Sweet Caroline, Bum, Bum, Bum. A Groovy Mother/Daughter Trip Nov/Dec 2016. Updated 6/6 X 5! The End

Oooooooh, yeah :) I guess it would have been difficult to spot then!!! :rotfl2:

Oh, my gosh, that came up SO FAST!!!! Have an amazing time!!! Say goodbye to Wishes for me :( (sniff, sniff) :wizard:

Aww, poor little Eddie. But I must agree, Hei Hei really did add something lovable to Moana! I really like the music, too!

Yep, definitely could not spot your phone out there in the future.

I had a wonderful time and started the TR, see the above post if you missed it.

Eddie's still hanging in there!

Three Trip Reports! That's a lot of work but awesome as well!

Mama Melrose looks good. I still have yet to go there.

Shopping is always fun. Of course the Pluto stuff is the focus. I love that pin they gave you! Those types of experiences are always the best.

Great TSMM score! I want to know how the person who got best of the month got 501,000.

It is going to be a lot of work to write all three! I have no idea how I'm going to keep up let alone read other people's TRs.

You should give MM a try if you get a chance, it's really good.

If it's got Pluto on it, I almost always have to have it!

There are definitely secrets to TSM. I've read some websites but they are much more complex than Buzz Lightyear secrets. There was one time where Jim and I got the volcano to erupt on I think the balloon game. It spewed out some high point balloons but I have no idea how we made that happen. I do know that you need both players to do stuff so it's hard by yourself or with someone who isn't good at the game.

I guess tripping was both a blessing and curse! Stinks that it was so painful but at least it helped your ankle in the long run!

I'm glad you had another good meal at Mama Melrose, and that mom liked the surprise!

What a bummer that the sound wasn't working on GMR!

I like the purchases you made, especially the shirt and keychain. That was cute of the CM to make you that button.

I still have to see Moana!

I was so happy my ankle stopped hurting!

I have yet to have a bad meal at MM.

I really was a bummer that the sound was not the best on GMR. I wanted Mom to hear the new dialog. And now I doubt she ever will, rumors are it's going to shut down sometime this year for a conversion to a Mickey Mouse ride of some sort.

Moana was good, I'm sure you will enjoy it when you finally get to watch it.

Great Update!
so sorry your pasta is no longer on the menu BUT you found something just as good!
Thankfully i know all about this trip or i would be really worried about you and your ankle! we still have never been there. Can't get away from Sci-fi. and finally FINALLY going to 50's prime time.
You were by the muppets and didn't go see the show. I am disappointed in you.

So happy you were able to ride your beloved TSM! and love your "as usual i got best in ride"
Still love ya.

Awesome shopping goodies! funny you go the pin for it all. Perfect for you!

BOO on not hearing The great movie ride or as we all call it: the Just OK Movie Ride.

Three TR's.
I cannot keep up with the ONE PTR. your killing me smalls!

The dish I had was good but still not as good as the old one. I do like both Sci-Fi and 50's Prime Time too, it's hard for me to choose a restaurant at HS.

Actually I don't have any cheats on this ride. There are some out there but they are pretty complex and require both players to do something. That wasn't happening with Mom. I might try to review them for when Jim and I go next year. He's pretty good at that game too.

I'm just about killing myself here trying to write 3!

Also forgot to say- have SO much fun on your upcoming trip!!! :cheer2::banana::jumping1:

Thanks, I had a great time!

Enjoy your Disney farewell to Wishes tour!

Thanks, it was awesome!

Ariana, I'm late but here now! Going back to catch up :thumbsup2

Tracy! It's been a long time. Glad to see you back on the DIS.
Jingle Bell Jingle Bam Dessert Party and Show

I started the TR for my latest trip and there's a link a few posts above this one if you missed it.

Around 5 pm we headed towards the Great Movie Ride where the dessert party was being held. We checked in and then got in line. I told Mom to go find a bench and just come back when she saw the line moving but she said she was fine. I took a few pictures of the party area as we waited.

We were given “Elf Goggles” and we spent some time playing around with those. They made lights look like either Snow Flakes or Elf Heads. We used the flashlight on our phones to try them out since it was still light out.

We were let into the party area around 5:30 pm with the actual party start time being 5:45 pm. They handed out cocktails as we entered and we got one of each. There was a Gingerbread Martini (Whipped Cream Vodka, Gingerbread syrup, and Half and Half garnished with Gingerbread Cookie Crumbs) and an Apple Cinnamon Cocktail (Vanilla Vodka, Cinnamon Whiskey and Apple Juice garnished with a Cinnamon Stick).

We found a low table and Mom sat while I went to the food table nearest to us and grabbed some treats. There were multiple serving tables and each one had different stuff. I came back with a chocolate peppermint cupcake, rice crispy treat and a Gingerbread cookie.

And here are the drinks we got.

Mom then went up and got a plate. She was a bit limited because she doesn’t eat chocolate at night and a lot of the desserts were chocolate. She has a horrible time sleeping if she does. I didn’t get a picture of her plate but she also got the gingerbread cookie (ate around the chocolate center), the rice crispy treat and a lemon meringue tart. I then ran to a different table and got some Bread Pudding for Mom (Mom’s first plate is in the background).

And Chocolate Cake for me.

I hate to say it but the only thing I really liked was the chocolate peppermint cupcake. The rice crispy treat was really hard and therefore hard to eat and I didn’t care for the Gingerbread cookie. I’m not sure why I grabbed it as I’m not a big fan of gingerbread. And the chocolate cake was really dry. Mom liked the bread pudding and the lemon meringue tart but felt the same about the cookie & rice crispy treat as I did.

As for the drinks, we thought both of them were kind of gross. Granted neither of us are big drinkers but I thought I would like the Gingerbread one. It just tasted like watered down milky alcohol to me. The whiskey in the apple one was just way too overpowering for me.

Santa Goofy came around to each table and we got a picture with him.

Then I ran and got us a few of the savory items. I got some pineapple sweet and sour meatballs.

And mainly for mom, Grilled Flatbread with Spinach artichoke dip.

The meatballs were good and Mom liked the spinach dip. I did grab a piece of the flatbread and ate it plain but there wasn’t much to review there.

This was our view while we ate. It was a very pretty area for the party.

I also went up to the nitro station and got us some of the Liquid Nitro Frost Bites. I didn’t get picture but we definitely liked this dessert. I also went back for another of the cupcakes, they were yummy!

We headed out of the dessert party area around 6:30 and over to the roped off area for the show. As we exited, they handed each of us a Mickey gingerbread man.

Most people were crowding towards the front of the viewing area but Mom and I hung out towards the back and leaned against one of the huge pillars that house the projection equipment. This was our view. The area in front of us did fill up a bit.

They were handing out bottles of water to everyone in the area so we each grabbed one.

There were projections of snow on the Chinese theater and I tried to get a zoomed in picture.

And then the show started. We had a really good view (as views go in that area with all the trees and poles) but unfortunately were a bit too far away for good pictures. The handful I took are pretty bad.

Oh I don’t know if I mentioned it but the show starred the elves from Prep and Landing. I have never seen that movie but I was still able to follow along with the story.

There were lasers and lights in some of the trees (and kids on shoulders, sigh).

Like I said, pretty awful pictures. I’m not sure there is a good area to take pictures of the shows on the Chinese Theater. There’s just way too much clutter in that area.

After the show we slowly made our way down Hollywood Blvd amidst the masses, enjoying the snoap.

And the Christmas decorations.

We got our stuff out of the locker and headed out to the bus stops. As we were getting in line, there was a group of young girls that ducked under the chains to cut in front of those of us who were following the rules and weaving through the line. They had some other friends with them that didn’t cut and ended up behind us.

The line was pretty long and we didn’t get on the first bus. We did get on the second bus and headed towards the back. There were a few seats left and I pointed to one for mom to sit down. The girls who had cut where sitting in the very back and thought I was pointing at one of the other back seats. They got real snotty and said Mom couldn’t sit there because they were saving seats for their other friends. I tried to explain that I wasn’t pointing to their seats, but to one on the side. But right about then a nice gentleman jumped up and gave Mom his seat. This started a chain reaction with the guys on the bus and I ended up in a seat too. Take that snotty, line-cutting girls!

We were back at our resort in no time and since it was still pretty early, we shopped a bit in the gift store. I had already picked out the stuffed animal I wanted on this trip and since they had it right there in our gift shop I went ahead and bought it. Flower’s tail is just awesome.

We made it back to our room around 8 pm. I took a better picture of the Mickey gingerbread cookie. Neither one of us are huge fans of gingerbread and I think we ended up throwing these out before we left. I may have brought mine home to show to Jim but I know for sure I didn’t eat it.

So ends another fun filled day at WDW. We really did enjoy the Jingle Bell Jingle Jam show but I don’t know if I would do that dessert party again unless they change the desserts around. There just wasn’t enough variety for either Mom or me and a lot of the items were just OK or not that good.

Here’s my Fitbit stats for the day.

And the pins I traded for.

Up Next: A Relaxing Morning at Disney Springs
Sounds like the desserts and drinks were mostly misses, but I bet it was really cool to experience the dessert party, nonetheless. I've always wanted to do one of those! I think the Star Wars one sounds especially cool to me. But how neat was it to see it "snowing" at Hollywood Studios!? :thumbsup2
I didn't realize how far behind on this one I was, but I'm caught up now!

For the record, that gingerbread man cookie they give out as you leave the dessert party was not good at all, lol!

I didn't care much for the desserts at the party either, but my favorite was the cupcake. I think my 11 year old ate at least three. That wouldn't fly on a normal day, but hey, it was a party...someone ought to get their money's worth, LOL!! I liked the spinach dip too but never went and got more for some reason?? I liked the gingerbread drink ok, but didn't love it. My apple drink was weak and not that awesome. I was disappointed by that, but the location was beautiful! We did the hang back thing too for the JBJB show and had a good view!

I would have probably gotten into trouble with the snotty girls. At US/IOA, on Men in Black a couple of years ago, I had some girl commenting on my weight. I turned around and told her I might be fat but I wasn't deaf. I might have kept talking if the ride hadn't started up, LOL!! Sometimes my mouth doesn't listen to my brain. I hope she got eaten by the velociraptor over in Jurassic Park :rotfl:
I hate to say it but the only thing I really liked was the chocolate peppermint cupcake.

As for the drinks, we thought both of them were kind of gross.

We really had the same reaction when we attended the last party. It was nice to have some savory items, too, since the desserts were really not my thing. I was disappointed in the drinks, too. I love cocktails, but these were too strong and the flavors were kind of odd, I thought. Usually there is a sweeter option, so I ended up ditching the cocktails I'd ordered and went with a Hard Cider, still not my favorite by better anyway.

The party with the Osborne lights was definitely better than this; BUT we did have a nice time and I liked having the reserved area for the show.

enjoying the snoap.

was it just me or did you think they've upgraded their snoap machines!? It was so amazingly snowy, way more than I seem to remember from previous trips!
I'm sorry a lot of the desserts weren't too tasty. Sounds like you found a couple of good things though, and the picture with Santa Goofy is adorable! I'm glad you enjoyed the show; seeing the snow must have been nice too!
Well that sucks that the desserts weren't that great but I think Disney sees it more as people paying for a viewing location with desserts added in.

Loved seeing all of the photos though!
oh no. So sorry the desserts weren't up to par! That stinks! the show looks so darn cute. but not better then the osbourn lights... BRING EM BACK!
Sounds like the desserts and drinks were mostly misses, but I bet it was really cool to experience the dessert party, nonetheless. I've always wanted to do one of those! I think the Star Wars one sounds especially cool to me. But how neat was it to see it "snowing" at Hollywood Studios!? :thumbsup2

Disney Dessert Parties have kind of become my thing. I've done three at HS, two at MK and one at Disneyland now! The Star Wars one was awesome but that was back when the party was outside and it was the old fireworks show. I'm not sure how it would be now that it's inside Launch Bay and the show has changed.

I've seen it snowing before at HS but never on Hollywood Blvd so it was really neat. It used to snow back in the Streets of America with the Osborne Lights.

I didn't realize how far behind on this one I was, but I'm caught up now!

For the record, that gingerbread man cookie they give out as you leave the dessert party was not good at all, lol!

I didn't care much for the desserts at the party either, but my favorite was the cupcake. I think my 11 year old ate at least three. That wouldn't fly on a normal day, but hey, it was a party...someone ought to get their money's worth, LOL!! I liked the spinach dip too but never went and got more for some reason?? I liked the gingerbread drink ok, but didn't love it. My apple drink was weak and not that awesome. I was disappointed by that, but the location was beautiful! We did the hang back thing too for the JBJB show and had a good view!

I would have probably gotten into trouble with the snotty girls. At US/IOA, on Men in Black a couple of years ago, I had some girl commenting on my weight. I turned around and told her I might be fat but I wasn't deaf. I might have kept talking if the ride hadn't started up, LOL!! Sometimes my mouth doesn't listen to my brain. I hope she got eaten by the velociraptor over in Jurassic Park :rotfl:

Glad I didn't eat the Gingerbread man then. Not that I probably would have one way or the other but it's good to know I didn't waste a good thing.

Those Cupcakes were so good! I think I only ate two but I did fill up a bit on the meatballs. I needed to have some savory to balance out the sweetness.

I'm a total turtle when it comes to conflict. I will seethe inside but never say anything. I'm just glad Mom got a seat in the end.

We really had the same reaction when we attended the last party. It was nice to have some savory items, too, since the desserts were really not my thing. I was disappointed in the drinks, too. I love cocktails, but these were too strong and the flavors were kind of odd, I thought. Usually there is a sweeter option, so I ended up ditching the cocktails I'd ordered and went with a Hard Cider, still not my favorite by better anyway.

The party with the Osborne lights was definitely better than this; BUT we did have a nice time and I liked having the reserved area for the show.

was it just me or did you think they've upgraded their snoap machines!? It was so amazingly snowy, way more than I seem to remember from previous trips!

Yeah, that was one of the more disappointing dessert parties I've done.

I'm sure we wouldn't have seen the show without the dessert party because Mom couldn't have made it standing to wait for it otherwise. That was the main reason I booked it and I am glad that I did.

I'm not sure about the snoap. I don't remember seeing it on Hollywood Blvd before, just in the Osborne lights area. Maybe it was just more concentrated there since it was a smaller area?

I'm sorry a lot of the desserts weren't too tasty. Sounds like you found a couple of good things though, and the picture with Santa Goofy is adorable! I'm glad you enjoyed the show; seeing the snow must have been nice too!

We did find some stuff to eat and it was fun meeting Santa Goofy. I was hoping for a rarer character though since you can meet Santa Goofy elsewhere. It was worth it though to get the private viewing area for the show.

Well that sucks that the desserts weren't that great but I think Disney sees it more as people paying for a viewing location with desserts added in.

Loved seeing all of the photos though!

True, it was worth it to me for the viewing area and not having to stand around for a long time to get a good spot.

oh no. So sorry the desserts weren't up to par! That stinks! the show looks so darn cute. but not better then the osbourn lights... BRING EM BACK!

Definitely not as good as the Osborne lights! But I doubt they will ever come back since the area is completely leveled now.
A Relaxing Morning at Disney Springs Part 1

We slept in a bit on Tuesday, November 29th until 7 am. We left the room about 8:30 but instead of heading to the front, we took the walkway along the lake and headed towards AOA.

Looking back at Pop Century, the sun was a bit bright that morning.

I was using my Crush bag on this day and I really wanted to get my picture with the big Crush statue at AOA. Unfortunately he was just way too big plus it was really sunny. Mom couldn’t really see what she was taking and we ended up with a headless Crush.

I asked Mom if she wanted to walk to the other sections of AOA but she was hungry so we headed into the food court. We had a table service lunch coming up in a few hours so we didn’t want to eat too much. Mom got a Fruit Triffle.

And I got a plain bagel.

Yep, we walked all the way to the AOA food court for that exciting breakfast!

We did walk around the AOA lobby for a bit before heading out to the buses. I did try again to get Mom to walk to the other areas of AOA (I had seen them but she hadn’t) but she just wasn’t feeling it.

We headed out to the buses and ran into a huge line for Disney Springs and a bus pulled up just as we were about to get in line. We decided to wait for the next bus and hung back a bit while everyone in the line crammed onto that bus. After the bus pulled out, we got in line expecting to wait 20 minutes till the next bus. But less than 4 minutes later, another one pulled up and we had first choice of the seats. I don’t think there were more than a few other people on the bus with us.

This was my first time seeing the new areas at Disney Springs. First up was the new bus stops.

As you will see there are three rows of bus stops there. In order to get to the second and third row you had to go all the way down to the end of the first row and walk along a sidewalk to the other two rows. I checked the sign for Pop Century and of course it was in the third row all the way at the end. At least I knew where to go when we came back.

You can cut from the bus stops directly to the center of the new Disney Springs area but we chose to walk around the side near Planet Hollywood. It was still closed for renovations.

The orange garage is right next to the bus area.

The first store we came upon was the Coca Cola store and we went on in.

The store is three stories and the first two floors are all merchandise. We shopped around for a bit but didn't find anything to buy. Then I checked to see if the Polar Bear was out so we could get a picture. He wasn’t there yet and no one seemed to know exactly when he would be out.

We rode the elevator up to the third level which is an observation deck.

And also a place where you can buy coke products. I was surprised to see that they didn’t sell any alcoholic varieties. I think they are missing a big market there.

Mom wanted a drink so she got in line while I took some pictures. They had all different kinds of Coke products but I think she just got a boring old Diet Coke.

Continued in Next Post
A Relaxing Morning at Disney Springs Part 2

We checked once more to see if the Polar Bear was out and when we discovered he was not, we moved on to the new Disney Springs shopping area.

Most of the stores were pretty high end and did not interest us, but we did see one called Sugarboo that we stopped in to visit. The store was mostly knickknack type things for your house. They had a lot of note pads that Mom looked through. She didn’t find one she liked so I took a picture of the back so we could look it up online to see if there were other designs. I was interested to see that they were based in Roswell, GA which isn’t too far from where I live.

We continued walking and checking everything out.

We didn’t go in any other stores till we got to this one.

It was really small and had higher end Disney items for your house. There was nothing new or unique though. We had seen all the items in other stores already.

The only other store I wanted to visit was Uniqlo mainly because they have a section of Disney shirts.

We spent a lot of time looking around at all the different Disney shirts. Mom really wanted a ¾ length or long sleeved shirt but they didn’t have any.

There were several different designs that I liked but in the end I just got this one.

When we exited Uniqlo, we should have turned left and gone down the side street but instead we kept going and ran into World of Disney. As a result, I never did see Sprinkles. I wanted to check out the cupcakes although I probably would not have gotten one at that point. I didn’t want to spoil lunch.

Once we hit World of Disney, we made a sharp left and headed back towards the Landing. We would come back after lunch to shop in the Marketplace. Some pictures as we walked.

We stopped to watch one of the Amphicars launch.

We talked about coming back to Jock Lindsey’s Hanger Bar but never did make it there.

I am really excited to try Edison’s on our next trip. It was still under construction while were where there this time.

Another one of the new restaurants. Unfortunately a lot of the new ones at Disney Springs are a bit too fancy for my simple palette.

Our next stop was the Star Wars Store that is in the old D-Street spot. I took pictures of some of the new T-shirts to send to Jim. He’s really picky and I don’t buy him shirts without consulting him first.

He didn’t like any of them so we moved on. It was almost time for lunch so we headed in that direction.

Up Next: Best Meal of the Trip and More Shopping
I really love Disney Springs. I too went into the Coke store hoping to meet the Polar Bear but did not.

The new dining options are my favorite, and I do have a simple palate like you but there are so many options that I think you would be fine. I also suggest getting to Sprinkles at some point. It is really good, especially the cupcake Sundaes.

I bought a Pixar shirt in Uniqlo.

Can't wait to hear more!
I enjoyed seeing your pics of Pop, it's been so long since I was there! It's really nice how accessible AoA is from Pop; glad you were able to go over there for a bit!

Sounds like a nice morning exploring Disney Springs! Love that t-shirt you bought!
I was surprised to see that they didn’t sell any alcoholic varieties. I think they are missing a big market there.

I have to agree!! Actually, when we were wandering in Epcot, we stumbled onto a car wash theme Coke stand that sold frozen cokes (yum, my fav!!) and you could actually get one with Captain Morgan or Jack Daniel's in it, too. When Rob and I go in December, you better believe I'm heading back for one of those!!! (at least!)

Another one of the new restaurants. Unfortunately a lot of the new ones at Disney Springs are a bit too fancy for my simple palette.

We only went to DS once on our 12 day trip for this very reason! Everything feels a little too "high end" for my tastes these days. I like the old Marketplace side with World of Disney, the LEGO store and Christmas shop, but the rest are just a little too trendy. I feel the same about the restaurants, but I haven't actually eaten at them, so I probably shouldn't criticize too harshly! :)
i think i am the only one who isn't a fan of the new Disney springs.
Just looks like any ol mall now.
A relaxing morning at Disney Springs, indeed! I was happy to get a preview of all the new things there, as I haven't taken the time to get to Disney Springs in a couple trips, but plan to in August. So much has changed! Sounds like a lot of high-end stuff though... which doesn't appeal to me, either. Excited to hear about lunch!
I'm really enjoy your TR! It's so nice how you and your mom travel so well together! Looking forward to more!


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