Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Well, because I was a good, productive girl and got all of my work for both Tuesday AND Wednesday completed, I figured I would update with some pictures of stuff I want! While I wouldn't really call our wedding "informal," I would call it... laid-back. I'm a laid back gal, but I'm also a planner... so I guess I like to plan to be laid back???

I'm not really into flowers (I've mentioned that before), but this is the bouquet I want:


Except in more of a burgundy, and tied with... some sort of ribbon. Maybe a sparkly white to match my sparkly dress? I'm sure disney can do that. I think I might do "daisy wands" (instead of rose wands) for the MOH and two bridesmaids too. I know they're sort of meant for flower girls, but I really like them--- the daisy wands, especially, look like something a fairy would carry, and who doesn't love a good fairy?!?

This is the wedding ring I fell in love with ages ago:


I love how antique it looks!!!

Now, I told Chris he could design the invitations (him being a graphic designer and all), but I am absolutely in LOVE with these. They're called "Mr. Darcy's Letter Wedding Invites" and I want him to make them! I also want to get one of those old-fashioned wax sealing kits to put on the envelopes.


These are the favors we're planning on buying. They're kind of girly, but everyone I've shown them to absolutely loves them, so the guys can deal!!! :lmao:


As for cake, we're definitely planning on doing a mad hatter cake, and I want it to be inspired by the house from Up. It doesn't go with our "color scheme" at all, but I think that's okay. I'm making Chris design the cake sometime before the PJ and we'll see if we still like it. :) If not... well, I'm not sure what we'll do!

I would post pictures of centerpieces... but, after some debate, I decided not to do them. I really just don't think I NEED them at The Attic--- there's SO much stuff to look at, and gorgeous views, and I just don't want to spend the money on something I don't care that much about. I want to put some confetti on the tables, but that's about it!

I've also chosen a handful of songs for the ceremony (and we're planning on getting a guitarist. Did I mention that??) I was going to walk down the aisle to Wishes, but I decided to do "Daydream Believer" instead. It's been my favorite song for years, and it's pretty and sweet. I'm going to have the girls enter to "As Long as You Love Me" by, oh yes, the Backstreet Boys--- which is mostly because my MOH love them and have seen them together 3 times! (And I've seen them 6 times.... Yep, I'm an adult.) I'm letting Chris pick his entrance song as well as his groomsmen's, and I assume he'll pick some sort of nerdy video game song--- which I HOPE he does! :) :) We're going to exit to "God Only Knows What I'd Be Without You" by the Beach Boys.

For our first dance, however, we're still undecided. "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" has been our song since we started dating 6 years ago (we used to sing it together in the car before we were dating because I didn't have a license and I'd make him drive me around, and his Lion King CD was the only CD of his I could stand), BUT we really like "Then" by Brad Paisley too. So I don't know yet! We're also going to sign up for dance lessons in the late summer/fall, which I am VERY excited for! The father/daughter dance though is definitely going to be "There Goes My Life" by Kenny Chesney. It's this song about a young dad who doesn't know how to raise his daughter and blah blah blah--- anyway, it reminds my dad of me and makes him cry. (Yes. He watches the music video and cries. It's quite sweet.)

Oh! I do have a question for you disbrides out there! I currently have Randy Chapman booked for the 3 hour package, but I'm debating if I want to add on another hour. I know I don't want any more than 4 hours of photography, and I certainly don't need the whole event, but do you think 3 hours isn't enough?? Any thoughts???

Okay, I think I've babbled enough. :) Let me know if any of you have any suggestions for anything!!!!
Oh you do NOT babble! I loove reading about all of your plans! Songs are a really hard choice for me too, I like the fact that they are all personal choices with sentimental value. So sweet! Those invitations are amazing! Im in loooove!

That was quite an update! Cant wait to read/see more! :goodvibes
Wow! I love the favors that you picked out, they're really cute. And the invitation inspiration! We are also going to try and do the old fashioned wax seals as well. My DF is really into that sort of thing, he already has sealing wax and seals, and calligraphy pens and all.

Your father/daughter dance song would definitely make me cry too! There's another country song out now that is along the same lines, it makes me tear up a little when I hear it on the radio! I forget who sings it, but I think it's called "I Loved Her First."
Love your dress! It looks great on you... you were worried for nothing! :)
I really like that bouquet too... & those invitations!!! Everything is coming together nicely.
Everything looks wonderful!!!!
I'm using red daisies in my bouquet as well, with a black and white polka dot wrap! So cute!
I love that band! My ring looks antique as well! It's my favorite look!
The invitations will look great, and I love those favors!
Oh you do NOT babble! I loove reading about all of your plans! Songs are a really hard choice for me too, I like the fact that they are all personal choices with sentimental value. So sweet! Those invitations are amazing! Im in loooove!

That was quite an update! Cant wait to read/see more! :goodvibes

Nah, I babble quite a bit. But it's... endearing. :P And aren't the invites great?!? (I found them by typing in "pride and prejudice wedding" to etsy... this is what I do with my free time.) I feel bad though because I told Chris he could do whatever he wanted with the invites... so I'll just have to wheedle him down.

Wow! I love the favors that you picked out, they're really cute. And the invitation inspiration! We are also going to try and do the old fashioned wax seals as well. My DF is really into that sort of thing, he already has sealing wax and seals, and calligraphy pens and all.

Your father/daughter dance song would definitely make me cry too! There's another country song out now that is along the same lines, it makes me tear up a little when I hear it on the radio! I forget who sings it, but I think it's called "I Loved Her First."

That's SO cool that your DF already has sealing wax and seals!!!! Where did you buy it?? And I've heard "I Loved Her First"--- good song. I think "Stealing Cinderella" (I'm not sure who it's by, but it's a country song) would be PERFECT for a Disney wedding too.

ooooh i love everything you have going on!! your favors are super cute!!


Love your dress! It looks great on you... you were worried for nothing! :)
I really like that bouquet too... & those invitations!!! Everything is coming together nicely.

Thank you! I'm not a flowery girl, but daisies are so whimsical. And I can't even begin to tell you how nervous I was about shopping... I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Everything looks wonderful!!!!
I'm using red daisies in my bouquet as well, with a black and white polka dot wrap! So cute!
I love that band! My ring looks antique as well! It's my favorite look!
The invitations will look great, and I love those favors!

Oooh yay for daisies! (I wish I could ask how much they were charging you, but I'm sure your florist doesn't charge up the butt like Disney does! I'd love to use an outside florist, but we're only doing personal floral and no decor at ALL, so it's just not worth it to me) And the antique look is so great and different, but classic too.

I :lovestruc all you Disbrides!!!
I love your flowers, they make me wish I had used Gerber daisies as well. :goodvibes
Pride and Prejudice is just my favorite movie/book. I love that idea to use as invites!!!!

OMG, the Backstreet boys are awesome, lol, I have seen them in concert and it was just such an amazing experience. I really, really, really want to see the BackStreet Boys/New Kids on the Block concert but the tickets are so expensive :scared1: Having the Bridesmaids walk down the aisle to one of their songs is so cool!

Oh and about hiring Randy Chapman for an extra hour......I say YES! I wish I had booked him longer and now I can't change it because our day has already passed. It's the one thing I regret not doing. We were so rushed to take portrait pictures that I really should have booked him longer. It will be so worth it if you do!

Oh, and i totally forgot to comment back that I was born in Bristol Connecticut but we lived around West Hartford. My whole family is from conncecitcut from like the 1800's but now nobody is left. Most live in Florida :rotfl: I guess they couldn't handle the winters!
I love your flowers, they make me wish I had used Gerber daisies as well. :goodvibes
Pride and Prejudice is just my favorite movie/book. I love that idea to use as invites!!!!

OMG, the Backstreet boys are awesome, lol, I have seen them in concert and it was just such an amazing experience. I really, really, really want to see the BackStreet Boys/New Kids on the Block concert but the tickets are so expensive :scared1: Having the Bridesmaids walk down the aisle to one of their songs is so cool!

Oh and about hiring Randy Chapman for an extra hour......I say YES! I wish I had booked him longer and now I can't change it because our day has already passed. It's the one thing I regret not doing. We were so rushed to take portrait pictures that I really should have booked him longer. It will be so worth it if you do!

Oh, and i totally forgot to comment back that I was born in Bristol Connecticut but we lived around West Hartford. My whole family is from conncecitcut from like the 1800's but now nobody is left. Most live in Florida :rotfl: I guess they couldn't handle the winters!

Yeah, Pride and Prejudice is my FAVORITE book! :) And I really want to go see NKOTBSB but no one here will go with me :( :( (have you heard their song??! It's amazing!!!) and thank you SO much for the advice about Randy--- I'm going to email him today and book an extra hour. And I LOVE West Hartford, it's SO cute. And they have a Cheesecake Factory now, which is a big deal for CT!!!!!
I haven't done THAT much wedding stuff this week, but I do have a few things to report.

I don't think I've mentioned this yet--- but we've booked Rev Jack Day as our officiant. :) I knew since I saw a picture of him that he was the man for us! We're going to go with his civil ceremony, but we're going to write our own vows. (Seeing as I am an English master's student and DF is... not, he's protesting about the vows, but he has to shut up and deal!)

Also, sad news: I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in Liz's wedding (disneylizzylou--- MaidMeghan is PJing about both of our weddings), but my school found out and FLIPPED because I would have had to cancel class. Long story short, I feel awful, but I can't do it anymore. :( I'm SO glad Liz doesn't want to kill me though.

But, happier news: I have a new bridesmaid! I've asked a girl who I've known since I was 4 and we were best friends until we were 16, but then we've drifted apart. We've been talking a lot lately though, and she loves WDW and she's so excited to come to our wedding, and it just felt right to ask her. I'm excited she's so excited. :) And Richelle and Becky have already started planning my bridal shower, which is going to have a Victorian tea party theme... I found out my theme because I'm a snoop. :P

And Carol finally got back to me with our altered reception menu. It's still $65/pp. Chris and I are going to go over it this weekend and see if we want to keep everything on it still, but tell me what you think! (Forgive my notes on the side, haha!)

Adapted Briar Rose Brunch Buffet

Cocktail Hour--- No Change
---Yogurt Parfait
Premium Cheese Display with Grapes, Crackers, and Baguette

Brunch Buffet
-Tomatoes, Mozzarella, and Basil with Balsamic Drizzle (keep)
- Le Cellier cheddar cheese soup with pretzel breadsticks (change)
-From the Gaston Menu: Prepared on Stage Penne Pasta Primavera (change)
-Some sort of roasted chicken--- something very simple, but good (change)
-Mickey waffles (change)
-petit vegetable medly tossed with citrus olive oil and sea salt (keep)
Hardwood Smoked Bacon (keep)
Egg Cookery station---omelets (keep)
Brioche French toast with whipped cream and bananas foster (I assume the whipped cream and bananas foster is on the side?)

---And, of course, keep the tea, coffee, and juice!!!---

What do you guys think??? Good choices? Or any suggestions for what to add/take out?? Thanks to all you lovely disbrides :)
Your menu looks delicious! I might have to borrow it when my time comes, lol. Esepcially the Le Cellier Cheddar Cheese soup and pretzel breadsticks.

I havent checked in on you for a while... I Love the dress... you look cute! Will you have a veil on the day? I think i am going without?! lol

As for the latest post... the menu sounds good...

Pasta Priemevar... spelt something like that! Lol Do many people eat pasta at weddings? What about a chicken salad or maybe one of your fav meals as a couple?

The desserts sound really good! Especially the Mickey waffle! :)

Yay! :)

I am really liking the menu. We are doing a brunch too and I will DEFINATELY be having me some Mickey waffles and omelets with lunch foods. I was thinking of having the martini station too, because I really like how they look! LOL. The Mickey-roni can be my pasta? :rotfl:
This sounds amazing! So many good foods that I love on there. Personally, I wouldn't change anything!
I love your plans so far! We have similar menus. I just wanted to chime in and tell you that I am going to see NKOTBSB in June!!!! If we lived closer I would go with you! My grandma bought me the ticket because I made the Dean's list last semester. I am doing my student teaching right now and it has been sooooooooooooo crazy, this concert is like the light at the end of the tunnel! I can't wait for more updates! I was going to ask you, do you plan on buying the matching jewelry for your dress? I am going to get my dress on the 22nd and I am going back and fourth on this.
Yeah, Pride and Prejudice is my FAVORITE book! :) And I really want to go see NKOTBSB but no one here will go with me :( :( (have you heard their song??! It's amazing!!!) and thank you SO much for the advice about Randy--- I'm going to email him today and book an extra hour. And I LOVE West Hartford, it's SO cute. And they have a Cheesecake Factory now, which is a big deal for CT!!!!!

I wanted to go to the NKOTBSB concert so bad but it is a friend's wedding and considering I'm a bridesmaid, I guess I should make the wedding first, huh :)
Your menu looks delicious! I might have to borrow it when my time comes, lol. Esepcially the Le Cellier Cheddar Cheese soup and pretzel breadsticks.

Thanks! I think I'm most excited for the soup and breadsticks. I'm also kind of weird and have been telling people about them, and a friend of mine commented on the DFTW wedding app "I can't wait for the soup!!!!" I might have a problem...


I havent checked in on you for a while... I Love the dress... you look cute! Will you have a veil on the day? I think i am going without?! lol

As for the latest post... the menu sounds good...

Pasta Priemevar... spelt something like that! Lol Do many people eat pasta at weddings? What about a chicken salad or maybe one of your fav meals as a couple?

The desserts sound really good! Especially the Mickey waffle! :)

Yay! :)


Thanks! I did buy that veil too--- I really like that it helps hide my chubby arms that I really need to start toning!!! :lmao: I was going back and forth about the pasta--- I definitely want some sort of pasta (I'm a carb addict), and I like the action station idea a lot.

French toast AND pasta? I'm game! And that's coming from the pickiest person on Earth.

I'm glad you won't starve!!! :)

I am really liking the menu. We are doing a brunch too and I will DEFINATELY be having me some Mickey waffles and omelets with lunch foods. I was thinking of having the martini station too, because I really like how they look! LOL. The Mickey-roni can be my pasta? :rotfl:

haha! Actually, if you want a more "adult" mac and cheese, I really suggest getting the gruyere mac and cheese from Chefs de France--- it's SO GOOD!!!!! We were thinking about doing that for our pasta, but I really like the action station idea. So fun!

This sounds amazing! So many good foods that I love on there. Personally, I wouldn't change anything!

Thanks! :)

I love your plans so far! We have similar menus. I just wanted to chime in and tell you that I am going to see NKOTBSB in June!!!! If we lived closer I would go with you! My grandma bought me the ticket because I made the Dean's list last semester. I am doing my student teaching right now and it has been sooooooooooooo crazy, this concert is like the light at the end of the tunnel! I can't wait for more updates! I was going to ask you, do you plan on buying the matching jewelry for your dress? I am going to get my dress on the 22nd and I am going back and fourth on this.

Gah! It would be so fun to go see NKOTBSB with a fellow disbride! What grade are you student teaching? I'm a teaching assistant, but I don't assist anyone--- I have my own two classes of college freshmen and, let me tell you, I want to kick their BUTTS right now! I haven't decided about the jewelry yet either! I'm going to another Alfred store in MA with some of my bridesmaids in a week, and I'm going to look then. I'm also not sure how much it costs either--- let me kow what you decide!

I think it looks great!! I wouldn't change anything!!

Thanks! :)

I wanted to go to the NKOTBSB concert so bad but it is a friend's wedding and considering I'm a bridesmaid, I guess I should make the wedding first, huh :)

haha! I -guess- so.... :P


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