Board Title (Please Read)


Earning My Ears
Feb 2, 2007
Hello All

My name is Tyler Donovan, and I am an 18 year old Queer FTM Transman. I love Disney. Love love love it with all my heart. I am also an activist, minoring in Queer Theory and I hope one day to become a counselor or some other person who helps develop kids into their own sexuality and gender identity safely and without fear and bias.

That being said, I have held my tongue too long. I do not feel that the title of this board is all inclusive, which is also a problem that is running rampant in our community. So many times, both intentional and unintentionally the B and T (as well as many others) are left out or often forgotten. (Robyn Ochs anyone?) We have many problems with Biaphobia and Transphobia not only outisde our community but in it as well.

Now, I am not claiming that the moderator of this board is any of those things. More than likely, whom ever created the title felt (feels?) like gay is/was a good umbrella term for our community. I, however, do not feel that way, and I suspect there are others out there who do not feel included. Speak up!

Lets make a change. I am proposing the title be changed to LGBTQ at Disney. I don't think that has to be the exact title but I would like to know what other people think about this.

I think this is a good opportunity to set an example, telling not only all the people that view this board, but others that we accept and include everyone.

I have to say Tyler I never thought of it, but now that I have, you have a good point! Good to meet you!
Not sure who picked the name, but they probably did so because most people don't really know what LGBTQ stands for. Most people know when you have a gay and lesbian forum that means everyone in the LGBTQ community!:thumbsup2

You know we are all inclusive over here, and we love ya to death Tyler!

Now you mess with my Cadets and there will be problems!:woohoo:
Remember, that while the majority of posts on this board are way off topic, the focus of the board was intended to be....

This is a board for Gay and Lesbians, their family and friends to share information on their Disney Experiences

If you are bi and traveling with a same sex partner to WDW, would the park related experience be that vastly different from a lesbian or gay man? :confused3

If you are bi and traveling with an opposite sex partner to WDW, um, wouldn't that make you like "currently straight" in the eyes of the world and create no significant park touring issues? :confused3

If you are trans, would your WDW experience be that markedly different than that of the people that are the sex that you are transing into? I can see where knowing where the "companion bathrooms" might be helpful, but other than that, what else could be that different? :confused3

If you are questioning your sexual orientation, does that affect your WDW park experience? :confused3

I just don't see why the inclusion of these into the title of the board would be beneficial or necessary. This board openly welcomes everyone. But when it was named, I have a feeling that it was named to cover the Gay and Lesbian community in general, since they are the OBVIOUSLY different travelers among the masses.
How about this compromise: if Hillary wins the nomination I'll pitch it to the powers that be - now get out there (echoing the wisdom of RC).

OK, just kidding... I just HAD too ... mea culpa

Here's the history... I've been active in the LGBT community for over 30 years (I am sooooo old), and I totally get where you are coming from, but when we created this board a few years back neither Rick nor I could think exactly what to name it and we went back and forth with the powers that be and they finally came up with what I think is a pretty darn good descriptive.

That's it ... all my wisdom, sense of history, and poor sense of humor.
Remember, that while the majority of posts on this board are way off topic, the focus of the board was intended to be....

If you are bi and traveling with a same sex partner to WDW, would the park related experience be that vastly different from a lesbian or gay man? :confused3

If you are bi and traveling with an opposite sex partner to WDW, um, wouldn't that make you like "currently straight" in the eyes of the world and create no significant park touring issues? :confused3

If you are trans, would your WDW experience be that markedly different than that of the people that are the sex that you are transing into? I can see where knowing where the "companion bathrooms" might be helpful, but other than that, what else could be that different? :confused3

If you are questioning your sexual orientation, does that affect your WDW park experience? :confused3

I just don't see why the inclusion of these into the title of the board would be beneficial or necessary. This board openly welcomes everyone. But when it was named, I have a feeling that it was named to cover the Gay and Lesbian community in general, since they are the OBVIOUSLY different travelers among the masses.

Regardless, it doesn't affect the experience, but shouldn't the title properly include the entire gay community? I completely agree with what the OP is stating, and I feel that if this is truly a board for gay, lesbians, their friends and family, it should also include trans and bi's too!
Remember, that while the majority of posts on this board are way off topic, the focus of the board was intended to be....

If you are bi and traveling with a same sex partner to WDW, would the park related experience be that vastly different from a lesbian or gay man? :confused3

If you are bi and traveling with an opposite sex partner to WDW, um, wouldn't that make you like "currently straight" in the eyes of the world and create no significant park touring issues? :confused3

If you are trans, would your WDW experience be that markedly different than that of the people that are the sex that you are transing into? I can see where knowing where the "companion bathrooms" might be helpful, but other than that, what else could be that different? :confused3

If you are questioning your sexual orientation, does that affect your WDW park experience? :confused3

I just don't see why the inclusion of these into the title of the board would be beneficial or necessary. This board openly welcomes everyone. But when it was named, I have a feeling that it was named to cover the Gay and Lesbian community in general, since they are the OBVIOUSLY different travelers among the masses.

Sorry but i must disagree with you. I think that the experience is different. I think the name should be rethought, and I am ashamed to say that i myself had not thought of it.
Tyler I agree with you. Our community does talk a good talk but rarely walks the walk when it comes to those that identify other than gay or lesbian.
Sorry but i must disagree with you. I think that the experience is different. I think the name should be rethought, and I am ashamed to say that i myself had not thought of it.
Tyler I agree with you. Our community does talk a good talk but rarely walks the walk when it comes to those that identify other than gay or lesbian.


I can't speak from 1st hand experience as I am a lesbian and in no way identify as anything other, with that said I do have several trans friends. One in particular I consider something other than a friend( Don't ask:lovestruc ) . He identifies as FTM. Knowing him before and after and during i have witnessed may experiences. I have seen out right bigotry from the straight world and even from our own! I feel that traveling as Trans person could be much more dangerous. It seems like men have an easier time showing aggression towards an FTM as opposed to a lesbian.

As for the inclusion in the name, if our own community does not even embrace and vocally support them, who will?

And just because the board was started as one thing does not mean that it could not evolve into something else.
I have two close friends that have done the trans thing. The FTM friend was David when I met her and is now Jill. Jill has never had any issues with traveling anywhere, including outside of the country. She has been apprehensive beforehand, but it has always been about mundane travel issues and has never affected her actual travels or her job. Granted Jill is one lucky girl in that respect! Rhonda was the first adult woman that ever kissed me, mostly to shut me up from being drunk, loud, and whiny at the time, lol, and will forever hold a special place in my heart. Ron, bless his heart, had issues upon issues before, during and after the process was complete. But, it's more of Ron's nature to live with drama. He is a real sweetie though, but has lousy luck with women.

They both look like the gender that they are physically, mentally, and legally now. Both identify as straight now, even though they went through portions of their lives identifying as gay or lesbian before their transition. Basically, I guess what I am getting at with saying all of this is not any sort of denial of the challenges that trans folk go through, but just that being trans shouldn't really affect how much you enjoy the Disney experience.

Yes, this forum is largely off topic, God knows that I have certainly contributed to that. But, still this is a DISNEY message board. We are really blessed to have a webmaster that is gay and was willing to make us a space to converse that is hate free. It is an inclusive space, but I have to ask why we have to make a point of being politically correct and overtly inclusive when being inclusive in title makes no real difference. :confused3 The world should be an inclusive place. Can't we just assume that this space is without the freakin' label?
I have two close friends that have done the trans thing. The FTM friend was David when I met her and is now Jill. Jill has never had any issues with traveling anywhere, including outside of the country. She has been apprehensive beforehand, but it has always been about mundane travel issues and has never affected her actual travels or her job. Granted Jill is one lucky girl in that respect! Rhonda was the first adult woman that ever kissed me, mostly to shut me up from being drunk, loud, and whiny at the time, lol, and will forever hold a special place in my heart. Ron, bless his heart, had issues upon issues before, during and after the process was complete. But, it's more of Ron's nature to live with drama. He is a real sweetie though, but has lousy luck with women.

They both look like the gender that they are physically, mentally, and legally now. Both identify as straight now, even though they went through portions of their lives identifying as gay or lesbian before their transition. Basically, I guess what I am getting at with saying all of this is not any sort of denial of the challenges that trans folk go through, but just that being trans shouldn't really affect how much you enjoy the Disney experience[/B].

Yes, this forum is largely off topic, God knows that I have certainly contributed to that. But, still this is a DISNEY message board. We are really blessed to have a webmaster that is gay and was willing to make us a space to converse that is hate free. It is an inclusive space, but I have to ask why we have to make a point of being politically correct and overtly inclusive when being inclusive in title makes no real difference. :confused3 The world should be an inclusive place. Can't we just assume that this space is without the freakin' label?

I guess that is where we differ, I think whenever we have a chance to be inclusive we should be.

I am very glad that your friend has had no problems, that has not been the experience i have witnessed. As for all of them identifying as being straight some of my friends do some don't.

And the idea of being Trans should not affect the disney experience, then being Gay or Lesbian should not either.:confused3

the board going off topic...why is it ok for us but not ok to then talk about other members in our community?
And the idea of being Trans should not affect the disney experience, then being Gay or Lesbian should not either.:confused3

the board going off topic...why is it ok for us but not ok to then talk about other members in our community?

<warning major run-on coming up here ;) > Being Gay or Lesbian could and can cause a different Disney experience. From the fear that you feel about how the CM is going to handle your request for a king room for two women that are certainly not sisters to the fear that you might feel in holding hands walking down Main Street or feeling the need to find a dark quiet spot away from the crowds in order to sneak a kiss, being gay does affect the experience! I think that it's OBVIOUS when Corey and I walk into the room that we are certainly not sisters and that we are indeed lesbians. There is no "passing" going on here. It's obvious. I am not trying to rub the straight community's nose into the fact that we are a couple, but there is little chance for denial that we are. Homophobia is still a problem in our country. At WDW, we still censor ourselves quite a bit mostly for the sake of those that don't want to have to explain stuff to their kids that would best be explained at home and not as a not so magical moment at the MK. Luckily, the Mouse has always been kind to us, but there is always that fear. I live for the day when without anyone batting an eye that I can stop and give Corey a quick smooch in broad daylight in the middle of any of the Disney parks without having to deal with any BS right then or later on. It would be heavenly to never have to worry that maybe the CM is a homophobic jerk and is going to assign us to the worst room possible. It would be nice to know that the whole world wasn't homophobic, but that's just not our reality yet.

As for the ability of the bi's and trans to chat it up here and discuss their experiences at WDW, that's fine, that's part of the friends and family that the board openly welcomes, but I still see little if any need to adjust the title.

Oh and FTM is Female to Male and MTF is Male to Female.

edited to add: It would have also been nice to have answered openly at WWTBAMPI when I was sitting in the hot seat and was asked, "Who are you here with?". I said "My best friend" which isn't a lie, but I would have rather have lived in a world where I could have said "My life partner" or "My wife" but....well, you get the point.
Mmm, I'm bi (recently came out as a teen).

Just a quick question...

I know WDW is (as a whole) gay-friendly to adults...but is it gay-friendly to teenagers, too? Going in August with my best friend (lesbian) and I was just curious...:goodvibes

I've really found a lot of support on these boards though!! (Thanks everyone!!) :woohoo:
At WDW, we still censor ourselves quite a bit mostly for the sake of those that don't want to have to explain stuff to their kids that would best be explained at home and not as a not so magical moment at the MK.

What gets me is kids don't even notice and parents don't have to explain anything because most kids don't even ask.
My kids have been in various places many times where there are public displays of affection by homosexuals........handholding, a kiss here and there, they have never even batted an eye, nor have they commented on them its just two people who like each other! So I think adults tend to over analyze........and I don't know why or how to change that, I don't even think you can.
so FTM means a female that has had surgery and is now male? or female that dresses and lives as a male?

Both...not everyone that identifies as transgendered goes through with the surgery, especially if they are FTM because the surgery on the "lower half" is just not that good yet and it's extremely expensive.
I don't know how to do quotes
but I am very very very hurt by something that was said

"Yes, this forum is largely off topic, God knows that I have certainly contributed to that. But, still this is a DISNEY message board. We are really blessed to have a webmaster that is gay and was willing to make us a space to converse that is hate free. It is an inclusive space, but I have to ask why we have to make a point of being politically correct and overtly inclusive when being inclusive in title makes no real difference. The world should be an inclusive place. Can't we just assume that this space is without the freakin' label?"

No. We can not.

it is really easy to say that
when you are included in the label
however being someone who is outside
its not quite that easy

being trans is not easy. and it certainly does effect my disney experience. I do not always pass in public. It is not legal for me to enter certain bathrooms. I get stared at. I get asked rude questions. This needs to be a space for all people to feel safe from these things. Gender identity is so fluid, but much of society does not understand, and therefore effects my disney experience.

no matter what I do to myself, I will always be a part of the LGBTQ community, I will be a transman. I will never be a cismale because I was not born male.
This is something that I embrace and when I go to Disney, this is important.

The apathy in the above comment disgusts me. It is this sort of attitude, We should be happy because we got a little bit of reconition, that is a large problem in our community. No. Screw that. It is not fair. If we are an opressed minority, then we should be inclusive. All people get the same rights Not just what the majority will give us. Should we sit there and say thank you oh thank you great oppressor for giving us something? NO. Absolutley not.

This is not about political correctness. This is about mine (and others) ability to feel included which you would not know, because you are already included.
transgendered is not a good way to phrase it at all. I am a transgender person. As I said, I am going through a process as some others are and no matter what we do, we will never lose that. So hence we can never be transgendered. It can never end. Thanks.


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