Gringotts Reviews starting to come in

Closing your eyes takes out all of that sort of fear with Spidey. Your eyes are tricking you most of the time (same with Simpsons). Closing eyes lets you ONLY feel what the ride is doing, and eliminates the mind tricks. Doesn't feel a thing like falling off a building with your eyes closed.

Weightless...I find that breathing OUT for the entire weightless part helps immensely. I used to love coasters on my own, and now I want to still go on them though I am scared to death. And I have to go, right now, because although my son could go on alone, I'm scared even more to death of the idea of him being on them alone. I want him to not be fearful, but I am fearful *and* I don't want to stop him too much. Make sense? So I'm going on these things while not liking them. And I've had to find ways to deal with them. Inhaling fully before you get to the drops and then exhaling slowly during the drops helps keep my heart and stomach out of my throat, so to speak.

Now that I shall try! I used to love that feeling but when I hit my thirties I suddenly hated it :confused3 Its the same with flying. Used to fly on my own all the time then suddenly I develop this fear and Im afraid of turbulence because of the same feeling :(

thanks for trying, but some of us don't want to experience it for ourselves unttilwe know what it entails! lol

waht I would like to see .. and it could be called a spoiler thread... is something like this:

first you are launched at such and such a speed up a big hill.... then.... you spin aroun 360 degrees, 2 times.. then.... etc. etc.

OR first it FEELS loike you are launched, but you really aren't, it's simulated.. then.... etc etc

yes, I really want to know exactly what will happen to me if I go on the ride. lol some think it silly, but that's me.

lol with you on that!

That inhale/exhale trick is how I manage the big drop on Splash Mtn and Jurassic Park. However, the ride photos look ridiculous. It does work, though!

yep gonna try it. I think I normally hold my breath in fear lol so I just breath out as we're about to drop?
ok for people that went on gringotts does it make you nauseos or dizzy, ive been on forbidden journey , desoicable me and those make me dizzy, but I love the mummy ride.
Just wondering- are resort guests able to enjoy Diagon Alley at this point, or does everyone have to wait for the Grand Opening July 8th?
Should have kept reading... I see people are sporadically getting in but it looks like not getting on Grinotts.

Should have kept reading... I see people are sporadically getting in but it looks like not getting on Grinotts. :)

We were in all day yesterday and going today. Gringotts is only for package guests. We are going as of not to grand opening tomorrow.
the ride sounds great. I did think it would be a bit more roller coaster like than a spiderman type ride.

Did the ride feel a good length of time?
I just read that the line is up to 450 minutes!:rotfl2:

How much of that would be inside and part of the preshow? I don't mind waiting for an hour if the last 30 minutes you have something to look at.

Won't bother at 450 minutes though no matter how good it is.
Hmm just watched a couple PoVs. I'm sure I will love it but at the same time it seems sort of derivative of Spidy in several ways, so suspect my expectations might be a bit high.
This may sound silly, but is Harry in the actual ride footage? I mean, I assume he is, the ride bears his name. But I have never seen mention of Daniel Radcliffe specifically doing any filming for the ride, unlike some of the other actors from the series.
This may sound silly, but is Harry in the actual ride footage? I mean, I assume he is, the ride bears his name. But I have never seen mention of Daniel Radcliffe specifically doing any filming for the ride, unlike some of the other actors from the series.

I've never heard any mention either and was wondering the same thing. I would certainly hope so.
Daniel Radcliffe has been too busy furthering his career

Thank you, that helps. I've never ridden spiderman or mummy cause tbh I assumed I'd hate them…thought they were coasters. Simulators I'm usually good on…Star Tours for example I love. Simpsons I hated but that's cause it simulated a roller coaster and a fall from a crazy height. But it sounds much more promising for me being ok on it. I survived FJ (if only just lol). Thanks
SPOILER (maybe) for spiderman and mummy!

since you feel the same way about coasters and thrill rides that I do, I just want to make sure you understand something.

mummy is NOT a simulator. it is a rollercoaster. you are really going downhill. kind of twistin while going down, left, then right, left then right, and pretty steep. but I am a scardey cat and tolerate it . probably cause I can't see how high I am.

spiderman is almost total simulation.. whild the vehicle moves and turns, you never go down any hills or fall. but the behicles does face downward. so that combined with the movie screen around you and the 3D glasses it totally SEEMS like you are faling down face forward. but you're not falling at all.
This may sound silly, but is Harry in the actual ride footage? I mean, I assume he is, the ride bears his name. But I have never seen mention of Daniel Radcliffe specifically doing any filming for the ride, unlike some of the other actors from the series.
Some articles say yes, others say no. That Diagon Alley special on TV seemed to imply the scenes were shot a couple years ago so who knows. I always feel it's pretty crappy of stars to turn their back on the show/franchise that made them who they are. It's not likely that anyone would ever hear of Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson had it not been for Harry Potter.
Some articles say yes, others say no. That Diagon Alley special on TV seemed to imply the scenes were shot a couple years ago so who knows. I always feel it's pretty crappy of stars to turn their back on the show/franchise that made them who they are. It's not likely that anyone would ever hear of Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson had it not been for Harry Potter.

They had stunt doubles for Gringotts scenes for Harry and Hermione. Then they digitally edited the faces to match Emma and Daniel. Really don't notice in the ride too much the it wasn't really Emma and Daniel. Rupert did come back for filming.

USO did a HORRIBLE job casting the Hermione voice actress for Hogwarts Express. The Harry actor sounds almost identical to Daniel's voice but I literally cringed every time the Hermione voice actress started speaking. I have rode HE 6 times now (three each way) and each time there is a little kid they as "why does Hermione sound weird?"
They had stunt doubles for Gringotts scenes for Harry and Hermione. Then they digitally edited the faces to match Emma and Daniel. Really don't notice in the ride too much the it wasn't really Emma and Daniel. Rupert did come back for filming.

USO did a HORRIBLE job casting the Hermione voice actress for Hogwarts Express. The Harry actor sounds almost identical to Daniel's voice but I literally cringed every time the Hermione voice actress started speaking. I have rode HE 6 times now (three each way) and each time there is a little kid they as "why does Hermione sound weird?"

Yep, we have about a dozen rides and the voice of her is horrible.
I think Emma Watson is going to get some backlash for not doing the voice.

It's not bad, it's horrible. It sounds like a 50 year old nasally woman try to hard for the part. Hope no one takes this wrong. :thumbsup2

A few times on the ride to Hogsmeade others in the train with us said everything is perfect accept for her voice. Anyone that knows the voice and films will think what's this weird woman hanging out with Ron and Harry. :rotfl2:
Yes the Hermione voice is horrible and Universal really should have done better on that one. However with that said I really do not blame Dan or Emma for not being involved this time. Emma was in the midst of finishing her senior year at Brown as well as working on things she was previously contracted for. As for Daniel, he is locked down work wise with film roles and Broadway.

Plus Dan and Emma are no longer contracted to do anything Potter related, so if Universal wanted to use them then they'd have to pay them and if Universal could avoid a Daniel Radcliffe sized paycheck I am sure they were happy to do so. They apparently already pay him some major royalties as it is. I am sure it is the same for Emma.
Yes the Hermione voice is horrible and Universal really should have done better on that one. However with that said I really do not blame Dan or Emma for not being involved this time. Emma was in the midst of finishing her senior year at Brown as well as working on things she was previously contracted for. As for Daniel, he is locked down work wise with film roles and Broadway.

Plus Dan and Emma are no longer contracted to do anything Potter related, so if Universal wanted to use them then they'd have to pay them and if Universal could avoid a Daniel Radcliffe sized paycheck I am sure they were happy to do so. They apparently already pay him some major royalties as it is. I am sure it is the same for Emma.

It would have taken either of them half a day to record that voice (if that) and it could have been done anywhere. I don't think time was the issue. I would bet it was a money related thing and a desire to separate themselves from the franchise...which isn't going to go over well with fans. If many of the other cast members could do it, I'm sure they could have as well.
It would have taken either of them half a day to record that voice (if that) and it could have been done anywhere. I don't think time was the issue. I would bet it was a money related thing and a desire to separate themselves from the franchise...which isn't going to go over well with fans. If many of the other cast members could do it, I'm sure they could have as well.

This kind of thing makes me angry.. This ride been planned for 2-3 years. They COULD of made time. I feel they should of. Yes HP is over for them, yet without HP they would not be famous....
They were so lucky to get the dream roles and its selfish I feel.
As damo said it would have been maybe half a day!
Daniel is out spoken about wanting to be rid of HP. Yea maybe its frustrating for him, yet he needs to remember HP is huge and many wanted his role.

Rupert made time to do it I think.
Emma may be busy but not for 2 years!
oh well


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