Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Well, I can't go shopping until April, unfortunately (because of school--- and I'm going to the World next month for spring break!). But I'll certainly post here when I buy my dress... and many, many times before that.
All right girls, I need some advice! I found some shoes I really like, but I'm on the fence. They match my wedding color perfectly, and they are quite shiny, but I was wondering if you could give me some feedbacks?


All right girls, I need some advice! I found some shoes I really like, but I'm on the fence. They match my wedding color perfectly, and they are quite shiny, but I was wondering if you could give me some feedbacks?



I like them! Anything with color is AWESOME to me! And sparkles are always good!!
So, last week, I made Chris help me put together our Save the Dates, and I think they turned out really well. The picture is kind of bad (I don't know where the cord to my real digital camera went!), but you can get the general idea:


I really wanted to do bookmarks because I'm getting my MA in English and I'm such a book nerd. I actually stole that picture of Belle and the prince from the avatar of a DISer! :lmao: (Belle is, of course, my favorite princess--- we're both brunettes who love to read and, if everything goes right, we're going to have her at the reception.

I also DID end up buying those shoes above--- and they came in the mail yesterday and I am absolutely in LOVE with them. They're lovely, fit wonderfully, and they're SO shiny!!!

Also, we (finally) got our LOA emailed to us! I'm going to fax it back to them on Monday or Tuesday... I just have to find a fax machine first. (The one in the English office at school is very old, and I think the 20 page document would give it a heart attack.) I hope all you DISers have a happy valentine's day!
So this is just a quick update:

1) We've signed and sent in our LOA and it's been received! We're just waiting for it to be processed and for them to cash our deposit check. (I think I forgot to mention this, but we're offering Pop, POFQ, and the Boardwalk as our room block resorts.)

2) We've also scheduled our Planning Session date: August 19th. It was the ONLY date that worked for both Chris and me, although we're not 100% sure if Chris will be able to get the day off from work because he's employment situation is complicated right now. But, it was the only thing CLOSE to a date that worked for both of us because I have to be in school for almost the entire summer. We're only going from the 18th-21st, so it'll be a really quick trip, but exciting nonetheless! I'm also going to the world next month (sans Chris) and I get to do a site visit.

3) I got my planning kit (and all of the other information that your consultant emails to you) and, while I've already found most of this info in other places, it's still a little overwhelming! Not a lot, just a little. We have a LOT of decisions to make.

4) We're also debating if we want to do an Epcot photo shoot. I think I reallllllly want to. The price is good, and I want pictures in France! But I guess we should decide that soon so we can book it. I don't think I'd get my hair and makeup done though--- is that bad?!

5) I AM OBSESSED WITH WEDDING PLANNING!!! That's all. I spend WAY too much time on these boards when I should be doing schoolwork!!!
HAHAHA Join the club... I think we need a DIS ADDICTS & WEDDING PLANNERS ANONYMOUS....:lmao:

haha!! My day.... work, come home, check dis boards and do some wedding stuff, eat, shower, check dis boards, do wedding stuff, sleep, wake up, repeat
I LOVE your shoes they are so cute and so you :thumbsup2

And with the theme park pics call sooner than later!! I emailed them asking when we should book an appointment and the woman who emaield me back said to make them as close to your year mark as possible because certain dates go quick!!
I LOVE your shoes they are so cute and so you :thumbsup2

And with the theme park pics call sooner than later!! I emailed them asking when we should book an appointment and the woman who emaield me back said to make them as close to your year mark as possible because certain dates go quick!!

Ooohh okay. We're still undecided. I'll bug Chris about it tomorrow. :)
All right, so this week we've had some good news and some bad news. The bad news is also much more of a vent, so I'll do the good news first:

Best News Ever: In order to explain this great news, some background info is needed. When Chris and I moved here in August, he managed to find a temporary graphic "coordinator" job (just very entry-level design stuff) that was supposed to last for 6 weeks--- about until the week after Thanksgiving or so. Well, they REALLY liked him there, and they kept extending his contract month by month. One of the full time designers at the company was going to be leaving as soon as she sold her house, and they virtually told him that he was going to get her job when she left--- but no one knew when that would be.

And, come February 1st, he was supposed to be working his last week because they were told they couldn't keep extending him, but they were going to give him a job working in the factory until the FT designer left. He was going to get bumped down to minimum wage, but he was still happy because a job was a job...

WELL! Last week he found out that (1) they weren't going to bump him down to minimum wage and (2) After 60 days of working in the factory, they're going to hire him as a full time, permanent graphic designer! WOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: The president of the company just likes the new employees to work in the factory so they have a better understanding of the company. (But, if the other designer leaves before that 60 days, then he'll go into the design office.) I'm SO happy for him--- one of his designs was voted #1 in its category by the company's 3 major buyers!!!

Other good news: We got our planner! It's Carol Milkes, and I'm looking forward to working with her. :) She sounds very sweet. I'm also finally able to play with the DFTW facebook application, but it's kind of a pain in the butt.

More good news: We booked an epcot photoshoot for January 8th. I'm not entirely sure we have this in our budget, but I really want to do it. I've looked at a lot of pictures from all you disbrides, and they're just so gosh darn pretty--- and they don't seem to cause all of the drama that the MK photos do!

Now, the bad news... I really just need to rant about this, because I haven't been able to in a public forum--- It would be too immature of me to blog about it or post it on facebook, so I get to complain to the DIS!

Chris's mom doesn't like me very much. We had a falling out a few years ago due to some really complicated reasons I don't want to rehash, but we've been on pleasant terms for 2 years or so now--- but those kind of "pleasant" terms when you can tell the other person doesn't like you. But, I can be a sweet person when I want to be, so I've been trying really hard for Chris's sake--- I always get her presents for major holidays (even Mother's day!) and send her cards for minor ones. Even though she didn't send me a birthday card (and she sends cards to Chris for EVERYTHING)--- but she sent our dog 3 cards for his birthday. But I digress...

Anyway, Chris called his mom on Saturday to wish her a happy birthday, and he asked her when I would be coming home. At first, he figured she might want to go wedding dress shopping with me--- but no, oh no. She wanted to know when I would be in Connecticut so she could plan to go to Wisconsin on those specific days to see him, as I would not be there...

...and that hurt my feelings, you know?!?! It was pretty rude, if I do say so myself. I told Chris not to make too big of a deal out of it as I didn't want to cause any drama, but HIS feelings were hurt, so he called her and... gave him a piece of his mind, asking WHY she didn't like me. He told me she immediately became defensive, informed him he was crazy and that he was making things up, and hung up on him.

And, then, an hour later, Chris's mom sent me a text message that said "I lost a child. I shouldn't have to justify spending time with my son*."

Like, REALLY?!?!?! WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't do ANYTHING in this situation, I really just kind of sat there! I didn't respond to her overwhelmingly immature text message, and it took every amount of self control I possess. I'm really just angry, and hurt, and completely sick of dealing with someone who has such a hangup against me.

...And, that's my vent! Phew. What would any of YOU girls do in my situation? Any Future MIL thoughts?

**Side note: Chris lost his sister a year ago, which explains the text a bit more.**
First of all... How cute is your story!! I have really enjoyed reading all your posts!

I'm from the uk and we have the same situation when it comes to trying on dresses... Obviously the uk/us sizes are different and I'm not massive but to only have size 10 samples is just silly!!! You don't get a true idea of a dress that way!!! Any way good luck with the dress hunt?! Can we see pics?

The shoes are lovely too! Nice to have a bit of colour under a pale White dress! I'm looking for shoes at the mo.

As for the mother in law drama, I would try your best to ignore it... Many people say weddings cannot please every one! Your DF would definatly given her a hard time over it, and as long as he is sticking up for you and understands then... I would try and ignore her.

Well, good luck!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!
Hi Doom buggy! :goodvibes
I can definitely relate to your MIL situation. :sad2:
My DF & I have been dating going on almost 7 1/2 years, and at one point even split up (when we were a lot younger) because of her. She is a mission! I feel bad because she is his mother, and I would NEVER want to be the cause of an argument between the two of them, so I usually bite my tongue. But I can tell she doesn't like me too much either. I don't know what happened in your case, but I can tell you that usually it doesn't have much to do with the partner and more to do with the fact that they are "losing" a son. My MIL is very possesive and jealous, when her little boy is 24! LOL but I can understand that... I have been trying to be very patient with her, and luckily we have been on better terms these past two years as well. SO all I have to say is hang in there. If he stood up for you, he obviously wants to be with you regardless of what his mother thinks. I know that it hurts, but just imagine how your DF feels stuck in the middle. :confused3
I'm so excited for you that you got the dates and venues you wanted; your fiance sounds like a pretty terrific guy.

I'm sorry things are yucko with your future MIL--at least she lives far away and you don't have to see here that often. I totally understand feeling hurt. I suspect she wanted some "alone" time with him as she knows once he gets married, that is extremely unlikely. Doesn't make it right, but I think it's probably less about you and more about her own jealousy and feelings of loss because a) he's far away and b) he's growing up and c) he's happy without her!! The text she sent you was way out of line, though. I think you're wise to not even respond, let him handle her. Hopefully she will get over whatever is going on with her...don't let suck any of your joy away!!!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!

First of all... How cute is your story!! I have really enjoyed reading all your posts!

I'm from the uk and we have the same situation when it comes to trying on dresses... Obviously the uk/us sizes are different and I'm not massive but to only have size 10 samples is just silly!!! You don't get a true idea of a dress that way!!! Any way good luck with the dress hunt?! Can we see pics?

The shoes are lovely too! Nice to have a bit of colour under a pale White dress! I'm looking for shoes at the mo.

As for the mother in law drama, I would try your best to ignore it... Many people say weddings cannot please every one! Your DF would definatly given her a hard time over it, and as long as he is sticking up for you and understands then... I would try and ignore her.

Well, good luck!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!

Hi there! No luck with the dress hunt yet as I haven't been shopping yet! I have an appointment though, and I will update as soon as I do. I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm starting to get quite nervous--- what if I hate all the dresses I'm in love with?!

And yes, I am just going to ignore FMIL. But she's just so gosh darn irritating! :laughing:

Hi Doom buggy! :goodvibes
I can definitely relate to your MIL situation. :sad2:
My DF & I have been dating going on almost 7 1/2 years, and at one point even split up (when we were a lot younger) because of her. She is a mission! I feel bad because she is his mother, and I would NEVER want to be the cause of an argument between the two of them, so I usually bite my tongue. But I can tell she doesn't like me too much either. I don't know what happened in your case, but I can tell you that usually it doesn't have much to do with the partner and more to do with the fact that they are "losing" a son. My MIL is very possesive and jealous, when her little boy is 24! LOL but I can understand that... I have been trying to be very patient with her, and luckily we have been on better terms these past two years as well. SO all I have to say is hang in there. If he stood up for you, he obviously wants to be with you regardless of what his mother thinks. I know that it hurts, but just imagine how your DF feels stuck in the middle. :confused3

Yes, I do feel really badly for Chris being stuck in the middle, and I'm sorry you have a crazy MIL too! I do bite my tongue as MUCH as possible!!

I'm so excited for you that you got the dates and venues you wanted; your fiance sounds like a pretty terrific guy.

I'm sorry things are yucko with your future MIL--at least she lives far away and you don't have to see here that often. I totally understand feeling hurt. I suspect she wanted some "alone" time with him as she knows once he gets married, that is extremely unlikely. Doesn't make it right, but I think it's probably less about you and more about her own jealousy and feelings of loss because a) he's far away and b) he's growing up and c) he's happy without her!! The text she sent you was way out of line, though. I think you're wise to not even respond, let him handle her. Hopefully she will get over whatever is going on with her...don't let suck any of your joy away!!!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!


Brooke, thank you for your advice--- I will NOT let her suck my joy (and my ultimate excitement) away! She hasn't really asked about/cared about wedding plans at all, which also hurts my feelings a bit--- BUT Chris has asked her to pay for our Dessert Party, and you can BET I will have a very expensive one!!!! :)
I'm leaving for Florida on Monday, and checking into Saratoga Springs on Tuesday! I also have a site visit Tuesday morning from 9am-11am. I will be sure to post pictures and do a quick trip report when I get back.

(Oh--- PS, Disney finally cashed our deposit check and we got our LOA and APs! Woooo!) :cool1:
Okay, so I'm going to do a quick trip report of my Disney trip sometime soonish, I promise--- but I REALLY wanted to share with you all that I bought my dress!!!

When I landed in Florida on Monday (the 14th), my grandmother (henceforth known as Grammy) surprised me and told me that she had made an appointment for us to go dress shopping! I was a little surprised, to say the least! I told her I really wanted to try on the Disney dresses, and so she found an Alfred Angelo store close to the Orlando airport (the one in Altamonte Springs, in case you're wondering) that had some plus size samples! So off to the store we went--- and boy, was I stressed out!

We were about an hour and a half early to the salon, so we had lunch at Subway first, and then wandered around A.A. until it was 2:00 and time for our appointment, and I was mentally freaking out. I had also been up since 4:00am, hadn't showered that day, and was all in all out of it. (I really wish I had more pictures to make this story a little more exciting, but I was too tired to even process the concept of picture taking!)

When our time was up (I was really surprised that they were so busy at noon on a Monday!), I met with my consultant, Stacey, who was very nice. I was a little nervous about that--- I had heard horror stories of plus size girls whose consultants were snooty, but Stacey was very nice and helpful. She brought in the Cinderella dress, which was my top choice, as well as the Snow White and Sleeping Beauty dresses.

I tried on Cindy first, and it was love at first sight. (My grandfather has all of the initial pictures on his camera phone, and he has no idea how to put them on his computer, unfortunately!) It was EXACTLY what I had imagined it would be, and I didn't want to take it off--- but I did to try on the others. Snow White was pretty--- I loved the bottom of the dress, but I thought the flowers on top kind of made it look like eyes. And the Sleepy Beauty dress was just too feathery on the bottom and not to my taste--- I didn't even come out of the room. So then I decided to try the Cinderella dress on again...

...and then I decided to buy it! Here's a picture of me in the dress, making a weird face:


Anyway, I LOVE it so much!!!! That one doesn't have the glittery tulle, but I ordered my dress with it--- the size 4 (HA!) sample had it, and it's just perfect! I also ended up buying the veil in this picture, and a tiara, and a fuzzy shawl in case it gets cold at night during our dessert party. Alfred Angelo is going to ship the dress directly to me, so now I just need to find a seamstress!

I hope you guys love it as much as I do!!!!:cool1:
Oh, you picked my favorite AA Disney dress! I just *love* the Cinderella, and it looks lovely on you! Congrats on finding your perfect dress! :goodvibes


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