Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.9

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So the reason for the helicopter last night was because a gentleman managed to leave a nursing home and got lost. He was found and is okay.

It is just so strange that after living here for 32 years, in the past two weeks, we are hearing helicopters. Never before have we had any problems. I just keep thinking I don't need this excitement!!!!

Well, I think this time was a bit scary because of the reason the last time. A poor gentleman trying to escape a nursing home is nothing compared to a man trying to escape the police!!!

My mama called. :lovestruc I think she is getting a little nervous that we are going to be out of touch for a couple of weeks. She lives in WA State very near my sister, but she always calls Dennis for advice so she is getting a bit anxious. She likes Dennis best! :rolleyes: I told her I will call her for sure a couple of times before we leave the US and then as soon as we get back to FL. Dennis told her she should be going with us!

I tried desparately to get my Mom to come on this cruise (she's been on all my other cruises and a cruise with my sister) but she wouldn't come. She felt that on the other cruises, she was always somewhat close to land. She didn't think that she could handle the five straight days at sea this time around. Too bad, she's missing a fun cruise with a great crowd!!! :banana:

I second your sentiments. That is precisely why we did not notify my sister many years ago when my spouse died. Why would I want their honeymoon to be forever associated with the death of my spouse?

I agree that there really is nothing they could do. It's not on the same level as your event, but we were on our last full day of a week long vacation at WDW when I was woken up to a phone call. It was my sister calling me to tell me that my brother-in-laws auto repair business was on fire. I understand why they contacted us but in the end we spent a lot of time in the morning on the phone and the last day was a downer (even more so than the usual last day doldrums). Even though we had 7 great days before that, it put a damper on the vacation. I even had a hard time scrapbooking that vacation as it always reminds me of that event.

So I have a choice for Saturday.
I can go to work and finish my August financials, :surfweb:

or I can iron on my transfers,
put labels on my fish extender gifts,
put aside my 3 work outfits and mentionables,
make out a list of everything I'm going to pack in my 2 large bags,
go to the DMV and get my picture taken for my driver's license that expires next week,
mail off all of my birthday cards for my September birthdays (a bunch!),
setup my bills to be paid for the rest of the month,
reschedule my stone massage,
make a spreadsheet of all of my activities I have scheduled. (This is beginning to look a lot like Mousefest, it is so activity intense. :)
assign an outfit for each activity,
find my golden ears,
find my jewelry,
make up my scrapbook pages for the door and figure out how I'm going to attach the pens,
buy another battery for my camera,
take my friend with stage 4 breast cancer, spine and brain cancer for a Rita's ice.

I'm really glad I put this into words cause this is a no-brainer!:thumbsup2

DUH!!! Is there really a decision here???? :confused3

A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

That aroma gets everywhere!!! :scared1:

After doing a weekly countdown for what seems like forever, it gives me great pleasure ( tinged with a teeny bit of sadness for some reason ) to present to my wonderful DIS friends ..... our last ever weekly countdown ...



Definitely a bit of a nostalgic feeling knowing this is your last countdown!! :upsidedow On the plus side, it's ONLY one week until we are all together!!!!

So, Ive been for a run, had my shower and oatsosimple, now I am checking in with you guys and going for some food for the weekend.

I wanted to share my txt conversation with my dad with you.
He is so funny, I love him, he cracks me up.

So I txt him,mum and len the exact same.

The countdown has started 44 and half hours till Im home and on holiday.

then I sent another txt.

Dont reply, this could get boring before the weekends out,lol.

len txs back..... not long, i love you bla bla.
mum..... no txt (thats normal)
dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

How did I miss this quote!!! :lmao:

What a cool dad :thumbsup2

I'm really bummed we won't get there til after this is over :sad1: I shall feel like the new girl at school! :sad1:
Mandy of the First Form... ;) I shall feel like Kazzie Come Lately too... :laughing:

I am going way over board on the shoe front .... so far I have:

black formal sandals
black wedges
cream wedges
silver wedges
running shoes
beach shoes
water shoes
everyday sandals
pirate boots

may have to whittle them down a bit yet :scared1::scared1::scared1:
OMG Sarah!!! What size are you - just in case I need to shop for shoes!!! :idea:

The dentist appointment went very well. Considering how much pain I was in over night and the chunk of tooth I was missing, I was expecting that either I would need another inlay (which would have meant temporary filling until after the cruise) or he would just rip it out. I managed to get away with a normal filling and he finished the job straightaway so I don't need to get back until my next check up.
So glad to hear you got sorted, Corinna! Tooth pain is no joke... :sad2:

Up to recently shoes were a necessary evil. I have very wide feet and find it tough to get shoes that fit. Even Clarks Shoes do not usually fit me. A couple of month ago, somebody introduced me to Irregular Choice shoes. To my immense surprise a lot of them fit me and they are just so quirky and fun. At the moment I am lusting after this pair:


They would be perfect for the vow renewal, fit wonderfully and are really comfortable.

Lovely shoes! Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!!! :teeth:

I tried a pair of Irregular Choice shoes recently and they were a very poor fit for me BUT they fit my DD beautifully... :goodvibes
Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers :littleangel: for my friend Eric and his family. The surgery was delayed a day as the new hospital where he was transferred wanted to run additional tests. Tests showed an 80% blockage. Surgery was this morning and Eric is in recovery!!! After a double by-pass, the doctors are saying his heart is back at 100% pumping. No new meds will be needed. He is not out of the woods yet but things are definitely looking good.

I really appreciate all of the good vibes coming his way. They really worked and we are looking forward to alot more fun times for their family!!!!!

You guys are the best! :thumbsup2


Great news!!! :goodvibes
pirate: We are going to be at sea on International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010 - Sept. 19th

How appropriate!!! :thumbsup2

LOL - they were packed!!! Gee, should have checked the pockets, huh?

Moving on!!
That sounds just like me!!! :laughing:

The more, the merrier :grouphug:.
Definitely!!! ::yes::

Dennis went for his eye checkup and to the dentist to get the 4 temp crowns off and permanent ones put on today. He is good as new!! :thumbsup2 We still have to use eyedrops 3x a day for a couple of weeks, but are happy it is all over and well!! :cool1: We had to go buy sunglasses for him since his are prescription and HE DOES NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE!! :dance3: Now to pack tomorrow and we will be on our way to Spokane, WA Sunday morning. Driving west to get east. :rolleyes:
So pleased for Dennis!!! :goodvibes
Hello everyone:wave2:

Just wanted to check in to say :thanks: to everyone who has been working so hard to make this a wonderful cruise for us all.

:welcome: to everyone who has joined in the last few weeks.

pixiedust: to everyone who needs it now and to everyone else for safe journeys and arrivals before we meet everyone this time next Saturday :dance3:

I've only got to work away in North London for two more days next week, if everything goes to plan:thumbsup2: then two days working from home which saves me 2 hours travel time as I don't have to go to my office in Manchester :yay:

Ready to go :banana: packing Thursday night, stay safe and well :flower3: see you all in Barcelona

Sarah & Elizabeth
I managed to get a dental appointment for this morning and was even luckier that I was seen by my own dentist. Normally if you need an emergency appointment, you see whoever is free. I am terrified of the dentist, but kind of like my dentist. The tooth is fixed and all is well again.

Glad you could fix this in time - nothing wrecks a good time like tooth pain


I think they are perfect for Pirate Night. They are really light, comfortable and were dirt cheap.

I love these shoes, and i was going to say just buy the others as they are great - but i noticed your explanation - so instead i hope they go on sale

. Fortunately it is only one package with three kits that is still missing. The rest has now arrived. I but the kits together as far as I could and did the same for my demo kits as well. Once the stuff that I am missing arrives, it will be really quick to finish the kits off.

very good news

I seem to be the queen of half done jobs at the moment. I got ID, left over currency and all the confirmations sorted, but will need to add the passports and tickets nearer the time. I have started to sort out the chargers and adapters, but kind of ran out of steam. Still, apart from the actual packing I can finish off most things within minutes if needed.

i am so with you on this - i have almost done most things on my list


I am going way over board on the shoe front .... so far I have:

black formal sandals
black wedges
cream wedges
silver wedges
running shoes
beach shoes
water shoes
everyday sandals
pirate boots

may have to whittle them down a bit yet

I will have to let DH know that i am not planning on an unusually large number of shoes after all, i'm quiet normal :rotfl:

pirate: We are going to be at sea on International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010 - Sept. 19th


sounds like fun - i'll get the kids practising

There was an article on the news today about the "roar" of the earthquakes which explains why some of them are so noisy. Its the noise I remember from last Saturday - waking up and having it sound like a freight train was coming through the house. Pure terror :eek:

Sounds horrible - So you get this sound many times a day at the moment, i bet you really really can't wait to get away. However it is very interesting information

We have a policy for the family that no news is good news and that we will not be traveling home for any reason whatsoever including someone dying. If they don't hear from us, they should assume that we are having a fabulous trip - if they do hear from us, its because we have a major issue they need to know about or have managed to find somewhere to gloat online :lmao:

same here

The rocking will be fine - its the noises that are getting us. Its been fairly consistently mentioned by people I know that noises are making them jumpy ... that and the fact that we are all tucking into "comfort food".

nothing like comfort food in a crisis

This time in 2 days, Robert will have taken off about 3 hours ago and I will have just taken off out of Christchurch to Sydney.


Day 1 of getting up early and going to bed early. So far the kids have done well. I know Emma's having a hard time going to bed early, though. Tomorrow we are up at 5:30a! So, we'll see how it goes! Emma's getting better but still has a nasty cough. Today was her last day of medicine. So, we'll see how it goes! Got DH to pull out his clothes tonight. We just did a quick weight and he's about 4 pds over. I'll start packing the kids stuff and mine tomorrow. Then doing what Krisann suggested and write it all down in case we loose a suitcast. Off to bed! Weird that it's not even 8:30p yet!

Glad DD is feeling better.

A couple of deer moved into the backyard next door this week. Well one of them pissed off my surfeit of skunks. The smell has come through my storm windows as if they were made of tissue. :eek::eek:

Bambi is no match for Flower.

It sounds beautiful, albeit a bit stinky:lmao:

John's shirts get stained too!!! I found one on my favourite shirts of his had a stain last week!:headache: He forgets which are his good shirts and which are for work, and he seems to stain those. He uses wood stain, oils etc. So many have little blobs on. It is me who always get the tomato stains and splashes from pasta sauces etc down my front!!!

I'm the same - can't take me anywhere :lmao:

Hey guys, I have been googling for hours and find any aswers, Can someone help me? I want to purchase a handbag from Louis Vuitton, I think it will be cheaper for me to buy it from Barcelona than USA.
So, the whole confusing VAT thing? Does anyone know if LV do the VAT refund cheques? And since we are not going back to the airport, where do I make my claim? Will I be able to commuincate all this to the staff at LV since I speak no spanish, or is it just too hard?
Help, my handbag addiction is getting antsy!!!! :rotfl2::)

I'm presuming you want the real thing and not a Hong Kong Special. Most staff in the high end stores should be able to speak enough English to help you. Are you going through Singapore on your way (even for an hour so so at Changi airport) might be worth checking out the price and availability of what you want there. you should be able to do that online

After doing a weekly countdown for what seems like forever, it gives me great pleasure ( tinged with a teeny bit of sadness for some reason ) to present to my wonderful DIS friends ..... our last ever weekly countdown ...



Got to be happy with that!:thumbsup2

dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:


Well we are continuing to get organised here. DM arrived from Aust this morning and DH is on his last flight before his leave. The kids are even helping out and putting out their clothing ect. Now if only i could get around to starting to pack..
Thank you for that Paula. You are the first one I have ever seen voice my sentiments exactly. I'm not coming home, no matter what. That is why I went to visit my 94 year old Dad last weekend. I have explained to all my friends and family, do not tell me any bad news while I'm away. The only thing I can do is cry my eyes out. I can do that when I get back; don't need a head start...:goodvibes:goodvibes

I second your sentiments. That is precisely why we did not notify my sister many years ago when my spouse died. Why would I want their honeymoon to be forever associated with the death of my spouse?

I am so with you guys. :grouphug: My home situation is such that I'm on the cruise to GET AWAY from it so I really don't need the added stress of being helpless on the high seas... :sad2:

Thank you for your very kind words. I too remember the time where Princess Di was killed. What a very sad ending to her life. I hope it did not mar your honeymoon.
We were a couple of miles away as we lived in Paris at the time. Very sad time...

John's shirts get stained too!!! I found one on my favourite shirts of his had a stain last week!:headache: He forgets which are his good shirts and which are for work, and he seems to stain those. He uses wood stain, oils etc. So many have little blobs on. It is me who always get the tomato stains and splashes from pasta sauces etc down my front!!!
So do Richard's - he gets ink stains on his cuffs. In this technological age, I've no idea how/why!!! :rolleyes:

Hey guys, I have been googling for hours and find any aswers, Can someone help me? I want to purchase a handbag from Louis Vuitton, I think it will be cheaper for me to buy it from Barcelona than USA.
So, the whole confusing VAT thing? Does anyone know if LV do the VAT refund cheques? And since we are not going back to the airport, where do I make my claim? Will I be able to commuincate all this to the staff at LV since I speak no spanish, or is it just too hard?
Help, my handbag addiction is getting antsy!!!! :rotfl2::)
A handbag that costs $1400, is €940 - that's quite a bit cheaper, methinks..? I don't now about a VAT refund, I'm afraid...
After doing a weekly countdown for what seems like forever, it gives me great pleasure ( tinged with a teeny bit of sadness for some reason ) to present to my wonderful DIS friends ..... our last ever weekly countdown ...



Hello everyone:wave2:

Just wanted to check in to say :thanks: to everyone who has been working so hard to make this a wonderful cruise for us all.

:welcome: to everyone who has joined in the last few weeks.

pixiedust: to everyone who needs it now and to everyone else for safe journeys and arrivals before we meet everyone this time next Saturday :dance3:

I've only got to work away in North London for two more days next week, if everything goes to plan:thumbsup2: then two days working from home which saves me 2 hours travel time as I don't have to go to my office in Manchester :yay:

Ready to go :banana: packing Thursday night, stay safe and well :flower3: see you all in Barcelona

Sarah & Elizabeth

Look forward to meeting you both soon... :goodvibes
So, Ive been for a run, had my shower and oatsosimple, now I am checking in with you guys and going for some food for the weekend.

I wanted to share my txt conversation with my dad with you.
He is so funny, I love him, he cracks me up.

So I txt him,mum and len the exact same.

The countdown has started 44 and half hours till Im home and on holiday.

then I sent another txt.

Dont reply, this could get boring before the weekends out,lol.

len txs back..... not long, i love you bla bla.
mum..... no txt (thats normal)
dad... k


I mean where the heck did he even learn that, I dont write k on txts, he is so cheeky, wiat til I see him I wil k him alright:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

That's a great story, I love it!! :lmao:

See you next week, k??

We had a terrific time in Amsterdam, visiting the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, Rembrandt´s House, and taking a canal boat cruise.

Bicycles are everywhere.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on board in one week.

That's a great story, I love it!! :lmao:

See you next week, k??

We had a terrific time in Amsterdam, visiting the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, Rembrandt´s House, and taking a canal boat cruise.

Bicycles everywhere.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on board in one week.

Great to hear from you Woody, take care, we cant wait to meet you either.
Amsterdam is something else is it not?
Hey guys, I have been googling for hours and find any aswers, Can someone help me? I want to purchase a handbag from Louis Vuitton, I think it will be cheaper for me to buy it from Barcelona than USA.
So, the whole confusing VAT thing? Does anyone know if LV do the VAT refund cheques? And since we are not going back to the airport, where do I make my claim? Will I be able to commuincate all this to the staff at LV since I speak no spanish, or is it just too hard?
Help, my handbag addiction is getting antsy!!!! :rotfl2::)

You can get a form and an envelope that you will have to mail back to Spain to obtain the VAT refund.
I'm presuming you want the real thing and not a Hong Kong Special. Most staff in the high end stores should be able to speak enough English to help you. Are you going through Singapore on your way (even for an hour so so at Changi airport) might be worth checking out the price and availability of what you want there. you should be able to do that online

Yes, the real thing! I was hoping there would be at least one english speaking staff member at a store like LV. We are travelling through Singapore and London, but to my knowledge there is no LV store at either airport? I don't remember seeing one at either last year, If anyone knows different please let me know, I have googled....:confused3
Any which way, I'm gonna get my hands on one this trip!!! :cool1:

A handbag that costs $1400, is €940 - that's quite a bit cheaper, methinks..? I don't now about a VAT refund, I'm afraid...
Yep, the one I like is a couple hundred cheaper in Spain! Bargain! :banana:

You can get a form and an envelope that you will have to mail back to Spain to obtain the VAT refund.

Thanks Michael, Funny, I was just talking to my bestie (who is also on Dis and is meeting up with us at WDW), and I said 'I'll post a message to my cruise friends, I'm sure Michael or Noel will know' :laughing: You guys are great! :flower3:
We had a terrific time in Amsterdam, visiting the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, Rembrandt´s House, and taking a canal boat cruise.

Bicycles are everywhere.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on board in one week.


Hi Woody

Pleased to hear you are having an amazing time in Amsterdam. Great photo!!
See you next week !!!

Not to mention the window displays.:rolleyes1

Naughty Noodle :eek::eek::eek:
Amsterdam is truly remarkable -- a picturesque city with all its canals and bridges.


We had a weekend there a few years ago and loved it. So much to see and do, and we walked miles and miles.

Not to mention the window displays.:rolleyes1

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: We ended up in that area by mistake.(Honest, it was me with the map not John) Couldn't believe my eyes, but I felt so uncomfortable and not really safe so we shot out as quickly as we could.
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