Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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I still have not heard either by email or PM from the following tour members. Since we are up to 78 persons on the tour, it is important to finalize van travel arrangements. I am also going to send a PM to the people on the list as well.

If you are interested in the tour and have not PM'd or emailed me, NOW is the time. I would like to finalize this tour soon.

In your PM, I need to know if you are still going, if you need any car seats or booster seats for children traveling with you, any preferences with whom you would like to travel in the van and if you are tasting at Old Blandy's Wine Lodge.

If you have any questions on concerns, please do not hesitate to email or PM me.
that would be about

01. Tweety0027 - 2
02. Kermit Rocks - 2
03. Steamboat Will - 2
04. DisneyVegas - 4
05. Cali Cruiser - 5
06. Steamboat Will - 2
07. DisneyVegas - 4
08. Cali Cruiser - 5
09. gmmybtty - 2
10. Belle1997 - 2
11. LuvsTheSun - 2
12. Grayfal - 2

Now will have to wait until after work when I confirm with hubby. And get home :) So 6-7 more hours:)
That sounds fun. We've never been to the hot air balloon festival even though we've lived here in Rochester for about 15 years each (almost 8 of that together!!). It's definitely something we should add to our "to do" list.
(Although we did ride the balloon at DTD last year.....which was not the same, of course, but was still an enjoyable experience)

I use to crew on my friend Larry's hot air balloon in order to get free rides. Been up in the many times. Gone to many festivals including the Great Reno Balloon Race but my favorite is Albuquerque.

Yeah, Jason and I have always toyed with the idea of doing our commitment ceremony/wedding on the ship or on Castaway, too....but it's really expensive, I've heard it's hard to get dates for it....AND most of our family and friends would probably not be able and/or will to pay for the cruise to be able to attend/participate-----plus, of course, as I've mentioned before...we're still waiting for our stupid state to make us legal!! :mad::lmao:

If you get married elsewhere, is it not recognized in your state?

Yeah I forgot to post that Jason's coworker decided she is willing to stay at our place to watch our cat, house, garden, cars and fish while we're that was a relief!

I can imagine you are relieved. We always made sure Winston and Albert had pet sitters before we even confirmed travel plans.
In work today I was given my next rota and I was so excited as it actually went up to 10th September, the week before we cruise :woohoo: and I only have 2 night shifts to do before then which is wonderful news. :)

I am down to 18 more working days or 208 hours, but who's counting :lmao:

I am now an offical champagne gal. I got my cheap $2.99 tiara. Very pretty. made of cheap plastic pink and clear beads. I pink fluffy head band and a few pink ribbons too it :lmao: Got my pink shirt now to find the pink boa. The hunt is on:).

Sounds like time for a glass of champagne!!
I am back,:goodvibes well we didn't really go anywhere. I have just been busy with work and non-work activities I haven't been able to get around here much. Looks like there is a lot of catching up to do.

Not to scare Lyn (lyn9856 that is) but it was getting close to us having to cancel the plans. The problem was finding someone to house/dog/cat/and fish sit for 5 weeks. But, things have worked out. We are still coming:cool1:

Hope everyone has been well and there haven't been to many posts about bad things happening. Doing a quick scan of this page I saw mention of old topics that keep coming around. Eye patches:scared1:, "un-mentionables", and few others. Oh, what a group this is. The ship will never be the same when we depart on Oct 2.

Not much longer,

I'm glad to hear things have worked out for you! :)

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!

Hi and welcome, 4 in a room, you can do a rota:goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your toe. It sounds very painful. Hope it heals quickly. My daughter (Terapin's sister) bought new shoes from a specialist running show store and then ran for several days. The shoes didn't fit and she developed "black toe" a fairly common complaint according to the store. The nails that were banging into the front of the shoe got injured and turned black. The toes got very inflamed and sore. Luckily the store guaranteed the fit of the shoes so they gave her a bigger size. Unfortunately it is going to take about six months for those nails to heal. She says she realizes now she should have quit running when she first had pain but thought she would just tough it out. Lesson learned. Nothing worse than foot problems. Trudy
When that happened to len toe after marathon, the nail fell off,yuk yuk
Either that, or we just really iritate them! :rolleyes:
Ah, whatever:laughing:

Interesting article John forwarded to me on bullfighting and animal cruelty in Barcelona:


I am not going to even click on it, its disgusting, only timeI ever watch is when the poor bulls win, which obviously they dont really cause its cruelty.
Thanks! Luckily we were able to get a 100% refund on our BA flight in the end as I had never confirmed the flight change and had my tickets reissued! I didn't actually realise that I was meant to but when I phoned to query getting a refund they informed me I was meant to last year. Lucky I didn't turn up at the airport expecting to get on that flight as they would not have let us!

What great luck!!

I have 32 more working days or 259 working hours :woohoo: ...... but I am NOT counting :lmao:

31 days here - and I am afraid to put in possible hours, as with my job one never knows... Im not counting either... Glenn wrote an excel formula to calculate it for me!! WOOHOO!!!!
That is so true! When we were on the EBPC, I didn't know about this thread and felt very left out. It is good to be part of this group. Thank you for being so welcoming to newcomers.

There were only 40 DISers that were active on my 2007 NYE Magic Cruise. We made up for it when we celebrated in our Walt suite. I am sure the concierge staff thought we were crazy!! Like Sue, I drove the staff both in Orlando and on board very hard!!

We had an open door policy for DISers to visit and a huge party. Ahhhhh, great memories....
In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)
In work today I was given my next rota and I was so excited as it actually went up to 10th September, the week before we cruise :woohoo: and I only have 2 night shifts to do before then which is wonderful news. :)

Gives you plenty of time to pack and plan!!
Shirts!!! in the mail today!!! :banana: Todd, Helen and Sue they look "GREAT" :cool1: thanks for all your hard work and for the extra tattoos too!!! :goodvibes
(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

Dont forget St Maarten has really really good deals on jewelry there as well .... Good for you too :thumbsup2

I am not going to even click on it, its disgusting, only timeI ever watch is when the poor bulls win, which obviously they dont really cause its cruelty.

Actually, you might be surprised about the article. From the first few paragraphs:

The Catalan parliament voted to ban bullfighting in an emotional session packed full of deputies, activists and observers, says the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Barcelona.

In the end the vote passed by an absolute majority - a wider margin of victory than animal rights campaigners had dared hope for.

Sixty-eight deputies voted in favour of the ban; 55 were opposed.
Sarah, have they announced possible strike dates?


All they've said is possibly September. The ballot results are due in on the 12th of August so well know more around then. I think its 2-4 weeks notice you have to give the employer to strike but I can't remember which!
In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

I can understand your position completely. We have gay friends here in California who are very upset about the marriage reversal here.

However, let me point our health does not always enter the equation. I lost my husband when I was 29, he was 31. He was run off the road by a drunk driver and killed instantly. You can never really ever plan for things like that to happen to you or your loved ones.

You could always buy the wedding bands in Gibraltar and save them for that special day.

Just my thoughts...
LOL they probably will then! In 08 I told him it was a fantastic ride so he went on it with me and almost pushed me over board! He couldn't believe it was so so bad!

I can usually drag John on there once every couple of years. He hates it!!!!! To be honest I'm not bothered about it, I just nag him about going on it to annoy him!!!!:lmao:

DD's BF, had NEVER been to DL so at 23 yrs old, my DD took him for the very first time. She got him his 1st Visit button and his HB button. So imagine a 23 yo man seeing DL for the very 1st time ever. Then all these employees telling him HB every time they saw him. He was in 7th heaven.

Now said BF has a fetish about dolls - meaning he DOESN'T like them. So my youngest DD :love: to torture him by hanging pictures of dolls, placing dolls around him and swooping in and dropping off "babies". His GF, my oldest DD, took him to It's a Small World. She says that he was in ga-ga land over everything and was watching the clock strike time and even mentioned how neat that was. So Imagine a smiling happy BF get loaded in the boat, instructions given and all of a sudden, the "announcer" wishes BF a Happy Birthday and sings to him. So, off they go - happy at being so celebrated......until they round the first corner and the smile starts to waver. 1/2 way through the ride, BF realizes its all about dolls and leans over and tells DD, this ride is NOTHING but dolls. I don't like it.

Needless to say, he was not a happy camper. She has a smiling picture of him at the entrance and a not so happy picture of him on the way out. She honestly forgot to tell him that it was dolls. But she didn't forget to take pictures. Maybe its a guy thing? :confused3 But we do still laugh about it. She posted the pictures on her FB so when we need a laugh, we go there to remind us of the poor boy's dilemna. Cruel? yes but we still get a laugh out of it. BTW, BF is ok with GI Joe dolls....excuse me - action figures. :lmao:
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