Don't Hate Me for Knowing More

There's been a lot of discussion on dealing with rude people, but what about the flipside? Have you ever had people hating on you because they thought you were being rude, but you simply knew more about the ins and outs of Disney? I'm talking about the comments you might hear while traipsing through the FP line while others sweat in standby or asking for the front of the monorail and being glared at by others who didn't know such a thing was possible until they overheard you.

I ran into one of these situations at Epcot one morning. I got there early, but the turnstyle lines were already building. They have one turnstyle open early for the princess breakfast people, which they open up for everyone at the same time as they open the others. People often don't realize that, so my usual procedure is to get in line for that turnstyle because it tends to be the shortest.

On that particular morning there was no one waiting at the princess turnstyle but there was a line waiting to get in the one on the other side. I walked up to "my" turnstyle to wait. A big family was first in line for the other side, and one of the guys said to me, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Uh, okay," not knowing what he meant. He repeated, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Yes, okay, that's nice" or somesuch thing. Then he said, "You have to get in line behind us." I realized he thought I was cutting and explained, "You're waiting in line for that turnstyle, and I'm waiting in line for this one." He said, "No, you can't go in there," and I said, "Yes, they will open it when they open the park." He was getting pretty agitated at this point and kept repeating, "You have to get behind us! You have to get behind us!" Finally I said, "I'm done discussing this with you. You are waiting in one line and I am waiting in another. You can talk all you want, but at this point I am going to ignore you."

In the meantime, more people had lined up behind me, and when Epcot opened our turnstyle opened at the same time his did and we all filed in. I have no idea why he was so bothered and why the concept of two lines was so hard for him to understand. All I can figure is that he dragged his family out of bed at dawn to be first and resented people who came later getting in at the same time. If it was all that important to him, he should have had half his family get in line at one turnstyle and half at the other. Just because he's not as well informed as I am doesn't make his problem into mine. I'll bet he spent the rest of the day cursing people in the FP lines.

I would have paid for a picture of his face getting all red!!!:sad:
The lady actually looked at my one son who was crying because I couldn't hold him to see. She looked at her husband shrugged her shoulders and turned around while their two children had a perfect view. Of course I once again was quiet, I guess I need to learn to speak up.

I guess I am the most horrible of the horrible Rudes. I would totally have patted her on the back and said loudly, "OH look sweeite! This nice lady has come and stood DIRECTLY in front of you in hopes that you will perch on her shoulders to watch the show! There couldn't possibly be any other reason for such thoughtless behavior than that she's secretly trying to help a small child see the magic!!!"

But then, I love being the center of attention, and don't have the slightest problem getting my point across.
I would totally have patted her on the back and said loudly, "OH look sweeite! This nice lady has come and stood DIRECTLY in front of you in hopes that you will perch on her shoulders to watch the show! There couldn't possibly be any other reason for such thoughtless behavior than that she's secretly trying to help a small child see the magic!!!"

:rotfl2: :thumbsup2
I guess I am the most horrible of the horrible Rudes. I would totally have patted her on the back and said loudly, "OH look sweeite! This nice lady has come and stood DIRECTLY in front of you in hopes that you will perch on her shoulders to watch the show! There couldn't possibly be any other reason for such thoughtless behavior than that she's secretly trying to help a small child see the magic!!!"

But then, I love being the center of attention, and don't have the slightest problem getting my point across.
My mom is like that, lol. She actually did something similar at the parade and I got a little embarrassed.

I think at Disney people just do what they need to do. Everyone, even the best of us, have quite a few rude moments at Disney.

One thing I seriously dont get is what makes people get stupid on Pirates. People crunching bottles, eating, photo flashes, and loud talking. I don't get it. I even caught myself being loud and quicking shut my mouth, lol.
I guess I am the most horrible of the horrible Rudes. I would totally have patted her on the back and said loudly, "OH look sweeite! This nice lady has come and stood DIRECTLY in front of you in hopes that you will perch on her shoulders to watch the show! There couldn't possibly be any other reason for such thoughtless behavior than that she's secretly trying to help a small child see the magic!!!"

But then, I love being the center of attention, and don't have the slightest problem getting my point across.

I will have to store up my energy and try that this time lol.
Can someone tell me what possess people to come and stand directly in front of three little boys two minutes before the fireworks start when they have been waiting there for an hour? I had to hold a boy on each hip one year, and listen to the other in tears the whole time because people came and stood directly in front of us. I understand that everyone needs to see, but we had been there. They could have at least sat down. The lady actually looked at my one son who was crying because I couldn't hold him to see. She looked at her husband shrugged her shoulders and turned around while their two children had a perfect view. Of course I once again was quiet, I guess I need to learn to speak up.
'Tis a famous saying: "No one can take advantage of you without your permission."

When stuff like this happens, you can move to another (not as good, but still visible) location, stay where you are and have crying kids, or speak up. I would have probably moved. I know that it's crowded, but there's always "wiggle room". If there was room in front of you two minutes before show, there was probably room somewhere else where you could have gone to give your kids a better view. (Yes, we can go on and on about whether it was RIGHT for that woman to stand in front of your kids, which it obviously wasn't, but all the discussion in the world doesn't get your crying child a viewing location.)

If it's between my child crying because he can't see AT ALL vs. him having a less perfect view, I'll go for the less perfect view. I'm not necessarily going to get into an argument and fall on a sword for fireworks.

I would have gladly moved. I am not a martyr and didn't want to hear my son cry. However, the fireworks had already started, we were blocked in, and it isn't very easy to pack up all of the stuff, load the three kids and ask people to move so we can get to a different location. Even if we could have gotten to another location. I would have been standing in front of others while I tried to make my way, thus interrupting their view, and then by the time we moved it would have been close to over anyways.

I do not willingly and gladly let people take advantage of me, but I am also not one to speak up. It is just my nature. I certainly did not give anyone permission to take advantage of me.
Definitely enjoy the postings thanks to all. The rudest incident DW & I witnessed occurred last May and it happened to me. DW & I were celebrating our 34th anniversary. We were in line at Haunted Mansion. As soon as the walls opened, walking to the Doom Buggies a young woman late 20's,in her desire to get in front of us knocked me into the handrails, blood expolded everywhere (ears, nose, mouth). The woman yelled at me "that's what you get for being so slow." DW freaked, a CM actually broke out his character shut the ride down, called security and medical assistance. Security asked if I wanted to press charges, the young woman was now crying that she was sorry, so I didn't pursue the issue and press charges. She was however removed from the MK at DW's insistence. After medical personnel made sure I was ok we were given fast passes for the MK for the rest of the day. It does make you wonder what gets into peoples heads sometimes. It still didn't ruin our anniversary.
Definitely enjoy the postings thanks to all. The rudest incident DW & I witnessed occurred last May and it happened to me. DW & I were celebrating our 34th anniversary. We were in line at Haunted Mansion. As soon as the walls opened, walking to the Doom Buggies a young woman late 20's,in her desire to get in front of us knocked me into the handrails, blood expolded everywhere (ears, nose, mouth). The woman yelled at me "that's what you get for being so slow." DW freaked, a CM actually broke out his character shut the ride down, called security and medical assistance. Security asked if I wanted to press charges, the young woman was now crying that she was sorry, so I didn't pursue the issue and press charges. She was however removed from the MK at DW's insistence. After medical personnel made sure I was ok we were given fast passes for the MK for the rest of the day. It does make you wonder what gets into peoples heads sometimes. It still didn't ruin our anniversary.

Holy cow! That surely takes the cake, not only for her rude actions, but her response to what could possibly have been a grave medical emergency. What a horrible nightmare to have happen on such a special day. It was kind of you to not press charges, but I'm glad your wife made them eject her. People with that lack of consciousness for others have no business in places where so many people (especially elderly, children, and the medically fragile) are enjoying themselves.

Sheesh. :sad2:
I'm from south dakota and when we travel to orlando there is a big difference in people. In south dakota..and I'm sure plenty of other areas...people are helpful to those around you. We don't cut lines, we hold doors for people who have their hands full, if someone drops something we pick it up and try to catch that person to give it back. When we are in Orlando it's crazy. We have people who cut in line in front of us. If you say something they act like they have no idea what you are talking about. My 3 year old got punched in the nose at MK in August 2008. All because the line was not moving and some how it was our fault not the other hundreds of people stuck on the bridge. No one on that bridge was nice. My 3 year old her the "f" word and many other things. Thank goodness when I did make my way to guest services some kind man came up and agreed with me. He said he was also on the bridge at the time. At least someone was nice. But good lord I wish people would be nice and kind. STOP line cutting. If someone is in a line you don't walk up and stand in front of them....Starting another line fine...but to join in front of me not happening.

From rural Missouri here, and I so understand what you are saying. I grew up "city" but now live country...give me the polite friendly people anyday, and I love having the feeling I don;t have to lock car doors nor house doors.
She rode in a wheel chair the whole trip although she was able to transfer at rides. Every morning we would line up with her in the designated wheel chair area for those with a handicap. This driver threw a fit and said that she could come on but not us, and that we were cutting and would have to wait for the next bus. I never say anything to anyone, but my mom spoke up as well as my sisters. He finally let us on but not before giving us a huge lecture in front of everyone for like 5 minutes.


I am sorry, your butt needed to be standing in line with everyone else. This is a pet peeve of mine. I do NOT mind the wheel chair person having the area and line, and I don't mind one family member helping them get onto and off the bus, but the rest of the family can get in line with everyone else. you are NOT handicapped. We were waiting one time and I swear the persons family was enough to fill an entire bus. We were waiting, busses were busy, up comes the wheel chair and a herd of family, they all got on and left the rest of us who had been waiting awhile , waiting even more.
Your bus driver should have been given a medal for trying to stand up to that nonsense
I am sorry, your butt needed to be standing in line with everyone else. This is a pet peeve of mine. I do NOT mind the wheel chair person having the area and line, and I don't mind one family member helping them get onto and off the bus, but the rest of the family can get in line with everyone else. you are NOT handicapped. We were waiting one time and I swear the persons family was enough to fill an entire bus. We were waiting, busses were busy, up comes the wheel chair and a herd of family, they all got on and left the rest of us who had been waiting awhile , waiting even more.
Your bus driver should have been given a medal for trying to stand up to that nonsense

However, our worst problem came actually from a Disney bus driver. Me, my mom, two of my sisters, and my 85 year old aunt went to Disney in May two years ago as my aunt wanted to go one last time before she could no longer make it. She is ill and lives in WV, so it was quite an ordeal for her.

She rode in a wheel chair the whole trip although she was able to transfer at rides. Every morning we would line up with her in the designated wheel chair area for those with a handicap. This driver threw a fit and said that she could come on but not us, and that we were cutting and would have to wait for the next bus. I never say anything to anyone, but my mom spoke up as well as my sisters. He finally let us on but not before giving us a huge lecture in front of everyone for like 5 minutes.

I am sorry, your butt needed to be standing in line with everyone else. This is a pet peeve of mine. I do NOT mind the wheel chair person having the area and line, and I don't mind one family member helping them get onto and off the bus, but the rest of the family can get in line with everyone else. you are NOT handicapped. We were waiting one time and I swear the persons family was enough to fill an entire bus. We were waiting, busses were busy, up comes the wheel chair and a herd of family, they all got on and left the rest of us who had been waiting awhile , waiting even more.
Your bus driver should have been given a medal for trying to stand up to that nonsense

Pickles, yes, it is YOUR pet peeve. But, it is not Disney policy.

Disney does mainstream wheel chairs and ECVs in some lines. But, Disney has decided not to mainstream the bus lines. If you don't like it, fine. Just take your frustration out on Disney. Write them a letter and make your point known.

But, please do not rudely criticize a lady for doing exactly what she was supposed to do.

When I took my 85 year old grandmother to WDW, she refused an ECV. We just walked a little slower. And, she took an evening or two off. But, if she had used an ECV or wheel chair, I would have boarded the bus with her.

By the way, I do believe that there is a limit to the number of people that can accompany the person in the wheel chair or ECV. I think it's 5 or 6. But, I've never seen it enforced. If you think it should be only 1 other person, then complain about that if you must. But, your experience and what WDmommyof4 did are quite different.

Save your venom for someone who deserves it.
I am sorry, your butt needed to be standing in line with everyone are NOT handicapped....
Your bus driver should have been given a medal for trying to stand up to that nonsense

Nice. Eighty-five year old women's last trip before death, barely making it around, and you think the bus driver should get a medal for making her family leave her alone on a bus?

Truly magical attitude. Pixie dust to you.
Pickles, yes, it is YOUR pet peeve. But, it is not Disney policy.

But, please do not rudely criticize a lady for doing exactly what she was supposed to do.

By the way, I do believe that there is a limit to the number of people that can accompany the person in the wheel chair or ECV. I think it's 5 or 6. But, I've never seen it enforced. .

Ok, you just admitted there may be a limit..and not enforced. It should be enforced. There is no reason a wheel chair person needs 10 of their closest friends and neighbors climbing on the bus in the wheel chair line. The bale bodied people can climb on the bus with the rest of the able bodied people. The wheel chair line is for....wheel chairs./ECV

I would never begrudge a wheel chair person from getting the help they need and having some things made easier for them They have enough things tough in life. I will always begrudge the rest of the people that sail along on their coat tails. You can't give me a good enough reason for the rest of the crew standing in the wheel chair line at the bus stop. They are no more special than the rest of us.
Wow I had no idea that posting my experience would get me blasted. For the record, we had done what you suggested for the first day or so of our trip, until we were told by a bus driver that we were allowed to wait with her, and that it was DISNEY's policy to do so.

After that we did it the way we were told Disney had instructed. Also, for the record, we were the first ones in line for the bus that morning. We would have been on it regardless of whether we had waited in the line or with her, we were just doing as we were instructed. If the bus driver had followed Disney policy, he would not have been reprimanded when we reported him. So that is something to think about too.

I too on separate trips have been the one left behind when wheel chairs go, but it is the ways it is, so I don't complain. I am sorry that you felt the need to go off on me and my "butt". Between you and the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me, I am beginning to think the DIS boards are not a very magical place for me to be. I will remember to keep my mouth shut in the future.

Would you want to leave half of your family behind on a trip. Oh okay children there is only enough room for the two of you, so you stay here and I will go on while you wait. We will all be delayed for 30-40 minutes because we can't ride together, and we will have to do it the whole trip but it won't upset anyone so it is fine. This is why this system is in place for the buses, if we had done as you suggest, there is a possibility that we would have been separated and waiting on each other for 2-3 hours total each day. That would have been a magical trip.
Wow I had no idea that posting my experience would get me blasted. For the record, we had done what you suggested for the first day or so of our trip, until we were told by a bus driver that we were allowed to wait with her, and that it was DISNEY's policy to do so.

After that we did it the way we were told Disney had instructed. Also, for the record, we were the first ones in line for the bus that morning. We would have been on it regardless of whether we had waited in the line or with her, we were just doing as we were instructed. If the bus driver had followed Disney policy, he would not have been reprimanded when we reported him. So that is something to think about too.

I too on separate trips have been the one left behind when wheel chairs go, but it is the ways it is, so I don't complain. I am sorry that you felt the need to go off on me and my "butt". Between you and the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me, I am beginning to think the DIS boards are not a very magical place for me to be. I will remember to keep my mouth shut in the future.

Would you want to leave half of your family behind on a trip. Oh okay children there is only enough room for the two of you, so you stay here and I will go on while you wait. We will all be delayed for 30-40 minutes because we can't ride together, and we will have to do it the whole trip but it won't upset anyone so it is fine. This is why this system is in place for the buses, if we had done as you suggest, there is a possibility that we would have been separated and waiting on each other for 2-3 hours total each day. That would have been a magical trip.

I agree with you.
Between you and the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me, I am beginning to think the DIS boards are not a very magical place for me to be. I will remember to keep my mouth shut in the future.

With a forum as large as the DISboards, it is inevitable that there will be some folk with un-magical attitudes and that is really a shame. :sad2: The DIS is supposed to be a place where people who share a love of Disney can come together, not pick each other apart. At least IMHO.

I am sorry you were blasted for following what you were told was Disney's policy regarding boarding with wheelchair occupants. And remember that there are plenty of friendly folk here as well! :)

With a forum as large as the DISboards, it is inevitable that there will be some folk with un-magical attitudes and that is really a shame. :sad2: The DIS is supposed to be a place where people who share a love of Disney can come together, not pick each other apart. At least IMHO.

I am sorry you were blasted for following what you were told was Disney's policy regarding boarding with wheelchair occupants. And remember that there are plenty of friendly folk here as well! :)

Wow I had no idea that posting my experience would get me blasted. For the record, we had done what you suggested for the first day or so of our trip, until we were told by a bus driver that we were allowed to wait with her, and that it was DISNEY's policy to do so.

After that we did it the way we were told Disney had instructed. Also, for the record, we were the first ones in line for the bus that morning. We would have been on it regardless of whether we had waited in the line or with her, we were just doing as we were instructed. If the bus driver had followed Disney policy, he would not have been reprimanded when we reported him. So that is something to think about too.

I too on separate trips have been the one left behind when wheel chairs go, but it is the ways it is, so I don't complain. I am sorry that you felt the need to go off on me and my "butt". Between you and the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me, I am beginning to think the DIS boards are not a very magical place for me to be. I will remember to keep my mouth shut in the future.

Would you want to leave half of your family behind on a trip. Oh okay children there is only enough room for the two of you, so you stay here and I will go on while you wait. We will all be delayed for 30-40 minutes because we can't ride together, and we will have to do it the whole trip but it won't upset anyone so it is fine. This is why this system is in place for the buses, if we had done as you suggest, there is a possibility that we would have been separated and waiting on each other for 2-3 hours total each day. That would have been a magical trip.

I was not personally blasting YOU..I have this opinion any time I am standing in a bus line and see it happen. the title of this thread was about being rude, and while you may know that is the policy I personally find it rude(that policy)

However, what you and others fail to realize you may waste 2-3 hours of your day if the adults had to split up, you getting on the bus ahead of the rest of us may waste 2-3 hours of OUR time. No one has more special time than another.
In your case, you said that time you were first in line, but if you had cruised up where 30 of us had been waiting 20 minutes for a bus and then gotten into the wheel chair line(your whole family and we are not implying small children should wait apart from their silly) and then you got on the bus and made other folks wait another 20 fair is that?

People can think I am a jerk and not magical, but in this case my vacation time is no less important than your vacation time.


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