Divas, Zebra Domes, and Pixie Dust! A Week in an African Paradise! New TR Link Pg.145

Welcome home Jackie!:cheer2:
Glad to hear you had a magical trip.
I was thinking of you the whole weekend.
Can't wait to read your TR!
I think I might have to scroll down past the food pictures.:lmao:
By the way- How was the food?
Hi Jackie! SO SORRY I have been MIA from your TR! Life has been nuts since school started, I envy you making the time to be so up to date with your TR posts! LOVED your last few installments but especially your review of Teppan Edo and all the pics of your trinkets! i can't believe you have gone and come back from your couples trip to Food and Wine! A coworker and her family were there this weekend too, staying at the Beach Club! I CANNOT wait to hear all about it! i laughed out loud when I read about your cream soda too!:rotfl:
Have a great time!!!

Let me give you another drink to try ... there is a fab frozen mojito at the Cuban stand, and in France they have another slushie.... with cranberry juice, and something else.. like the grey goose but red, very very good... thicker, way YUMMY. I had two while DS7 was helping KP with a mission in France.... needless to say it took a little longer... :laughing:

Your drink recommendations were the best!!! I won't reveal just how much drinking we did quite yet. ;)

OH! And did I mention the lobster rolls... :laughing: KIDDING... well, not really... :laughing:

They were delicious -- you weren't kidding. :laughing:

Hope you have a wonderful time!!!! Enjoy!!!

We had a great time!

Oh but I have to tell you I had that "Lost on Safari" or whatever it was called @ the AK... WOW. You were not kidding .. a nice wasy to get lost!! :laughing:

Glad you liked it! I can't wait to have another one next summer!

Looking forward to hearing all about it!! :thumbsup2

Hopefully I can get my act together and start the TR soon.

I can't wait to hear all about CBR, F&W, your DIS meets, and all of your adventures at the WDW. I hope you get to MNSSHP tomorrow night.

Enjoy your cream soda :)

Thank you! The cream soda was very tasty! LOL!

Welllll, yeah, you need to go to MNSSHP!!!
to you,
and you,
and you.....
How can you not see that???

Hope you are having sweet Disney dreams right now.
Have an awesome long weekend!

I had lovely Disney dreams for several nights! :goodvibes

Have a great time!:thumbsup2

Thank you, Jordan! I hope you will head over to the TR -- I met someone you know this weekend.

Woohoo!! So excited for a parents get away ( I could use one right about now).

Cant wait to hear about CBR! Chelsea seems like my kind of girl (loved staying at the GF), so to know it makes her list is making me want to check it out! Have a great time :wizard:

Thank you! It was so refreshing to have an adults-only trip!

I have lots to say about CBR!

You are probably on the road, but I just had to have some fun with your departure anyway, so I present to you...

a 'pome'...

by MeMom. ;)

Yes, 'pome', not poem. Said in a British accent, too. Let's do this right. :)

I wish that CP could come out and play,
But she's getting ready for a very big day!
With her bags all packed and her soda of cream,
She's setting out for another Disney dream!

See, you thought I was crazy enough when I taught third grade, but I told you it was going to get worse now that I am teaching second! :laughing:

Hope Food and Wine is awesome. The podcast crew was talking about how many things they have cut out, but hopefully it's still very cool in spite of that. I hope the weather is great, the crowds are low, and the magic abounds!

I love my pome, MeMom!!! :lovestruc I hope to post a good bit of the trip before you leave -- we had lots of tasty food that you and Jill should try!

Awww, my Tennessee kinfolks! :laughing:

Georgia kinfolk, too! When I went to pick up the kids yesterday, my dad must have been fed up with Connor's six bags of stuff, so he dumped it all in a trash bag for me to bring home! :lmao:

Safe travels Jackie!!

Thank you, Jill!

Jackie, hope you have a fun filled adult only weekend with your sweetie enjoying all that F & W has to offer. Can't wait to read all about it!:banana:

Thank you, Christine! It was absolutely lovely!

Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about it! I hope you get to go to MNSSHP!!

Thank you! It was so wonderful, and I think even Charles would agree!
:rotfl:What a perfect line to end a perfect trip report! Well done! See ya soon!

Thank you, Mary Ellen! I felt like we had come full circle when I put that cream soda in the fridge.

Cream soda and a MeMom pome? You're off to a great start, Jackie! Have an AMAZING time!

Thank you, Lara! I followed your lead and have a TON of food pics to share! :thumbsup2

Have an absolutely wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! :thumbsup2

Thank you, Katie! We did have a wonderful time!

I know you already left but I just wanted to say I hope you have a pixiedust: filled trip.

Thank you, Jessica! It was filled with pixie dust from beginning to end -- I kept waiting for something to go really wrong. :laughing:

Have a great trip Jackie!!

Thats so funny about the soda :rotfl2:

Thank you! We did! I can't wait to tell you all about it!

I missed your send off....:sad2:

I hope you really enjoyed that cream soda! :laughing:

I did, LL, and I bought another one on the way down. LOL!

Thinking about you Jackie & hope you are having a wonderful time!! So glad you got your cream soda this time:lmao: Eat & drink lots for all of us!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Thank you! I think Charles and I managed to eat enough to feed all my readers! LOL!

Safe travels! Hope you enjoyed that Cream Soda!!!!!!!!!!!

CBR is my second favorite resort. Enjoy!

Thank you, Lisa! CBR is someone's new favorite. :rolleyes1

Jackie I just finally caught up on your final two posts and I just loved them! I think the pics at Teppan Edo look great, your final "goodbye" at Epcot was cute, I totally relate to the post-disney funk, but I am glad you were able to make this short October trip to the F & W.. your trinkets and plate from AK are gorgeous! I really am looking forward to hearing about your fall getaway, and what you have up your sleeve for another trip with new "twists"... I agree about waiting for "U" shhhh.... :rolleyes1 I think mine will be ready for that Park soon... not sure about next year, though. Anyway, I sure enjoyed reading your PTR and TR and I can't wait to hear about your new Disney antics!!! ;)

Thank you, Happydog! We had a great time this summer and a great time this past weekend! There were some antics, to be sure! :laughing:


Yep, Shocker -- that's exactly what my minivan looked like loaded down with Chelsea and Connor's stuff. :lmao:
Have a great time!! I can't wait to read all about it. Glad to hear about the cream soda! ;)

Thanks, Amy! The cream soda was very tasty! ;)

Hope you had a ton of fun! Looking forward to hearing all about it....

Thank you, Laura! Did you have a wonderful birthday?

Your Teppan Edo meal sounded fantastic and the chef sounded hilarious :rotfl:

I love all the goodies you all bought, especially the key rings!

I hope you're having a great trip :goodvibes

Thank you, Jo! We always have a great time at Teppan Edo!

I imagine you are on your way home soon.

Welcome back and sorry it's over already. But at least you can relive it by retelling all of us.

Thank you, Diamond! I am sorry it's over already, but looking forward to sharing ALL the stories with you! LOL!

Welcome Home!!! I can't wait to hear all about your weekend trip and see lots of pix.

Thank you -- I took LOTS of pics at Food and Wine. I wouldn't let Charles eat until I had photographed each food item. :laughing:

Glad you made it home safely. I know it's hard to take that this morning you were at Disney World and tomorrow morning you'll be back in the cold, cruel world. I know that feeling so well.

Looking forward to the food pictures! Get a good night's sleep.

It was hard to come back to the real world -- I feel like this is the first time I have sat down since we arrived back home -- somehow being on the go at home is not near as much fun as being constantly on the go at Disney. :rolleyes:

Welcome Home! Tomorrow is going to be a lit challenging for you-make sure you have lots of coffee...:surfweb:

Looking forward to hearing all about your fun1:woohoo:

That was one of the nice things about being at home -- starting the day with a decent cup of coffee.

Welcome back!

Can't wait to read all about your trip.

Hope you have an easy day at school tomorrow.

Thank you, Jen! The kids were pretty well-behaved for the most part.

OHHHHHHH She is BACK!!!! YAY!!!! Hope you had just a fabulous time, and I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!!!! :yay::yay:

Hope tomorrow at school isn't too tiring and that your kids are still speaking with you!!! :laughing:

It was fab, fab, fab! :cloud9:

I got through the day which is saying something. Chelsea and Connor haven't stopped talking since we walked in the door. :laughing:

Welcome home Jackie! I know, not fun coming back....
Anxiously awaiting your trip report. I wonder if you are going to start tomorrow while your kids are completing a project..... If so you'll be on the 10th page before I can start reading. UGH!
Can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all the stories!:goodvibes

Hi, Wigd! I waited just for you to start the TR! Well, actually, I just haven't had a chance, but I thought that sounded pretty good. :lmao:
I am soooooo excited to know that my food and wine (well, booze) recommendations came through!!! :thumbsup2


Them lobster rolls don't play! I think Jen, Paula, and Christine were laughing at me b/c I was trying to have a quick conversation with them saying HI and Bye at the same time (first impressions, mind you) while juggling two plates of, you guessed it, LOBSTER ROLLS..... :lmao:

I took ONE food porn photo on this trip. Of, you guessed it, LOBSTER ROLLS....:rotfl2:

Okay, okay I am having too much fun at your TR's expense, I will control myself now ;) JUST had to say... :rotfl:

And obviously I am really excited to hear all about it from you!!! :goodvibes
Welcome back! Can't wait to read all about it!

Thank you, MEK! I need to download pictures and catch up on everyone's trip reports, and then I will be a writing fiend. :thumbsup2

Welcome back, CP! Isn't a sad Monday morning not waking up in the happy place? Tough going to work today. :sad2: But I know we both had great trips and it was so nice to finally meet you! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip! :thumbsup2

It is a sad Monday, C! I was so not in the mood to put on work clothes today. :sad2: I had a blast meeting you! We must plan another trip!

Welcome Home CP!!! I hope you have a good day at work!!!! I'm starting to regret having a lab setup for today instead of something more mellow LOL!!!! What was I thinking??? Oh well tomorrow will be a very nice leisure day with the guidance counselor taking over so I should be able to play catch up YAY!!

OOOH food pictures...I can't wait to see them and hear your opinions on the food!!

Hi, Jen! Well, we are one day down and only four more to go until the weekend! :laughing: It was so cool to meet you, and I can't wait until our December meet in Atlanta!

Welcome Home! Well, to your second Home! LOL!

Thank you, Lisa! Yes, I would prefer to think of Disney as my primary home. LOL!

Welcome Home CP! I hope you had a wonderful trip. I missed you. :goodvibes

I missed you, too, LL! I couldn't help thinking Friday morning that we were supposed to meet up then -- but we WILL meet up at Disney one day! :thumbsup2

Welcome home CP!!!!! I can not wait to read your new tr. Glad to hear that you had a great trip.

Thank you, Jess! I will link the new TR here when I get it up and running.

So glad to hear that you had a great weekend. I can't wait to hear all about it! :cool1:

Thank you, Christina! I can't wait to share it with you! :goodvibes

Just caught up and finished! Teppen Edo sounds like a great way to spend your last night and I'm glad Charles joined you! I loved reading along and seeing all your pictures!
Hope you are having fun now in Disney (or maybe you are back already?) and that Charles was with you a bit more this time! Otherwise it would almost be like a solo trip! Can't wait to hear about it and all your DIS meets!


Hi, Allyson! Teppan Edo was the perfect ending to our trip! Charles was with me the whole time this past weekend so he appears in a lot more pictures! ;)

Hope you're having a good day at work and are able to stay awake. I didn't go anywhere this weekend and I can't keep my eyes open :lmao:

Will the tr start tonight?

Jen, I was able to stay awake because I think I was running on pure adrenaline trying to get everything caught up and running smoothly again.

I wish I could say that the TR is starting tonight, but it may be a couple more nights before that happens. :(

Welcome back Jackie. I cannot wait to hear all about it. I want to go to the F&W next year so I need all the tips I can get.

Thank you! I will be giving you lots of reasons to look forward to Food and Wine!

So glad you made it back and I hope the first day wasn't too much of a downer! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip! Can't wait to hear what you thought about the F & W!!!!! popcorn::

The day wasn't a downer at all -- the students were so excited to have me back (and loved my new rhinestone Mickey earrings), that it made me glad to be back. :goodvibes

Welcome home Jackie!:cheer2:
Glad to hear you had a magical trip.
I was thinking of you the whole weekend.
Can't wait to read your TR!
I think I might have to scroll down past the food pictures.:lmao:
By the way- How was the food?

Thank you! I will warn you, there are a LOT of food pics! :laughing:

Yay---looking forward to subscribing to your new TR :banana:

Welcome home!

Thank you! I will make sure I link the new TR here when I start.

Hi Jackie! SO SORRY I have been MIA from your TR! Life has been nuts since school started, I envy you making the time to be so up to date with your TR posts! LOVED your last few installments but especially your review of Teppan Edo and all the pics of your trinkets! i can't believe you have gone and come back from your couples trip to Food and Wine! A coworker and her family were there this weekend too, staying at the Beach Club! I CANNOT wait to hear all about it! i laughed out loud when I read about your cream soda too!:rotfl:

Hi, Diane! I totally understand about life being nuts -- it's been pretty crazy around here as well. I can't believe the weekend is over already -- it seems like a long time until next summer now.

That cream soda was mighty tasty! ;)

Welcome Home, can't wait to read the new report!

Thank you, Mary!

I am soooooo excited to know that my food and wine (well, booze) recommendations came through!!! :thumbsup2


Them lobster rolls don't play! I think Jen, Paula, and Christine were laughing at me b/c I was trying to have a quick conversation with them saying HI and Bye at the same time (first impressions, mind you) while juggling two plates of, you guessed it, LOBSTER ROLLS..... :lmao:

I took ONE food porn photo on this trip. Of, you guessed it, LOBSTER ROLLS....:rotfl2:

Okay, okay I am having too much fun at your TR's expense, I will control myself now ;) JUST had to say... :rotfl:

And obviously I am really excited to hear all about it from you!!! :goodvibes

I am telling you -- when I tried that Parisian Cosmo slushy, I sent a little thank-you your way! :laughing: And those lobster rolls! What things of beauty and deliciousness! I want to go back next year to make a pig of myself again! :lmao:

You can have as much fun as you want over here! :rotfl:
Jen, I was able to stay awake because I think I was running on pure adrenaline trying to get everything caught up and running smoothly again.

I wish I could say that the TR is starting tonight, but it may be a couple more nights before that happens. :(

No coffee?? :scared1: Adrenaline will do it. Was school closed for you last week? Or did you just take a couple of days off? School is closed Monday the 12th for Columbus Day and I'm already counting the seconds!!!

I'll be here to read your tr whenever you start. I can't wait to hear about F&W. Seems like the perfect time to take an adults only trip. I hope you had a Grey Goose slushie!!!
No coffee?? :scared1: Adrenaline will do it. Was school closed for you last week? Or did you just take a couple of days off? School is closed Monday the 12th for Columbus Day and I'm already counting the seconds!!!

I'll be here to read your tr whenever you start. I can't wait to hear about F&W. Seems like the perfect time to take an adults only trip. I hope you had a Grey Goose slushie!!!

Oh, I had that nasty Nescafe that Disney serves, but it was barely drinkable after a ton of creamer.

I took two personal days for the trip. No time off for us until the 19th.

There may have been some Grey Goose consumed on this trip...:rolleyes1
So do you think another f&w might be in the forecast for next year? I'm trying to decide between that and a spring break trip at the moment.....

Shocker is a great big "no" on spring break though.....
So do you think another f&w might be in the forecast for next year? I'm trying to decide between that and a spring break trip at the moment.....

Shocker is a great big "no" on spring break though.....

I would love to go again -- we will have to see how the money is this next year. I definitely would do a fall trip over a spring trip -- I like food and drink better than flowers. :laughing:
I would love to go again -- we will have to see how the money is this next year. I definitely would do a fall trip over a spring trip -- I like food and drink better than flowers. :laughing:

We just can't stay as long in the fall since we don't have much of a break, but we will make it for the end of F&G this summer so we may have to try for fall, I've been longing for a fall trip....
Oh, I had that nasty Nescafe that Disney serves, but it was barely drinkable after a ton of creamer.

I took two personal days for the trip. No time off for us until the 19th.

There may have been some Grey Goose consumed on this trip...:rolleyes1

Nescafe is the worst! I wish Disney would get a contract with Starbucks. Even the Nestle hot chocolate is bad.

I'm taking personal days for our December 2010 trip. If I want to stay sane, I need to go early December.

Hmmm wonder if you tried the Grand Marnier Orange Slushie....
Nescafe is the worst! I wish Disney would get a contract with Starbucks. Even the Nestle hot chocolate is bad.

I'm taking personal days for our December 2010 trip. If I want to stay sane, I need to go early December.

Hmmm wonder if you tried the Grand Marnier Orange Slushie....

Have you tried the Starbucks ready brew VIA? It's pretty good. I'm taking some for the next trip for sure.


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