Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.9

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Had to make a couple of moves with Martini groupings due to conflicts. If you are in the Martini tastings, please confirm that your assigned group is OK and not in coonflict with other things!

NEW screen shots of Martini have been posted!!

REMINDER - ticketing is being done for this on Monday morning!!

Also - Monday morning is also the last date to get added to a tasting if you want to get in on the fun!

As of right now there are still 2 openings in Mojitos. (This is a new seminar for DCL! We are the guinnea pigs, as we requested it!). There are 5 openings for beer tasting, 7 total slots for Martinis and one remaining spot for Mixology! LET ME KNOW ASAP if you want to be included.


I just checked which group I am in and this works great for me. Now how will I ever keep track of everything I have going on this cruise?

I just checked which group I am in and this works great for me. Now how will I ever keep track of everything I have going on this cruise?


I have a spreadsheet (go figure) with our schedule. We have 1, sometimes 2 things a day. I am planning to print it out and keep it in my lanyard.

One more week ya'll!!!

I have a spreadsheet (go figure) with our schedule. We have 1, sometimes 2 things a day. I am planning to print it out and keep it in my lanyard.

One more week ya'll!!!


I have a similar spreadsheet ..... so far nothing clashes so thats good .... but I do have some things very close together eg. jewellery class and Cruise Critic get-together on 19th.

I have also forgotten the date of the room tour again ... can anyone remember?

My head is spinning this evening !!!!

Well I am off to bed now ....... up early tomorrow for another day of cruise prep. Goodnight everyone. Safe travels to everyone who is leaving tomorrow x
I have a similar spreadsheet ..... so far nothing clashes so thats good .... but I do have some things very close together eg. jewellery class and Cruise Critic get-together on 19th.

I have also forgotten the date of the room tour again ... can anyone remember?

My head is spinning this evening !!!!

Sarah, the room tour is the 24th at 1600 (right after the tequila/margarita tasting!).
My poor dd. We can't figure out what her current allergy trigger is and she's been through 6 epi pens this week and 3 hospital visits. The pediatrician feels hopeful she will be recovered enough to fly safely on Wednesday. We thank god for steroids and epinephrine :)

Poor thing! Hope she's better soon :hug:

Yes Tuesday, 3.25pm from Heathrow. We are driving down in the morning.

I shall wave madly when I see any planes taking off!:thumbsup2

Thanks Mandy. Just booked our car hire for this trip, but I am also trying to book flight for our Jan extended stay, and it is proving a bit more than stressful. I am beginning to think it would be better to cut the trip shorter and save on the big car parking charges. Anyway we will HAVE to book tomorrow.

These things should be really pleasurable!:rotfl2:

You're right ...... it should be pleasurable right? :rolleyes1

I nearly started to cry when I read this about you nearly starting to cry in the canteen. We are all going to be emotional wrecks by Saturday :sad1:


We are whittling down the list of to dos and hopefully by Monday night we will be down to the nitty gritty of tidying up the house, charging electronics, etc.

Can't believe I can finally say SEE YOU ALL IN A FEA SHORT DAYS!!!!!:banana::banana::banana::banana:

See you sooooon!!!:woohoo::woohoo:

I did order my actual size so I hope thats the correct thing to do. It did come with 4 good reviews by other buyers, so everything crossed it will fit and turn me into Kylie !! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Well there is no chance of me turning into Kylie, but Helen Mirren would be just fine by me!!!;)

I was about to say the same!..well, maybe not Helen Mirren.......but it would take a little more than magic knickers to make me into Kylie!!!!:rotfl2::worship:

Had to make a couple of moves with Martini groupings due to conflicts. If you are in the Martini tastings, please confirm that your assigned group is OK and not in coonflict with other things!


All ok here thanks Sue!:cool1:

I have a spreadsheet (go figure) with our schedule. We have 1, sometimes 2 things a day. I am planning to print it out and keep it in my lanyard.

One more week ya'll!!!


Yep, me too Sue......there's be a whole load of us folk with little sheets of paper we keep checking so we know where/when we need to be somewhere!:thumbsup2:rotfl:

Good night. I have an early start tomorrow as I am heading for a theme park with people from work. See you all tomorrow evening.

I have a spreadsheet (go figure) with our schedule. We have 1, sometimes 2 things a day. I am planning to print it out and keep it in my lanyard.

One more week ya'll!!!


Maybe I ought to put together a spreadsheet as well. I had the best intentions of taking it easy this cruise, but I don't see this happening. Still, I will have so much fun.

In respect of Vat the position is as follows

Thanks, that was the easiest to understand, So if I get all the correct paperwork, and get it stamped, I can post it when I get home. If I get it - Great, If I don't - Oh well, it's still cheaper in Spain. It a win win really! :goodvibes

This is the one I fancy... Love the shape and the colour plus the leather is amazing...

Gorgeous colour! I am a pink girl too, although tend to be attracted to red lately. My friends used to laugh as my entire wardrobe used to be pink and neutrals :rotfl:

Hope you're not too disappointed when you realize I don't look like Angelina Jolie!

Ditto, no celebrity look-a-likes here! :rotfl2:

Well he is the one that has to carry it all around the airport so serves him right if I pack way too much stuff

I like your attitude! :lmao:

There are no LV stores in Changi or Heathrow airports, I'm afraid.

I think a few others have replied about the VAT refund in Spain, which sounds a bit more troublesome if leaving on a cruise ship rather than an aeroplane. Would hope you will eventually get the refund though!

As I thought, bummer! It does sound a bit of a pain, as long as I get the paperwork I can worry about it when I get home. :thumbsup2

Sooo......let's hope this feeling of a cold coming on doesn't become reality with all this lack of sleep. I'm drinking anise tea like there's no tomorrow trying to keep the throat from being sore!

I hope you don't get sick, sending healthy thoughts your way :goodvibes

I remember someone saying something about kids dropping by her cabin to get a birthday treat from her daughter or son. I need to mark that on my list and I cannot remember. I feel, sometimes, I am spinning out of control.

It was us, Bella's birthday, I see Corinna replied......

The birthday girl is Bella, Hayley's (LittleDisneyLovers) daughter. I know this will happen on September 19th, but I can't remember the time.
Thanks Corinna :flower3:

My poor dd. We can't figure out what her current allergy trigger is and she's been through 6 epi pens this week and 3 hospital visits. The pediatrician feels hopeful she will be recovered enough to fly safely on Wednesday. We thank god for steroids and epinephrine :)

Scary! My bestie has a peanut allergy and carries an epi pen at all times, She hasn't had to use it for a long time, Thankfully. I hope you work it out soon!

THANK YOU!!!! The time was between 4 and 5. I do believe!

That is correct! :thumbsup2

Hayley - I have a blog-rant about this... I think there may even be a couple of links!

Oh, Becca cheered today and got awarded Most Cheerful! So she was awarded one of the team Spirit sticks! Normally the girls keep them a week, but they are letting Becca hang on to it until we return - and asked that she get some pics with Mickey and friends in uniform. Nit sure how or where to make that happen... Any ideas are welcome! The coach also asked us to have it travel with us, so it will go up on the rock, in the jee at Madeira, etc. She is pretty excited! Me, well, I am not thrilled about the uniform - so if I can knock it out in one day it will be easier to accept... Now I just need to figure out if we have room for it!

I will go back and read you blog, I do remember something about it on there, Thanks.
Can't wait to see Becca in her cheer uniform! Maybe she could wear it to the character breakfast and get a few characters at once? :confused3

OK, I am going to spend my entire Sunday catching up on paperwork, Ughhh Yuk. I have to make sure everything is completely up to date for the accountants before we leave, So will catch you all later, Ta Ta for now...
Wow!!! A busy evening planned, Sarah!!! :worship:

I'm being uber lazy.
I've taken the day off and am planning on a relatively early night - we didn't go to bed till 2am and got up at 9am... :faint:

TOMORROW is THE day!!! Ironing and packing. Packing and ironing. That sort of thing... ;)

Packing and repacking today. We have only 3 bags to check and we are allowed 4. Both the larger ones are under 45 lbs, so I think we are good.

I have been meaning to mention that Heather (GOS) has been in my thoughts this past week. I don't know if she's felt it easier to no longer lurk, but I hope she feels the DIS love knowing we are still thinking about her and Rick. :grouphug:

Thinking of her as well. :grouphug:
Yep Yep!!
It's time to Fly the Friends Skies on our Journey to Castaway Cay!


Post 17 on Page 2 has updated Inbound Flight Schedules (Parts 2-4) as well as the Barcelona Accommodations List. If you're wondering, yes...there are new connections for both hotels and flights! :goodvibes
With all the buzz about shapewear, I broke down and tried a cami type one the other day. :scared1: I thought I was going to have to get the sales girl to rescue me.

Guess I should have read this book first: :rotfl:,18030/

Caution- link leads to a video!

Very funny!!!! I :love: the onion!!!!

Good tunes!:thumbsup2


Had to make a couple of moves with Martini groupings due to conflicts. If you are in the Martini tastings, please confirm that your assigned group is OK and not in coonflict with other things!

NEW screen shots of Martini have been posted!!

REMINDER - ticketing is being done for this on Monday morning!!

Also - Monday morning is also the last date to get added to a tasting if you want to get in on the fun!

As of right now there are still 2 openings in Mojitos. (This is a new seminar for DCL! We are the guinnea pigs, as we requested it!). There are 5 openings for beer tasting, 7 total slots for Martinis and one remaining spot for Mixology! LET ME KNOW ASAP if you want to be included.


Looks great Sue! Thanks!!!! I sent a PM re: openings. :drinking1
The guest talent show was held in Rockin Bar D. They had a piano set up and they also had drums (there were piano players and drummers, numerous dancers and of course other stuff, including a cross dressing lip synching act and some rap acts). They had a chance to practice sometime during the cruise (forgot when) and it was fun to watch. It got pretty crowded and no competition or winners, just all for fun :) I bet your son will enjoy it and do well, video him if you can so he can see himself later!

The crew talent show was held in the Walt theater and was awesome.

My poor dd. We can't figure out what her current allergy trigger is and she's been through 6 epi pens this week and 3 hospital visits. The pediatrician feels hopeful she will be recovered enough to fly safely on Wednesday. We thank god for steroids and epinephrine :)

Thanks. I'll let Adam know to prepare for Rockin Bar D.

Hope your DD continues to recover quickly.
Thanks, that was the easiest to understand, So if I get all the correct paperwork, and get it stamped, I can post it when I get home. If I get it - Great, If I don't - Oh well, it's still cheaper in Spain. It a win win really! :goodvibes

With any luck you will get a small christmas gift from the tax man
Right now I'm listening to my "cruising" playlist on iTunes while I get stuff done. Here are some of the songs:

Sweet Escape -Gwen Stephani
Two Tickets to Paradise -Eddie Money
September -Earth Wind & Fire
Don't Stop Me Now -Queen
Come Sail Away -Styx
Sail On -The Commodores
Over The Rainbow -Glee Cast Version
Under the Boardwalk -The Drifters
Slow Ride -Foghat
Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffett

Life is good!!!!! I'm soooo happy.

Great list how about adding Do you Believe in Magic, Any pirates of the Caribbean. :)

Any for any singles looking for singles " the love boat" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I have been meaning to mention that Heather (GOS) has been in my thoughts this past week. I don't know if she's felt it easier to no longer lurk, but I hope she feels the DIS love knowing we are still thinking about her and Rick. :grouphug:

I have been thinking about her too. :hug::hug:

So I have a choice for Saturday.
I can go to work and finish my August financials, :surfweb:

or I can iron on my transfers,
put labels on my fish extender gifts,
put aside my 3 work outfits and mentionables,
make out a list of everything I'm going to pack in my 2 large bags,
go to the DMV and get my picture taken for my driver's license that expires next week,
mail off all of my birthday cards for my September birthdays (a bunch!),
setup my bills to be paid for the rest of the month,
reschedule my stone massage,
make a spreadsheet of all of my activities I have scheduled. (This is beginning to look a lot like Mousefest, it is so activity intense. :)
assign an outfit for each activity,
find my golden ears,
find my jewelry,
make up my scrapbook pages for the door and figure out how I'm going to attach the pens,
buy another battery for my camera,
take my friend with stage 4 breast cancer, spine and brain cancer for a Rita's ice.

I'm really glad I put this into words cause this is a no-brainer!:thumbsup2

Well you could be like me and not have a great list and just wing it :lmao::lmao:

I have a spreadsheet (go figure) with our schedule. We have 1, sometimes 2 things a day. I am planning to print it out and keep it in my lanyard.

One more week ya'll!!!


Good idea much easier than a calendar I was thinking of using.

Sarah, the room tour is the 24th at 1600 (right after the tequila/margarita tasting!).

Good to know since one of the rooms is ours:laughing:

Well I was thinking about if anything bad happened on our trips.

I took my step son to Disney. Glenn ( my hubby) stayed home to look after the dogs.

I would email him ever couple of days. Always asking how the girls were doing?

Near the end of the trip I got no answer. I just thought he was busy.

We got off the plane and I could tell something was wrong.

One of our dogs went lame. She had bone cancer in her hip. So she went to rainbow bridge while we were gone.

She was a very big dog over 100 pounds. We orginally thought she was getting arthritis.

We took Cleo in when Glenn's mom passed away. We were her 3rd home. So it was very sad because she was our connection to Glenn's mom.

So my hubby knows not to ruin vacations either. Nothing we could have done. :(
You don't.

That makes perfect sense to me BUT DCL told me I did need to print out the contract and payment authorization page and bring them with me, completed. They are an exact copy of what is in our book. When I told them that she (in her mother superior voice) told me I had to print them out and bring them or they wouldn't mark my documents as completed, even though it sayscompleted on-line. I think you get a bad notation on your Disney permanent records. val
I have been out of the loop for most of August. I am signed up for two tastings, but I'm not sure what ticketing means. What else do I need to do?



I think you are set based on last time we chatted - you are in for 1 at wine tasting and 1 at beer tasting.

I am sending the final stateroom list to DCL first thing Monday morning so they can do the event tickets.
Can't wait to see Becca in her cheer uniform! Maybe she could wear it to the character breakfast and get a few characters at once? :confused3

OK, I am going to spend my entire Sunday catching up on paperwork, Ughhh Yuk. I have to make sure everything is completely up to date for the accountants before we leave, So will catch you all later, Ta Ta for now...

Great idea on when to wear it! Just hope to fit it into the luggage...

Sorry you are spending Sunday on accounting - but just think, in 4 days you will be heading to Spain!!
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