Yo ho: Pirate makeover coming to Magic Kingdom in June: Updated with the prices

1) Yep.
2) First BBB, now this.
3) And, we thought PT Barnum was dead and buried.

And what's even worse is those poor, misguided children think they're enjoying it!

I took my goddaughter to WDW, and I'll be taking my godson in December. Their mom, my oldest friend (nearly 30 years) works long hours in a position she had to take below her experience & education level to make ends meet, and their Dad works & goes to school trying to get himself into a better employment situation. These are children who'd never been to an amusement park, never been on an airplane, never even stayed in a hotel. Yes, going to Disney World is a special treat for them - but the look on my goddaughter's face when she was getting the BBB treatment - when she was for once the center of the universe - was beyond priceless.

I don't care if some judgemental busybody thinks I'm one of those suckers that's supposedly born every minute. Yes, she would've had fun at Disney without that treat - and she would've had fun with a day trip to Kings Island instead of 8 days at Disney World. I made a little girl who rarely gets to feel special feel like a princess - I have the incredible memories (and pictures) to prove it. And all the snide putdowns in the world won't change that. So what if Disney made money off the deal? It was WORTH IT! princess:

And come December I'm taking her little brother and letting him get turned into a pirate so that he can feel just as special. The kind of special a kid feels when they get something they don't remotely need, but something they want and someone feels they're important enough to get. For a week that little boy is going to be the center of the universe - perhaps the only week he'll get to be that his whole life. And I don't care if Disney makes a sinful amount of money in the process. pirate:

One more thing - I get that the folks criticizing this are stating their opinion, but don't go saying that someone would have to be an idiot to do this (just because you don't use the words doesn't mean the implication isn't as clear as day) and then be shocked - SHOCKED - that people take offense. I don't really care what you do or don't do at Disney - heck, I see miserable people at Disney, carping and whining every time I go, and that's their right too. But do us the courtesy of not caring what we do with our time and money as well.
And what's even worse is those poor, misguided children think they're enjoying it!

I took my goddaughter to WDW, and I'll be taking my godson in December. Their mom, my oldest friend (nearly 30 years) works long hours in a position she had to take below her experience & education level to make ends meet, and their Dad works & goes to school trying to get himself into a better employment situation. These are children who'd never been to an amusement park, never been on an airplane, never even stayed in a hotel. Yes, going to Disney World is a special treat for them - but the look on my goddaughter's face when she was getting the BBB treatment - when she was for once the center of the universe - was beyond priceless.

I don't care if some judgemental busybody thinks I'm one of those suckers that's supposedly born every minute. Yes, she would've had fun at Disney without that treat - and she would've had fun with a day trip to Kings Island instead of 8 days at Disney World. I made a little girl who rarely gets to feel special feel like a princess - I have the incredible memories (and pictures) to prove it. And all the snide putdowns in the world won't change that. So what if Disney made money off the deal? It was WORTH IT! princess:

And come December I'm taking her little brother and letting him get turned into a pirate so that he can feel just as special. The kind of special a kid feels when they get something they don't remotely need, but something they want and someone feels they're important enough to get. For a week that little boy is going to be the center of the universe - perhaps the only week he'll get to be that his whole life. And I don't care if Disney makes a sinful amount of money in the process. pirate:

One more thing - I get that the folks criticizing this are stating their opinion, but don't go saying that someone would have to be an idiot to do this (just because you don't use the words doesn't mean the implication isn't as clear as day) and then be shocked - SHOCKED - that people take offense. I don't really care what you do or don't do at Disney - heck, I see miserable people at Disney, carping and whining every time I go, and that's their right too. But do us the courtesy of not caring what we do with our time and money as well.
As I sit here in my room at the Hilton Hotel on Powder Springs St. it strikes me that it is you that is angry. No one here doubts that your children, grandchildren, whatever will have a wonderful, glorious, grand ole time at these events. No one can dispute this at all and if this is the best venue you find for such happiness then by all means DO IT!

I personally just find it sad that this simplistic form of event is being sold by Disney at such high prices as if they were really doing something special, when it fact it is nothing more than ordinary carnival behavior as alluded to by Mr. Scupper. There was no real imagination or creativity in developing this year long halloween event.
I personally just find it sad that this simplistic form of event is being sold by Disney at such high prices as if they were really doing something special, when it fact it is nothing more than ordinary carnival behavior as alluded to by Mr. Scupper. There was no real imagination or creativity in developing this year long halloween event.

And you know this because you've been there? It's clear to me, from what you've written, that you've either never actually been in the BBB, or you're deliberately misrepressenting it to make some sketchy point. Probably the former, since there's nothing like ignorance to lend certainty to some people's words. It's also clear from the above statement - to any of us who've actually been to the BBB - that you don't know what you're talking about.

Am I angry? Being insulted tends to do that. Anyone reading your posts who disagrees with you couldn't help but be insulted. I'm not sure there's any other way to take "it's sad you're so stupid to waste your money on this".
And you know this because you've been there? It's clear to me, from what you've written, that you've either never actually been in the BBB, or you're deliberately misrepressenting it to make some sketchy point. Probably the former, since there's nothing like ignorance to lend certainty to some people's words. It's also clear from the above statement - to any of us who've actually been to the BBB - that you don't know what you're talking about.

Am I angry? Being insulted tends to do that. Anyone reading your posts who disagrees with you couldn't help but be insulted. I'm not sure there's any other way to take "it's sad you're so stupid to waste your money on this".

Who insulted who?:confused3I freely and fully accept your right to participate and enjoy this event. In fact as long as they're offering it it is obvious that people ARE enjoying it but somehow you feel insulted because I personally feel it isn't entertainment up to Disney standards and I am sad that this is the best Disney can do these days and I am sad that this is the extent that Disney has to strive for to generate "fans". Sorry you disagree and it's not personal I just think it's schlock and you don't.

Who insulted who?:confused3I freely and fully accept your right to participate and enjoy this event. In fact as long as they're offering it it is obvious that people ARE enjoying it but somehow you feel insulted because I personally feel it isn't entertainment up to Disney standards and I am sad that this is the best Disney can do these days and I am sad that this is the extent that Disney has to strive for to generate "fans". Sorry you disagree and it's not personal I just think it's schlock and you don't.


Excellent statement Peter.:thumbsup2
Who insulted who?:confused3I freely and fully accept your right to participate and enjoy this event. In fact as long as they're offering it it is obvious that people ARE enjoying it but somehow you feel insulted because I personally feel it isn't entertainment up to Disney standards and I am sad that this is the best Disney can do these days and I am sad that this is the extent that Disney has to strive for to generate "fans". Sorry you disagree and it's not personal I just think it's schlock and you don't.


:confused3 "What, who me? What did I say?" :confused3

I don't care if you think it's "pathetic" or "schlock". That's your right. If I argued with everyone who had a different opinion than I do, I'd have something like 1,500 posts instead of less than 100. What I have a problem with is when you insult people, and then act like they're upset because you have a different opinion. It's a very annoying tactic. Let's recap some highlights of your innocent disagreement:

"I can't believe so many people buy into the notion that you can buy your kids precious memories."

"I think as good and loving parents there are much, much better options for special family moments, that are much more genuine than a contrived Disney moment."

"I'm just saying a Princess or Pirate makeover seems contrived and...Well, lazy to me."

"You fanboy/apologists are just sooo predictable but you're allowed your opinion, even if it's just superficial."

"some of us consider this a form of obvious and tasteless brand exploitation"

So, according to you, people who take their children to places like the BBB are lazy, superficial, fanboy/apologists, incapable of being good and loving parents, who try to buy their children's memories while tastelessly exploiting them. Did I leave anything out?

But why would anyone be offended by that - it's just a harmless opinion.
more power to you for making your godchildren feel so special.:thumbsup2

i do the same thing for my grandchildren. :goodvibes they are worth doing that for and there is no one else to do that.
My daughter did the BBB in April. But I can totally see her doing this also.
I have two boys who would love this. Depending on how much they want to go, we may make ressies for our next trip to go there.

As far as my being a lazy parent who is willing to throw away my money and buy my kids memories via contrived, brand exploitation moments. . . :confused3

Isn't that what Disney is now? Isn't that what "mainstream entertainment" is now? Sure it's sad, but for me and my kids- neither of us have ever known any other kind of Disney or Circus or any other mass market entertainment racket in town- so to us, it *is* Disney magic. To say "I don't like it because it's cheap and not how it used to be" smacks of old crabbiness to me. That statement could be applied to anything and everything these days and I'm not going to let that kind of thinking take away from us experiencing something we'd enjoy together as a family.

So for now, I'm just going to take these moments as well as the ones I can create by myself and remind myself that one day when I have grandkids, I'll be wondering where the days went when you could get your face painted by a person for $40 bucks instead of sprayed by a machine for $140 :scared:


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