Sister Selfie A Day Keeps the Magic Alive! March 2014 TR with Sis and Friends! 5/27x1

How nice that you were able to meet up with your cousin AND BABY for breakfast.

POP :sad: God I'm homesick!

I love the look of AoA but sadly until they start including in in discounts, I'll have to settle with just visiting.
Joining in! Sounds like a great start to your trip!

I love the view from your room!

Thanks for joining! Our view was wonderful! I love AKL!

Yay for this TR! I love your dining reviews :)

Nothing better than a Savannah view at AKL! It stinks it took forever to get your work done, but I'm glad you finally got it out of the way so you could enjoy the rest of your trip.

I haven't seen AoA, yet, but I am staying at Pop soon, so I will definitely be going over there to check it out. I love all the pictures I keep seeing!

Can't wait to read more about your trip :)
So glad to have you Jennifer. Patty and I will be doing a dining review too. Definitely check out AOA. That is the way to go since AOA is never on a discount.

LOVE the theming at AoA!

Since I'll be in WDW in a few months, I can't wait to hear about your experiences with FP+. popcorn::
I love it too! My experiences are mixed...I will make sure to touch on it!
Joining in! I hoping to do some touring around the resorts, and AoA in particular when I'm there in Sept! Love seeing all the fun pics.
You will love AOA! My other favorites are AKL and Yacht Club.
I'm Joining in as well!

We love the AOA we went and looked around right after it opened and said we have to stay here one day.
Isn't it fun?? I really like staying there.
How nice that you were able to meet up with your cousin AND BABY for breakfast.

POP :sad: God I'm homesick!

I love the look of AoA but sadly until they start including in in discounts, I'll have to settle with just visiting.
It was nice to see them. I am homesick too. I think we are going to Disneyworld in November and it is just way too long away.
Joining in!
Glad to have you!

When we left Art of Animation Jessica and I took whatever bus was first. To be honest, I don't even remember what bus it was! I *think* it was Magic Kingdom but I am not sure!

Either way we got off at the park and took the AKL bus back. We were going to head straight to dinner but we decided to get jackets because we knew we would be cold.

We took the first bus that went towards Kidani which didn't take too long. Sanaa really is hidden within Kidani.

We got sat within a couple of minutes. Unfortunately we didn't get sat by the windows, but that was ok.

Our server was very odd and not very good at all. When he was telling us about the menu and describing the entrees he wasn't looking at us at all. He was looking all around us, just anything to avoid eye contact. He also kept trying to upsell us into getting the most expensive entree.

We wanted to go all out for this meal so we got the bread sampler. It now comes with all dips which was good for us to try new things. We normally stick to American here because of the picky b/f, so I crave different cuisines. Jessica was very excited to try Indian-esque food.

We got all three naans since those are the ones we found out they make in house. My favorite of the sauces were coriander chutney(green), Red Chile Sambal, Garlic Pickle, and that yellow chutney -i think it is coconut chutney. We really loved this! I could have used one more piece of naan though.

This is where the server fell apart. Obviously I was eating spicy foods so I needed a drink. I needed it refilled halfway through and my mouth was on fire. He came out three times to help other tables but ignored us. Finally I had to flag someone down because I needed a drink bad. Our server brought out the drinks but didn't drink a straw. Then I had to flag down someone else for a straw! And he seemed annoyed that we went behind his back.

Anyways, I ordered the sustainable fish which was a mild fish. I totally forgot the description for this. I originally was going to get the slow cooked gravy entree but wanted to venture out. Jessica got the tandoori lamb. He was trying to get her to order the lamb shank but I didn't think she would like that because of the tamarind. I swear it tastes like black licorice, which I hate.

Jessica's entree. I didn't like it. It had the tamarind taste too! I don't think she minded it.

We had a spotlight on our table that created the best light for our food!

My entree= heaven

It was soo good!

The fish was layered on top of sliced carrots and other root vegetables, with shrimp, tomatoes, coconut curry sauce, and greens on top! It was perfect! One of my favorite entrees of the trip The fish was a little crispy too!

After we were done eating our server semi redeemed himself and brought us out a birthday dessert!

Yum, this was good! And this was one of the best birthday desserts of the trip. It was coconut cheesecake and it was very very good. It was very light cheesecake with a semi shell.

Our server asked if we still wanted dessert. UMM Yes! This tiny cheesecake didn't cut it! lol! We decided to order the dessert sampler without the cheesecake since we already had it and to sub an extra chai cream.

Now, this was my second time having the chai cream and I have just decided I don't like it. I like the flavor but I wish it was more of a creme brulee consistency instead of a yogurt consistency.

The other dessert on this tray was the chocolate mousse.

This was very good but rich. It helped to take some chai cream and then a bite of the mousse because it made the mousse more mild.

All in all, we had a great food meal. Service was a little spotty but it was one of my favorite meals of the trip.

With our bellies full, off to Animal Kingdom we go!

The door greeter gave us mickey stickers!

Animal Kingdom was open to 8 this night and it was right after the time changed and I knew we would have a chance to see the park at night. I have never seen AK at night so this was our chance.

I saw the new bus time board which was very slick!

Our bus driver was joking about how long it would take to get to Animal Kingdom. He said it would take an hour!

But it didn't. It is so nice staying at AKL to be so close to AK. Yeah you are far away from other parks but I didn't find it too bad.

We were excited to be at our first park!

We headed straight towards Expedition Everest to check the wait.

It was only a 10 minute wait so of course we were going to ride it! Hopefully we didn't puke up our Sanaa.

Sun setting-- so gorgeous!

Oh no, the tracks stop!!

Sister selfie time!! This was my favorite sister selfie of the trip!


I was the yeti still swiped for you!

We got the photopass + this trip which included ride photos so you will have the pleasure of looking at our hilarious faces.

Exhibit A

It was so short of a wait that we decided to do it again!

This time we took a sister selfie during the picture..

So fun! We love expedition everest!

AK Part 2 coming up!


Since it was getting dark I wanted to scope out photo spots.

But first we took a photopass picture!

I had fun with the borders!

We stayed in the area of the lights because that is where i wanted to shoot with my tripod. I adore those string lights in the area of Expedition Everest.

I felt like a loser with my tripod out! I need to get over that.

It was an eerie feeling being in AK when it was dark.

The pictures really weren't that great here because it wasn't fully dark yet and I didn't set it up too well.

So off we went to find the old Pocahontas spot! There is the perfect landing spot where she used to meet which was the tree as the background.

I for the life of me couldn't find it!! But I did find another photopass picture spot so I stopped here to take one. It was getting dark out now and the park was already closed. I felt like a rebel as I have never been in a park after it closed and had no intention of leaving anytime soon.

I set it up and got this!

One of my favorites from the trip!

I wanted to get moving because I wanted to find the other photo spot so I kept walking and found it!

Yay! I took a couple of shots and then we decided to head out of the pitch black park.

We had one more thing on the agenda and that was to check out MK! It was open till 12 the entire week so we still had lots of time.

The park was packed! I was so surprised. About this time I started to get really really sad. Like sick. I realized it was because Corey wasn't here and I was starting to miss him...especially in Magic Kingdom. Disney is sort of our thing and while I was having a blast with my sis I really started to miss him. We both love disney and I just felt guilty being there without him. We headed up to the hub but the parade was starting so we got stuck. We wanted to find a good spot but it was literally impossible to see so we just stood off to the distance. I was getting claustraphobic and it really made me start getting anxious. The sick feeling just got worse..

We started to head towards new fantasyland to see the ariel ride but it was basically impossible to move. The hub was sooo congested and we could not move. I looked at Jessica and we both shook our head to get out of here. We could not move so it was back to AKL we go!

On the way out I saw this ridiculous wait for Mickey Mouse.

I knew that had to be wrong so I asked what the real wait was and they said 10 minutes. So we waited for mickey mouse! I warned Jessica that mickey mouse now talked!

While waiting in line, we met the cutest girl I have ever talked to. She was soo friendly and hilarious!!! She started the conversation with us about princesses. Every single day her favorite princess changed. Yesterday it was Elsa, today it was Sleeping Beauty, tomorrow it was Anna. She already knew who it would be for tomorrow. Her dad was showing us the pictures with the princesses and it was so cute. The CM at the gate thought we were all together so he asked if we were a party of four. We said no and the little girl said they aren't our family! We are separate! It was funny! They were brought into the holding area and then we witnessed a magical moment!!

A CM came into the holding area with a Aurora doll behind her back and got on her knees to talk to her. She told her she had something for her and then pulled Aurora out and gave her the doll!! I was in awe and literally crying. I haven't witnessed a magical moment like that ever! It just made me feel so much better about missing Corey and just really lifted me up. Here I am crying about it right now! The little girl was just so happy and I could tell how happy the CM was giving her a present.

Anyways! The little girl and dad were up first with Mickey. She wanted to give him her sticker of Mickey so mickey started talking to her and she was just holding out the sticker the entire time. She wanted Mickey to take it but he wouldn't take it because his voice wouldn't match. I felt so bad for her because she was just waiting for him to take the sticker. I don't know why he didn't take it. The talking was neat but it is just so weird now. They have limited things he can say and it probably confuses kids when Mickey ignores their questions or doesn't respond to what they are saying. They think he can actually talk but the pre set recordings don't work like that!

Anyways- when it was our time Mickey sang happy birthday to Jessica! It was so cute!

I had to get a picture of Mickey before I left on my phone to post to instagram!

After Mickey it was time to truly go back to AKL. We had a great night despite my panic attack of the crowds and missing Corey. The magical moment really brought me up and I could not stop thinking about it.

Disney World really is wonderful!

Awww great updates Rachel. Too bad MK was so crowded. At least you were able to see Mickey and that adorable interaction.

I hope to see AK after dark some day. You had awesome photos of the Tree of Life. And the sister selfies on EE were perfect.

Too bad about your Sanaa waiter. How odd that he was more a salesman than a server. Em and I booked Sanaa last summer but ended up canceling the ADR so I still haven't visited. After reading your review it must stay on my list of places to try.

The bus stops now have wait times displayed for the buses? That's awesome if they do.
Your Sanaa review kinda makes me feel a bit better about never doing sit down meals. Glad you loved the food, but spotty service just doesn't make it worth it to me. At least at Counter Service if the service sucks, it's my own fault, lol.

Ah yes, the bus time board. Is that new? I saw it December, but just assumed it had always been there.

Hmmmm, it looks like they may have corrected the Everest ride photos and not have the back cut off. Much better.

UGH I kinda wish I had made the time to see AK at night in December. But just too much doings going on. Of course your photos now make me REALLY wish I had made the time.

WOW, great moment with the little one and the CM. PLUS, getting the doll of her fav Princess for that day??? Magic!
I'm following along! I know how you feel about leaving your boyfriend behind. I don't think I could go to Disney without my husband, it just wouldn't be the same at all. I'm glad you still had fun that night! The story about the CM giving the girl the doll is so sweet :lovestruc
That is no good it was so crowded. I was hoping the last week in February/First week in March would be LOW crowds.
Love the pics of AK at night! So cool!

I don't think I could have stayed in MK with crowds like that, but it sounds like the magical moment was worth it!

rachel is allowing me to add in a few updates as we spent the first part of our trip separate despite sharing a hotel room. we have been planning this trip for such a long time & i wish i could do it all over again.

side note: we are also doing a tandem dining report & i will save my food photos for the review.

my daughter & i arrived at disney early sunday evening. however, prior to that, i was in atlanta to shoot a wedding...i worked until 3:30pm on friday, caught a plane to atlanta at 5:20 pm on friday, shot a wedding on saturday, flew back to jacksonville sunday & landed at noon, picked emme up & we began our drive to orlando.


that made me tired re-living the moment before arriving into orlando.

since i live in florida (i'm 2.5 hours from orlando), we visit frequently but the visits are always short. if i'm lucky, i can get a long weekend. i'm a nurse, monday-friday & getting time off isn't easy especially when i'm back in school. so the 9 days, 8 nights was a complete luxury for me.

also, typically, emme & i stay off site as disney hotels are pretty expensive especially since we spend most of our time in the parks...but it's awesome to travel with rachel as we split the cost of the room which makes it more affordable for me. i was so excited to be staying at was our first stay there.

but before i begin, here are two photos from the wedding i shot:



i had the car packed and we began our drive to orlando at about 2:30pm.


orlando always has matter when you drive. and during this drive, the congestion was awful. i just wanted to hurry up and get to the hotel.

finally, we saw this wonderful sign:


we made it to AKL and after some mix up, my bags made it to the room. as rachel mentioned prior, we had dinner at boma. i was just so tired & a bit out of it....i was a tad bit spacey. i just wanted to relax and sleep for daaaaays but my schedule said NO to that.

i needed an adult beverage with dinner so i chose:


mmmmmmmm! the stella was very cold and so satisfying. i enjoyed it very much.

i was having issues with my magic band as it wouldn't unlock the door and than took a long time to fix. after the issue was corrected, we headed back up to our room. i wanted to hit a park or explore the hotel but i was just physically exhausted.

but emme kept herself busy & was practicing her autograph:


i decided that monday was going to be our pool/resort day but not after spending a few hours at AKL. but i wish we made tuesday our resort day as it was blazing hot on tuesday. on monday, it was cloudy & the sun was playing peek a boo all day but on tuesday, there were hardly a single cloud in the sky.


good morning from AKL!

we took the bus to AKL & began our day.

but we ran into a friend as we entered the park:



we had an early reservation for lunch at yak & yeti at 11am. we took a few pictures before lunch.



i love this picture so much!



emme & i became obsessed with seeking & finding magic shots during our vacation. it was so fun! she would ask the photopass photographers if they could do a magic shot.

it was SOOOOO nice to have a photopass photographer take our pictures. i normally ask if they can shoot a picture with my dslr or phone and 90% of the time, the picture they take aren't very good. but for the most part on this trip, the pictures that the photopass photographers took were decent. rachel & i split the memory maker & it was such a good deal! it was really nice to just smile for picture instead of lugging my camera & asking them to take an out of focus picture. but a caveat, the photopass page is awful...trying to add a border or making adjustments has been a bit difficult....more so, it's been very SLOOOOOOOOOOOW.

after some pictures, we had lunch at yak & yeti.

we then went to say hello to some more friends:


we purchased this frozen book from the gift shop. i used it for autographs. it was really awesome for autographs. mickey & minnie read the book with emme...such a cute moment together.


family portrait!

after meeting our friends, we had a fast pass for some safari action:






we spent some more time at AK & then headed back to the resort to begin our pool day.



we loooooved this pool. they had the floatation vests pool side & emme went down the water slide at least 20 times. i only wished the clouds were gone as they were hiding the sun. that didn't stop emme from having a super fun time.

i had an adult beverage:



i learned a valuable lesson while ordering my drink. i saw a basket of chips on the bar. i didn't see a price and i asked the bartender if these were complimentary. she said, "sure, take one!". so i stupidly opened the doritos and when i got my total for the drink, she added $2.99 for bag of doritos. that kind of irked but since i had opened the bag, i couldn't really argue. so i went back pool side & enjoyed my drink & $2.99 bag of doritos while emme went down the slide again and again.

after pool time, emme passed out...hard. i had an adr for jiko but had to reschedule. while she was snoring, i ran down to mara & grabbed us some dinner. i fixed me a vodka cranberry & sat on the balcony while the animals were roaming in the savannah and the sun was setting. it was so quiet & really felt like a vacation at this point. i was really enjoying this moment.

dinner with a view:



a few hours later, we explored the resot & did the night vision goggles to see the animals. that was pretty neat. we also sat & caught the end of lilo & stitch & also played on the playground. we grabbed a late night snack from mara again & went back to our room. i was really falling in love with the is an amazing place!

emme had a bath & jessica & rachel had returned. lucky for rachel that there must be some magic in the air at disney because her coughing pretty much ceased from this night on.

this was a great start to our vacation!
you got some really good giraffe shots on the safari! I so miss our trip.. I wish it was just starting tomorrow.
A Divine sighting right off the bat???? Nice!

Awwwwwwww. That may be the best Simba Magic Shot I've seen. Obviously Emme is adorable, but also the layout with her holding him is perfect. :cutie:
Awww great updates Rachel. Too bad MK was so crowded. At least you were able to see Mickey and that adorable interaction.

I hope to see AK after dark some day. You had awesome photos of the Tree of Life. And the sister selfies on EE were perfect.

Too bad about your Sanaa waiter. How odd that he was more a salesman than a server. Em and I booked Sanaa last summer but ended up canceling the ADR so I still haven't visited. After reading your review it must stay on my list of places to try.

The bus stops now have wait times displayed for the buses? That's awesome if they do.
Yes, you should definitely try it! I love it because it is a great location and the restaurant is beautiful! My entree was delicious too. I only saw the wait time displayed on a few bus stops. I know for sure AKL Kidani and GF. Maybe a couple more places. I think it is a great idea as well.

Your Sanaa review kinda makes me feel a bit better about never doing sit down meals. Glad you loved the food, but spotty service just doesn't make it worth it to me. At least at Counter Service if the service sucks, it's my own fault, lol.

Ah yes, the bus time board. Is that new? I saw it December, but just assumed it had always been there.

Hmmmm, it looks like they may have corrected the Everest ride photos and not have the back cut off. Much better.

UGH I kinda wish I had made the time to see AK at night in December. But just too much doings going on. Of course your photos now make me REALLY wish I had made the time.

WOW, great moment with the little one and the CM. PLUS, getting the doll of her fav Princess for that day??? Magic!
I didn't even realize you don't do sit downs! Good thing disney has a lot of great counter service. Luckily we had a few great servers as well to make up for it. Interesting the EE photo used to be off. I would be mad if I was in the back and it got cut off. You will see AK at night sometime in the future, especially with Avatarland.

I'm following along! I know how you feel about leaving your boyfriend behind. I don't think I could go to Disney without my husband, it just wouldn't be the same at all. I'm glad you still had fun that night! The story about the CM giving the girl the doll is so sweet :lovestruc
The interaction was sweet! I can't believe I cried. I am glad I am not alone. I just felt so bad for leaving him since we love it there.
That is no good it was so crowded. I was hoping the last week in February/First week in March would be LOW crowds.
Well we kind of went the second week in March so maybe that is why it was a little crowded. Plus, spring break was starting this week. I think the last week of Feb is really calm so you should be fine!
Love the pics of AK at night! So cool!

I don't think I could have stayed in MK with crowds like that, but it sounds like the magical moment was worth it!
Thanks! Yes, the crowds were bad. I haven't seen it like that in a while. Good thing they are re doing the hub to give it more room.
A Divine sighting right off the bat???? Nice!

Awwwwwwww. That may be the best Simba Magic Shot I've seen. Obviously Emme is adorable, but also the layout with her holding him is perfect. :cutie:

divine was out early! good thing she found some shade as it was pretty warm.

and thanks for the comment about the magic shot...we got so many great ones. that was the first one of the trip. princess:

This morning we had breakfast at Chef Mickey's. Our reservation was at 7:45am but we basically knew we wouldn't be on time so we didn't rush too bad.

I woke up at 7:15 and we got on the bus at 9am. I slept much better because Emme's coughing greatly improved which Patty mentioned! That and I was tired!

On the bus I was overhearing some lady complaining about her trip. She was mad because her magic bands weren't working and they kept telling her to go to the concierge desk. And she said she was mad because she spent $10,000 on this vacation and she shouldn't have to wait anymore! She said that she went off on the workers. And she also said she noticed that the CMs weren't as happy. Well probably not because they have to deal with people like her! Very interesting to listen in on.

Finally we got to Chef Mickey's at 9:30. We walked over there from MK. I really like the new bus drops. It is so much bigger!

I checked in and apologized for being late. The CM Was joking around with me for being so late but she wasnt really mad. And we got sat right away! Not before we got our picture taken of course.

I love their S&P holders.

For some reason our server decided to bring Jessica's birthday cupcake right away instead of after breakfast.

Emme had a little incident where she spilled OJ all over everything on accident and she was upset for a little bit but she was ok once we reassured her it was an accident.

Patty went up for food first then I went up and got some oatmeal. The pot for oatmeal was sooo hot. There was something tied around it but it was falling off and I burnt my hands on the pot.

I also got fruit, eggs, smoked salmon.

Then the characters started coming around!

It was just hilarious the entire trip with characters. We had them take pictures with like 5 devices: my camera, Patty's camera, photopass card, Jessica's iphone, and Patty's iphone. We definitely took our time with the characters.

Such a cute photo!

My girl Minnie!

Goofy love


Then I went up for another plate and got the famous cheesy potatoes! I love their cheesy potatoes here. Patty has a bit strip she can show you that involves cheesy potatoes. It is hilarious.

The quiche was not very good.

My last plate I had a carb overload.

they have the best mickey waffles because they cook them right there so they are always so soft and fresh and warm. They also have caramel sauce which is soo good. I am not a syrup fan and this is just so much better! Still sweet but delicious.

When the photopass person came over to sell us the picture I asked them what they do with the old pictures and she said the recycle. It just seems like such a waste! After that she said shhh and she handed us the stock photo with the Fab 5! Pixie dust!

All in all we had a great breakfast! Service wasn't spectacular but it wasn't bad. I just love that breakfast. It is my favorite breakfast buffet at WDW. The cheesy potatoes and mickey waffles are my favorite!

We left about 10:50 to head to Animal Kingdom and the monorail was down so there were a LOT of unhappy people. Patty and Emme went to MK and Jessica and I were on our own. People said they were waiting for a TTC bus for Epcot for 30 minutes. I would not be happy. I ended up talking to a group and they said we just missed a AK bus. While we were there there was three Hollywood Studios buses before an AK bus came! But finally it came!

Hi Rachel! I read your last trip report and am enjoying this one also.

You were one hour and 45 minutes late for Chef Mickey's and they didn't give you a hard time?! Lucky! I've tried to get reservations for Chef Mickey's the last two trips and never had any luck. I've pretty much given up on that place. Your breakfast looked very yummy!


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