The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

I'm still in and loving your TR.
We visited Multnomah Falls when our kids were little. The big thrill was bear cubs running across the road. The falls were kind of trickly.
Hey Melissa.......
Excited to see your new Twilight trip report. I am re-reading New Moon as we speak to refresh my memory before the movie this weekend. It is as engrossing this time around as it was the first....I am getting nothing done. :lmao: I should be working on my trippie but oh well.
Looking forward to more Twisights!
I enjoyed your Twilight update. I think you must have the longest running trip report! :wizard:
I'm still in and loving your TR.
We visited Multnomah Falls when our kids were little. The big thrill was bear cubs running across the road. The falls were kind of trickly.

Yes, the falls are a LONG way up! It's like .25 miles so it seems like it'll be no sweat.. Wrong-o! It's a tough hall up that hill. :) Thanks for reading.. It's sure great to see the familiar names again.

Hey Melissa.......
Excited to see your new Twilight trip report. I am re-reading New Moon as we speak to refresh my memory before the movie this weekend. It is as engrossing this time around as it was the first....I am getting nothing done. :lmao: I should be working on my trippie but oh well.
Looking forward to more Twisights!

I know I should reread New Moon but I just don't want to be disappointed by the details being wrong. I have not seen a single (only snippets and then I plug my ears and go LA LA LA LA LA LA LA) preview or trailer for New Moon. THere were so many scenes in Twilight that I thought were cheesy simply because I had seen them as trailers too many times so I want New Moon to be all new scenery for me. I'm weird.

I'm glad to hear it is just as engrossing as the first time. I watched something... I can't remember what.. maybe a fan video on youtube or osmething but the person used a really sentimental song and some pictures of bella/edward and it hit me so hard those feelings of loss I felt (empathy) for Bella. I could totally feel my own heart ripped out FOR her. It's a big testament to the author to get people to FEEL SO HARD (intensity). No matter what anybody says about this or that (her skill, etc) she (the author) sure did SOMETHING to people.

I'm looking forward to the movie and to all the feelings. WOOT! Actually, even looking forward to being depressed is really a stretch for me. Ever since I had kids I completely started HATING depressing movies. I won't watch horror or heinus drama at all. It makes me unhappy for a day or two sometimes and that is NOT entertainment! But, in this case, I'm willing to make an exception. BRING ON THE HEARTACHE. I just thought of something: Note to self: Bring TISSUE.

I'm so out of touch. What trippie are you on?

I enjoyed your Twilight update. I think you must have the longest running trip report! :wizard:

Thank you so much for continueing to read along. I really love writing Trippies and have nothing dis related to write about these days! You Disneyland people are much more kick back and I feel at home here. I had to stop reading DLR trippies for awhile cause I was a little depressed for not being able to go for awhile. You know sometimes you have to take a trippie break. I miss you guys though!
That pic of Cullen Rentals is in Longview Wa where I'm from!!! We did the Fork's tour in Sept. and had alot of fun sounds like you guys had a blast.....

I keep threatening to get this darn thing done.. and with New Moon on the horizon, all things Twilight will take a back seat so I thought I'd go ahead and finally finish this! Turns out it is taking ALOT LONGER THAN I THOUGHT! But anyway, here goes. For those of you who haven't seen my first Twilight Trip report and would like to catch up or you have seen it but it was so much fun you must see it again you can find the link in my siggie or right here - go ahead, it'll be fun! lol You can come back here later.. I'll wait.

Picture of the prom Tickets:
The Prom recreation party at the View Point Inn:
My first trip to Forks High School:
My first trip to St Helen's:
A Twilight Inspired Mini-TR Dec '09:

My Twilight Mom Trip Report

Back in April of '09 Twilight Mom's from all over the US and Canada descended upon the Pacfic Northwest to visit the settings from the movie Twilight. I had visited alot of these places already but revisiting them with friends was a kick in the pants. They were here in Portland (where I live) for three days and I joined them.


Most of the ladies met the day before at the View Point Inn but I had not met anybody yet. We met for breakfast.

My first attempt with Miniward

After breakfast we made our first stop to the MARINA where Buttcrack Santa was killed. :santa:


The real name of the Marina

A sign that the Twilight crew made for filming but never made it in the film

Since we were a group of about 20 or so we looked a LITTLE BIT SUSPICIOUS just crusing into this small town marina in the middle of nowhere. Add to that our Edward dolls/cut outs and T-shirts and we figured we had better check in with somebody before we were called in to the authorities. For some reason everybody voted me the one to make contact with the manager. :rolleyes1 Momentary massive case of embarrassment!

Happily, the woman who is the "landlord" of the marina was home and was more than willing to give us a tour of the marina! Score!

The Marina Lady shows us THE slip


A boat was in the slip where the bad vamps descended upon innocent

Hey dude, was Waylon a close friend of yours?

The woman told us lots of stories about the crew and how they changed the marina to suit them. The next picture is of a slip that the crew re-roofed and painted. They went back and made the paint look old so that it would fit into the natural setting of the marina. The crew will ask the people if they can use their things as props and paint them, etc with the promise that they will put them back exactly the way they found them. In this next case, the man who owned the slip was never going to be able to re-roof and paint and was extremely greatful to have it left in it's "changed" state. Faux aged paint and all.


Originally there were several scenes to be used from the Marina but hardly any made the cut. IT's interesting how they can make fresh paint look like it's been there for years.

A Twi-made signage that remains today

IT was great to have the landlord/tour guide with us to point out so many details. The next picture may be recognizeable from the "deleted scenes" portion of the Twilight DVD. I have not watched the deleted scene section but the woman told us that they originally showed Waylon floating away in a boat in his "murdered" state. They decided it was too graphic and didn't fit the movie so they cut it out. The crew was at the marina for a few weeks (I think.. can't quite remember but it was a long time). Originally Waylon is filmed with his dog and you can here him calling to the dog when he's on the boat and hearing "things" that turn out to be vampires and not his dog at all. The dog never made it into the movie but was on "set" most of the time, according to the woman.

Me in another slip.

Next is my friend Amy flexing her acting chops as she does her best Victoria impression. I also tried it but it was NOT as cute and didn't make the dis-cut." LOL I know this is the wrong quote but...

James don't play with your food

After we left the marina (honestly, I didn't drive and don't have a clue where it was. I know it was about 40 min or so from where we originally met up in Vancouver, WA) we headed to downtown St Helen's, OR where alot of the scenes were filmed. As I said, I had visited this area before but took a few snapshots that I will share with ya.

Since we were all car-pooling and had Twilight on the brain we kept seeing things that are silly and squealing like teenagers.

We are super excited also!!! My sis, myself, mom, my daughter and my niece are hitting midnight show here in town. We are going to go to the Oct convention in Portland which looks like it will be alot of fun
heres the link for it
Maybe we can make plans for the Eclipse premier when it comes out in June next year!!!
We are super excited also!!! My sis, myself, mom, my daughter and my niece are hitting midnight show here in town. We are going to go to the Oct convention in Portland which looks like it will be alot of fun
heres the link for it
Maybe we can make plans for the Eclipse premier when it comes out in June next year!!!

I'm not sure about the convention, strictly cause of the money. Maybe I'll win the lottery by then! :) Have you been to any of the filming sights?

Did you check out the experiencenewmoon link? I'm mostly excited to meet and hear from the Quilluete story teller. Should be interesting!
We had story telling on the First Beach when we went to Fork's for the Stephanie Meyer weekend in Sept was alot of fun!!! You will enjoy it!
I too was concerned with the cost but it gives me a few months to save up as they dont come to Portland until Oct 2010 we are gonna do the gold pass living this close it will be an easy drive from here. it will most likely only be my daughter and I so not too much :) Way cheaper than going on a Disney vacation ;).......
Yes we have been to the film sites. It is nice that they are all so close to me....

Near-ish to the View Point Inn is The Carver Cafe where Bella and her dad like to take their meals. The cafe is not only a real place but the name was not changed in the movie. We descended upon it as a group of about 16-20 Twi-fans and family. They were nice and accomodating and the food was really good.

Do they serve blood-draining, animal killing, "vegetarians" here?


The waitress was in the movie and so was one of the cooks. She also doubled for Alice and got to drive the Jeep in a scene as well.

As I was loading all these pics I noticed I looked annoyingly chubby this day and I am featured in nearly every shot. :headache: moving on..

The famous table

I noticed that this table of regulars looked almost exactly like the ones in the movie! I tried not to be obvious when taking the picture. Sorry it's so dark. It just cracked me up.

Hey Chief, the boys wanna know .....

Where Stephanie Meyers would have been sitting

They had a guest book for all the Twi-fans to sign. There were signatures from all over the world. Here's my entry. BBG IN THE HOUSE!

My tombstone art needs work

Available merchandise

Next we headed a couple blocks over to a restaraunt called:


After Edward and Bella leave the "say it" VAMPIRE meadow they head off to for the reveal of Edwards glitter and strength. This is my least favorite scene in the entire movie. When he steps into the sunlight he actually looks ugly. Not his body or his glitterati but his face. It's just kinda weird and icky looking. I just don't get it.


Anyway... Originally, they had found a gorgeous meadow but when they had gone back to shoot it was still snowed in so they settled for the "mossy rocks" behind the parking lot of the Stone Cliff Inn. The great thing for fans is that the restaraunt has clearly marked out all the important rocks and trees and made it very easy for you to get your photo's even if there's nobody around to ask. The day we went it was closed which was fine. Recently, however, my friend Amy and I went there for lunch. The following pictures are a combo of both days.

Here I am perched in the famous tree... great scene when hottie mctottie Pattinsotti is in it. Not quite so cute when my big ole butt is up there. I was just proud I could still climb a tree!




From the scenes where he is jumping around showing off his strength:

Tell me what you're thinking... Now I'm afraid....

Can you say Oscar Buzz!

Don't worry, I won't let it go to my head

Mel, your big scene really made me laugh. thanks!
So glad to see you back over here. Your girls are still as cute as can be.
Your Twilight talk makes me think I really need to watch the movies. I have read the books, but haven't seen the movies yet. Maybe it is time.
Mel, your big scene really made me laugh. thanks!
heheheheh too funny, right?! Sad! LOL :rotfl2:

There's more video in the next installment! Good to see you again!!!

So glad to see you back over here. Your girls are still as cute as can be.
Your Twilight talk makes me think I really need to watch the movies. I have read the books, but haven't seen the movies yet. Maybe it is time.

You're so cute! Thanks for reading :teeth: The movie Twilight was good because of the way I saw it.. the circumstances. The movie under normal circumstances is sort of a B movie really. Special effects are horrible, acting is pretty darn hoakie... but it's the Cullen's and it was still a good time. I have much higher hopes for New Moon.

In fact, I'm getting ready to go to a New Moon event tonight with Quilluette story tellers and some of the "D" list cast members in the house. I'm not staying for the movie as it's too late for me and I have to work tomorrow. I'll see it tomorrow night instead. After I see it we're going to a Volturi costume ball. The whole thing may be a flop but don't worry... I'll document it anyway. LOL
I'm so glad I found your TR again!!! I love reading all your updates and seeing the pics. And I've been to at least one of those places you mentioned, Multnomah Falls. Climbed to the top in fact. :thumbsup2
I so wish I could take my daughter to all these places you talk about. Maybe one day. :wizard:

I saw a post of yours regarding the movie on another thread and I agree with pretty much everything you said. I took my DD to see the movie Friday morning. Kept her home from school so we could go together with two of her friends. Hmmmmm, contributing to the delinquency of minors to see a movie...... It was well worth it!!! :rotfl2:

Can't wait for more from you. :goodvibes
I'm so glad I found your TR again!!! I love reading all your updates and seeing the pics. And I've been to at least one of those places you mentioned, Multnomah Falls. Climbed to the top in fact. :thumbsup2
I so wish I could take my daughter to all these places you talk about. Maybe one day. :wizard:

I saw a post of yours regarding the movie on another thread and I agree with pretty much everything you said. I took my DD to see the movie Friday morning. Kept her home from school so we could go together with two of her friends. Hmmmmm, contributing to the delinquency of minors to see a movie...... It was well worth it!!! :rotfl2:

Can't wait for more from you. :goodvibes

Good to see you!!!!

Anytime you want to come up here for sight seeing you let me know!! DEFINITELY!

So are you lurking on the Twilight thread???? Nice! :banana:
Hey, who were your daughters on VMK? I was PrincessSofia.

Boy do I miss that game.

I love this TR I can keep reading it again and again.

The Twilight TR part cracks me up xD
Hey, who were your daughters on VMK? I was PrincessSofia.

Boy do I miss that game.

I love this TR I can keep reading it again and again.

The Twilight TR part cracks me up xD

Hey girl! My kids played Club Penguin for awhile but I'm still mad at Disney for taking down VMK. STUPID STUPID STUPID. That thing rocked.

My kids were CapNCass and Rainingleaf. I never did get the outfit that would enable me to ride on the Journey through Innerspace (AKA the shrinking machine). Man that was a cool place!!
I SO should have gone to Disney for Christmas!

Instead.... we decided to try a "thrill" park and went to Magic Mountain... here's how it went:

out of the 8 "high thrill" roller coasters six of them were closed. There were 5 "moderate" rides and 3 of them were closed. So the park was dead but the people who were there were all in line for the same 4-5 rides and so the lines were long. It was totally lame

Most of the rides were closed because of high winds...which is acceptable... providing it was true. Tatsu was open and I have no idea what makes IT more safe than any of the other rides during high wind times. I just don't trust/believe them at all. ...

The thing that really chapped my hide was that two of the big thrill rides were being rehab'ed. Give me a break! Rehabing over Xmas break? I asked and they said, "well there aren't that many people here." SO WHAT?!! Are you telling me there are more people here on a Tuesday in Late January? Why on EARTH would you rehab during the only two weeks of winter where there ARE people here. I felt like Clark Freaking Griswald.

We should have gone to Disney. The bright side.... tickets were only $29 each. The rides we went on were pretty fun but it was just like being double punished. First no rides open, second the rides that are open have unusually long lines. They should have had every train available operating on the rides that were open but NOOOOOO they just sat there watching us all be miserable in 45 min waits for 4 rides. A-holes.

Not to mention the theme'ing there is just non-existant. We went there not expecting much as we knew better BUT when all the roller coasters are DOWN there's nothing else to notice besides the fact that they didn't even have up any Christmas lights or anything festive to appeal to the eye at all. They were selling their water bottles out of a cardboard BOX.. I kid you not. They were pacing around the rope drop with huge card board boxes with Sharpie pen writing on them... UNREAL. Blech, it was so annoying!

On the bright side, we managed to have a good time despite the setbacks. The trip and our Christmas was wonderful overall. I hope everybody else had a wonderful Christmas, too! :santa:
Mel, I've never been to Magic Mountain, and here's why. DH and my DSis are both southern Californians, and they both hate MM. They say the only thing worse than MM in the winter is MM in the summer. No beauty, no shelter, no character, and rough crowds. A quote from my DBil at MM: "I'd say the crowd turned ugly, but I believe they came here that way."
I'm glad your Christmas was great overall. Ours was too. We're planning to do Disney during the February break.


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