Disney Tattoos

I have 10 tattoos, 2 of which are Disney inspired. I plan to eventually have a full Disney "leg sleeve". So far I have the stained glass from Beauty and the Beast on the back of my left calf and Mary Poppins' bag and umbrella below that on my outer ankle area. http://s631.photobucket.com/user/owliecupcake/media/beautyandbeasttat.jpg.html http://s631.photobucket.com/user/owliecupcake/media/marypoppinstat.jpg.html I plan to get a classic Minnie on my foot, Alice painting the roses red on my inner leg opposite the carpet bag and the Up house above that. My upper thigh is going to have Maleficent's dragon, Captain Hook, and Ursula. Now I just need to decide what to put on the upper part of my lower leg (if that makes any sense) over the Mary Poppins tattoo. I was originally planning to get Cinderella's castle, but now am thinking of getting something Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion, or Mary Blair/Small World. Any suggestions? I love DW and classic Disney. There are just so many great Disney ideas and I only have so much skin. lol Christina

I LOVE!!!!! your stained glass tattoo! That's awesome work by your artist!
I have my next Disney Tattoo design. I commissioned Kerry-Ann the artist responsible for the lineart Ariel and Tink that people love so much.
Her artwork can be found here: http://kezzamin.deviantart.com/gallery/26621579/Disney-Lineart Be sure to credit her or contact her if you use her work.

I had her draw up a version of Dopey in celebration of completing the 2015 WDW Marathon Dopey Challenge. Should have it done in the next couple of weeks.
I can't get the picture to load :guilty: but I can relate. Legs are a pain to photograph!
Hey when I quoted it your photos appeared! Looks great!
I got some more work done on my leg. This is on the left side of my lower left leg. Madame Leota from the Haunted Mansion, a bird and some flowers from Tiki Room, and the clock tower from Small World. It's hard to get a good photo of it.
Those look great, Alli!

My artist (also named Alley) posted some better photos of my leg today, so I swiped them and updated my post up there.
Those look great, Alli!

My artist (also named Alley) posted some better photos of my leg today, so I swiped them and updated my post up there.

Thanks Christina! Those pics really show off the details! My artist - a guy named Wes - just switched shops as the one he'd been at for years just closed when the owner decided to retire. Sucks cause now I have to drive to the other end of the city and his rate is higher at this new shop but the good news is one of the other artists at the shop looks absolutely perfect for another piece I've been planning.
Thought I'd post some of my work. Hope you enjoy, I know the Mickey won't be to a lot of peoples taste.

And then some Star Wars!

Not a Disney tattoo, but my daughter just turned 18 and she wanted a tattoo. So we got matching ones, (designed it myself), & it's the first for both of us. Now we are planning on #2 soon. (not matching)
mum is getting piglet on her leg on thursday,i will put a photo on when its done.
I plan on having mickey on my back but can't decide between colours or shaded.
Yeah, I'm not sure I want color or not. I suppose you could go with black and have it colored later. Not sure about that. I'm going to ask the artist, then decide.
Just a heads up for people thinking about getting a Disney tattoo:

Every once in a while, Disney lawyers go on a mini rampage and start threatening tattoo artists with lawsuits for tattooing copyrighted characters and making money off of property that isn't theirs. If Disney is on one of these kicks, the artist may refuse to do the ink; my artist declined doing Simba when the movie first came out for this very reason, but remembered and offered to do it a couple of years later. (When I'd already filled the spot. Thanks, Chris. *raspberries*) Chances are this would affect people who go to big name artists moreso than the guy down the street.

So if the artist declines, they're not being a jerk, they're just watching their tail. Give it a while and the artist might be happy to do it later when things cool down a bit. :)
Really...wow...thanks for the heads up. It's pretty rural up here in NH and VT, so I don't think it's an issue. And....I've seen some Disney work in their portfolio's. But....good information to have. Thanks.
I would LOVE to get a tattoo but I am one huge, massive, gigantic CHICKEN! I have very little pain tolerance. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to let the tattoo artist finish his artwork.

Does anyone with multiple tattoos have opinions on the least painful and the most painful body locations?

Also, more pictures would be great. I can live vicariously through fellow DISers until I build up the nerve to get my own!
I recently asked a Tattoo artist where he thought was the most sensitive area to get a tattoo. He said the rib cage. My sweetheart's daughter designed one for her back, it's really large, she said she passed out. One woman I asked at the dentist office, she said it felt like a hundred bee stings! Ouch. Now....I think these are extreme cases. My nephews, both heavily tattooed, in their late 30's said, it feels like needle pricks, like thorns on a picker bush. I've gotten lots of scratches from thorns and am thinking....it's not too bad! It's fun to think about anyway.
WOW! This has got to be the most active I have seen a Disney tattoos thread on this board! Awesome!!!!

If anyone has pics that they want to post but don't know how you can set up a free account at something like photobucket (or the Dis actually also has a photo posting section) and put your pictures on that. Then do an advanced reply and there is an icon for you to click to enter the address of your picture for it to put it in your post.

My two cents on tattoos and pain:

I'm not a big tattoo person, I have two, one on my back inbetween my shoulders, and one on my ankle (my mickey I posted) but both of my parents are covered and my husband has quite a few of his own too. . .. and I have a couple tattoo artists that are friends.
I am not big into pain!
I have given birth. . . but even though I was determined to go au natural I didn't make it and got an epidural (this pregnancy I am not even going to kid myself).
Yet, I found tattooing bearable. I just kept telling myself that the hour(s) of pain would be worth it for something that would last a lifetime (with the occassional touch up, ofcourse).

From what everyone has told me the closer it is to bone the more it hurts, and also the closer it is to areas full of nerves. The tops of the feet and hands, and on collar bones are supposed to be the most painful. Followed by ankles, shoulder blades, wrists, neck, etc. The least painful place supposedly is the breast or chest. Ofcourse this all varies from person to person, and one's weight, and pain tolerances, etc.
In fact my tattoo on my ankle was less painful than the one inbetween my blades, traditionally a spot that isn't supposed to be too bad, especially if you have some cushioning there like I do.

So, if you really want to know the best spot to get a tattoo my opinion is this: where you will be most happy seeing a tattoo for the rest of your life. Because ultimately that's what matters. . . . it might be the most painful spot you could have ever picked but if you never come to regret it then it will be worth it.

The quickest tattoo you could ever get is a name or writing. They also heal the quickest because the writing is so thin as opposed to inches thick. And it is hard for even a subpar artist to mess up writing.

Take into account healing, if you don't have anyone to help you, then the back is really not a good place to get a tattoo. And try and avoid getting a tattoo where clothes could rub it while it's healing. I won't give any other tips as far as healing goes other than do whatever your artist tells you. Just about every artist will have a different way of telling you how to heal it, this is mainly because no one but them knows what works best for their art. Different techniques call for different after care. (But do be wary of anyone that tells you to use neosporin)

Also, some tips for getting a tattoo:

Eat before you get it done! When you get a tattoo your body releases alot of endorphins. . . . and if you haven't eaten in awhile then it can cause your blood sugar to drop considerably. And you are technically causing trauma to your body when you get a tattoo so make sure you give your body fuel and fluids to help it handle it.

Take deep breaths!!! Remember to breath while your getting a tattoo. May sound simple but it really will help with the pain! You don't know how many times I caught myself holding my breath during my first tattoo. It can actually make things hurt to hold your breath cause it messes with your blood flow and actually causes your skin to tighten, making you feel the needle a whole lot more. So, breath, try and relax and things will go faster and easier.

Find a good artist with good recommendations. Different artists have different "touches" While the principle is the same and they all basicly have to do the same thing (get the needle in the same approximate depth, etc) different artists will have different ways of doing it. Try and find an artist with a "delicate" touch.

Also, find an artist that meets your needs. . . .do you like to have someone that chats you up while you're getting your hair cut? or do you prefer someone who is quiet and leaves you to your thoughts? That's something to consider with an artist.
If you like a chatty sort then it helps when you're getting a tattoo to have someone talking with you to keep your mind off of the pain.
But it can also be a bad experience when you're getting poked with a needle and clenching your teeth wishing the artist would just shut up!

Ok, I know that's a lot of info and stuff. . .. but in my opinion a tattoo should be a lifetime commitment and so many different little factors can play alot in whether your happy with it or not.
Even if it's just a little tattoo that only takes 45 minutes to do. . . . it's still there permanently. Not all the tattoos that people come to regret are big. . . some can actually be quite small.
Thank you so much for all your advice! I am in the process of finding an artist. I've looked at most of the local artists portfolios online and have received some recommendations from random people I ask....if they have tattoos. Most people really love showing off their tattoos and love to talk about them. I'm designing my own. I'm not an artist but I have some artistic talent. My plan is to rough something out and have the artist embellish it. I want to do a Jack Skeleton with hidden Mickie's, lots of scroll work. Love this site! It has been inspirational. Thanks for your thoughts.
DH has talked about getting another tattoo. It would be his thrid. I'm saying no more tattoos but when he mentioned a Disney themed tatto I have to say I liked the idea!!!;) He says he would like to get a really intricate tattoo that has a hidden Mickey in it. His theory is only the true Disney lovers will spot Mickey and appreciate it.
Right on!


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