing into every store that has I LOVE NY T-shirts 10 for $5.00. The people in front of Macy’s at Christmas time standing in the middle of the sidewalk looking in the windows as if it were a shrine while eating roasted peanuts chestnuts or dirty water dogs then we have the ones wandering aimlessly with a camera looking for the perfect shot and the ones who stop you “can you take our picture” The taxi line a half block long… People walk down two blocks stand on the curb 50 feet back from the traffic light when the light turns red look for an empty cab walk over to it open door and get in no whistling hand waving etc involved enjoy your vacation and stay out of the way I just don’t have time for this crap I gotta get to work. And YES it is one long sentence.
At first, I thought that perhaps I might consider doing this too. But then, I decided that on my future trips, I'm going wear as much DVC logo attire as possible, and be as nice and cordial to the CMs as possible. We've got to improve our reputation among the CMs.

I like this idea! We have shirts, hats, bags, etc. Let people see us behaving well!
Planes I can tolerate!
It is the people that mope down the middle of Broadway 5 across holding hands gazing into every store that has I LOVE NY T-shirts 10 for $5.00. The people in front of Macy’s at Christmas time standing in the middle of the sidewalk looking in the windows as if it were a shrine while eating roasted peanuts chestnuts or dirty water dogs then we have the ones wandering aimlessly with a camera looking for the perfect shot and the ones who stop you “can you take our picture” The taxi line a half block long… People walk down two blocks stand on the curb 50 feet back from the traffic light when the light turns red look for an empty cab walk over to it open door and get in no whistling hand waving etc involved enjoy your vacation and stay out of the way I just don’t have time for this crap I gotta get to work. And YES it is one long sentence.

Wow! How do you really feel? :)
At first, I thought that perhaps I might consider doing this too. But then, I decided that on my future trips, I'm going wear as much DVC logo attire as possible, and be as nice and cordial to the CMs as possible. We've got to improve our reputation among the CMs.

Thank you. That was going to be my suggestion as well.
Found this on the Theme Park board tonight on a thread about guests mistreating CMs. How embarrassing that (a) people actually SAY stuff like this and (b) it causes people to form blanket opinions about DVC members!

"When we checked into Pop last year, one of the CMs at the desk was dealing with a crazy woman. Some of her family apparently decided that they wanted to vacation with her so she was trying to book 3 rooms for 4 days at the Pop...starting the next day. The CM patiently explained that they were booked solid (this was during the end of free dining and the start of the Food and Wine Festival so the resort was packed). She was yelling and insisting on seeing a manager. Apparently, she had pulled the same stunt the day before b/c the manager recognized her. She explained that they had her on a waiting list and that they would call her if three rooms came available. Not good enough. She was still yelling. They also offered to see if they could find a room elsewhere but she insisted that it must be the Pop. We were shooting dirty looks at her. The kicker was that at the end she started yelling, "But I am a DVC member. I should get special privileges." I wondered why she didn't use her points and get a place big enough for her family.

On a lighter note, we still joke when something doesn't go our way in life, "But I'm a DVC member!""

(And how much more embarrassing that I misspelled "embarrassing" and am stuck with it!)

Well as far as I can remember a DVC member........
1.can do no wrong
2.wears a halo on our head
3.can voice opinions even that we know are wrong
4.can get "free food" any time we say we are DVC memeber
5.we can get first in line at 'any attraction"
6.We also can bump any non Disney DVC member off the bus
::rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I work for the DVC.
You have not even scratched the surface of the things we hear that come out of members mouths, or the things they try to "leverage" when pulling the DVC trump card...

I would share some amazing stories, but I am not allowed...

Sad to say there are actually MANY more people than you think that do it on a regular basis and it is not as random or shocking as you think. There is good and bad, unfortunately you sometimes only see and hear the bad.

I know as a member myself I would never have the audacity to say or do half the things I have head / seen myself, but you would actually be amazed...

I still love DVC and all the members however
Sad to say there are actually MANY more people than you think that do it on a regular basis and it is not as random or shocking as you think. There is good and bad, unfortunately you sometimes only see and hear the bad.

That is indeed sad. I hope that Disney cracks down in some way on these people. Maybe a three strikes and you're out rule or something. I don't know. I am just thinking out loud here. There has to be some recourse in order to give these 'jerks' what they deserve.

Perhaps they could serve out a sentence at Universal or something. :thumbsup2
There should be a point where the CM calls Security and tells the person who is screaming to calm down.

If this person would have been in front of me in line, I would have politely told her to keep it down as there are kids running around and they do not need to be exposed to such BS. If this would not have worked I would go get a Security myself.

Call me a butthead, but the rest of the world should not have to listen to this crap when we are on vacation.

Please don't get me wrong, if Disney messes up a reservation I will make sure they correct it as everyone who visits does kick out a lot of $$$ for a trip, but there is a manner of taking care of issues and yelling and screaming in a public place (especially around children) is not a way to do t.
What is this about Massachussetts!!! Boy, is our reputation that bad!!!!I am from Massachussetts and can be impatient and grumpy BUT Disney reminds me it is much more fun to be HAPPY and CONSIDERATE of others. SHARE IN THE WONDER OF DISNEY!!! Can't wait for Oct. 4th when we share our Disney expeirience with our niece ( 4yrs) and nephew (7 yrs.) this will be their 1st trip
I'm from Massachusetts, and I'm a DVC member.

When I'm down there in December, if a CM doesn't do something I want, I'm just going whip out my membership card and drivers license, and say "Kneel before Zod!!!!"

Hey Doconeill, are you a British holdover!!!I thought we won the revolution!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Just Kidding!
Hey Doconeill, are you a British holdover!!!I thought we won the revolution!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Just Kidding!

Irish actually (mother was from Dublin, 4 generations Irish American on my fathers side), so I'll probably be drunk when I do it... :)

I was actually quoting from Superman II. No idea why it popped in my head.


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