Wk Of Sept 29 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Colleen - Hope the injury gets better quick. I really can't stand when Dr.'s think just because they don't exercise like we do, we're the crazy ones. My foot doc thinks I should give up distance events because they're too far and overtax the body as I get older. Puh-leaze!
Or am I being badly influenced by WWDave, our resident YARC Goofy?:rolleyes1


I resemble both those remarks. pirate:

Good evening! :surfweb:
Ran 6 miles today after the 12 on Sunday. My legs are OK but my pace is slow. I averaged 11 min miles. Some miles were shorter one a little longer. I really wish that was faster as I'd like to run the ToT in 10:30 or better per mile which is what I did the Minnie in. If wishes were fishes...

On a sad note, my sister's MIL passed away yesterday. My BIL was able to get there before she died and spent her last 2 hour with her. I'm here if my sister needs me.

Sunny: :scared1: but :wizard: and :hug: and pixiedust: that you can be with us for the marathon. Not unusual that doctors don't LISTEN to patients. I'm shocked, shocked!

WWDave: LOVED the YARC! Now THAT'S the Dave we know and love. Great job on the walk this morning.

Erica: great job on the walk this morning!

hockeygirl: :woohoo: on that pace! I envy that time!!!

princessmomma: so sorry to hear about your knee problems! :hug: and :wizard: to make it better!!

Monte: my sports podiatrist told me to use spray antiperspirant on my feet. I put some tape on the toes that give me problems and then I spray my feet. Helps to prevent blisters. So far it's worked.

Leana: I'm lovin' those socks!! Where can I get a pair?

Have a lovely evening everyone!
Awww Sunny, I'm sorry about this. I bet the docs think 1 mille IS impressive. They have no idea. I am so happy that you know how to keep asking to be certain that you feel everyone understands. WISHing that after the wires seat that you can walk oh a "few" more miles maybe?

You are truly an amazing woman.

Night all, it has been an exhausting day for me.
Hey guys - long time no post.

Sunny: that sucks, but you know that once it's healed in place you're gonna take on the world just to show it who's boss - don't you?

Judy: yeh - for the PR

Kim: yeh - for the first half, although personally in my eyes the black toenail is far more significant - I always feel it's your first black toenail that officially makes you an endurance athlete!!! You can't imagine the joy the day it goes white again - or even better you notice the little gap at the bottom that means it' going to fall off (and trust me, it's a major test of willpower not to help it along). Personally I feel there should be a toenail fairy that gives us a dollar every time we lose one!!!

So, Australia is hot!!! It's 30 degrees (that's about 90) today and it's only spring. I'm now running at 7.30am. Can safely say the long runs are going to get interesting from now on - not least because the flies are hatching, and their mighty mean over here. I may have to learn to run in a hat with corks.

Injurywise - shhhh, but I think my feet have healed - do have minor back spasm today though. Am currently walking like Ozzy Osbourne with my knees slightly bent - it does this ocassionally though so I'm not concerned. It was the day it went completely and I couldn't walk that was fun - Tim came home to find me crawling across the carpet pushing a bottle of wine along the floor because I decided a drink might help relax the muscles but couldn't actually walk to the fridge!!!

Anyway, as normal I should be working so I'll sign off now. 5 miles and 10 miles this weekend for me (and a few others I'd guess). Helen
Sunny - Sorry to hear about what the doctor said but at least he gave you the warning. I hope the wire heals quickly and you can get back to a few more miles.

Colleen - Sorry to hear about your issues as well. I'm glad to hear that you have found a plan to get over this though. We hope to see you in January, although the thought of willingly having pins stuck in me isn't pleasant.

Cam - I'm glad they found a reason for your pain. I wouldn't have thought that rib pain could be worsened by walking. I guess everything is connected somehow and the doctors explanation sounded good. Hope you can recover quickly.

Hi everyone - I haven't been on to post in awhile - LTO - but I have been getting my training (somewhat) I did 6 miles on Sunday on the TM in 82 mins. I have a 5k race next Saturday (the 13th) and I am confident for that. The next Saturday (20th) I have a 5k walk then the next Saturday (YIKES) its the TOT!!!! Yesterday I had 3.5 planned but had to switch it up because I started feeling sick (finally realized it was because I hadn't eaten all day!! Not good!!) Luckly I was at home on the TM. I had 2 miles on the calendar for today so I switched yesterday with today - so when I get off work I have 3.5 miles to do today!! What didn't help (besides no food) was that I tried tried to keep increasing the speed slowly (got to 5.4 MPH - started at 5 MPH after my 1st mile.) I had to decrease the speed back to 5 MPH and when I got to 2 miles I was done.

Sunny Sorry to hear the report from the Dr. Keeping my fingers crossed that once the scar tissue heals the wire will be secure and you will be able to do more than 1 mile a day. I bet they about fell over when you said you did 24!!!
I met up with the Calgary Roadrunners last night for a terrific speed workout. We ran pyramids of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 min intervals. Some of the runners were FAST, but I was able to hang with the back of the pack and it was good motivation to try to keep the fast guys in sight. They were always great about walking back to meet up with us during the rest breaks so that we could all at least start together. I finished up with 4.39 mi (including warm up and cool down) in 40:45 for a 9:17/mi pace!!! :cool1: It is great finding new people to run with, and as has been mentioned on the boards here, the only way to run faster is to well...run faster..!

Sunny - So sad to hear what the dr said! Take care of yourself, okay?
Coleen - Tons of PD for your knee. What a frustrating response from your doctor. I'd try and get another opinion!

For all those of you interested in the Injinji socks, here's a link to the store locator and some places you can buy online: http://www.injinji.com/stores/ You can get them through Running Warehouse as well, where you can take advantage of the WISH team discount! I've also got a few pairs in their wool blend, perfect for the winter that seems to be right around the corner up here...
Kim: yeh - for the first half, although personally in my eyes the black toenail is far more significant - I always feel it's your first black toenail that officially makes you an endurance athlete!!! You can't imagine the joy the day it goes white again - or even better you notice the little gap at the bottom that means it' going to fall off (and trust me, it's a major test of willpower not to help it along). Personally I feel there should be a toenail fairy that gives us a dollar every time we lose one!!!Helen

Awwww thanks, that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me. I really don't feel like a athlete but I am working on it.:hug:

Terri -- you were close. Judy had a 5k this weekend and went into it with the very positive attitude of "PR or the ER"!!! Fortunately, she PR'ed it in a really big way!! :woohoo: I was beginning to wonder whether it was Judy's quest to check out the hotness factor of rescue workers at the end of races in various states! :rotfl2:

Oh the reputation I have around here! :laughing:

Totally unjustified!

Oh the reputation I have around here! :laughing:

Totally unjustified!


After the ToT you may be looking back and calling these the days of vertue. After the dust clears from the chaos we cause we may be stuff of legend. The upper management of WDW will be waking up screaming "WISH!!!!!!!", and running aimlessly into the night.

On the plus side we will be among the first to ever run the Tower of Terror race, that's like making history. We will be famous or is that infamous?

Either way can't wait to meet everryone.

Oh and I did 2.25 miles of speed work. Great morning, perfect temp.:cloud9:

Does anyone else like 'Dancing with the Stars' besides Erica and I?


Yes, Dave....John and I do. You might enjoy this....it's a photo of us with Joey and Kim taken during Disney's first Med cruise. It was less than a week after their stint on the previous season ended. They performed for us one evening and the rest of the time they were just pretty much fellow cruisers.

Ouch...didn't mean for it to come out so big! Not too good at posting photos.....
Hello, WISHers!

Well I had a really FUN workout today. It was my first real speed workout and it was great! I did it on the treadmill so I could regulate my pace; I am so bad at that. It was also nice to be done with a workout so quickly!

Jeanne - Now I know who to look for at Smith Creek! If some crazy woman comes running up to you, don't be scared! Great photo!

Happy training, all!
Jeanne, I've never seen it. Which one are you? :confused3
Oh the reputation I have around here! :laughing:

Totally unjustified!


You could write a book or a guide to the best/cutest paramedics/first aid workers. That would give you a reason to go to the different races and meet them. ;) I think it would be a lot easier than trying to have a real reason to meet them. You could even get sponsors so all your race entries would be paid for.

Quick post!
Oh Judy!

I am sitting here with DD9 laying on my lap...had to pick her up from school!:sick:
Did get a run in...7.5 miles in 1:02.40....around an 8:21 MPM....It was a hilly course so I am good with that.

Gotta go!
TnTsParty – Great job doing what you can do. Silly, you have to remember to eat! Speed goals are great, but don’t push yourself to hard. GL on that 3.5 tonight!

Leana – you speedy girl! WTG on the 9:17! I’m sure you felt like you were flying.

Sunny – Take it easy ok? Several months of 1 mile is certainly better than a lifetime of no miles. PD for you!

WWDave – so glad you had a great morning. I wish I would have gotten out to enjoy the weather here.

Renee – Glad the workout was super fun! I can’t regulate pace either, but I found out that I am much faster than I think I am when I just hit the road and GO!

Well, nothing from me AGAIN today. I am still wiped out from Disney and I have a small cold. Also I am suffering from Post Race Syndrome. I just don’t want to do anything. I planned TOT so I could avoid PRS, I would have something to train for. But I know that I can walk the 13K even if I did nothing between now and then, so it hasn’t helped motivation at all. Here’s to hoping I feel up to the gym tomorrow!
Love Dancing with the Stars!!!!

Haven't picked a fav yet, but I am leaning towards Johnny and Marie. But I think it will be Mel B, she is doing awesome!!!!

Kim, as it stands right now, I'm favoring Helio-whatever-his-name-is. I'd never heard of him before the competition, but he certainly can move around the dancefloor and is cute, too.


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