Who Fartleked?: Putting the FUN back in the RUN - all the way to Goofy '09

Thanks Amy for the funniest post in a LOONNGG time (please note that Chickfila-eze is my LEAST favorite AI finalist)

I'm not trying to create some kind of drama...or sit back and watch what happens if I don't post....truth is that I'm just done posting here for a while.

My journal is to track my training through Goofy '09 and things are just gonna get pretty monotonous. I do 6-5-8 (or 10) for my runs right now in March...which will be the same in July...which will be the same in September...and actually all through training until that 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 stretch of long runs in Nov/Dec.

Sure I'm doing some interesting races over the next few months, but there are a lot of things I'd like to post and for various reasons cannot...and while I like seeing what's up with everyone else's world, i can just as easily post in those journals and follow along with everyone that way.

I'm one to change my mind a lot, but for right now this is how I feel.

Hope I don't come off sounding wrong, I'm not one to articulate very well. I just felt the need to post this since it'd be kind of wrong to just stop without explanation.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I will close with this random thought of my own....

Training and completing any distance or race is about pushing yourself past your comfort zone, testing your own limits, doing things you never thought possible. If you aren't breaking a sweat, if your heart rate is not elevated, if you finish that day's training and don't have that "whew, THAT was a good workout" feeling, then it's time to rethink what you are doing.

I challenge everyone, including myself, to add that extra effort every time we are on a piece of equipment...in a class...on the road. Up the resistance for 1 minute, do a few extra reps (but don't sacrifice form ;) ), sprint to that next mailbox and then return back to pace. It's about progressing towards our goals with determination and resolve...each day taking on a new challenge, while never looking back....


Take care
I'm not trying to create some kind of drama...or sit back and watch what happens if I don't post....truth is that I'm just done posting here for a while.

We all know you LOVE drama! :goodvibes

Seriously...I hope you get it all sorted out. We will miss you while you are away! :hug:

I saw there was some rough weather in the Atlanta area...tornados and stuff. Just wanted to check in and see how you were.

Please let us know you are ok.

Take care of yourself and thanks for the motivational challenge!

All the best,
Take care Scott. :goodvibes Keep doing your thang. We'll miss ya, but I totally understand.

Amy - that was freakin hysterical!! :laughing: Loved the Top Ten countdown. :thumbsup2
I saw there was some rough weather in the Atlanta area...tornados and stuff. Just wanted to check in and see how you were.

Please let us know you are ok.

Thank you for being concerned.

Yes, Atlanta and a lot of the surrounding area has had a rough go of it for the last 24 hours...but the worst I saw in my 'hood was just a lot of heavy rain and some big hail....so yes, I am ok.

I work right in the middle of the "war zone", so Monday should be an interesting trip into the city. I've eaten many a lunch inside the CNN center and was shocked to see the damage down there.

Thanks again and take care everyone.
Glad to hear that you are doing well!:goodvibes That tornado in Atlanta was a very scary thing.:eek:

Best wishes to you, Scott. You have been an inspiration to us all and you have entertained us with your wonderful sense of humor. Hope you'll stop in every once in awhile and let us know how you are doing.

Take care!:goodvibes
I know you're not posting here much anymore...but I wanted to say that I'm so excited for your upcoming races. The 5K (anniversary of your very FIRST 5K!) and the ING Atlanta Half Marathon!!! I can't wait to hear of your successes, hopefully you'll post race reports when you return! :hug:
Avast me hearty!

Fair winds, matey!

Pirate talk translation... Waht's up, buddy? Goodbye and good luck, friend!

Amazing what you can learn from a McDonald's happy meal. :goodvibes
Hi, Scott. I REALLY miss your posts (no guilt or anything, dude, just a fact). Glad the tornado didn't cause you any damage at home or work. We escaped it, too, thank goodness.

Take care, friend. You will be sorely missed.

Hey, thanks you guys! :grouphug:

Thought I'd share this. I posted it over in the race reports thread but it has a place here too....

This morning I ran the Hoya and the Hare 5k in Kennesaw, GA. The event is special to me because it was the first race I ever signed up for back in 2006. I run it each year now as both a gauge of my ability and a reminder of where I was with my health two years ago.

This year’s goal was to break the 24 minute mark or at least establish a new 5k PR. My best coming in to the race was 24:32 last May.

The weather was a little on the chilly side, with the temps hovering around 42 degrees and forcing me to run in pants and long sleeves…but I’ll take that any day over excessive heat! I found a spot up near the start line, waited for the gun and then took off at what I thought was an aggressive, but not taxing pace. The course has one big dip in it and a couple of smaller grade hills, but overall isn’t too bad. I did notice that my constant hill training through the week in my neighborhood really pays off as I seemed to easily attack the hills, passing some folks each time.

I logged mile 1 in 7:32. It was exactly where I wanted to be. I knew if I wanted to meet my goal, I’d have to eliminate walking any during the entire 3.1 miles, so I shrugged off the urge to take a breather and pressed on. It seemed like mile 2 went by quickly and I clocked it in at 7:46, still ahead of schedule. I knew at this point I was home free so I just maintained my pacing and rounded out the third mile in another 7:46. Tack on a nice 40 second .1 mile sprint to the finish and I crossed the line in 23:46…establishing a new PR and eclipsing my goal for the day!!

Not only am I proud of my time, but I’m stoked that I ran the entire race without walking. Normally when I pick up the pace like that, I rely on walk breaks once per mile…not having to take the breaks was a big confidence booster for me.

So, I’m sorry to ramble on but it was a great event for me today and a race that I’m proud of. I’m looking forward to next Sunday’s half marathon, but I’m super excited that Minnie Weekend is right around the corner so that I can get back onto a course with Amy….I miss you buddy :hug:

Thanks for reading along and I hope everyone has a great day!


Also, got something brewing that I think is gonna be kind of cool...stay tuned for updates...

HUGE congrats :worship: and hugs :hug: to you, McSpeedy! Like you said, look at where you were 2 years ago, compared to now. I can't even imagine how fast sub 24 mins is for a 5k. :scared: You are such an inspiration to people like me. I'm in the beginners phase of running, and to see how far you've come in such a short time - truly amazing, my friend. :worship: Thank you, as always, for supporting me as well.

Also, got something brewing that I think is gonna be kind of cool...stay tuned for updates...


Always leaving us wanting more.....:rolleyes1

Have a great Easter!! :thumbsup2
I was thinking about you yesterday... Look at you!!! :banana: You did fantastic. I'm so proud of you and I know you are proud of yourself! Way to go on the PR. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance3: I can't even imagine running that fast! I am in awe!

Brewing... hmm...:stir: :goodvibes

Can't wait! :goodvibes

Great job!!!!!!!Boy we are going to miss you around here.I hope to continue to use you as inspiration from time to time- Thanks for the tough love the other day, hope to get out there today. I stinks when you have lost it so much rolling over in bed is an effort!!!!!!!!

I was also wondering about you when the storm hit,glad you are OK.

I bet the weather is nice down there these days,still waiting up here.

Don't drop out of here completely, WE NEED YOU!!!!!!! :)

Take care,
Sorry for the shameless plug, but my ramblings can now be found here:


I'll still continue to post in journals here, I just wanted a different approach to my journaling. Blogspot offers a bit more versatility :goodvibes:

Feel free to stop by and say hello!

Have a great day everyone :)
Yay on your 1/2 today! :cool1: Too bad about those timing issues. I know that is frustrating!

I read your race report but didn't quite get if your reached the timing goals you set for youself. I really hope you did. Overall, it sounds like a successful race for you!

So proud of you!
Hey Scott,

Congratulations on the 2 races! You continue to amaze me wit hyour committment. I am sorry that the 1/2 wasn't well run. At least you won't waste your time on it next year. May choose some tropical locale for that weekend instead? one with drinks with umbrellas?

Have a great week,
Congratulations on your race, Scott! :cheer2:

Hope you are doing well! :goodvibes I'll have to check out your blog soon.....

Take care!:goodvibes


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