ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

:laughing: I answered it before I saw your prediction!

It's scary sometimes how much we think alike. (Although this one was a soft lob.)

NO WAY! People park their Corvettes up here between October and May.

You failed to see that that was the entire point.

Uh, oh.
Last time I did that.... two ladies left the DIS!

Not enough Rightguard?

Still have Alberta trip and a brief nod at Vegas.

Looking forward to those. :)

Looks nice but I'll probably never do it. One for the price and two because I don't eat any seafood. I'm a very picky eater. I think I would be embarrassed. Also, I don't drink wine or coffee. I'm the weirdo that gets steak medium well and uses ketchup.

Yeah, probably not the best experience to plunk down some money here then. Wine is a big part of this; there are, depending on which menu you choose, 2-3 seafood courses, and the steak is done how chef likes it- they don't even bother to ask how you'd like your meat cooked.

Actually... she has a very dry, very fun sense of humour.
I hope she doesn't shut down and shut up with you guys.
I think she will though. Ah well.

I'll do my best to make her feel comfortable; can't do much more than just be myself. Take it or leave it. :)

Actually... this one has me... a bit sad.
I said I'd do every ride with her, but....
I felt sick for a good 30 minutes (or longer) when I did Mission Space .
And after you saying you felt fine on MS but were sick after MNSFWoD....

Just... no.

There are non-rocking cars, but for her, what'd be the point?
I see you already figured that one out.
Not really. But soon....

:thumbsup2 I can do that! I've already got Harley tank tops, T-shirts, and jewelry. I even have a jacket and chaps, but that was 20 years size ago! :lmao:

I always knew you had a bada$$ side, Alison!

You have to admit though, it might sound funny to Ruby. "Dad was really nice, he got me an extended ride while he waited. But don't worry he wasn't alone, he had those two nice ladies. I'm not sure why he kept referring to them as 'his harem'." :laughing:

:lmao: Well, it'd be rude to just ditch him and leave him to his own devices.

Oh, wait... maybe he'd prefer that...?

Liesa played flute and oboe, so we're woodwind buddies with her at heart!

If you know of anyone looking for a Gemeinhardt solid silver professional, let me know. It's on the market as of now. Needs pad and springs. $1,200.

"Who exactly are these 'harem' women????"

Not the entire female population of your readers?

Oh? I thought you and Liesa of the Tequila had more of a wet sense of humour.

Who me?! :rolleyes1

Steppe - where is your trip in your siggie?

Uhhhh, not the 3rd one down? The ABCs....?

good point.

I make a few now and then.

Caught up...... and too tired and too late to comment.

I'll be back....

I'll be here!

(Good to see you, Pat!)
That, I can handle. But it's going downhill from there!

So, you draw the line at putting your napkin on your lap. (I get it. I mean why, when a sleeve works so well?)

As much as a smartass as I am here, I'm really pretty introverted until I get to know someone.

So, you're a lot like most of the rest of us on her.


Sure you were... :rolleyes1

Well, I mean I did have to weave the switchbacks of the monorail queue.

Wow what an amazing night you had from the start with the monorail to your unexpected meet with your clan members.It's only what you deserved after your long slog to graduation. V & A the food or should I say art looked so good.The personalised menu with your name on it was the defining touch talk about making you feel special.Glad you enjoyed it.

WOW was a very apt term. I'm glad you enjoyed the update! :)
No doubt it'd be more fun with company. If I decide to do it again, and I very well might, I'll put another call out for a dinner date.

Sounds good! :)

But you do score some rather nice DISMeets, though.


You know... discriminating used to not be a bad word. And there is a difference. Some occasions are meant to be completely classy and if that means saying no to "anything goes", I'm ok with that.

You are correct. "He has discriminating taste."
Refined. Respected perhaps?

You do know "Fun" is my middle name, right?

How many middle names do you have???

A lesson learned too late. It cost me Canadian gifties.



Resting: The act of resisting the urge to bow to others' demands or self-inflicted feelings of guilt in not kowtowing to the tyranny of the to-do list (which will be there tomorrow). The act of restorative downtime meant to (and medically necessary) restore to body, mind and soul. That which prevents heart damage so you can continue to go to Disney and other fun trips with people you love.

You paint a lovely picture.
Maybe some day....

Uhhh, I forgot aleady what this was in reference to, so I'll go with 42.

It was in reference to you telling me what chaptalizing means.

There... right up there^!


Steppe doesn't generally do stilettos because Steppe is... petit. The look of walking on stilts might look ummm, awkward. However, there may be occasion where it might be acceptable. Like V&As.

Makes sense. No point in having heels that are taller than you are.

You do know that you can order almost any cheese online, right?

Yes. But thought I'd look here first. There's a place that sells nothing but Italian here so I looked for one there.

You are right. I concede. This evening was truly magical from the time I stepped out of my door; not one minute wasn't amazing. Well, ok , there was that one... when I couldn't find my way back to my table.


Throw out some ideas...

:lmao: Don't tempt me!
What an amazing great day or yourself!!

Most definitely!

Precious! What a special moment!

One of the best, certainly of this trip, but quite possibly of my life.

This is where my eyes eyes welled up! So very cool

Mine did too. And I wasn't sorry.

You're like Cinderella

Well, except for the really awesome blue ballgown.

Wow, I bet that was fun!

Let's just say we laughed a lot!

Oh man, i so totally would have joined you for this! What an amazing experience! I'm putting this on my "must do" list for when I turn 50, I've got 3 1/2 years to save up! Not sure it's Bob's thing though so I may be searching for dining partner of my own

I'm turning a nice, (ok, not so nice) "Round Number" myself in May. Might have to do this again for proper celebration purposes.

Don't feel bad. I just guessed the first number that came to mind, and I'm way off, too. So neither method really works.

So, yeah, save myself a crapton of time in calculations next time and make something up. Got it.

You're darn right, Melissa!

And don't you forget it!

From my point of view, you chose...wisely.

Once in a while my choices actually make sense. On occasion they actually may even be wise.

Both beer and coffee were acquired tastes for me. And I still prefer both far towards the less-bitter end of the scale.

I did try a sip of beer the other night- I think it was a dark stout? I actually think I could have given it a college try to finish it. Maybe if I developed a taste, I could save some money. Cocktails are spendy...

Oh, well that changes things. I'm always open to bribes.

I'll tell you the same thing I did to Ponzi, throw some things out there... I pay well in GCs to Taco Bell. You know to undo all of the hoity-toity food you'd get.

I'm better at Yahtzee.

That's weird, I thought Yahtzee WAS all stats!

It's hard to improve upon perfection!

So you're saying leave the Dole Whip float exactly as is. Got it.

I'd be so out of my depth!

Oh, nice! I see what you did there.

And cement is not the same thing as concrete!

This one I actually know.

Engineering is very glamorous.

I just showed that to Mike. He about died laughing and is going to forward it to the ODF bridge guys.

Looking at the photo, I still have no idea how it works. But I'm really curious.

Only one way to find out... :rolleyes1
I knew you guys wouldn't leave that one hanging!:thumbsup2

Julie says she likes going with me to formal ceremonies because she enjoys my running commentary. Of course, she has to say that; she's stuck with me.
You failed to see that that was the entire point.

You are a cruel, cruel woman.

Not enough Rightguard?

Danged Florida heat!!!!

I'll do my best to make her feel comfortable; can't do much more than just be myself. Take it or leave it. :)

That's all I ask.
I don't want anyone changing because of her. Learn to live with others dear.

There are non-rocking cars, but for her, what'd be the point?

Yup. She also has to learn to live with disappointment.

Not the entire female population of your readers?

Totally understand! I just finished @pkondz and I have to do stuff now. Yours and @Captain_Oblivious up next.

LOL! We all just bounce around keeping up as best we can, don't we? And we get caught up one day, only to be hosed the next day when we sign in.

Same as last week... probably similar to next week.

But the week after that!!!!!!!!!

Will also probably be similar.

(Well, actually there were a few highs in there... so that's nice.)

Glad you had a few nicer things happen besides work, shoveling, home/house commitments. :) And even snuck a movie in this week too! Nicely done!

Well, I'm finally catching up on your last wonderful update. What a fantastic way to treat yourself! It sounds like it was well worth it. I have always been intrigued by this type of experience, but I have never tried and I would probably feel out of place. I don't have the most refined palate and truth be told, I would probably be more comfortable having corn dog nuggets at Casey's.

And you know what? Truth be told, I am an amazing chameleon in this area. TBPH, I am happy as a pig in a mud puddle at Casey's too.

But I can certainly appreciate what a great evening this was for you and it seems everything went well, from the monorail ride with the beautiful princess

It was very elegant and certainly held some amazing surprises.

(the little girl was cute too :))

Awww, shucks. :blush: Thank you, Jeff.

to the unexpected company to finish the meal.

I was stunned. But in a happy, let's do this, sort of way.

I hope you enjoy The King and I.

Shaaaaallll we dance, ba dum, dum, dum...

What's not to like? Live orchestra, ball gowns, a progressive King, a love story....

just me and DD16 went out to see a local production of Hairspray and we went out for dinner first.

This melts my little heart. NOTHING more amazing than a daddy and his girl out on a date having a nice time. She'll treasure those times for her whole life.

It's not often a teenager spends a night out in public with just her father.

No, and she may not show it, but she does love it. Even the dad jokes.

How lovely you are going to Seattle with your girls and taking them to see The King and I. I have not had the pleasure of seeing the orginal stage show only the movie but I adore it. I hope your girls enjoy it as nuch as you did with your parents. I am sure they will!

It's such a great story. I found the movie to be harder to watch in the more difficult themes and how they portrayed those, but overall a great story. It'll be interesting how this new adaptation treats those. (The forced harem parts). I'll do a little chapter on it, as I did last year.
Your meal and experience at V&As, awesome! I tend to not be comfortable eating with folks I do not know well, but then again, I am not comfortable eating alone in public places. Rather a no-win situation. I think it is wonderful that you can venture out to a classy joint such as Vic and Als and have such a great adventure.


Hey, Kate :)

You would probably love it then if you did find someone to go with and just enjoy the 3 hour long, very relaxed experience as a whole. You are treated with such careful attention it's just amazing. I'd actually do it again, given the chance.

Okay, all caught up! Been reading along but typically on my phone so normally not able to reply. Glad you found your phone. Funny about trying to reach the kids after their ride on Mission Space. At least you didn't get the response I did when I texted them during the trip............"Who is this???" :rolleyes1:rotfl:

Well, looky here! Glad you could make it back. ;)

LOLOLOLOL! Yesh, I didn't clue the kids in on phone numbers and such, but they DID know we'd be meeting up. On the other hand, I am glad they have enough street sense to ask who it is that's texting them.

Glad you enjoyed your V&A's experience. It does look amazing, but not exactly my thing. I enjoyed looking at the pictures and the artistry of the different dishes. I would have been a willing dining partner if for no other reason than to be your personal paparazzi, photo-documenting the experience for you..........if they would have let me sit there and dine on a cheeseburger or a simple steak while you satiated your gluttonous side. :-) So cool ending your evening with dining companions, and the familial coincidences. :goodvibes

NO, BUT, you did actually seriously consider going with me. So, the idea must not have been THAT repulsive. ;) And Yeah, not a single picture of me during that meal. Not one. I needed a personal papaprazzi!!!!

Honestly, a very cool ending to the evening. I was pretty happy about how the whole thing worked out from beginning to end.

And I totally agree.........what a beautiful little Princess to help grace your evening! :love:

Wasn't she just perfect? Such a little lady.
You are correct. "He has discriminating taste."
Refined. Respected perhaps?

Something like that.

How many middle names do you have???

Completely depends on the context. (Feel free to interpret that however you wish.)

OMG, you're starting to look JUST like my 14 year old.

It was in reference to you telling me what chaptalizing means.

OH. Right. (Thank you for doing the hard work of that which I should be doing on my own thread, but am too lazy. Or busy.)

Okay, so from what I understand about chapitalizing (and I know you've already googled this, sooooo.....), it is the process of adding sugar to unfermented grapes in order to boost up the ETOH content. Fortifying, so speak, but not adding it to the end product, but rather adding it before it ferments.

Apparently, it's a controversial process as it gives "unfair" advantage to poorer growing climates, so is heavily regulated and overseen by wine councils.

Makes sense. No point in having heels that are taller than you are.

True. Because then my middle name would be DeVine.

Yes. But thought I'd look here first. There's a place that sells nothing but Italian here so I looked for one there.

IMHO, Dutch cheese is superior, but only because I REALLY love a good Gouda.

:lmao: Don't tempt me!

Sigh. My work is not done here.

You are a cruel, cruel woman.

Only when I need to be and when it involves a Corvette.

That's all I ask.
I don't want anyone changing because of her. Learn to live with others dear.

Life lessons.

Yup. She also has to learn to live with disappointment.

More important life lessons.

No, the one with Tink that says two months until I get the royal treatment.

Oh, well, I'm actually not going to do a dedicated TR for this trip. At least I don't think so. Certainly not a PTR. I'm busy with this one and if I do a TR, I think I'll embed a few chapters in to this TR and call it good. I'm SURE there will plenty of stories to share though, so stay tuned.
Oh, well, I'm actually not going to do a dedicated TR for this trip. At least I don't think so. Certainly not a PTR. I'm busy with this one and if I do a TR, I think I'll embed a few chapters in to this TR and call it good. I'm SURE there will plenty of stories to share though, so stay tuned.
I mean where are you going? You probably said but I don't remember.
Hey, loved your account of your amazing V&A dinner! Just think if you had found a dinner partner, you may not have met up with your Scottish kin!:flower1:

I had big plans of working on my TR and reporting on our DLR trip while resting post op this week. I found it was difficult to do while cross eyed from meds and sleeping. I didn't expect to be this tired even without narcotics for sure. Oh well, back to work and PT tomorrow. Jim says he's taking me to costco after church to walk and loosen up.:crutches:
Hey, loved your account of your amazing V&A dinner! Just think if you had found a dinner partner, you may not have met up with your Scottish kin!:flower1:

I had big plans of working on my TR and reporting on our DLR trip while resting post op this week. I found it was difficult to do while cross eyed from meds and sleeping. I didn't expect to be this tired even without narcotics for sure. Oh well, back to work and PT tomorrow. Jim says he's taking me to costco after church to walk and loosen up.:crutches:

Well, that could certainly be very true! I guess it all worked out exactly as it was supposed to have. :)

Well, darn. I personally would have loved to have seen your writing whilst on narcs. Lololol! ;) Of course you're tired! Your body is using its energy to heal. Just enjoy the downtime and extra sleep. And all those Costco samples too. Haha!
I absolutely adored your description of your meal at V&A. Starting with the little princess on the monorail - I looked at the picture the first time on my phone and it looked kind of like a studio quality shot. Until I realized that it was taken on the monorail!!

The food just looks amazing! I am impressed that you went with the 10 course dinner. But I totally understand. I would want to get as much as possible when I get there. I am so sorry I was not around in October, because I would not have hesitated to come along with you!

Michael and I have dined twice now at Remy on the Disney Fantasy. There Scott Hunnel is one of the two overseeing chefs and the food is similar in quality and presentation. The great advantage of the cruise is that it is "only" a 90$ upcharge... Better than paying full price at V&A.

Michael has actually been at V&A at some time in the early 2000s. He loved it. Despite him not eating fish (allergic), shellfish (doesn't like it) or any meat that is not beef or chicken (for special occasions like this he would eat other birds and pork as well though). They made a menu adjusted to his limitations there. Also at Remy, they totally worked around this for him. To be fair, besides being picky about what animals he is prepared to eat, he is actually quite adventures.

I think it is wonderful that you found some long lost family there! What a nice ending for the evening!

Now I am thinking that I need to budget to eat at V&A on my next WDW trip...

Oh, and I am happy to hear that they went away with calling all the servers Victoria and Albert. I remember when I first read reports about people eating there, that was the big thing. I found it a bit creepy...
Oh, and I am happy to hear that they went away with calling all the servers Victoria and Albert. I remember when I first read reports about people eating there, that was the big thing. I found it a bit creepy...
On my phone so will have to reply more in depth later, but what do you mean by this??
On my phone so will have to reply more in depth later, but what do you mean by this??

That every female server working there had a name tag reading "Victoria" and every male server one reading "Albert". You mentioned your server was Shannon (or so), so I assume that they stopped that practice.
That every female server working there had a name tag reading "Victoria" and every male server one reading "Albert". You mentioned your server was Shannon (or so), so I assume that they stopped that practice.

Ok, yeah. That's just corny and weird! Just no!

Super glad that's a thing of the past.


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