Show No Fear! DIS Exclusive Viva Italia+DLP TR Sept 2014*COMPLETE* New TR link added 7/3

Oh I am SO here! Loved seeing all your pictures on Instagram!

Your room looks nice, despite the tiny shower! ;)

Beautiful pictures of Rome!
Yay! Jumping in on this one. :) Your pictures on Instagram are gorgeous. Can't wait to hear about the trip. :)
Very cool read so far. As a kid I had no desire to go to Italy. (My dad is from Austria, and was very anti-Italy when I was growing up. "It's a dirty country!" etc.) But DW really has a fascination with it, and we really want to get there someday. Not sure we could swing Viva Italia though! I guess I'll live vicariously through your TR.

The bonds you make with the folks on the trip are pretty impressive though. Looks like we are planning a "reunion" of sorts in December 2016 with many of our group. Of course a lot of our group were Florida locals going out to California.
Oh I'm definitely here Kristy! Really looking forward to hearing about this amazing trip. And extra kudos for getting started so quickly. Wow!

Hmmm... scaffolding ruining pictures. This is officially a Disney Trip now. :rotfl2:
Woo I'm here! Sounds like an AMAZING trip. I remember listening to them discuss the itinerary for this trip on the podcast and it sounded like the trip of a lifetime!

PS. I'm in love with your Instagram photos so I can't wait to see the rest!
I will undoubtedly be terrible about replying as usual, but I am very excited to hear about this trip! It's a dream trip for me!
Joining in, of course!! It's already so awesome to hear about your Italian adventures. And I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even realize y'all were going to DLP, so when I saw your pictures on IG, I freaked out a little. :lmao: Can't wait to hear the rest!
Great start! I would love to do a ABD tour, but Ben has the same rservations about cost... maybe i can convince him that the experience is worth it if he reads this report ;)
Great start! I would love to do a ABD tour, but Ben has the same rservations about cost... maybe i can convince him that the experience is worth it if he reads this report ;)

Watching all the other folks in Rome and Venice rolling their luggage across town is almost reason enough.
Great start! I would love to do a ABD tour, but Ben has the same rservations about cost... maybe i can convince him that the experience is worth it if he reads this report ;)

I was unsure about the cost before this trip, but figured it was worth it for a once and a life time trip and to not to have to deal with anything. Now after taking the trip I couldn't travel any other way. It really is worth every penny for ABD. For hassle free worry free travel nothing can beat it.
Joining! Been jelously following your pictures on Facebook. Will go back and read update.

Glad to have you along for the ride, Phil!

I am sure you will do an amazing job! :worship:

:blush: Thanks!

Loving your writing style and the pictures!

It almost feels like I was there. Oh wait....:thumbsup2

Seriously, Dustin shot 6,000 pictures? He might have beaten Mike on this trip. :duck:

:rotfl: Yay, welcome aboard, Jeff!

It's going to take us forrrrreverrrrrrr to go through all the photos DH took and edit them, but it's so worth it!

I don't have time to read right now - but I'm staking a spot on the first page!

See ya all you 2nd page and later suckas!

OMG, Pete, this comment made me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Gorgeous photos!

And I'm excited because I know what happens next: I get to meet you, we eat a lot of great food, and... Well, I can't spoil the surprises!!!!

Thanks, Kathy! I know, I just want to get to EVERYTHING because it was all so amazing! But that food tour was definitely a great way to kick off the trip and get to meet my fellow adventurers and future friends. :thumbsup2

I'm here! Super excited to hear all about this trip! Love it so far. Italy, Disney, gelato, and great photos...what could be better?

Welcome! As far as I know, there's not much that can top all those things in one trip!!

I'm in! Cannot wait to read more!

Happy to have you, Melissa!!
Totally on board for this trip! So great that you had an uneventful flight and that DH was "cool" with you leaving.

The pictures of Rome are amazing, but I am sure that the church was fabulous. I can't even imagine!

Great start to your TR.

Cute room too - except for the tiny shower. Oh well!

So happy to see you, Mary Ellen! Paxton was just a tad bit too cool with us leaving, but I guess that's a good thing. He didn't start asking us when we were coming home until about day 10!

Pictures will never do the churches we saw justice. They are amazing works of art entirely.

That tiny European shower, ugh! But if that was only the worst of our troubles, I'd say that's pretty good. ;)

I'm here!!! is DS almost 4? :eek:

GELATO. Oh, I miss it.

I love the food service on international flights. I slept the whole time and woke up with a croissant in my lap. Beautiful.

The pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I wish we had done Rome as well. I will just have to live through your pictures!!

Courtney!!! So happy to see you!

I know, right?! :scared1: Where does the time go? Less than a month until his birthday!

Gelato was very high on my list of favorite things from this trip. :rotfl: We averaged at least one gelato stop per day, but oftentimes more than that.

It was so great going there. Sleep a couple of hours, served a hot meal; sleep a couple more, here's a snack; sleep a few more, breakfast! It was fantastic! And actually all pretty tasty.

Rome ended up being our favorite city. We are very "busy" people when it comes to vacation and don't like a lot of downtime, especially when we are going somewhere so far away that we might never be back to. So Rome was definitely our pace!

I can believe it. But if I count my Go Pro Time Lapse stills, that puts me around 20000. But I think Dustin out-clicked me on the DSLR.

:eek::eek::eek: Holy moly!

Oh yes girl! I'm so here I loved those pics during your trip! You totally got me wanting to this and Mu sister is so into to so hopefully one day!! Ok I'm going back to read!

OOOH, I hope you get to do this trip, or really any ABD trips because if the rest of them are even slightly as amazing as this one was, then I'm sure they're all fantastic!

Awesome start! So great to relive our visit through the TR, and can't wait to see new things too! We did a cooking class in the Trastevere neighborhood (and also did a walking tour of Rome on our first night there! It was a great way to keep our minds in check even if our bodies really wanted to go to bed!).

I still can't imagine leaving Aria for it, but it sounds like you had an amazing time nonetheless. :goodvibes

Can't wait to read more!

Welcome aboard, Lauren! So happy that you're here!

The food tour was just what we needed to keep us busy and keep us from going to bed way too early and getting our schedule messed up. And bonus, we got delicious food and great company! A cooking class sounds like it would be tons of fun! We really enjoyed Trastevere, it's such a cute little neighborhood and somewhere we might not have visited otherwise.

Leaving Paxton for 12 days was gut wrenching and I agonized over it for such a long time, up until the minute we left. But I have to say, although I had a few moments that made me cry a little from missing him, it was not as horrible as I thought it would be. I think it helped a lot that he was always in good spirits when we talked on Skype or FaceTime (or he didn't want to talk at all because he was too busy having fun!) so I knew he was doing fine without us.

Oh I am SO here! Loved seeing all your pictures on Instagram!

Your room looks nice, despite the tiny shower! ;)

Beautiful pictures of Rome!

Glad you enjoyed them! I had to remind myself to take pictures sometimes because I usually leave the camera work to DH, but it was fun taking some just for social media.

All of our rooms were beautiful! Besides that tiny shower, I can't say anything bad about any of the accommodations on this trip. We had beautiful rooms in amazing locations. We really got spoiled!

Yay! Jumping in on this one. :) Your pictures on Instagram are gorgeous. Can't wait to hear about the trip. :)

Thanks, Kelley!! I'm glad to have you along for the ride!
Very cool read so far. As a kid I had no desire to go to Italy. (My dad is from Austria, and was very anti-Italy when I was growing up. "It's a dirty country!" etc.) But DW really has a fascination with it, and we really want to get there someday. Not sure we could swing Viva Italia though! I guess I'll live vicariously through your TR.

The bonds you make with the folks on the trip are pretty impressive though. Looks like we are planning a "reunion" of sorts in December 2016 with many of our group. Of course a lot of our group were Florida locals going out to California.

Hopefully y'all can get there, one way or another. It's so beautiful! And there's just so much to see and do.

That's so awesome that you are meeting up with some trip buddies! It really is incredible the way you bond with these people you have just met. At the farewell dinner, I was just as sad to leave all of the people as I was to leave the beautiful country!

Oh I'm definitely here Kristy! Really looking forward to hearing about this amazing trip. And extra kudos for getting started so quickly. Wow!

Hmmm... scaffolding ruining pictures. This is officially a Disney Trip now. :rotfl2:

Yay, Rob!! I'm so looking forward to sharing it with y'all! I am always wringing my hands when we get home from a trip, ready to start the TR. You're amazed at how quickly I started, and I'm more amazed that I didn't start sooner than that...I'd have started on the plane, if I could have! :rotfl:

You have NO idea. There will be so. much. scaffolding. to come! :lmao:

Woo I'm here! Sounds like an AMAZING trip. I remember listening to them discuss the itinerary for this trip on the podcast and it sounded like the trip of a lifetime!

PS. I'm in love with your Instagram photos so I can't wait to see the rest!

Welcome!!! It was definitely a trip of a lifetime, and I'm not sure how anything else could top it. I was so excited that we were able to not only take a Viva trip, but that we were able to take part in this special itinerary. Kevin & John did such an incredible job weaving together a perfect trip!

:goodvibes Thanks! DH's are waaaay better, I promise!!!

I will undoubtedly be terrible about replying as usual, but I am very excited to hear about this trip! It's a dream trip for me!

:rotfl: No worries, lurkers are always welcome! I hope you are able to make your dream a reality one day. It's so worth it!

Joining in, of course!! It's already so awesome to hear about your Italian adventures. And I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even realize y'all were going to DLP, so when I saw your pictures on IG, I freaked out a little. :lmao: Can't wait to hear the rest!

Welcome, Marissa! So happy to have you on board! DLP was something I kind of fought for awhile because I didn't like the idea of adding extra days away from Paxton. But once we got there and I experienced it, there were several times I turned to DH and said, "Thank you for making me do this!" It was great to have an extra touch of Disney on our trip!

Great start! I would love to do a ABD tour, but Ben has the same rservations about cost... maybe i can convince him that the experience is worth it if he reads this report ;)

Definitely direct him to my TR if he needs convincing, as I will often be gushing about how wonderful ABD is and how it was totally worth the money. DH replied to you too, and if you only knew how much he hates parting with his money, that should tell you something! :rotfl: Like he said, we won't ever go to a foreign country any other way. It's just too nice having ABD take care of everything from beginning to end.

Yay! Another trip report to enjoy! Looking forward to reading along about your adventure! :wave2:

Welcome! I'm glad to have you!!

Watching all the other folks in Rome and Venice rolling their luggage across town is almost reason enough.

Amen to that!! Magical luggage is nearly worth the premium price on its own!

I was unsure about the cost before this trip, but figured it was worth it for a once and a life time trip and to not to have to deal with anything. Now after taking the trip I couldn't travel any other way. It really is worth every penny for ABD. For hassle free worry free travel nothing can beat it.

:thumbsup2 Ditto!!
I was unsure about the cost before this trip, but figured it was worth it for a once and a life time trip and to not to have to deal with anything. Now after taking the trip I couldn't travel any other way. It really is worth every penny for ABD. For hassle free worry free travel nothing can beat it.

...and don't forget the pixie dust pixiedust:
OOOH, I hope you get to do this trip, or really any ABD trips because if the rest of them are even slightly as amazing as this one was, then I'm sure they're all fantastic!
They are! They really are! ::yes::

I've done six so far, and they've all been beyond fantastic! :thumbsup2

Might I suggest Greece next? Or Scotland? :) Or there's an adults only Central Europe trip in early Sept next year! ;)

I was unsure about the cost before this trip, but figured it was worth it for a once and a life time trip and to not to have to deal with anything. Now after taking the trip I couldn't travel any other way. It really is worth every penny for ABD. For hassle free worry free travel nothing can beat it.

Welcome to the ABD addicts club Dustin!

I'm just so jealous and excited to read about this trip. Post as many of the thousands of pictures as you want to!!!!


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