Bring on CarsLand! A Fun-Filled Mother-Daughter Birthday Trip! FINAL UPDATES 9/8!!!!

I really can't wait to visit Carsland, hopefully next year! The single rider line sounds like an awesome opportunity, I would definitely take advantage of that too. And the Cozy Cone is adorable - I'll definitely have to plan to stop here for food! And we will make sure to visit at night as well.

I love the idea of having a "snack day."

Your genie hug picture has me cracking up! What a great in the moment shot!

Tink looks very cozy in her winter outfit. I like it!

Glad you got to see the fireworks! Your pictures are wonderful.
Sounds like a fun night!
It really was!!!

I am very excited about riding the teacups at night in DLR! They just look beautiful and, for some reason, seem more Alice-y to me. :confused3
Yep - there is definitely something about it that is more special. And it is gorgeous at night!

Glad y'all got to see Wishes and that y'all were surrounded by nice people.
The fireworks and the experience with our neighbors were fabulous!

Carsland looks so cool @ night! I bet RSR is really fun at night. I'll have to work on getting us a nighttime FP next year.
It's definitely something you want to do at least once - it's very cool!

LOVE the nighttime pics, Roni!!! Isn't it great that Willow is getting a little older and can stay out later??!! Disney is so different at night.
I love Disney at night. It is a LOT easier for us to make it happen at DLR because we aren't struggling with the time change. ::yes:: And it's even easier in January, because it gets dark earlier and we aren't totally exhausted from the heat. :thumbsup2

Wish I could ride all those spinney rides like you....they just make me sick now. :upsidedow It's great that you can experience those with Willow.
I keep waiting to be struck by motion sickness - I'm going to be 45 next month. :scared1: I sure hope it never happens - I truly love doing all the coasters and spinning rides with Miss Willow. :cloud9:

And yay for the fireworks and seeing Tink!! When I was looking at your firework pictures, I got chills :goodvibes Now, the next time you venture to WDW, you HAVE to see Wishes ::yes:: And if you want a really good spot to see Tinkerbelle, do the Dessert Party at MK (loved it!!)
I definitely have the dessert party on my radar. I like the idea of having a comfortable spot. We did something akin to that at DLR this last trip, and it was definitely a plus. ::yes::

Carsland looks so different at night, doesn't it?! Wow! And it looked like lots more people, too.
Carsland is really amazing at night. It is something that must be seen if you are at DCA! :thumbsup2

Random thought're completely done with the other TR, right? Make sure you PM me when you're posting your new one:thumbsup2 I don't want to miss it :teeth:
I will definitely PM you with the new one - should be able to start pretty soon. Just trying to organize my pictures and thoughts - this one is going to be hard to keep a handle on my memory because we did so many different things, both Disney and non-Disney. Oh, and I am likely to have a PTR started next week as well. ;)

Hope you're getting things packed! Just a few days away!!!!
And now we're back!!! :rotfl2:

I just love all the pics of everything lit up!! The tea cups--our family fave!--look so cute!! Love the action shot of willow spinning!
There's something so cool about the parks at night, isn't there?

I'm so glad you got to finally see some fireworks and had so much pixie dust sprinkled on you by the people around you. That always makes me so happy when strangers are so kind there!
It really was a magical experience. We both enjoyed every second of it.

Carsland looks awesome at night! I'm glad RSR was back up for you.
Love Carsland at night - soooo cool!

It's so cool how you can get back to your hotel (and everywhere) so quickly at DL! I'll enjoy that when we finally get to go!
The convenience there really can't be beat. We love it - it's going to be weird when we go back to WDW after 2 or 3 stays at DLR in a row. We're going to be all, "what? We need to plan an hour to get to dinner??? :scared1:" :rotfl2:

P.S. The only seafood I eat is tuna (from those pouches, not tuna steaks) and fish stick type stuff. There's just something about it that does not appeal to me. Plus, DH is allergic to all seafood, so we never have it anyway. I'm probably missing out on something yummy, but I'm ok with it! :laughing:
:laughing: We all have our tastes, don't we? And they change so much over time too. It's nice that there's something for everyone at places like WDW!
I love the firewworks! I was so sad that they cancelled the fireworks the night I stayed to see them.
Oh no! I would be so disappointed. :(

Love Carsland at night! The Imagineers did an incredible job with the whole area.
Isn't it incredible? It has to be one of my favorite places in any Disney park I've visited to date. I am not even a big fan of the Cars movies (actually, I've only seen the first one), but what they did with that area is just mind-blowing.

Hope you guys are both feeling better!
Thanks - Willow was 100% before we left on our trip, and I'm definitely better. :thumbsup2

Very impressive!! The pictures from the fireworks are pretty good
:laughing: Thanks - I rarely get an even semi-decent fireworks picture. I am definitely no photographer. But I always try!

Just catching up after 15 days in WDW and jetlag :rotfl2:
Wow!!!! 15 days at WDW! Do you have a TR started? (I didn't check your signature - must do that!)

How great that Willow loved the single rider line, you got so much done :thumbsup2
She is OBSESSED with the single-rider line - she's always looking for one at every attraction now. :laughing:

I really can't wait to visit Carsland, hopefully next year! The single rider line sounds like an awesome opportunity, I would definitely take advantage of that too. And the Cozy Cone is adorable - I'll definitely have to plan to stop here for food! And we will make sure to visit at night as well.
You will LOVE everything about this area. I'm sure of it!

I love the idea of having a "snack day."
I do too! I wish we had done a better job of it! :rotfl2:

Your genie hug picture has me cracking up! What a great in the moment shot!
That may be my favorite picture from the trip. :laughing:

Tink looks very cozy in her winter outfit. I like it!
I love seeing princesses and fairies in winter gear. ::yes::

Glad you got to see the fireworks! Your pictures are wonderful.
Oh, thanks. I never have very good luck with fireworks pictures. I don't have a fancy camera, and don't even know how to find the "fireworks" setting on my little Canon. :laughing: I was lucky to get a couple that were decent enough to post.

I just went through your entire TR and I LOVED it! Thank you so much for sharing. :thumbsup2
Thank you!!! You are so sweet. I hope you will continue to read along and join in. And there will be another one starting soon as we just returned from a two-week road trip to DLR! :woohoo:
Hello DIS'ers!! I am finally back from our lengthy road trip to DLR! :woohoo: I cannot wait to tell y'all about this trip - we saw and did so many things, both Disney-related and not. I hope to have a new report started very soon and will post the link here.

Also, just as exciting, we have another trip planned for summer 2015. And this trip is going to be INSANE!!! I am hoping that we will once again be doing WDW and DCL. But we are really mixing things up this year, because for the WDW part of our trip, we won't be there just the two of us! AND you just may know the two vacationers who will be joining us. :woohoo: So I'm thinking a PTR is going to be in order shortly too - hoping to have a link to post to that sometime next week.

Now on with THIS TR!

Some Last Must-Do’s at Disneyland

The next day was Saturday - our last day at DLR until this coming summer. Today, early entry at DL was at 8:00. We headed out at about 7:30 - Willow grabbed a cereal bar that we had packed for just such a morning.

We were at the gates at about 7:40, and we were in and making our way down Main Street just before 8:00.

Love this little porch!

Now the weather during this trip was unseasonably warm and beautiful. So we knew that, it being a Saturday, the parks were going to be a lot more crowded than the previous days - DLR is very much a locals’ park to a certain degree. Our plan was to get in early, do some of our favorites and some things we had missed and head back to the hotel to pack up before our traditional last-night dinner. Once down Main Street, we headed right towards Tomorrowland. Oh, here are those pics of the outside of the Plaza that I promised way back during the Minnie Mouse breakfast update. :laughing:

Of course, you know where we were going - Space Mountain! We walked right on and requested the front row. We were on the ride by 8:10!

Of course, we had a great time!

Once we landed from our space voyage, it was a necessity to head straight over to the Matterhorn. Big surprise there! Looks like I caught the monorail in the Tomorrowland station in this shot.

We were riding the Matterhorn by 8:25.

Up Next: Some Last Must-Do’s at Disneyland Cont.
Some Last Must-Do’s at Disneyland Cont.​

We had not ridden the Alice ride yet this trip, so we got in the two-minute line for that next. This is always a fun ride - I remember it so vividly from when I was a little kid; I remember thinking how cool it was that the ride vehicle went outside during part of the ride. :laughing:

Willow couldn’t pass up this photo opp!

After our spin with Alice, it was about 8:40, and we wanted to head over to CA because it was opening at 9:00. We knew today was going to be a lot more crowded, so we wanted to go over there and do TSMM and a few of the things we had missed as well as use our anytime FPs for RSR! However, as we walked by Pixie Hollow, the CM there said there was no wait for the fairies, and that was all Willow needed to hear to make her need to visit her fairy friends one more time!

I, on the other hand, had a wicked headache this morning, so as we headed toward the front of the park, we stopped in at the Jolly Holiday Bakery for coffee. And, of course, cocoa for Miss Willow.

And soon we were on our way out of DL.

Up Next: Some Character Fun at California Adventure
i'm so glad you're back! I can't wait to hear all about the trip--i'm sure you all had a blast!

I love all the pictures of willow with her fuzzy hood up! so cute!

you guys got a lot done so fast that morning! i'm just loving DL more and more from your TR....
i'm so glad you're back! I can't wait to hear all about the trip--i'm sure you all had a blast!
Thanks! We really did have a great time, and I can't wait to share our experiences here on the DIS. I hope to get a new TR started this coming weekend. I seem to have a lot of reports going right now, so I want to get the others wrapped up once and for all as well! :scared:

I love all the pictures of willow with her fuzzy hood up! so cute!
She has two of those little animal hoodies - aren't they cute? She loves them so much - I thought she fit in well with the fairies. :laughing:

you guys got a lot done so fast that morning! i'm just loving DL more and more from your TR....
It's amazing what can be accomplished during the off season. :laughing:

Nice!! I love fairies in their winter wear.
Me too! I always love it when characters wear something a little different. I don't know why! :confused3

Sounds like y'all were off to a great start for the last day!
Every day in DLR is a GREAT day! :laughing:
Well, I haven't managed to get the TR started for our just-completed trip, but I do have a link to the PTR for what I expect to be our best, most exciting, most fun, most hilarious Disney trip ever!!!!

Here it is!

I would be thrilled if you would join me (actually, us) over there and help us with a very important task related to a couple of little princesses. ;)
GREAT character pics. Loving that hoodie on Miss Willow. How cute is she? I think we need to go to DL just to meet more fairies. I love them. At least I've met my girl Rosetta...

Hmmmm I may have to check out that PTR. Sounds fab! ;)
I have really been enjoying your trip report! :thumbsup2

Where is that cute little porch that you just posted a pic of? It looks like it is on Main Street, maybe?
GREAT character pics. Loving that hoodie on Miss Willow. How cute is she? I think we need to go to DL just to meet more fairies. I love them. At least I've met my girl Rosetta...
I love Willow in the hoodie with the fairies - cracks me up. You DO need to go to DLR! ;)

Hmmmm I may have to check out that PTR. Sounds fab! ;)
You really should! :rotfl2:

I have really been enjoying your trip report! :thumbsup2
Thank you so much for reading!!!! Another report coming soon - I hope you will join in! :goodvibes

Where is that cute little porch that you just posted a pic of? It looks like it is on Main Street, maybe?
Yep - on Main Street. Isn't it cute? We went back and enjoyed a little break there. :thumbsup2
Some Character Fun at California Adventure​

Moments later, we were at CA - it was just about 9:00.

Of course, Willow spotted Pluto at 9:05, so she just had to stop and visit with him again. She was telling him all about how she wished he was her dog along with her other dog and so on and so on. Pluto was petting her and fawning all over her. It was a very cute meet.

After Willow and Pluto said their good-byes, we headed towards Paradise Pier and TSMM.

On the way, we spotted Donald, however, and had to make another unplanned stop at about 9:15.

Donald was in rare form - the CM with him was threatening to draw Mickey ears on his hat, and Donald was getting pretty fired up about that. Donald started wielding our Sharpie as a sword and tried to fight the CM.

Up Next: New and Scary Rides
New and Scary Rides​

After our fun meet with Donald, we continued on our way.

We finally arrived at TSMM just before 9:20, but the ride was down.

We decided to wander all the way around the Paradise Pier area and try out Goofy’s Sky School, which we hadn’t done before.

We had to settle for this instead of TSMM.

Soon we had arrived at Goofy’s Sky School, which I discovered is a very jerky ride. Now this ride may be fun - I’m not sure. With a headache, however, it was not the best - I felt like my brain was being thrown against the hard shell of my skull over and over and over. Willow, of course, thought it was great!

This was to be a morning of firsts for us since we had never really spent much time in this part of CA before. Next up was Jumpin’ Jellyfish. This was less than exciting, but as a person who doesn’t do well with heights, I found it terrifying.

We tried out the Golden Zephyr next - again, not the best choice for someone who doesn’t like heights.

After these three high-in-the-sky new rides, I was positively thrilled to spend a little time under the sea.

It was still a little before 10:00, so we decided to wander over to see if TSMM was up and running yet. It was, but the wait was at 25 minutes, and Willow did not feel like waiting. We like TSMM, but we are not hard-core fans; it’s also not nearly as popular at CA as it is at DHS, so 25 minutes really seemed a long time to wait compared to the wait times we had had the last few days. We decided to do another first - King Triton’s Carousel!

Apparently I rode a seal.

Next, we did a little browsing in one of the nearby shops before gearing up for more rides.

Up Next: Of Course, We Returned to CarsLand!
I love that first picture of willow! she looks like she's definitely in her happy place and totally enjoying the moment!

and how cute is Donald in his sailor outfit?!? adorable!

king tritons carousel looks so colorful and pretty! I probably wouldn't be able to drag the girls off that! they love a carousel and that one is extra awesome.

goofy's ride looks like primeval whirl in AK. the first time we rode that, DH got the wind knocked out of him because it spun back and forth so much and slung him into the side. not our favorite and I couldn't imagine going on with a headache..... :( way to try those new rides though, brave momma! :thumbsup2
I LOVE the character outfits at DCA. Pluto's hat and Donald's sailor outfit are adorable!

I didn't end up doing any of those rides at DCA (except Little Mermaid) because we just kept going on California Screamin' :lmao: Sorry they were scary for you, but it looks like Willow loved them!


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