Vmk Closing May 21 Cry

Around the Steamboatpete household, we thought that this might be coming as soon as we learned that they took all the VMK stuff out of Disney Movie Rewards. Why? Because virtual prizes are the cheapest easiest prizes for Disney to give out in response to DMR points, but they are gone, gone, gone, all of a sudden. Why would Disney do that? Because they don't want pissed off consumers who say "I just bought this and that to get this prize and you closed the game!"

I'm not going to renew my annual passes now for sure.
Amen brother!

I can't believe this I am truly truly hurt inside I am seriously going to start crying - cough I am alredy crying cough -

VMK has destroyed WDW literally did Walt Disney give up when he was bulding from the floor up NO he didn't and look at what he has created now, even if he was not hable to see the park growing he has still been there throwing pixie dust at every new thing that comes to WDW and VMK being soemthing that represense all that work as thrown Walters dream to ashes.

They say they are closing bc they were sponsoring for the 50th anniversary?(not sure if I said correct)
So they are closing bc they've been on for more than what they were suppose to.. but my 1st thought was how come DLR didn't close when Walt Disney died(answer me that VMK) Walts Dream was to keep hes dream alive even if he wasn't here to share it with us so to that thought WDW was made, DL Tokyo,Paris etc were made to make millions of people enjoy a piece of the magic of Disney and VMK made to make that child(or adult) at North Carolina enjoy Disney even if it's virtually.

VMK made me feel at Disney everyday I don't live near Orlando so I can't go to WDW whenever I want nor do I live near any Disney Park so VMK made me remember every trip to WDW and my moms trips to DLR and VMK kept my memory alive aswell as to meet those great people I have meet especially here at DIS.

Thanks VMK for destroying Disneys dream to spread the magic of Disney :(

Like our dear Walter Disney said:

Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. ~ Walt Disney


Tho even if my heart is broken I still am thankful to have played this game for this long and I've enjoy my zombie, smile, laughter moments :(

One last Walt Quote,

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. ~Walt Disney

VMK was a part of the quote above ^^ imagitation will make something new come :)

i will miss all of you :(
Sending Tinker Bell your way:wizard:
Maybe all the complaints from last week about the quest were the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a free game afterall.
God and summer is coming up! Wow VMK this is soooo low! even tho i havent played in forever I was going to come back in the summer... :(:(
God and summer is coming up! Wow VMK this is soooo low! even know i havent played in forever I was going to come back in the summer... :(:(
Yeah, I'm wondering what I'm going to do this summer now.
Maybe all the complaints from last week about the quest were the straw that broke the camel's back. It was a free game afterall.


Yeah, I saw the writing on the wall after last week.
The sad thing is they only think of VMK as a game. We players know its become so much more then that. Wherever you are now Walt, we could really use some of that magic pixie dust you used so well.
VMK leaves a scar in your life once you get addicted to it, even if you quit, and you hear this news.. You'll think back to all the great times..

VMK was more of a social game, anything that experiments with social should at least give us a bigger warning..

I wasted time on this game, imagine all the things we could of done instead of playing vmk..
I guess I just don't even see the point of having any more new items if we are only going to get to use them a month or two. I think I'll be spending more time just visiting with friends now and less time worrying about whether I can purchase any of the new items.

Thanks VMK!!! This was my escape from my daily struggles of my illness so this makes me sad.

I hope the friends I have met can always find another place to meet.

I think I will ust visit with friends too. I was saving to do a room but now. . . This was one thing i really looked forward to each day. This vitual world is more than just a game. . . Even in just the last two weeks there has been so much, idk, community, caring, support, friendship. . . I am really thankful for all of it here on DIS. I just barely found this community! And the connections are strong even though it ahsn't been long.

Promise me this guys that we'll keep this board open so we can all still talk.
Yes! Mods lets get organized so we can still be with each other.

YAVN! What in the world is your problem! If you don't want to run the game, let someone else run it! DONT end it! OMG!
Ummm, I used to know someone who worked in the game and told me Yavn was a figurehead after VMK was up and running. I guess he was a little cocky too.

I would pay to play to. I mean come on Disney, why not just make it pay to play?

Why on Earth close it? You make billions and billions of dollers VMK ccost nothing to you!

i would be in support of paying to play as long as it wasn't like over $10.00 amonth. That is aboaut all I could afford. I mean a free game on this scale to advertise Disney. . .

I guess they never conducted any reasearch on how VMK players paid for thier promotional items and fuel intense desires to spend money at the 3D parks. I am sure a lot pf people visited Disney more often than usual and spent more on VMK items while there. Did you take stock of that?

Someone mentioned that the annual report did not include VMK in their online games. They had to have made that decision a long time ago in the last quarter of 2007 perhaps before that.

What about good will? Well, that is moot because Disney is a business and the bottom line is they have to make a buck. I played in beta and my friends at that time (none of them are still in VMK:sad1: ) all wondered if they would close VMK after the 50th promotion had ended. WE were elated of course when it was kept open. I just barely got back in the game, got DSL mostly to play VMK and now this!

I would also like to know where everyone else is moving on to. Maybe at some point we could have a thread about where everyone is and their screen names so we can meet up elsewhere. This is just so sad. I can't believe I'm finding myself really crying tears but it's been my way of forgetting my troubles of the real world.

I think the Fairy world could be interesting so It's something I'm sure I'll check out. Is it going to be pay also like the other sites?
I agree about losing touch and crying real tears over a game. However, we all know it was much more than that. Forgetting about my troubles, what else can give you all that VMK does?

What's the point of playing anymore, we're doing it for nothing.. there is no future.

I don't know. I thought that too. All I can think of is enjoy my friends, play some rounds of friendly pirates, and take lots of screen shots to remember it by. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
I'm really going to miss all of you guys. I hope we can keep in touch. I know I haven't been on in a while, but every one of you were so very great
My PM box is always open to anyone who wants to keep in touch. I hope the boards stay here.
I cant believe VMK is going
I cant believe this family must die
VMK helped us believe in friends
I cant believe they disagree
I cant believe that this goodbye...
I'm not one for too much public complaining, but I will be sending a letter to Disney about wanting my money back. I spent a good deal of money on their movies with the express purpose of redeeming Disney Movie Rewards points for VMK. My choice to buy, yes, as well as the real Pirate Pins, but I'll find something to write a nice letter to them over...
I think this is just terrible. I don't have enough money to visit the real Diney World so this was as close to visiting and experiencing the magic as I could get. I have met so many nice friends on here, I got to spend time with my family playing games on here that I normally wouldn't even have chance to talk to,etc. I can't believe Disney would do this. I don't care that this was a "50th Anniversary Promotion". It may have started out that way but it grew into SO MUCH MORE! I guess it doesn't matter to a giant corporation that this game means so much to so many different people around the world for so many reasons. Just like everyone else, Disney only cares about the almighty dollar. I thought Disney was better than that. As it turns out they are just like everyone else in this world, greedy and uncaring about people's true feeling and need for something "magical" to escape everday life once in awhile.

Thanks VMK and friends for the memories - and Disney. What goes around comes around... :(

Im posting here every day.

Every. Day.

This is my new VMK.

Im shocked.





Write to Bob Iger also!

Here is my letter:

Mr. Iger,

I am very disappointed to hear of the closing of Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom. There are very few places on the internet that I feel comfortable allowing my children to visit and play. VMK is a place where not only my kids can play and make new friends but parents can also join in the fun. We have been playing VMK since the beta days. My kids are age 6, 11 and 13 and they all love VMK. It is very unusual to have a form of entertainment that such a wide age range can enjoy. My 6 year old daughter enjoys playing the games and creating and decorating her rooms and coordinating her outfits. My 11 and 13 year old sons enjoy the chatting, quests, and playing games. The boys also really enjoy the trading aspect of VMK. We have spent quite a bit of money buying VMK pins and other items at Disneyworld so that our kids could have the latest and the greatest item so that they too would be the "envy of the kingdom". I have recommended VMK to MANY of my friends. Many of us mothers prefer VMK to places such as Runescape. We so appreciate the steps that Disney has taken to ensure the safety of our kids online as well as the wholesomeness of the game itself.

I ask that the Disney company please reconsider this idea of closing VMK. If this is a financial decision then I would say that most people would be willing to pay for VMK as they do for Toontown or Pirates.

On behalf of my three children, please do not close VMK!

Have a Magical Day!

Very nice letter!

Please VMK listen to our crys! We need you how will we get out Disney Fix now!!!:sad1:
Sigh, what a sad night... It does seem as though there were signs that some of us may have seen but not wanted to believe. For example in this month's issue (I think) of Family Fun magazine there is an artcle on some top virtual websites with POTCO and Toon listed, but not VMK. I thought this was strange since it is owned by Disney. Of course I was thinking that I was probably reading to much into it, but no I was right :(
To be honest I am surprised VMK even announced it. I was thinking that they would just not open one day to keep people from saying/doing non-VMK approved things since the threat if a ban isn't really much anymore.
Write letters, send emails, make calls. Say good bye and thank you to your VMK family, and well at least the Dis group still has here :)
"If you can dream it you can do it" -Walt Disney
A very sad,


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