DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

I don't foresee this happening anytime soon (if at all) but sending some of the crew to cover Disney and Universal parks in Asia and Europe would be really cool.

I don't know who would be game and how the logistics could work (the flight to Japan alone makes me antsy).

Craig/Ryno/JL could go to cover Universal Japan (they still have Back to the Future The ride running!!), and also have some others there to cover Tokyo Disneyland and then everyone runs to Hong Kong and Shanghai to cover those parks (Shanghai opening in 2016).

Seems like the kind of trip that would need to be 2 weeks minimum to also have time to explore and factor in travel days.

I'm really surprised none of them have ever gone to Tokyo. Tokyo Disneyland and Disneysea and always said to be some of the best Disney parks there is and is how Disney should run the American parks. OLC seems to do a fantastic job, it is my dream to see those parks some day.
I don't foresee this happening anytime soon (if at all) but sending some of the crew to cover Disney and Universal parks in Asia and Europe would be really cool.

I don't know who would be game and how the logistics could work (the flight to Japan alone makes me antsy).

Craig/Ryno/JL could go to cover Universal Japan (they still have Back to the Future The ride running!!), and also have some others there to cover Tokyo Disneyland and then everyone runs to Hong Kong and Shanghai to cover those parks (Shanghai opening in 2016).

Seems like the kind of trip that would need to be 2 weeks minimum to also have time to explore and factor in travel days.

Pete could send me to cover the Asian parks, I'm fairly close, the flight to Japan isn't that long for me.

Disneyland Paris would seem like an easier trip to go and cover. Shorter flight, cheaper, smaller resort, etc.
Kevin and John just went to DLP, I'm sure they'll discuss it at some point in the near future
Kevin and John just went to DLP, I'm sure they'll discuss it at some point in the near future
I sure hope so I would love a show on DLP. They are currently doing a lot of refurbishment work there to fix everything. BTMRR just went down for 13 months.
I sure hope so I would love a show on DLP. They are currently doing a lot of refurbishment work there to fix everything. BTMRR just went down for 13 months.
Holy crap! 13 months?!
Imagine the uproar in WDW or DLR if that happened there?!
Holy crap! 13 months?!
Imagine the uproar in WDW or DLR if that happened there?!
Actually disneylands was just closed for 14 months a year ago when it got its entire track replaced and added a bunch of new affects. WDW's version is set to get a four month refurb next year. Also DLP's Space Mountain was closed for like 7-8 months this year and is going to close again for new cars and upgrades in 2017 for like 8 months again. Pretty much everything is being redone at DLP.
I never listened when they had it (only when going back listening to the archives) but I don't miss it so much, I do miss the survey's though.
I think little competitions would be awesome. Something to get the listeners/viewers involved.
And I don't mean competitions with prizes like trips or whatever, just little things, magic band skins, dis phone cases etc
Like the where in the world and caption this but even things like "in 25 words or less tell us XYZ" and have the team read some of their faves out
Those were hilarious. Maybe the funniest line in the history of the show came from an email show. John's "Here's your rocket bar you fat cow." I don't think Pete stopped laughing for the rest of the show!
You don't happen to know the date of that show, do you? I'd love to listen. :-)
Hi All,

I'm going to merge this thread with our official suggestions thread so all of these ideas are in one spot. :)


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