OT - let the chatting begin....... CHAT thread

Great pics :thumbsup2
I know a few people are from the north east on here so wondering if you can help ?
I'm looking for a frozen sing along before October 26th in our area if anyone here of one could they let me know I don't mind a bit of a travel.

There is one on our travel day in london but I couldn't get a train to get us there in time :sad:

I was going to do disney on ice but costs soon add up.
Tia Rachael
I think I've found one at the metro centre not showing every day going to see if I can get tickets.
Just incase anyone interested they are showing this for the last time in the morning at 11 at the metro centre super cheap too excited :)
Great pics :thumbsup2
I know a few people are from the north east on here so wondering if you can help ?
I'm looking for a frozen sing along before October 26th in our area if anyone here of one could they let me know I don't mind a bit of a travel.

There is one on our travel day in london but I couldn't get a train to get us there in time :sad:

I was going to do disney on ice but costs soon add up.
Tia Rachael
I think I've found one at the metro centre not showing every day going to see if I can get tickets.

We have tickets for this in Oct half term at Linden Hall: https://www.facebook.com/2nonblondesevents

Did you go to the one at the Odeon? We went Tuesday, hardly anyone was singing along - except Rosebug, her friend and I! We were belting them out!
I am child free for the weekend and using my free night to plan Disney stuff and arrange Rosebug's stuff for her Mini Great North Run.

She got her pack this week with her little pink tee in (it swamps her but she looks so proud in it) and I want to iron on the British Thyroid Foundation logo on the back as she is raising money for them. She wanted to dress as a princess on her way round but I don't think she is allowed. :confused:

She has raised quite a bit, but when she found out she got all excited and asked if it was enough to buy her a new thyroid. We explained and she understood but then said, "If I can't have a new thyroid, can I at least have some new lego?!" :rotfl: Oh how a childs mind works!

If anyone would like to sponsor her I can pm her online sponsor form (I have no shame where charity is concerned, feel free to ignore this! ;) )

I am currently googling trying to find autograph book ideas!!! Coming up lost tbh. I really want to make hers this time!
I made 2 autograph books within the last year. I put the persons name and Disneyland Paris on the front. Then ordered some felt Disney character stickers from ebay that I also stuck on the front. Then I looked on the design board on the Dis and printed off some character pages that have a nice border and a picture of the character on them. I stuck in the characters that I was sure we would see and then put many more in a poly pocket already cut to size which I kept in my bag along with a glue stick. Then when we were in Inventions and saw the characters I took the ones that were there out of the pocket and stuck them in quickly. I did the same whilst in line to see others characters at other points during the trip. They also had some generic castle page designs in the same format that I also printed off for characters that I knew I had not prepared for.

The characters loved this, especially when they saw themself on the page already and it lead to great interation for my nephew. After the trip I stuck the picture of my nephew with the character on the left hand page with the signature on the right.
I made 2 autograph books within the last year. I put the persons name and Disneyland Paris on the front. Then ordered some felt Disney character stickers from ebay that I also stuck on the front. Then I looked on the design board on the Dis and printed off some character pages that have a nice border and a picture of the character on them. I stuck in the characters that I was sure we would see and then put many more in a poly pocket already cut to size which I kept in my bag along with a glue stick. Then when we were in Inventions and saw the characters I took the ones that were there out of the pocket and stuck them in quickly. I did the same whilst in line to see others characters at other points during the trip. They also had some generic castle page designs in the same format that I also printed off for characters that I knew I had not prepared for.

The characters loved this, especially when they saw themself on the page already and it lead to great interation for my nephew.

They sound brilliant - I especially love the idea of the extra pages to add in! I am so OCD I would hate pages in their that weren't filled! :rolleyes1

Rosebug LOVES to draw, her entire life revolves around art and crafts. So I was thinking over the next few weeks setting her some tasks to draw the Disney characters I feel certain we will have the chance to meet, and then use them to make into an autograph book with her art on each page!

This was some of her Disney art from last year not bad for a 4 year old. Can you guess who they are? ;)


And this was her pirate homework from a few months back, she has really flourished in art doesn't want to read but loves drawing!

So I am thinking an autograph book with original art by Rosebug may be the way to go! What do you think?
We have tickets for this in Oct half term at Linden Hall: https://www.facebook.com/2nonblondesevents

Did you go to the one at the Odeon? We went Tuesday, hardly anyone was singing along - except Rosebug, her friend and I! We were belting them out!

Aww we where there wed !
not that I a meet and greet person tbh so don't worry about feb
I will say hi tho ;)
It wasn't what I want for the boys it was a bit limp wasn't it !!'
The one in london is £10 each so not that bothered we are to late really
I'm looking for something disney local that not going to Eat into my meal plan ;)
We leave 26th thanks for any help !!
Rosebug pm me the details we do a lot of work for charity at the club I work for :goodvibes
One of my boys going though I hard time at the min but nothing like rosebug
Quite the artiest you have there :)
This one is great:

Kermit Ice Bucket Challenge

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/Mmax3yEZX58?hl=de_DE&version=3&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/Mmax3yEZX58?hl=de_DE&version=3&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Love it! :thumbsup2

Lost my lovely father-in-law to MND so it's great to see so much support for it.
Rosebug pm me the details we do a lot of work for charity at the club I work for :goodvibes
One of my boys going though I hard time at the min but nothing like rosebug
Quite the artiest you have there :)

Oh no! Hope he is okay. It is so hard when your kids are having a tough time. :sad:

Sorry I never pm'd you the details, I missed this post! She does her run tomorrow - she is so excited! She wants her face painted like a butterfly (because thyroids look like butterflies) and has raised lots of money!

I just wish she was as interested in learning to read as she was drawing! It's ALL she wants to do!
Love it! :thumbsup2

Lost my lovely father-in-law to MND so it's great to see so much support for it.

MND is so awful and I am so glad that the IBC raised awareness (regardless of any ethical debates around the charities themselves) We talk about Reg Crew in lessons, and the students have usually never heard of MND and are really quite upset at how horrific a disease it is, and the ethics surrounding care, they came in on Tuesday buzzing about their IBC's and said they thought about Mr Crew when they did it and how they think he would have loved the challenges!

So sorry that you lost your FIL to it, so sad!
Oh no! Hope he is okay. It is so hard when your kids are having a tough time. :sad:

Sorry I never pm'd you the details, I missed this post! She does her run tomorrow - she is so excited! She wants her face painted like a butterfly (because thyroids look like butterflies) and has raised lots of money!

I just wish she was as interested in learning to read as she was drawing! It's ALL she wants to do!

If you have a collection tin thing can put out for you if you like ?
Hope you post pics butterfly's and all :)

I have a felling I will be at the RVI at some point tomorrow :sad:
I'm super stressed tbh and very upset my boy is unwell !!!
Ours all love to read rosebug will get there honest !!!
If you have a collection tin thing can put out for you if you like ?
Hope you post pics butterfly's and all :)

I have a felling I will be at the RVI at some point tomorrow :sad:
I'm super stressed tbh and very upset my boy is unwell !!!
Ours all love to read rosebug will get there honest !!!

Ah, it is all done online and text! Yes - will post pics!

What is up with your boy? I really hope he is okay.

Ah, it is all done online and text! Yes - will post pics!

What is up with your boy? I really hope he is okay.


Ah sorry Im a bit behind with stuff like that hope she does well !!

They are still in bed at the min but at the Dr again today before I go to work if I don't get any joy there my optician has said he will send him to the RVI.
Long story short I took them to chester zoo in the holidays he woke up the next day with a eye like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/15150823471/
I took hime to the out of hours he has loads of allergies I thought he been stung the said it's his hayfever take him to the dr if it no better I did gave me eye drops.then it looked like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/14967121380/
Been back to the dr gave me antibiotics now it looks like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/15150826341/
Worried to say the least !!!! This has been going on for a month now !
He has asthma and been in hospital quite a few time with that yet his twin never gets anything.
Sorry to go on I'm just worried good luck today xx
Ah sorry Im a bit behind with stuff like that hope she does well !!

They are still in bed at the min but at the Dr again today before I go to work if I don't get any joy there my optician has said he will send him to the RVI.
Long story short I took them to chester zoo in the holidays he woke up the next day with a eye like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/15150823471/
I took hime to the out of hours he has loads of allergies I thought he been stung the said it's his hayfever take him to the dr if it no better I did gave me eye drops.then it looked like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/14967121380/
Been back to the dr gave me antibiotics now it looks like this https://www.flickr.com/photos/121770563@N04/15150826341/
Worried to say the least !!!! This has been going on for a month now !
He has asthma and been in hospital quite a few time with that yet his twin never gets anything.
Sorry to go on I'm just worried good luck today xx

Omg Rach the poor chap. Hopefully it is just the body ridding itself of the allergens but I don't blame you for being worried. You would think a month would see him right as rain. Has he been to BBWWS already? Just a read about someone's little one having a reaction lately.
I hope it clears up very soon for him. Is it painful?

Well done Rosebug! Hope she enjoys the race. And if you crack the secret to getting an uninterested child to read do share!! It's like pulling teeth here! James would rather be anywhere else then sat at the table doing homework.
Omg Rach the poor chap. Hopefully it is just the body ridding itself of the allergens but I don't blame you for being worried. You would think a month would see him right as rain. Has he been to BBWWS already? Just a read about someone's little one having a reaction lately.
I hope it clears up very soon for him. Is it painful?

Well done Rosebug! Hope she enjoys the race. And if you crack the secret to getting an uninterested child to read do share!! It's like pulling teeth here! James would rather be anywhere else then sat at the table doing homework.

Well went to the dr this morning he said he really doesn't know what it is but he has a lump in his face under his eye.
I've been saying for weeks !!!
He sent us to Sunderland eye hospital after 4 hours a eye dr has told us he hasn't got a clue what wrong with him :(
He going to ring the children's eye dr on Monday and I will get an appointment from there.
I hope they sort it soon he looks so sad.
I saw that post Kizzy he's been twice and it has never bothered him it's been winter months though so his asthma not been to bad if it's getting worse I will dose him up before the show and ask to sit at the back.
If this is not better I may not have to go.

Hope your plans are going well !!!
Hope you get it sussed soon, hope he's not in too much pain :hug: and hope Rosebug's race went well. :goodvibes
Well went to the dr this morning he said he really doesn't know what it is but he has a lump in his face under his eye.
I've been saying for weeks !!!
He sent us to Sunderland eye hospital after 4 hours a eye dr has told us he hasn't got a clue what wrong with him :(
He going to ring the children's eye dr on Monday and I will get an appointment from there.
I hope they sort it soon he looks so sad.
I saw that post Kizzy he's been twice and it has never bothered him it's been winter months though so his asthma not been to bad if it's getting worse I will dose him up before the show and ask to sit at the back.
If this is not better I may not have to go.

Hope your plans are going well !!!

Oh gosh I hope you get to the bottom of it very soon. Does his asthma flair up much? Im 11 years since my last attack so hopefully I grew out of it completely but to be honest I didn't have it too badly. I cant remember the bad attacks because it was worst between 2 and 4 years old.
Don't worry it will all be ok and you will have a lovely holiday to look forward to.
Oh gosh I hope you get to the bottom of it very soon. Does his asthma flair up much? Im 11 years since my last attack so hopefully I grew out of it completely but to be honest I didn't have it too badly. I cant remember the bad attacks because it was worst between 2 and 4 years old. Don't worry it will all be ok and you will have a lovely holiday to look forward to. xxxx
Have you had him allergy tested? When I was young one of my eyes would swell up like that first picture. It happened maybe 5 or 6 times and I had no idea what caused it and the only thing I did was waited it out. Probably took some kind of allergy meds. I'm allergic to pretty much all animals that's can be pets. Also have asthma for 30 years but I wouldn't think that's related. My allergies have been HORRIBLE this last month. Eyes watering and itching everyday besides the sniffling sneezing stuff that goes along with it.


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