Tipsy is as Tipsy Does - A February '17 Dining Adventure - Complete 8/15

I'm joining in! I always try to stay away from delicious food reports because they make me want to eat for no reason ;). But I can't stay away long!

Casey is just growing up so fast. Though I've been following your reports since we first took Owen and it's been a while!!

I love that she bought hand sanitizer. My kind of girl.
Hi there, welcome back stranger!!!! I always try to stay away from food reports for the same reason, then again life makes me want to eat for no reason :-)

That is a very good question, as I like all those things! But I also don't drink a whole lot, so there would be more for you of both!
Well I like the way that sounds :drinking1
Ahh I love a good bold spicy Shiraz, goes wonderfully with beef and potatoes! The food looks very delicious at Jiko, we took a look at Jiko when we were there, however did not try it. It is relaxing when your dining reservation is just steps away from your room. Looking forward to more good eats!
Slap Chips sound like something you get for doing good in your Fight Club. You know, if you belonged to a Fight Club. But the way you describe them sounds good, too! Eventually we'll get to Jiko and your dessert is making me want to go tomorrow! Literally TOMORROW since I'm chillin' in bed at the WL as I write this :surfweb: but really it sounds amazing. We had two amazing desserts tonight at Tiffins but yours is quite intriguing.
Oh, tell Casey 1. Tinkerbell looks adorable in her hair and 2. PEACE :hippie:
I have arrived, and with only 3 missed updates! Not to far behind!

Omg I was dying hand sanitizer, was it at least in a cute Mickey shaped bottle or something???

As always love your food pics, even if the mac and cheese didn't look that great the rest did!

I'm excited to hear about the rest of the trip!
Great reviews! And no judgement here on ordering a bottle of wine for yourself..errrr I mean the 2 of you
Mmmm. I miss Shiraz. I gave up on red wine after my teeth took on a greyish hue. I can have about one glass before my mouth turns purple. I love a really peppery red.
Love the review of Jiko and the whole bottle of Shiraz.:-) It's on our list for this coming trip since we are staying at AKL and for DS 13, it's a must every trip. I love their short rib... so tender and kick of spicy from sambal. :love:
Uh huh. And someone was calling me out for drinking like a 20something :rolleyes1 but seriously how can you not get some of their amazing wine when in African wine mecca?!
Well technically I did share the bottle eventually with Jason. A girl in her 40's has to have some semblance of pacing :P But yes their wine is awesome and love how good the staff is at helping you navigate it

So very jealous. Our dessert here last time was a bust, as you might recall. We accidentally ordered the no-sugar-added dessert. This sounds much more like what we were hoping to receive!!!
I do remember the dreaded no sugar dessert. I think we'd only ever had dessert here once and as I have no memory of it I'm going to go with it was unmemorable. But this one was a real winner. At the same time it was complex and subtle and pretty darn perfect

Ahh I love a good bold spicy Shiraz, goes wonderfully with beef and potatoes! The food looks very delicious at Jiko, we took a look at Jiko when we were there, however did not try it. It is relaxing when your dining reservation is just steps away from your room. Looking forward to more good eats!
I'm right there with you. In fact my desire for the wine may have driven my actual order. I prefer seafood to beef on most days, but of course like red wine over white. Oh the choices I must make :-)

Jiko has always been appealing to me...looks like a delicious meal!
You should definitely check it out. Without question it is the one signature that has never disappointed us. Its almost always in our top 3. We laid off it for a while just because the menu hadn't changed over much, so we were pleasantly surprised to find a lot of new items.

Slap Chips sound like something you get for doing good in your Fight Club. You know, if you belonged to a Fight Club. But the way you describe them sounds good, too! Eventually we'll get to Jiko and your dessert is making me want to go tomorrow! Literally TOMORROW since I'm chillin' in bed at the WL as I write this :surfweb: but really it sounds amazing. We had two amazing desserts tonight at Tiffins but yours is quite intriguing.
Oh, tell Casey 1. Tinkerbell looks adorable in her hair and 2. PEACE :hippie:
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: You know the first rule in fight club is you don't talk about fight club or slap chips Ariane :-)

Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Hope you made it over to Jiko, you would not regret it!

LOL! Your food/booze notes are always the best :-)

Looks like a fabulous meal with a perfect commute time to/from your room!
Yeah, I always like to go back and look at my note and try to decipher what i wrote. I type them in my phone so booze combined with already bad typing can make them quite entertaining, even for those of us who lived through it :-) Now if only all my meals could come with a commute like that

I have arrived, and with only 3 missed updates! Not to far behind!

Omg I was dying hand sanitizer, was it at least in a cute Mickey shaped bottle or something???

As always love your food pics, even if the mac and cheese didn't look that great the rest did!

I'm excited to hear about the rest of the trip!
Hi there Lauren! Hope you and the family are doing well.

You will be very proud to know Casey's hand sanitizer was Elsa and it came with a clip on it so she keeps on her backpack so she can put it on before and after school :-)

Great reviews! And no judgement here on ordering a bottle of wine for yourself..errrr I mean the 2 of you
Ah, thanks for not judging. And really I did share the wine, I promise :P

Mmmm. I miss Shiraz. I gave up on red wine after my teeth took on a greyish hue. I can have about one glass before my mouth turns purple. I love a really peppery red.
Mine does the exact same thing, but when choosing between my teeth and red wine you'll never guess who won :-) I'm sure my 70 year old denture wearing self will be thrilled with that decision

Love the review of Jiko and the whole bottle of Shiraz.:-) It's on our list for this coming trip since we are staying at AKL and for DS 13, it's a must every trip. I love their short rib... so tender and kick of spicy from sambal. :love:
Awesome, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!!!
Following along! You always do amazing reviews! Casey is so dang cute! She's a more adventurous eater than I am!
Hi there, welcome back stranger!!!! I always try to stay away from food reports for the same reason, then again life makes me want to eat for no reason :-)

True story!

Also random but I always pictured the two of you as very tall! I am 5'3" on a very good day and Owen takes after me. He's usually in the 10th percentile. Poor kid.

Also bunk beds must be in the DNA for their age. Owen wanted them for so long we have in and bought him a used set for Christmas. He was so happy.
That meal at Jiko looks really good. I would probably never order those dumplings because I'm a little scared of game meat, but they do look really cool, and you make them sound so good. Were they game-y at all?
Both your entrees though look delicious. I've never been to Jiko but the Jiko Slap Chips sound like a big reason to go! Hehe.
And that dessert sounds really good!!
A long overdue catch up as life has been crazy! I have been lurking here and there but my laptop was out of commission as well for a bit so with one thing and the other, I have not had my Dis time! But I am back and plan on making up for lost time.....

Loving your latest entries especially as I am considering AKL for a later summer trip. I loved my solo trip to the world so much last year, I figured I should just do it again! How did you enjoy the lodge? Looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventures!
Happy to be following along on this in real time! I've read your past reports, and I just booked a girls trip to Disney in August, so I can't wait to recreate some of your adventures eating (and drinking around the world!). We're actually kicking things off with a monorail tour -- I don't know if we'll make it past the first stop at the Poly.
Following along! You always do amazing reviews! Casey is so dang cute! She's a more adventurous eater than I am!
Awesome, thanks for joining in. Yeah, Casey is an "adventurous" eater, but don't tell her. She thinks she eats like normal people :-)

True story!

Also random but I always pictured the two of you as very tall! I am 5'3" on a very good day and Owen takes after me. He's usually in the 10th percentile. Poor kid.

Also bunk beds must be in the DNA for their age. Owen wanted them for so long we have in and bought him a used set for Christmas. He was so happy.
Funny you thought we were tall as we are definitely the complete opposite. Or I at least am decidedly average height, Jason most definitely on the tall side :P

Yeah, I don't get the bunk bed thing but Casey is enamored. We looked into at least getting her a loft bed but her room didn't have the height for it.

That meal at Jiko looks really good. I would probably never order those dumplings because I'm a little scared of game meat, but they do look really cool, and you make them sound so good. Were they game-y at all?
Both your entrees though look delicious. I've never been to Jiko but the Jiko Slap Chips sound like a big reason to go! Hehe.
And that dessert sounds really good!!
Funny you say that as I had no idea the dumplings had game in them. They didn't say what they were on the menu and we didn't ask. Good news is they were not the least bit gamey. We thought it was some kind of sausage in them.

Yeah, those slap chips were a new find for us. They totally need to offer them as a side. So good!

A long overdue catch up as life has been crazy! I have been lurking here and there but my laptop was out of commission as well for a bit so with one thing and the other, I have not had my Dis time! But I am back and plan on making up for lost time.....

Loving your latest entries especially as I am considering AKL for a later summer trip. I loved my solo trip to the world so much last year, I figured I should just do it again! How did you enjoy the lodge? Looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventures!
Hi there stranger. Welcome back!!!!! Glad to see you back on here.

Awesome you are headed back this summer. You should treat yourself for your birthday every year :-) We really enjoyed AKL. Of course you can't beat the food options and we love the design and atmosphere. If I had to choose I'd still go with WL as our favorite, just because they are similar (sans animals) and the boat to MK puts it over the top, but AKL is right up there as one of our favorites.

Happy to be following along on this in real time! I've read your past reports, and I just booked a girls trip to Disney in August, so I can't wait to recreate some of your adventures eating (and drinking around the world!). We're actually kicking things off with a monorail tour -- I don't know if we'll make it past the first stop at the Poly.
Hi there, welcome along. How exciting you have a girls trip coming up. Sounds like tons of fun. We did a monorail tour a couple of trips ago and Jason and I made it past the Poly but not much further. We conked out at GF :-)
Drinking and Driving, Disney Style :-)

We were up earlyish the next morning and I made a swing by Mara for some coffee's. Despite multiple notes and paying extra for a 3rd adult in the room, Disney never left us more than 2 coffee cups or packs. So we ended up at Mara most mornings. I also picked up a chocolate muffin for Casey because if you don't put icing on a cupcake it can suddenly become a "nutritious" breakfast item.

So on our first full day we were headed to MGM.
I consider just skipping it every trip as there really just isn't much left these days, but my brother had requested Rockin' Roller Coaster and Casey, for reasons no one understands, loves the Great Movie Ride so to MGM we went!

The boys headed for the single rider line of Rockin' Roller Coaster while I took Casey to meet Disney's newest sensation.

She'd been practicing getting her Moana on at home, so she was psyched.

After that we went on Casey's beloved Great Movie Ride, where she proceeded to do her own Robert Osborne impression and narrated the entire ride for Matthew. She even made sure to tell him when the scary parts were so he could close his eyes and she'd tell him when it was over :eek:

From there we played in some kids toy chest and voyaged with some mermaid chick, before Casey had more of her money burning a hole in her pocket and wanted her face painted.

She as always was thrilled with her results and even more so because Uncle Matt ended up paying for it. Which just meant we had to do more shopping later (todays haul included a princess wristlet and an R2D2 lego). Oh Joy!

And speaking of joy, this guy of course loved her look.

Isn't she menacing? :P

After a packed morning it was finally time to EAT!!!!! 50's Prime Time is my favorite MGM restaurant, so that of course meant we were headed to SciFi, which Jason loves :-)

It was before noon so we ended up with no hitchhikers in our car...

...which was good news because we were most definitely drinking and driving.

Our driver was hitting up a Raspberry and White Chocolate Milkshake.

The passengers went for something slightly more adult, with Racer 5 beers for the boys, and a Habanero Margarita for yours truly.

Good news is this has heavy on the tequila, but bad news is it was also very light on the habanero. I was expecting a spicy punch, but this was largely just too sweet margarita mixer. Of course I had no trouble finishing the whole thing and ordering another. :drinking1

For our eats Casey got some chicken noodle soup (no picture, but ya know its soup) and shared the Salmon Salad with me.

This is Grilled Salmon with Farm Fresh Greens, Seasonal Tomatoes, crispy Bacon, Roasted Corn, and Chili-Chive Ranch Dressing and topped with House-made Crostini. The salad itself was quite good. I loved the slightly spicy ranch dressing and of course what doesn't bacon make better. Clearly we were eating healthy :-) But the salmon itself wasn't very good quality. It was definitely overcooked and reminded me of something I'd expect from a counter service, not a sit down restaurant.

Jason ordered their seasonal specialty burger, which in February was served with fried boursin cheese, arugula, and a spicy aioli.

In case it isn't evident from that big honking piece of fried cheese on there, this was ah-maz-ing. The burger was cooked to a perfect medium rare, the cheese made it ultra creamy, the arugula added a nice crunch, and the spicy aioli pulled it all together. Jason declared this the best Disney burger he'd ever had.

And in the epic ordering fail, we have Matthew who for reasons still unclear to me ordered the Southwest Vegetarian Burger.

This is a Black Bean and Vegetable Patty topped with a warm House-made Tomato Jam, Arugula, fresh Tomatoes, and Avocado Mayonnaise on a Toasted Bun with Sweet Potato Fries. My brother only eats chicken and seafood (this from the kid that only ate hamburgers for most of our childhood), but why he elected to go veggie is beyond me. I most definitely did not try this, but he liked all of the toppings but just not the "patty." Probably because it was made from beans and veggies. Hello? :P He did enjoy the sweet potato fries though.

Overall we enjoyed our meal at SciFi. It's always a fun experience with the movies and cars and the food is largely good. With our tables in wonderland card we saved $17.05 and even better Matthew picked up the check :worship:

After lunch we hung out with a bunch of 3D puppets, flew through Tatooine again, before we split up and Jason and Casey went on Great Movie Ride again (cause once is never enough) and Matthew and I headed to Tower of Terror. I hadn't ridden this in like 20 years so to say I was a little nervous is an understatement. Good news is I survived.

Better news is I celebrated my survival (and calmed my nerves) at the well placed Joffrey's cart at the exit with some iced coffee with a double shot of baileys.:drinking1

We met back up and headed out of the park. Matthew elected to go Epcot for a while and we headed back to the lodge for some pool time (and adult beverages) before dinner.

Up next, 4th times a charm....

Hey Jason and Matthew had the same meal Bill and I had last March! I loved the veggie burger and Bill heartily agrees with Jason on the boursin burger being his fave! I love Sci Fi but I am going to save it for our next family trip and am going to try your HS fave this summer. Can Casey be any cuter? She is getting so tall!
So on our first full day we were headed to MGM. I consider just skipping it every trip as there really just isn't much left these days, but my brother had requested Rockin' Roller Coaster and Casey, for reasons no one understands, loves the Great Movie Ride so to MGM we went!
I love that she love GMR that much! My girls had no idea what was going on half the time, since they only knew The Wizard of Oz and one other movie, I think.

Great Photo!

The boys headed for the single rider line of Rockin' Roller Coaster while I took Casey to meet Disney's newest sensation.
Hmmm, she doesn't seem very Hawaiian... This will probably be something we have to hit on our next trip, none the less.

She even made sure to tell him when the scary parts were so he could close his eyes and she'd tell him when it was over :eek:
Too cute!

(todays haul included a princess wristlet and an R2D2 lego). Oh Joy!
More small things!!!!

...which was good news because we were most definitely drinking and driving.
Ha! Love it! :rotfl2:

But the salmon itself wasn't very good quality.
You can tell from the picture that the salmon is dry. :(

Looks soon good! Yum


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