Your top WDW tip

I have two tips:

One - kick butt in the morning, relax in the afternoon. Hit rope drop anytime possible and get everything done early. Take the hot, crowded afternoon times to mosey and meander and smell the roses.

Two - be forgiving. It is very difficult to hold yourself in when other patrons are being rude - bashing your ankles with strollers, using scooters to cut in line, obnoxiously complaining, etc - but just take a deep breath and let it out. There shouldn't be any anger in Disney World!
Spend an entire day at EPCOT just strolling along through the countries and enjoying a beer or snack from each pavilion. :cool1:
Don't rush. Don't stress. Take everything in stride. This is your vacation. You've waited a long time for it. You've saved ALOT for it. Enjoy it. :goodvibes
I love all the Parks tips - but how about a tip for your body...

Drink :drinking1WATER :goodvibes

Your body needs to stay hydrated. Even on a cool WDW day, with walking 2 to 5 miles per day, your body uses it's fluids.

Drink at least 2 bottles of water (16 oz) during a 24 hour period.

:woohoo:You will be happy and so will your body. :woohoo:

I can't say enough that if you are sweating a lot, you need to remineralize your body along with the water. You can be drowning in water but still be dehydrated. Either drink smart water, mineral water or add a pinch of sea salt to your water. Salt is more important to hydration then most people realize.
Didn't get a chance to read the whole thread so sorry if this is a repeat! I see you are doing Deluxe dining - we are too! My advice regarding this is not to get your whole trip hung up on ADRs and food or else you'll be spending the whole time running from one ADR to the next and constantly checking your watch. The Deluxe dining is a lot of food per meal and a lot of credits to spend. A lot of people feel like they need to eat two-three TS meals per day or do the signature meals or shows to get their full money's worth. That may be true, but we don't want worrying about the value of it to ruin our trip. We aren't afraid to use our credits at QS when it suits us and we don't overload our days with ADRs. For the record, we are two adults in our late 20s, no kids. Have fun!!!
Didn't get a chance to read the whole thread so sorry if this is a repeat! I see you are doing Deluxe dining - we are too! My advice regarding this is not to get your whole trip hung up on ADRs and food or else you'll be spending the whole time running from one ADR to the next and constantly checking your watch. The Deluxe dining is a lot of food per meal and a lot of credits to spend. A lot of people feel like they need to eat two-three TS meals per day or do the signature meals or shows to get their full money's worth. That may be true, but we don't want worrying about the value of it to ruin our trip. We aren't afraid to use our credits at QS when it suits us and we don't overload our days with ADRs. For the record, we are two adults in our late 20s, no kids. Have fun!!!

So true! We had the regular plan and felt that our entire vaca was centered around meals. I don't think I could even do deluxe after that. I recommend eating your dinners at signature restaurants that require 2TS credits per meal and whenever possible, having breakfast in the parks before they open - Crystal Palace, Tusker House, even Hollywood and Vine. We really wasted a LOT of park time at restaurants.
On your last evening spent the evening at MK. When leaving the park, look back to the castle, kiss your Husband and swear that you will come back.
Don't make me cry before I even get there!!:love:

Ok, so swat him on the bum and make him promise...


We did not feel overly restrained by ADRs, but it sort of dictates part of your day. But hey, they were free.:cool1:
Not WDW specific but best tip i've learned here is to: Pack your kids clothes in gallon ziplock baggies for each day. Complete outfits with socks/undies. It saves tons of time in the morning getting ready and even small kids can get thier own clothes out with this method. We stick a card with the day on it down in ours (DD can read) so they can go to the drawer and pick thier packet for the day get dressed and be ready to go. We also have stuffed treats in some of the packets which is a nice suprise for them. Also saves space in your luggage you can squish those puppies down pretty well.
I would say when you are at epcot do not miss the small coca cola shop, where you can also drink free coke. You get many samples from around the world. Some are pretty nasty but most are good. Plus its a small air conditioned shop, so when its really hot its nice to just get inside and cool off for a bit.

I was just re reading these tips to see what we missed on our first trip now that we are going back in a month... I MISSED THIS!! Can't wait to find it this time!! what is it located near??:confused:
If you are unlucky enough to be on the ship on a day when it can't dock (we didn't get to go to castaway cay) Some awesome things to try are the art tour of the ship, a CM will take you around the different rooms and restaurants and show all the detail of the artwork, it was great! also, the mystery paintings were great for adults and kids alike!!:woohoo:
I was just re reading these tips to see what we missed on our first trip now that we are going back in a month... I MISSED THIS!! Can't wait to find it this time!! what is it located near??:confused:

Let me tell you, I have been to WDW 7 times already and my favorite park is Epcot (World Showcase!!!) AND I have never been to the Coca Cola shop:confused3 If my Dh knew this he would not be happy ~ he is addicted to Coke!!! So, if anyone here can tell us in detail where this small shop is, that would be amazing:banana:
I was just re reading these tips to see what we missed on our first trip now that we are going back in a month... I MISSED THIS!! Can't wait to find it this time!! what is it located near??:confused:

If I remember correctly, it's near the fountain that plays music.

My tip is...zig when everyone else zags. Go early, don't head for the most popular, eat early, head to the back...all good.
Don't do what everyone else does. We never wait in line (well, occasionally for Soarin'...because we love it), and we manage to do everything we want to do...with EIGHT kids.
I recommend Unofficial Guide to WDW. I know a lot like tour guide Mike, but I have never used him.

Have a great second trip! :wizard:
I'm sure it's been said but I haven't read through the entire thread, so here goes:

If you're traveling with a child, don't expect to see and do it all. Your favorite attraction may scare them, you're favorite parade may begin 2 hours after they've declared bedtime!, your idea of a good meal may not be theirs.

Go with the flow. Take the touring plan and throw it into the nearest recycling bin. Well, perhaps not that extreme but don't expect to follow the A-Z list as you planned. Enjoy every moment and seeing the World through a child's eyes, even if that equates to riding SE 14 times with your 3-year-old because it's her "favwite!" I speak from experience.

DD is 3 and has been to WDW 5 times, the first two of those it was just us. I didn't have someone to Baby Swap with so out the window went my favorite SM and BTMRR, as well as everything else with "thrill" potential. But, we still had fantastic trips!

She was still a baby, only 15 months, on her first trip and watching her toddler around the parks are memories I'll cherish forever. :goodvibes She was more interested in playing in the dirt or taking the boat from POFQ to POR than anything else but still, an amazing trip! When she was 18 months she was more interested in the attractions, with "The Dollies" (IASW) being on the top of that list. So, I listened to that song more times than I ever thought I would because seeing her kick her leg to "can-can" with the "dollies" was, again, priceless.

And for those who say infants/young toddlers are too young to appreciate or remember a vacation: when we returned after she had just turned 2, she started squealing "THE DOLLIES!" the instant we walked past IASW. While they may not remember it all, they do remember what they want to!
If I remember correctly, it's near the fountain that plays music.

My tip is...zig when everyone else zags. Go early, don't head for the most popular, eat early, head to the back...all good.
Don't do what everyone else does. We never wait in line (well, occasionally for Soarin'...because we love it), and we manage to do everything we want to do...with EIGHT kids.
I recommend Unofficial Guide to WDW. I know a lot like tour guide Mike, but I have never used him.

Have a great second trip! :wizard:

The fountain that plays music:confused: I must not know Epcot like I thought I did:confused3 Are we talking about the huge fountain near the ice cream/Edy's place? Or am I even more confused now?:rotfl:
The fountain that plays music:confused: I must not know Epcot like I thought I did:confused3 Are we talking about the huge fountain near the ice cream/Edy's place? Or am I even more confused now?:rotfl:

I think the place you are talking about is called the Cool Spot.....someone correct me if I'm wrong
The fountain that plays music:confused: I must not know Epcot like I thought I did:confused3 Are we talking about the huge fountain near the ice cream/Edy's place? Or am I even more confused now?:rotfl:

Yes. Unless I'm really mixed up, I think it's down a step and next to the ice cream. [It's been almost three years, so hopefully I have that right!]


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